Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 21

~POV Change: Jeff~

“Great match bro!” Matt called as I walked back toward the locker room.

I just waved, not wanting to talk to anyone right now. It was two years ago today that I made the biggest mistake of my life. Two years since the day I lost my best friend for life.

“What’s with you Jeff?” Matt asked, running up behind me.
“Nothing.” I muttered, removing my arm bands with more force than was needed.
“Jeff, let it go. You know it was a mistake two years ago.” Matt said, stopping me with a hand on my shoulder.
“I know I didn’t do anything, but she doesn’t.” I said, thinking back to the hurt and betrayal in her eyes. A look caused by the thought that I was being unfaithful to her. “How can I let go of that?”
“You just have to Jeff.” Matt snapped.
“I have a damn interview right now okay? I gotta go.” I stormed away, taking off my other arm band along the way.

I had ten minutes to shower, change and be ready for the reporter. It was for WWF Magazine, so I needed to act professionally and couldn’t let my brother get to me. In the shower, I let the water run over my body, messaging the kinks I just received from my match, along with a few old ones. I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my waist, walking into the locker area when a knock sounded at the door.

“Jeff Hardy?” a voice called.
“One minute.” I called back, grabbing my clothes from my locker.

I dressed quickly and slicked my wet hair back out of my face. I opened the door for the reporter, and was quickly disappointed. There was a rumor going around that Riley was an interviewer for the magazine, but it hasn’t been confirmed, and I haven’t had her interview me yet. This reporter looked to be about 50 years old and had graying hair, no way it could’ve been Riley.

The interview dragged on, and by the time I got to the hotel, I was ready to pass out. We were in Huston tonight, getting ready to head for Phoenix. I walked through the lobby, barely seeing where I was going. When I bumped into someone, it startled me just as much as the person I ran into.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I said, reaching to help the person. I looked into the person’s face and seen it was my father.
“Dad, what’re you doing here?” I asked, confused.
“Visiting.” He replied. “Didn’t know you two would be here. Where’s your brother?”
“Still at the arena I guess. I had an interview so I left early.” I answered him. “Who are you visiting if you didn’t know we’d be here?”
“Just an old friend.” Dad replied. I was still confused until out of the corner of my eye I saw Marylyn and Paul Calaway.
“You’re visiting Riley?” I asked, looking toward her aunt and uncle.
“She lives here in Huston now.” Dad confirmed. “She wanted a fresh start, but didn’t have anywhere to go for that except here. She has family down here.”
“She moved down here to get away from me,” I said just as Paul and Marylyn walked up to us.
“No, Jeffrey, she didn’t” Marylyn said sternly. “That girl loved you, and she still does. She realizes now that she was wrong about that day. She overreacted and didn’t give you a change to explain anything. She regrets it now, but she’s doing well for herself. She graduated college and has a new job and her own place.”
“There’s a rumor going around the locker room that she’s a reporter for the company magazine.” I said, hoping to get confirmation from them.
“She was offered the job a couple days ago and accepted it today.” Paul said, as if sensing that I needed confirmation.
“So it could be any time when you see her again.” Dad spoke up, winking.
“Yeah right, she’ll probably put in a request to not interview me.” I muttered. “Well, hey I’m beat and I have to get up early in the morning.”
“Okay, go get some sleep. Just put her out of your head for now. When your both ready to see each other again is when it will happen.” Marylyn said. I bent and hugged her. She rubbed my back as I let go and hugged Paul.
“See you at home son.” Dad said when I hugged him.

I just shrugged and headed toward the elevators, ready to get to my room and into my bed. I walked through the doors of the elevators and sighed when they shut behind me. I pressed the number to my floor, getting delayed once from someone getting on to go up to the next floor.

When the doors finally opened to my floor, I grabbed out my key card and inserted it into the slot, opening the door when the light turned green. I threw my stuff on the floor and walked into the bathroom, carrying my travel bag along with me. I reached in and grabbed out a white bottle, grabbing a paper cup they provide in the rooms and filling it with water. I popped the pills into my mouth and drained the water, tossing the cup into the trash and walking back to my bed. I collapsed on top of the covers, thinking everything over. I felt the pills kick in just as Matt walked into the room.

