Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 19

~Time Elapse: 9 months~

“One, two, three!” the ref counted. He stood up and pointed to the time keeper, signaling for him to ring the bell, ending the match.
“Yes!” I screamed from the backstage area. A few people stopped to glance at me, but I didn’t care.
“Here are your winners, and new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, The Hardy Boyz!” Howard, the ring announcer, declared.

I watched from a screen as Jeff and Matt hugged each other, along with their manager Michael Hayes, on the stage. The Acolytes, who was still standing in the ring, looked as though they each were slapped in the face. I heard cheering coming from the hallway and turned just as Matt and Jeff walked around a corner, grinning from ear to ear and holding the tag team titles.

“Congratulations you two!” I yelled, running up to them.
“Thank you little sis.” Matt said, wrapping his arms around me. Jeff handed me the title and I was surprised by how heavy it really was. I slung it over my shoulder as Jeff wrapped his arms around me.
“Come on Jeff, let’s go shower so we can go celebrate!” Matt said, grabbing Jeff’s arm. Jeff followed, leaving his tag title with me. I handed it to Hayes, who laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Rookie.” He mumbled, walking down the hallway after them. I stretched my arm out and shook my head, clearing it. I had a match next. It was me facing Joanie Laurer.
“Ready to go?” a male voice asked me. I turned to see Dad standing behind me. I was his manager right now, but they were working me up to female wrestler status, and I was assigned to my Dad for his help in the ring. Joanie walked past us and waved.
“Good luck out there Princess.” she called in a fake mocking voice.
“Yea yeah!” I called, smiling. “Just watch your back Chyna, I might end up laying you flat on your back!” She laughed and headed toward the curtain just as music started to play. It was originally Paul Lesveque, or Triple H’s theme, but she used it as well because she was his manager.
“Let’s go.” Dad said, pushing me from my back. I walked up to the curtain just as a gong sounded, followed by a dark symphony and my father’s voice saying something I never understood.
“And the challenger, from Death Valley, being accompanied by The Undertaker, the Princess of Darkness, Phoenix!” Howard called. Dad and I started our slow walking, a signature thing that struck fear into the hearts of many fans, and even a few competitors. Well, many for my Dad, just a few for myself.

We reached the ring when Joanie nodded, a signal we agreed on for an ambush. I had just walked into the ring when she advanced on me, hitting the back of my head with her fist. I fell to the floor and rolled around, grabbing my head for effect to the fans. Many of the booed and cheered as Paul attacked my Dad. Joanie was kicking at me while I was still down.

“Go.” she muttered into my ear. I quickly rolled from the ring and landed on the floor beside Dad.
“Oh this is just sick.” I heard Jim Ross, the ringside announcer, saying. “They’re defenseless and it’s five against two.”
“Well, Undertaker and Phoenix have devastated these five, one way or the other, I’m thinking they deserve it!” Jerry, the other ring announcer, said.
“Oh what do you know?” JR said. “Sure they’ve done things they shouldn’t of, but they should not have been attacked like this, hey wait!” JR shouted as, right on time, people started running from backstage. I knew it was Adam Copeland, along with Jason Reso and Dave Heath.
“Here comes the Brood.” JR’s voice called, seeing the three of them. “Edge, Christian and Gangrel just came to the Lord and the Princess’s rescue!”

With that, Dad and I looked at each other and nodded, slowly rising to our feet and fighting back. It soon turned into a mini war outside the ring, with Chyna and me wailing on each other. Dad was squaring off against Triple H and Christian, Edge and Gangrel was after whoever had come from backstage. Officials started pouring from backstage, working on retaining everyone. Dad got into position beside me and nudged my hand slightly, letting me know to get ready. Joanie seen it and knew what was about to happen. She prepared herself by letting me over power her. I rolled into the ring, appearing to be exhausted, but fighting past it. I climbed to the top turnbuckle just as Dad got into position.

“What’s going on here?” JR’s voice asked. “Phoenix is on the top rope.” I grabbed my Dad’s hand and stepped onto his shoulders, which wasn’t much for him seeing as I barely weigh over 125. He benches more weight then me. I jumped from Dad’s shoulders, taking out Joanie, Paul and someone else.

