Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 25

~POV: Jeff~

“So, was that all you guys talked about at the school?” Matt asked from the front seat of our father’s car. “The thing with Ron.”
“Not exactly.” I answered, staring out the window.
“What else did you talk about?” Dad asked, following Paul’s car on the highway.
“8 years ago.” I muttered.
“Touchy subject.” Matt said, turning to face me.
“I just gave her the broad overview.” I said. “You know, we were dating, but we separated over a misunderstanding, but we worked our friendship out and was cool with each other again.”
“That’ll bring up more questions though Jeff.” Matt said, shaking his head.
“Questions I’ll answer whenever she’s ready to ask them.” I said, turning back to the window.
“Jeff, you can’t be here for her until she gets her memory back.” Dad said, looking at me through the rearview mirror. “It could be years before she completely gets her memory back.”
“I was right there Dad.” I said suddenly, thinking back to the night overseas. “I was right there and it happened. He snuck up behind us.”
“Jeff, you can’t blame yourself. Don’t forget, Mark and I was there as well. Listen to what your saying, he snuck up behind us. We wouldn’t of been able to stop him from hitting her.”
“Have you heard anything about him?” Dad asked, glancing over at Matt.
“They suspended him.” Matt answered, venom in his voice. I understood why. He nearly killed Riley for a story line and all he got was a suspension. I felt a strong urge, one I haven’t felt in a long time. I pushed the urge down, not wanting to go through that again. It was one of the biggest things that pushed Riley away from me in the first place.
“You okay back there?” Dad’s voice cut through my thoughts.
“Fine,” I muttered, glaring just as Paul’s car turned into the trees. I hadn’t realized we were so close to home. Dad kept going and pulled into his driveway, pulling up to mine and Matt’s cars.
“I’ll see you boys in the morning.” Dad said as we got out of his car. Matt said goodnight and got into his own, turning it on and heading to his house. I leaned against my car for a moment, listening as Dad walked into his house. When I seen the door shut and the front porch light turn on, I got into my own car and headed home. It wasn’t far from Dad’s place, but it was still to far to walk in the dark. I pulled up to my double wide and shut the car off, getting out.
“Hey buddy,” I said, walking into the house. Jack, my Russell Terrier, was in the living room on his pillow. He barked and wagged his tail at the sight of me in the house.
“Hungry?” I asked, walking toward the kitchen. He barked again as I filled his bowl. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, grabbing the remote on the coffee table and pressed the power button, turning on the VCR as well.

~POV: Normal~

“Riley watch this!” 16 year old Jeff shouted from the trampoline. He jumped and did a flip in midair. “Come up and try it!”
“Yeah right Jeffrey Nero.” Riley said, when the camera moved to face her. “Matt get that camera away from me.” she said, blushing from the thought of being on film.
“Neva!” he said, pushing the camera closer to her face. She laughed and started running, Jeff chasing her. The Jeff in the double wide laughed at the video until it came up to a scene he shot himself. Riley was leaning against a tree, obviously singing to herself. He could hear her sweet voice. Jeff paused the video when the camera closed in on her face, staring up at the sky into the sunlight. Her green eyes were glittering in the sunlight.
Jeff pressed the play button and the video started up again. She looked up and seen him with the camera.
“Jeff,” she groaned, turning her face away from the camera.
“What, you look beautiful.” Jeff’s voice said. She blushed and looked down, then back up.
“I love you.” Jeff told her.
“I love you too.” she said, walking up to him.
“I think we better turn this off, they won’t like where this is going.” Jeff said, but Riley was already in his arms, her lips pressed to his. The Jeff in the double wide watched with a tear trailing down his cheek. He brushed it off impatiently and shut the TV off, tossing the remote onto the couch beside him.
“Come on buddy,” he said to Jack, who was laying on the floor at his feet. He walked out of the house and into the woods, Jack following behind him. He walked to his small world, the Imag-I-nation. This was were Jeff was able to express himself more freely than even in the ring. He did art, music, everything back here.
“I love you too,” rang through Jeff’s head in Riley’s voice. He knew since the ambush, she would never be the same. She would never remember every moment they were together since the first day when they were 7, but staring at a mural on the wall, Jeff had a sudden idea. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Matt’s number, talking to him about the plan. When he got off the phone, everything was getting set into motion. She might not remember it when it happened, but he would make sure she knew what happened in her life, all the majorly important things, but also some of the minor details that are also important, and he knew just how to do that.
♠ ♠ ♠
update!! this plan sounds pretty exciting if I do say so myself :D
thanks for the readers/commenters!! you are much loved here! XD