“Jeff man, want to go out?” he asked. I just shook my head no.
“Going to bed already? What the world is going on with you bro?” Matt asked, sitting on the bed next to me. I looked up and was about to say something when a knock came from the door.
“Matt, Jeff,” Vince’s voice called. Matt stood and walked to the door. “Matt, I need to talk to your brother alone.” he said.
“I’ll go to the weight room then.” Matt said, sounding confused.
“Jeffrey,” Vince said, sitting on Matt’s bed with a heavy sigh. “We got the results from your drug tests. You failed them.” I didn’t say anything, I just closed my eyes, feeling the pills kicking in even more.
“This is the third drug test you failed, and you’re not performing at your best. You have two options, you either go into rehab provided by the company, or we have to let you go. I’ll give you a minute to think about it, but whatever you decide, just know you leave the company, it’s very likely you won’t come back.” Vince left the room just as Matt started walking back in.

I didn’t hear a word Matt said. I let sleep over come me, my final thought being not losing my job, losing my dream, or the drugs that was in my system even now, but of the face of the girl I loved. Riley.

~POV Change: Riley~

“Hey Shawn,” I said, walking into the room.
“Took our advice?” Shawn asked, looking me up and down. I just smiled and nodded, hugging the notebook in my hand to my chest.
“Sit down, let’s catch up.” Shawn said, indicating the seat opposite of him. “You know your dad and Matt’s here.”
“I know, I think I’ll go see them real quick before I leave.” I replied, opening the notebook to my hand written questions for him.
“Did you hear about Jeff?” Shawn asked suddenly. I glanced up at him before shaking my head.
“He left a couple weeks ago.” he said. I couldn’t help it. I looked up at him with round eyes.
“What? Why?” I asked, shocked.
“Failed three drug tests and wasn’t performing to his highest.” Shawn explained.
“That doesn’t sound like him,” I mumbled, confused. “Not at all.”
“This business changed people Riley,” Shawn sighed. “It’s too bad though. The kid’s got talent, and heart.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “He does.” We went through the questions, and I recorded all his answers on a tape recorder. We were just about to wrap up when the locker room door opened.
“Oh, sorry.” the person said, turning around to walk out the door. He paused so suddenly he actually bumped into the door. He turned back around and stared at me.
“Riley Calaway.” he said, looking me up and down. I just stared at him without saying a word. “You don’t recognize me do you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. I stared at his eye for a minute before realization hit.
“Dwayne!” I exclaimed, jumping up and running to him. He hugged me back, laughing.
“How you doing kid?” he asked, letting me go.
“Great, what about you?” I asked, staring up at him. “I seen you and Mick was a team a while ago.”
“Rock and Sock Connection,” Dwayne said, nodding. “Greatest time of my career.”
“So what have you been up to?” I asked, sitting back down.
“You know, wrestling, a movie here and there.” Dwayne answered.
“Movies, wow.” I said, impressed. “Oh, sorry Shawn,” I muttered, forgetting I was still working on his interview.
“Don’t worry about it. I need to go find Paul and discuss something with him anyway. We can finish this later. I’ll let you go see your dad.” Shawn stood up and left, leaving me alone with Dwayne.
“Look at you Riley, all grown up and working for a magazine.” Dwayne said, looking me up and down.
“Yep,” I said. “And you’re doing movies now, really?” He just nodded.
“Haven’t seen your dad in a while?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.
“No, I’m on my own now.” I said, picking at the corners of my notebook.
“I heard about you and Hardy,” Dwayne said suddenly.
“How many people around here now?” I asked, shocked.
“Just about everybody, nothing’s a secret in this locker room.”
“Don’t I know it,” I muttered, rolling my eyes. “Look, it was really a misunderstanding on my part, but it went way too far. I haven’t seen or talked to him since I left the company, and I’m sure he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
“I wouldn’t think so.” Dwayne said, shrugging. “But hell I don’t know, I know how much you hate gossip anyway.”
“Of course.” I said, shaking my head. “I think I’m going to go see Dad now. I haven’t seen him in a long time either.”
“I’m heading out, so I’ll see you later.” Dwayne said, standing up. I stood up as well and followed him to the door. I walked around the backstage area, seeing people I’ve never seen before.