“Good lord all mighty did you see that?” JR exclaimed as I landed.

The breath knocked out of me, but Paul helped break my fall so it wasn’t so bad. I laid on the ground, trying to catch my breath. Dad knelt beside me as officials got Paul, Joanie and their companions up the ramp.

“You okay?” He asked me. I nodded, grabbing the hand he just offered me.
“Taker!” Paul’s voice called from the stage. Dad stood up and looked toward him. “Me and Chyna, you and Phoenix, next week, mixed tag match!” Dad lifted a microphone Adam handed him.
“Done.” he said simply. “And Triple H, don’t think you’ll get this so easily. You play with fire, you will get burned!” Dad’s theme music started playing as we stared down each other.

Everyone on the stage went backstage. Dad grabbed me and half carried me toward the backstage. Most of it was for effect, but I was still trying to catch my breath. When we got backstage, Dad sat me down and kneeled in front of me.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “I just need to catch my breath.”
“Great going out there you two.” Jeff’s voice said, walking up to us. “Nice body press as well.” he added, kneeling beside dad. “Take your breath?”
“Extremely.” I said, wincing slightly as my lungs started to burn from oxygen finally started filling them. “I’m fine now.” I said after a minute, breathing less harshly. I stood and started walking toward the women’s locker room.
“Don’t take to long.” Jeff called. I just waved and continued to walk. When I opened the locker room door, I noticed it was empty.

I grabbed my clothes and a towel and headed to for the shower. Thanks to the privacy the curtain gave me, I finally let myself go. Tears fell from my eyes as the water cascaded down my face. I wasn’t crying from the fall or landing, or I wasn’t crying from physical pain, it was all emotional.

“Anyone in here?” a voice called. I knew the voice was Rena, stage named as Sable. I quickly shut the water off and stepped out, wrapped in a towel.
“Just me,” I said, walking toward the chair where I laid my clothes. I began to dress, and noticed Rena was still staring at me.
“Yeah right honey.” She said, sitting on another chair. I finished dressing and grabbed my hair brush, running it through my damp and tangled hair. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.” I said quickly, throwing the brush back into my bag.
“Sweetie, I’ve been around, I know when someone’s upset and I can tell you are.” Rena said. I just stared into my locker for a moment before turning and sitting on a chair roughly.
“It’s just, I didn’t think when I got here things would be so different.” I told her honestly. “I was so close to people before I came here.” Tears fell from my eyes again. “Now we seem miles apart.” I sniffled. “I think this was the sacrifice my Dad told me about when I told him I wanted to join the company.”
“Yes, you do make a lot of sacrifices.” Rena said, grabbing my hand. “I know you’re close to the Hardy brothers, and now that they’re champions, they’ll be a lot busier, but don’t let the separate you from them. Believe me; I lost friends that I wish I’d never lost over this company.” I nodded, knowing she was right. She’d been here longer than I have. A knock at the door had us looking up.
“Riley, you in there?” Jeff’s voice asked through the door.
“Coming!” I called, standing up and grabbing my bag. I turned to Rena and hugged her.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Anytime.” She replied, hugging me back. I quickly walked out of the room and came face to face with Jeff.
“Have you been crying?” he asked, looking at my eyes, which was most likely red.
“I’m better now.” I told him, grabbing his hand.
“You sure?” he asked, stopping and looking into my eyes.
“Absolutely.” I said, resting my head on his chest for a moment.
“Let’s get out of here.” he said, leading me toward the parking lot. We met up with Matt and Michael Hayes at Matt’s car. Jeff and I jumped into the back while Michael took the passenger seat.
“Where we heading?” I asked, looking at Jeff.
“Hotel first,” Matt replied. “to drop off our stuff. Then there’s this place people told us about I thought we’d go check out.”
“A bar.” Jeff said, excitedly.

I lost my excitement right then and there. I didn’t drink. I obviously don’t mind people who do, because Matt and Jeff do occasionally, but it’s not anything I really enjoy doing.

