Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 28

“Mark, nooo.” Paul said slowly, putting his head in his hands. I stared at Dad, confused.
“A-w-” I couldn’t think of anything to say.
“Hello Riley,” Sara said. I snapped to look at her.
“Wait, you tell me my mother’s dead, then tell me I have a step-mother?” I said finally, staring at him. “How does that work out?”
“Riley…” Dad started saying. I didn’t pay attention to him. I turned to my aunt with tears in my eyes.
“I’m sorry,” I said, feeling a light urge. I turned and ran out the door, running toward the woods behind the house.
“Riley!” I heard Mark’s voice shout. I didn’t stop. I continued running, stumbling over the trees.

~POV: Mark~
“Damn it!” I shouted, smacking the side of the house. “She’s gone,” I said, running back into the house.
“Mark, you shouldn’t of told her about Sara and Gunner so soon.” Marylyn said, laying a hand on my arm. I jerked my arm from her and grabbed a flashlight, walking into the darkened forest.
“Riley!” I called out, using the flashlight to look in shadows. Paul caught up with me a few minutes later.
“I called Gib, he and his boys will keep a look out.” Paul said.
“She doesn’t know these woods anymore.” I said, moving the light around.
“Yeah but Jeff’s double wide is on the border of our properties, she could find it.” Paul said.

~POV: Jeff~
“Okay, I’m keeping a look out.” I said to my father, watching out the window. “Okay bye.” I hung up the phone just as Beth came into the room.
“What’s going on?” she asked, walking up to stand beside me.
“Riley ran away from the house and she doesn’t know these woods.” I answered her, walking away from the window and out the front door, standing on the porch.
“What is with this girl?” Beth asked, pouting slightly.
“What do you mean?” I asked, not liking her tone.
“It’s all about her. What about me?” Beth said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“How the hell can you ask that right now?” I asked, shocked. “There’s a woman running around these trees lost with no memory, and you’re asking why people don’t pay more attention to you? Are you for real?”
“Yes, why won’t you guys ever worry about me like you do her?” Beth whined. I felt my temper boil over.
“You want to know why?” I asked, turning to face her. “Because you only care about yourself! She cares about everyone but herself! She’s been through way to much to deserve any of this happening to her, while you on the other hand has always had a privileged life. Why don’t you try going 6 years without Daddy. Why don’t you get sexually assaulted by a person you thought was a friend. You try getting threatened by him for doing something about it! Go a head, and while your at it go get your head nearly knocked off by a chair then lose every single memory you have!” A snap had me turning toward the sound. Riley was standing there, tears streaming down her face.
“Riley,” I muttered, running down to her. She threw her arms around me, burying her face in my chest.

~POV: Riley~
“While your at it go get your head nearly knocked off by a chair then lose every single memory you have!” I watched as Jeff argued with Beth, I knew it was over me. I tried turning back to the woods so I wouldn’t interrupt them, but I stepped on a twig and it caused a loud snap. Jeff seen me and ran toward me. I couldn’t stop myself. I clung to him while I cried.
“Come on let’s get inside.” Jeff muttered, leading me into his house. “What happened?” I couldn’t answer him. He stood up and walked into the kitchen. I heard cabinets opening and shutting, but felt uncomfortable. I glanced up and seen Beth staring at me. Jeff came back into the room and covered me with a blanket, handing me a glass of water.
“What happened?” he asked again.
“I get inside, and there’s a woman sitting in the living room. She’s holding a little baby.” I began explaining. I heard Jeff mutter under his breath.
“Sara and Gunner?” he asked. I nodded, staring at him. “Mark what the world were you thinking.” he moaned.
“You know about them?” I asked.
“How could I not?” Jeff asked, leaning his weight onto a fireplace mantle. “They’ve only been running around here like a couple of love sick teenagers.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” I asked, setting the glass of water on the table, using a coaster.
“Because we just told you about your mother dying. We decided to wait to tell you about Sara and Gunner because we knew you would get like this if your told you have a new mother hours after learning your birth mother died.” Jeff said, turning to face me again. “And if you don’t stop staring at her like that Beth I swear on my life that you’ll be out of this house faster than a roadrunner.” he looked toward Beth, who was still glaring at me.
“Look, this is your house, I’ll just go.” I said, standing up and taking off the blanket.
“This is my house Riley. Beth’s just staying here for a couple weeks because her apartment building is getting bombed for bugs.” Jeff said, running a hand through his hair. “She’s just so used to getting her own way she’s a spoiled brat.” Beth huffed and stormed off. A door slammed shut, telling us we were alone now.
“I have to call my Dad and let him know you’re here.” Jeff muttered, walking toward the front entrance way. I took a sip of the water and looked around the room. It was different then I thought it would be. He decorated the place in cream colors, nothing to extravagant, but nothing to simple. I walked up to a picture frame, and froze. It was all the same pictures that was in my bedroom at the house. Our birthday pictures up until the last one, one I didn’t have on my wall.
“I had to have something of you in here,” Jeff’s voice said from behind me, startling me. I turned to face him, and my heart fluttered when my face became inches from his.
“You’re a really sweet guy.” I said, picking at my fingernails. Jeff grabbed both my hands in one of his bigger ones, bringing them up to his eye level.
“No, I’m not.” he said suddenly. “I’m a selfish person, and I don’t even care that I am.”
“You are far from selfish.” I said, staring into his green eyes.
“Yes I am.” Jeff insisted. “All I’ve wanted since the ambush was for you to remember our pasts together. Was to remember what it was like for the two of us to be together, but I know it won’t happened for a lot time.”
“Jeff, it’s only been a day since I got back, and I remember a lot. Most of it is by what you and Matt told me, but some of it was on my own.”
“Yeah, what if tomorrow you don’t remember a single thing?” Jeff asked, dropping our hands to our sides, but not letting them go completely. “What if you don’t remember anything else for days, weeks, months or years?”
“Then at least I’ll have you and Matt and my family here to help me.” I said. “And that woman from the diner too most likely.”
“Don’t forget everyone from the WWE.” Jeff said with a faint smile. “You know they’re all going to flip when you go back.”
“So you and Matt said. What are they really like?” I asked.
“Well, right now there’s one guy I’m kind of biased against.” Jeff said, swinging our hands. “His name’s Adam Copeland, and he’s the biggest jerk on the planet.”
“Why?” I asked, confused.
“Matt was dating this girl…” Jeff started saying, but something clicked and I remembered my encounter with Dad and Matt.
“She cheated on him with Adam,” I interrupted him. “I remember trying to knock the lights out of her because of it.” I explained when I seen his confused look. Jeff laughed, and it made me feel good to hear the sound.
“So, I told you uncle you’re staying here, but I don’t have an extra room.” Jeff said. “And I’m not letting you sleep on the couch. So you can have the bed and I’ll stay on the couch.”
“No, I can’t do that to you,” I said. “You take your bed, I’ll be fine with the couch.”
“No you won’t. You can’t sleep on couches, you get all grouchy.” he said.
“Hey, I’m not the only one!” I said defensively. He raised an eyebrow at me, but he knew it was true.
“So I guess there’s only one thing to do.” He muttered, releasing my hand finally. “We both sleep in my bed.”
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uh oh...kinda getting steamy isn't it? think she'll go for it
thank you for the comments/readers and everything else
more coming soon!!