“Riley!” a male voice called. I turned and my heart raced with excitement and nerves.
“Matty!” I called back. He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him the best I could.
“Holy wow Riley,” Matt said, holding me out at arms length. “Damn it’s great to see you again. I’ve missed you so much!” he said, hugging me again.
“I’ve missed you too Matt.” I said, returning the hug again. He pulled back, but kept hold of my hands.
“How’ve you been?” Matt asked, shaking my hands.
“Great, what about you?” I asked, taking my hands back from him before he ended up breaking them.
“Really good.” Matt answered. “I’ve really missed you Riley! It’s been quiet when I go home without you being there.”
“Aww, you can come visit me.” I said. “I live in Huston now.”
“Texas?” Matt asked, shocked.
“I thought at least your dad told you.” I said, confused.
“They haven’t told us nothing about you.” Matt informed me. “They’re especially reserved about what they say around Jeff.”
“I heard he left because he failed drug tests.” I said. “He didn’t really, did he?”
“I’m afraid it’s true Ri,” Matt sighed, running his hands over his hair. “He’s burned out. He’s trying to do too much at once. He was taking steroids and sleeping meds and what not.” Matt sighed much heavier. “I don’t know how to help him. Vince offered him rehab, but he refused it.”
“If there’s anything I can do,” I started saying.
“I’m honestly not to sure what you can do Riley.” Matt said. “He thinks you hate him.”
“I can never hate him,” I said. “Sure I was pissed off, but I realized what really happened that day, I’m just not sure if he’ll talk to me. Besides, we’re going in completely opposite directions now.”
“Yeah, but it would be really great if you two could get past this. I miss having you around.”
“I miss all of you too.” I said, wrapping my arms around Matt again.
“Oh, I see how it is. See your friend before your own father,” a deep male voice called. I smiled and turned, running straight toward my dad.
“Dad!” I called, wrapping my arms around him. He just hugged me back, swaying me every once in a while.
“Damn girl,” Dad said when he finally let me go. He placed his hand on top of my and slid it to his chest. “Did you shrink?” he asked. I laughed and punched him in the arm, throwing my arms around him again.
“I missed you so much Dad,” I said into his chest.
“Same here sweetie.” He said, kissing the top of my head.
“I seen Aunt Marylyn, Uncle Paul and Gib a few weeks ago.” I informed him.
“Yeah they told me they went to visit you.” Dad said, letting me go. “Have fun?”
“Absolutely,” I replied.
“How’s your new job going?” Dad asked, leaning against the wall.
“What new job?” Matt asked, looking confused.
“I’m back with the WWF,” I said. “but as a reporter for the Magazine.”
“Wow awesome!” Matt said, looking impressed. “Still following a dream.” I nodded just as someone passed me. I realized it was Adam Copeland, with Lita right beside him.
“Let’s go,” Adam said, bumping into Matt.
“Hey,” I said, walking up to him as he continued walked. Lita turned around and stood face to face with me.
“Got a problem?” she asked.
“Yeah, he can’t just bump into people like that!” I said, pointing to Adam.
“Ignore her Amy,” Matt said. “She’s been away for a while, she doesn’t know the truth.” I looked up to see Matt’s eyes glaring at her.
“No, I’m not dropping this,” I said, turning back to Lita and ducking just in time to keep the fist from contacting with my eye. I balled up my fist and was about to strike when a hand held my own back. I looked up to see it was neither Matt nor Dad that had hold of my arm, but Vince McMahon himself.
“Not backstage again an hour and already causing trouble,” He muttered.
“She threw the first punch,” I said. “I was just about to throw the second and final one.”
“Still have the wrestling streak in you,” Vince observed. “Are you sure you don’t want to return as a diva? You were one of the best female wrestlers we had in the company.”
“I’m sure,” I said, jerking my hand from his. I turned and quickly left, heading back toward the locker room I was interviewing Shawn in earlier. He was waiting for me outside.
“Hey, I almost thought you forgot about me.” he said as I walked up.
“You know, I think I have enough for the article. I have to go.” I said, picking up my stuff after we entered the locker room.
“Something happened.” Shawn said just as Dad and Matt entered the room.
“Encounter with Amy Dumas and Adam Copeland,” Dad muttered to Shawn. He nodded in understanding.
“Then I’ll see you sometime soon?” he said, picking up his own stuff. I hugged him and packed my stuff into my bag.
“Riley, you didn’t have to do that.” Matt said.
“What happened between the two of you?” I asked. “You and Adam I mean.”
“Well, to understand that, you need to hear about Amy and me.” Matt said, sitting on a chair. “I dated Amy for a long time, was getting ready to propose to her even. I was injured for a while and was having trouble sleeping one night. I seen she had a voicemail so I checked it for her,”
“And it was Adam?” I asked, knowing where he was leading up to. Amy had cheated on Matt with Adam.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “Just for the record, I’m glad, she seems like a wi-atch to me.” Matt smiled as Dad laughed.
“Getting ready to leave?” Dad asked as I threw my bag over my shoulder.
“Have to,” I said. “I have to get started on this article.”
“I’ll see you whenever then,” Dad said, wrapping his arms around me. He left me go and Matt came up to me with a hug of his own.
“I love you sis,” Matt said into my ear. I smiled.
“I love you too bub,” I said, pulling back from him. “If I get the time I might come up to NC for a visit.” I said, pulling my car keys from my pocket.
“Be safe,” Dad said.
“Always, you two too.” I said.
“Always,” the both said at the same time.