“Don’t worry Ri, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Jeff said, seeing the disappointment in my eyes.

I just smiled, but didn’t say anything. We went up to our hotel rooms to drop off our bags. Dad and I were sharing a room while Matt and Jeff shared a room. I put the hotel key in my front pocket and headed back downstairs, walking toward the parking lot. I was about to exit the door when I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up and seen it was Jeff.

“I love you.” he said in my ear. I turned around wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Let’s go love birds.” Matt’s voice said behind us. Jeff and I laughed and followed him out the door. I noticed Hayes wasn’t with us.
“Where’s Mike?” I asked, looking around.
“Staying here.” Matt answered. “Ready to play designated driver?” Matt asked, tossing me the keys to his car. I jumped into the driver seat as Jeff took the passenger seat. Matt sat in the back.
“You have to tell me where to go.” I said, pulling out of the parking spot. I followed the directions Matt gave me, making sure I remembered them for the trip back to the hotel.
“Here we are.” I said, pulling into a spot. We got out of the car and I looked up at the sign. It read “La Barra.”
“’The Bar,” I read. “Very original.”
“Isn’t it?” Matt said, walking up to a line. He showed his ID to the bouncer, as did Jeff and I. “I like this place already.”
“Oh Matt look!” Jeff said, pointing to a stage where a very drunk couple was doing a terrible version of Sonny and Cher’s I Got You Babe.
“Okay, this is going to be interesting.” I muttered, looking around. There were people dressed in barely anything. Jeff grabbed my hand, knowing my tendency to get lost, and directed me toward the bar.
“Are you drinking?” He asked over the loud music. I shook my head, letting him know I wasn’t. He nodded and ordered him and Matt a beer.

~Time: Two Hours~

“Come on Matt, let’s go!” Jeff shouted, tugging on his brother’s arm. We were sitting at a table. I was drinking a water while Jeff and Matt continued to drink beers.
“Fine! You comin’ Riley?” Matt slurred slightly.
“No, you guys go have fun. I’ll just sit right here.” I said, taking a sip of my water.

He nodded and followed Jeff. I looked around. This place was pretty snazzy to be honest, it’s just the people could be dressed a little better. I started taking a sip of my water when I heard people start to sing on the stage.

“Is this the real life Is this just fantasy Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy Because I’m easy come easy go, A little high, little low, Anyway the wind blows,doesnt really matter to me, To meee” I spat the water I was drinking out when I seen who it was.
“Oh no,” I muttered, covering my hand over my face.
“Mamaaa, just killed a man.” Jeff sang. “Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he’s dead.” I listened to Matt and Jeff make fools of themselves, nearly wetting myself from laughter.
“Galileo,” I heard sang very highly.

I jerked my head up so fast my neck cracked slightly. I saw Jeff singing that high. I felt my cheeks burn as he pointed and winked at me. I covered my face again and shook my head. Soon a heavy riff started playing, and I looked up to see Jeff and Matt head banging to the beat. When the song finally ended there was a round of applause, and Matt and Jeff stumbled back to the table. I refused to look at them as they walked up.

“Riley, what’s wrong?” Jeff asked, sitting next to me and pressing his head against mine.
“What in the hell was that?” I asked them, still not looking up.
“Drunken singing at its finest.” Matt said, burping slightly.
“Bohemian Rhapsody, are you serious?” I asked, finally looking up at them.
“What, it seemed like the right choice.” Jeff defended them. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.
“Are you two ready to go?” I asked, looking down at my watch. “We have to leave early in the morning.”
“Yeah I guess.” Matt said, standing up. I stood up along with Jeff and we headed for the front door.
“Jeff, you shouldn’t drink so much,” I said, struggling to keep him steady.
“I’m fine.” he slurred, stumbling on his own feet.
Yeah, sure you are Jeff.” I said, walking up to the car.

Matt slumped into the back seat while I sat Jeff next to him. I climbed into the front seat and strapped my seat belt on. When the music started to blare from the speakers I quickly turned them the radio down, knowing Jeff and Matt was working to a really terrible headache. When I got back to the hotel, I helped Jeff get out of the car as Matt got himself out.

