Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 23

~POV: Riley~

I talked to Michelle Somers, a pilot for the army. While she was talking to a fellow soldier, I looked around, amazed I was actually here. My eyes fell on Jeff, and I noticed him looking away quickly.

“I have to go talk to someone real quick.” I told Michelle.

She just nodded and turned to talk to someone else. I made my way across the area, keeping my eyes of Jeff. He glanced to where I was standing before, but quickly looked back. Oscar, or Rey, walked up to the group. Jeff started walking away, seemingly upset over something. He walked to the mess hall, and stopped right in front of me.

“So, are we going to finish talking now or later?” I spoke up, squinting from the sun being in my eyes. He turned and faced me.
“We can finish this now,” he said, turning around the rest of the way. He tried to act like he was okay, but I knew he was nervous.
“So, are you going to tell me what really happened when you left?” I asked, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.
“I told you, and believe me when I tell you; it had absolutely nothing to do with you.” Jeff said, leaning beside me.
“Then what was it? Please Jeff, tell me. It’s been eight years since I’ve seen you, and I don’t want us to hate each other, or not understand one another.”
“I told you, I was burnt out.” Jeff said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I was trying too hard. I’ve been working on music and art along with wrestling, and Motocross.”
“Jeez Jeff, you’re trying to get yourself killed aren’t you?” I asked, shaking my head. “Wrestling I can understand, but Motocross? Are you that big an adrenaline junky that it takes you jumping over hills on a bike to get it?”
“No, Riley I’m not. See, you don’t know anything about me anymore.” Jeff said, pushing himself off the wall. “I love the sport, I always have.”
“I know, but watching and doing are two completely different things!” I said, grabbing my hair.
“You don’t think I don’t know that?” Jeff shouted, smacking the wall. A few people glanced our way, including Shawn and Paul. Jeff took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
“Everything okay over here?” Shawn asked, walking up to us.
“Just peachy,” Jeff muttered, not looking at us.
“Doesn’t sound to swell to me,” Paul said, glancing at me.
“We were just talking,” I said. “I need to go find Vince, find out exactly what I’m going to be doing here. Excuse me.” I walked through Shawn and Paul, keeping my head down as the tears prickled my eyes.
“Riley!” Jeff’s voice called. I turned to face him as a tear escaped.
“You’re crying,” he said, wiping the tear from my eyes.
“Look, Jeff.” I started to say, but he interrupted me.
“No listen.” he said, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into a hug. “I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to yell like that. I’m sorry for everything.”
“So, can I ask you something?” I asked suddenly.
“What?” he replied nervously.
“Who was that woman? In the hotel room?” I asked, looking him in the eyes.
“Mr. Matthew Moore Hardy wanted to do something different, which included us changing beds and him bringing a girl to the room for the night.”
“Where were you then?” I asked. “If Matt was having fun, where did you go?”
“Lobby.” he said casually. “Hung out with Shawn and your Dad.”
“Oh. Wait, he didn’t tell me that.” I said, thinking back.
“What?” Jeff said confused.
“I talked to Dad while I was packing and he didn’t say a thing about the switch.”
“I didn’t tell him that’s the reason.” Jeff said, uncertainly. “You know Matt, always mature about everything. He didn’t want you or Mark finding out about it.”
“Why?” I asked. “That’s stupid, it’s his life, he can do whatever, or whoever, he wants.” Jeff chuckled and looked just behind me.
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind sis.” Matt said, walking up to us. I blushed and laughed. “But it’s true though. You never gave any of us a chance to explain, which I understand. Next time I promise to tell you about the switch.” he said, giving me a hug. I wrapped my arm around his waist, hugging him back.
“Now, I really do have to go find McMahon. I really have no idea what I’m doing here.” I said, looking around. “He asked if I wanted to come as a special guest, but that’s all he said.”
“I requested you to come,” Matt said, squeezing me harder.
“Why?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Team Xtreme rides again.” Jeff said, holding up his infamous “Hardy Gun” hand sign. Matt held up his V1 hand sign and they both looked at me.
“Wait, you two requested me to go down the ring with you?” I asked, shocked.
“Not just that,” Matt said, grabbing a bag from his arm.

I never realized it was there. He handed it to me and I opened it, pulling out a fishnet shirt that looked a lot like the one he made for me years ago. There was also a pair of pants and boots.

“You want me to wrestle?” I asked, looking up at them. They both smiled.
“Ri, it’s been eight years. The fans loved you and were furious when you left.” Matt said. “And we missed seeing you in the ring to. I’m glad your writing’s going good, but all three of us know your true calling is being inside that ring.”
“You wouldn’t be the daughter of the Undertaker if it wasn’t true,” Jeff said.
“Nor would you have found these two.” A newer voice said. We turned to see Vince walking up to us. “Now you know what you’re to do, go have fun, but remember to stay together and stay safe.”
“Right,” the three of us said.

Matt started walking back toward the mess hall, more like marching Jeff’s fingers brushed my hand and I looked down, seeing his hand opened palm up. I smiled and placed my hand into his, surprised by how right it still felt. Matt, to busy watching us now, ran into the building, falling to the ground in a daze. Jeff and I laughed and ran up to him, making sure he was okay. When he was up, he winked at the two of us and changed direction, heading a different way.

“I guess some things never change,” I muttered to Jeff. He laughed and followed his brother, me following behind him. I looked around and seen someone I haven’t seen in years.

“Shane!” I called when I saw him. He turned and looked confused for a minute before he seen who was behind me.
“Jeff! Matt! Riley!” he shouted, walking up to us. I ran and gave him a hug.
“How long have you been here?” I asked, shocked.
“Not to long,” he shrugged.
“Yeah right, I think it’s going on seven years now.” Jeff said, doing a special handshake with him.
“You ever coming back to Carolina?” Shane asked me.
“I was actually planning on it in a couple weeks.” I said. “Once I talked to my editor about taking time off. I’ve been working nonstop since I started.”
“Come on, we were going to go meet more people.” Matt said, grabbing my hand and leading me into the mess hall.

I just followed. When I seen the number of people in there, both WWE Superstars and Divas, and the number of soldiers, I couldn’t help but feel proud.

“This is going to be amazing.” I said, looking around.
“Yes, it is.” Jeff agreed.
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I know it's probably shorter than normal, but I have a lot going on right now...I'm in probably 5 contests right now and pending permission from one more, so wish me luck with them!!!

next chapter, Tribute to the Troops taping!!