I quickly hugged them both one more time before walking out the locker room. I was halfway down the hall when a person bumped into me. All I seen was long, blond hair before someone was repeatedly apologizing.

“I’m so sorry,” I heard over and over again.
“It’s fine,” I said, looking up. “Shannon!!” I exclaimed when I seen the person. He stared at me before realizing who I was.
“Riley!” he shouted back. “Holy son of Toledo it’s been years.”
“I know, how you been?” I asked as he wrapped his arms around me. As tough as these guys are, they’re a bunch of huggers.
“Great, got a new girlfriend I’m pretty serious about.” Shannon said excitedly. “She’s great, you’ll love her.”
“Shannon, I’m sure you heard I don’t live with my aunt and uncle anymore,” I said, smiling slightly.
“No, actually I haven’t,” Shannon replied, genuinely surprised. “I haven’t talked to anyone but Matt in a while and it was only about a month ago that I started talking to him again.”
“Well, yeah. I live in Huston now,” I said, kind of uneasily. I knew how much he hated people who moved from Cameron.
“Really? How’s that working out?” he asked, no sign of anger anywhere in his voice.
“Pretty good. I work for the company magazine now,” I said, smiling.
“Awesome, so you could end up interviewing me or Matt or Jeff sometime soon.” he said excitedly.
“I just finished up with Michael Hickenbottom,” I said. Shannon’s eyes got as round as quarters.
“Really?” he asked excitedly. “How did it go?”
“He’s a cool guy. I met him years ago when I started as a jobber.” When Jeff and I were together.
“Matt did tell me about you and Jeff though,” Shannon said as if reading my mind. “That you two broke up a couple years ago.”
“All because of my own stupidity.” I sighed, staring into space.
“Hey, things will get better,” Shannon said, reaching up and running his thumb on my cheeks. I reached up and felt moister, I was crying.
“I messed everything up Shan,” I said, sniffling. “I messed it all up and now I lost him.”
“You didn’t lose him. Think of it as a sort of break.” Shannon said, rubbing my arm. “You two spent everyday of the last what, fourteen years together. That’s bound to drive something in between two people.”
“But nothing happened Shan,” I said. “That’s the whole point. Nothing happened, but I “
“You did what anyone else would have done in that situation.” Shannon cut me off.
“I have to go,” I said, hitching my bag more securely on my shoulder. “I have work to do and an hour drive to get home.”
“Be safe,” Shannon said, giving me another hug.
“I’ll see you around,” I said, walking toward the door to the garage.

I sat in my car for a minute, trying to collect myself enough to drive safely. I knew I would be miserable for as long as it took me to make things up with Jeff, but I also knew it would be a long time before I could face him again.
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Riley's back in the business!! as a reporter, but still back in the WWE none the less :D haha
think anything will happen with Riley and Jeff? maybe sooner than you think!!!