“Where’s your key at Matt?” I asked.

Matt indicated to Jeff’s back pocket, so I reached and grabbed it out, heading to the elevators. When we reached our floor, I got Jeff and Matt into their room before heading to my own. I walked in to find Dad lying sprawled across his bed, watching TV.

“Fun night?” He asked me when I walked in.
“Define ‘fun’” I muttered, collapsing onto my bed. “Jeff and Matt are going to have horrendous hangovers in the morning and I have to get them out of bed.”
“Are they funny drunk?” Dad asked me, flipping off the TV and moving to sit on the edge of his bed.
“Let’s just say we need to keep them away from bars with karaoke.” I said, grabbing my bag and digging out my night clothes. I went into the bathroom to change. I walked back into the room and dad was under the covers of his bed, getting ready to fall asleep.
“Goodnight honey.” Dad said, shutting off the lamp. I got into my bed and shut the lamp on my side off, putting the room in darkness. We already had to front desk giving us a wake up call, so I ended up falling straight asleep.

~Time elapse: two weeks later~

“I don’t care what you were doing Jeff!” I shouted, tears falling from my eyes. He stood with his back to his hotel door, keeping his foot inside the room to keep it from locking him out.
“Riley, listen to yourself.” Jeff said, grabbing my shoulders. “You’re right next door to this room, a door connects them! If there was someone here, you would hear them.”
“Not unless you were quiet.” I said, trying to force my way past him.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Dad’s voice asked from behind me, distracting Jeff.

I took that moment to push past him and into his room, stopping dead in my tracks. Matt’s bed was made up with his suitcase on it, waiting for him to grab whatever he needed from it. Jeff’s bed, however, was the exact opposite. It was completely unmade except for a part that was curved over a person, a female. I turned back to Jeff, more tears running down my face.

“You’re not doing anything huh?” I asked him darkly, staring him in the face. Dad’s own face had shock and anger written all over it.
“Riley, look I can explain.” Jeff said, walking up to me. I stepped back, refusing to let him touch me.
“No Jeffrey,” I said. “You were the one person I could count on. You’ve been there for me for everything! How could you!?” I screamed as I ran from the room, bumping into Dad. I drew out my room key and ran into the room, slamming the door behind me. I picked up my bag and started throwing clothes into it, my tears falling faster and harder.
“Riley,” Dad’s voice said gently. “I’m sorry honey.”
“I can’t stay Dad. I can’t.” I said, staring into space. “I can’t be around him.”
“I know.” he said simply. I turned and hugged him, letting the tears fall faster.
“Go home,” he said. “I’ll tell Vince you need a little while to get your thoughts straight.”
“Thank you Daddy,” I said, hugging him tighter. He rubbed my back while my crying started to slow down. When I was finally calm enough I finished packing my bag.
“I’ll call your aunt and uncle and tell them you’re on your way.” Dad said, hugging me at the door.
“No don’t, I’m not going to North Carolina.” I said, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.
“Want to go to Texas then? I can call your grandparents and have them pick you up from the airport.”
“No,” I said. “I don’t know where I’m going, but I need to be alone for right now.” I said, opening the door. The first thing I seen was Jeff standing against the wall, looking down. “I love you Daddy. I’ll call you.” I said.

Dad nodded, and hugged me one more time. I walked to the elevator and smacked the button. When I reached the lobby, I saw Matt standing at the desk. He started walking toward the elevators just as I walked toward the desk.

“Riley, going somewhere?” Matt asked, eying my bags.
“As far away from your idiotic brother as I can get,” I replied, not stopping. Matt grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop.
“Whoa, what’s going on?” he asked, making me look at him.
“Go up to your room and you’ll see.” I muttered. “I love you Matty, but I need to get away from here. I don’t know where I’m going, but I just need to go.” I took off running, dragging my suitcase and bag behind me. I didn’t even look back.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh no DRAMA!!! I hate it, but love to read/write about it :D

Bad Jeff for cheating on Riley, where do you think Riley is going to go? Comment and subscribe to find out!!!
Thanky You!!