Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 17

~Time Elapse: 4 years~ ~POV: Jeff~

“Hey Jeff, Riley’s up next.” Matt said, walking into the arena.
“I know man.” I said, leaning to the right to stretch out my leg. I bent my leg at the knee and leaned my arm against it. “We’re here man.” I muttered, looking around the locker room. “We made it.”
“We sure did, and I don’t think we could of without each other and Riley.” Matt said, sitting on a chair.
“It’s a rough road.” A voice said behind us. Matt and I turned to come face to face with Michael Hickenbottom, or Shawn Michaels. “And you’re only newbies still trying to make names for yourselves, as is your friend Riley. I know she’s Mark’s daughter and all that, but we don’t go by family here. You either have the talent and the drive to succeed, or you don’t.”
“We have it,” Matt said, standing up to face Shawn. “We just need to get other people to see it.”
“Do something spectacular, and everyone will see it.” Shawn said, walking down the hallway.

I looked toward Matt and shrugged, adjusting my boots and tights. There was a roar from the audience, and many cat calls from the males. Riley was taking the ring. She didn’t get music, neither did Matt or me. We just walked to the ring, got the snot beat out of us, and went to another place to get the snot beat from us even more. It was the same thing week after week, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. A bell ringing told us the match started. Every smack of the mat we could hear made us wince, because we knew it was Riley hitting it. After a few minutes there was a bell ringing again, and the match was over. Matt and I looked down the hallway toward where Riley would be showing up, heading to her changing area. When she showed up, I winced. She was limping slightly and wincing.

“You okay?” I asked her as she walked up. She nodded, breathing heavily.
“Yeah I’m fine. I think Sable got a little to rambunctious with me out there.” Riley said, rubbing her lower back. “I better get going, you have your match next right?”
“Yeah.” Matt answered her. “I’m glad their finally starting to put a little time into us.” he added.
“I know.” I agreed. Riley nodded her agreement.
“You know, I didn’t know I’d have to actually wrestle when I signed up for this.” she said, turning and walking toward her changing area. I chuckled just as an official walked up to Matt and me.
“You two are next.” he reminded us.

We both nodded and headed toward the ring, wanting to get this done with. We got beaten around quite a bit, and the match ended with Matt getting pinned. We limped slightly back to our dressing area and plopped down where ever we could. We quickly changed back into our regular clothes and waited around.

“Okay, Jobbers are free to leave.” a crew member said.

Matt and I grabbed our bags and headed toward the back employee entrance. We looked for Riley, who normally waited for us just off to the side of the door, but she was nowhere to be seen.

“Let’s head to the car and we’ll wait for her there.” Matt said, starting to walk again. I didn’t move. It wasn’t like Riley to get out here after us. She was always waiting on us.
“Something’s going on Matt.” I said, looking toward the door.

I leaned against the wall and waited as numerous other jobbers left. A few glanced my way, one I recognized as Adam Copeland from Toronto Canada. We waited until all the jobbers left the arena. When Riley hadn’t come out, I started to get more worried. I noticed Matt start to get a little uneasy as well. Soon, professionals were starting to make their way out of the arena. Kurt Henning, Ric Flair, and Scott Hall came out one after the other. After waiting for another half hour, I was really on edge.

“I’m going to go look for her.” I said, walking toward the door. I was about to open it when someone from the other side opened it. Mark walked out of the door, alone. I nearly swore out loud.
“Matt, Jeff what are you still doing here?” Mark asked, spotting us.
“Riley’s not out here yet.” Matt answered. Mark looked toward the parking lot, where it was basically just our two cars left. Matt already checked the cars for her, and she wasn’t there.
“Where is she?” Mark asked, dropping a bag he had slung over his shoulder.
“We don’t know. She always waits for us right beside the door, but she wasn’t there today.” I answered him. “I was about to go look for her.”
“We’ll all go.” Mark said. “Knowing her she probably got herself lost.” We walked back into the arena.
“Mark, what are you still doing here?” a voice called as soon as we reentered the place. I froze. It was the owner of the WWF, Vince McMahon.
“My daughter’s somewhere around here. I’m looking for her.” Mark answered.
“And the jobbies?” Vince asked. I knew Mark was just put on the spot.
“Friends of hers.” Mark replied. “They grew up together and started training together, so of course they start jobbing together as well.” I was surprised. Mark told the truth, not the whole truth, but close enough. He only left out the fact that Riley and I were dating.
“Oh wait, your daughter, Riley right?” Vince asked. Mark nodded.
“Yeah I just talked to her, informed her on some major changes coming up with the company. I think she left to go meet up with someone though. In the ring before they tore it down.”
“Okay, thank you.” Mark said before heading toward the ring, Matt and I following close behind him.
“Okay Mark, I’m confused.” I said, jogging to keep up with his long strides.
“What’s that?” Mark asked.
“You basically acted as though Matt and I didn’t exist when we had our first gig here, but just then you acknowledged that you knew us.”
“Well, yeah. We’re not working right now.” Mark said, turning to where the arena opened up to the ring.
“So it’s okay that we know you, when we’re not working?” Matt asked.
“What you do on your personal time is all you.” Mark said. I looked up and seen the ring, but Riley was nowhere to be seen.
“Riley!” Mark called, looking around in the stands. I started heading down the ramp when something made me slide. Mark caught me just before I hit the ground.
“Thanks.” I muttered, looking at where I slid. It was wet with a clear liquid. Probably water.
“Water.” Mark confirmed. “They have to clean the ramps up after people sweat and spit on them.” He cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted Riley’s name again.
“Right here!” Riley’s voice called. We looked up and seen her sitting on the top turnbuckle on the ring.
“Riley, get down here.” Mark called.

Riley stood and jumped from the turnbuckle, surprisingly landing on her feet. She wasn’t very athletic, but since she started this, she’s gotten more in shape and more balanced, I just never realized how much better she was truly getting. She walked up the ramp and met us on the stage.

“What are you doing in here?” Matt asked her. “Do you know how worried Jeff and I was?”
“Sorry, but Mr. McMahon called me to his office and I couldn’t tell you guys. I forgot about meeting you after he gave me the news.”
“What news was so important?” Mark asked.

I noticed Riley’s eyes light up as she walked back down the ramp. When she got to the dry area, she broke into a run and slid into the ring. She climbed up the turnbuckle again and acted like she was holding a microphone in her hands.

“This match, is scheduled for one fall. On their way to the ring, coming in from Cameron, North Carolina,” I literally felt my heart racing. “at a combined weight of 461 pounds, Matt and Jeff Hardy!!”
“What are you talking about Riley.” Mark asked, but I knew right away.
“You’re kidding me.” I called down to her. She smiled and shook her head.
“This is the real deal Jeffy.” She said. “You two got signed!!”
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!! Matt and Jeff got signed to in case you don't know, Jeff and Riley are now 21 and Matt's 24 *I fast forward 4 years lol* Things are about to get REALLY interesting!!! :D
Comments/subscriptions please and thank you

and just b/c I'm a paranoid person who likes to make ppl happy, I have a feeling that there's ppl who read this who don't really understand some things I'm saying, so feel free to ask me any questions concerning how moves work, and also feel free to use the diagram linked below. It is the ring/stage area labled out.
