Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 29

I stared at Jeff for a long moment, not sure how to answer that.
“Come on Riley,” Jeff said finally. “We’ve did it so many times while we were dating, and it’s not like I’ll take advantage of you or anything.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” I said quickly.
“Then what?” Jeff asked, grabbing my hands again. “What’s worrying you?”
“What will your girlfriend think?” I asked, glancing down the hallway.
“I told you before, Beth’s just a friend who’s staying here for a couple weeks. There’s nothing between me and her.” Jeff said, rubbing my chin with his thumb. I nodded and leaned my head against his, suddenly feeling to drained to fight with myself anymore.
“Let’s get to bed.” Jeff said, leading me into his bedroom. He grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants and handed them to me, pointing out where the bathroom was. I quickly changed and climbed into the bed, Jeff climbing in right beside me. He turned off the light and we laid our heads on the pillows. The last thing I saw before sleep over took me was Jeff’s eyes, and the last thing I thought of before my brain shut down, was how right it felt to be right here.

~3 months later~
“Jeff, I think I’m ready.” I said, walking into his kitchen where he and Matt was standing around the counter talking.
“Ready for what?” he asked, taking in my plain black shirt and blue jeans.
“I think I’m ready to face everyone from the company again.” I explained. Jeff glanced at Matt, who looked at him as well.
“Are you sure?” Matt asked finally. “It’s only been 3 months Riley, and your memory hasn’t come back fully yet.”
“I know, but I was just thinking, what if I get to the arena, and it triggers something with my memory?” I said, sitting on a bar stool beside Jeff.
“That would be pretty sweet.” Jeff said, looking at Matt. Matt thought for a moment, then nodded his head.
“I think it’s a good idea, and we’re going to be in Charlotte next week for Smackdown, so why not?” he said. “If you certain your ready though.”
“I am,” I said. Matt nodded and pulled out his cell phone.
“Who’re you calling?” Jeff asked, popping a grape into his mouth.
“McMahon.” Matt said. He walked from the room, leaving me and Jeff alone.
“So, any new memories yet today?” Jeff asked, popping another grape into his mouth. I shook my head, picking a grape from the bunch and placing it on my tongue. Jeff studied me for a long moment before standing up.
“Come on,” he said, grabbing my hand.
“What?” I said, following him out the back door. He lead me to the woods, the brisk autumn air felt good for a change.
“There’s something I wanted to show you.” he said. “Something I’m willing to share with you, and only you.” He turned so suddenly, I nearly fell to keep up with him.
“What is it?” I asked as we walked into a clearing.
“The Imag-I-Nation.” Jeff replied, indicating the clearing. I looked around, and was amazed. There were trailers everywhere. Walls with paintings on them, and Jeff’s own creations, the Aluminummies.
“This is wonderful!” I said, walking further into the area. I stared at the Aluminummy throwing a hand sign.
“The Hardy gun,” I said, pointing it out. He smiled and nodded. “Jeff this place in incredible. Where did you get the idea for this place?”
“Just myself. I was working with art and music a lot, and I decided to create my own little world to do it in, and I know you’re a artistic as I am, so I made you your own little area over there.” he pointed to a trailer that looked newer than all the other ones. He grabbed my hand and lead me toward the trailer, throwing the door open standing back. I walked into the trailer, and gasped. It was amazing. Tables covered with fabrics and papers was all over the area. In a tray was hundreds of different colored pencils and other supplies. There was a typewriter with stacks of plain white paper beside it.
“Jeff, this is incredible,” I said, turning to face him. “But I was living in Texas for the longest time, why did you make this for me?”
“I had a feeling things would get better for us.” he answered, leaning against the door frame. “I had this weird sense that when you left the hotel, it wasn’t going to be forever.”
“Matt had a lot to do with that.” I said.
“As did Mike Hickenbottom.” Jeff said, smiling.
“Who?” I asked. They haven’t went over names with me yet.
“Mike, you called him Shawn. His birth name is Michael Shawn Hickenbottom, but he’s a wrestler who goes by the name of Shawn Michaels.”
“Oh.” I said, understandingly. “What did he do?”
“He talked Matt into requesting you,” Jeff said pushing himself off the door frame. Before either of us could say anything, the door opened and Matt walked in.
“Hey, we have to get going.” Matt said. “Vince wants to see Riley before the event starts.”
“Okay, we’ll just go get ready and we’ll go.” Jeff said, grabbing my hand. We went back to Jeff’s house, where I’ve actually been staying for the last 3 months. Beth’s apartment became livable again, so I moved into Jeff’s spare bedroom.
“I hate this,” Jeff said a few minutes later, walking out wearing a suit jacket. “Why the world we have to dress like this arriving is beyond me.”
“Because you’re professional.” I said, smirking. Jeff growled at me buttoned his last button on the shirt.
“You look good like that.” I said, grabbing a tie and wrapping it around his neck. I worked quickly to tie it for him, one of the rare memories I actually kept after the ambush.
“Oh, Orton’s back.” Jeff muttered darkly. I froze, and stared up at him. “Don’t worry, that’s probably what Vince wants to talk to you about.” I nodded, finishing up his tie. He adjusted it so it wasn’t cutting his airway.
“He better stay away from me, or else I’m likely to make sure he doesn’t have any…”
“Riley, don’t say anything you’ll regret later.” Jeff cut me off, laughing. “Believe me, I want to hurt him just as badly as you do, but it’s like the Ron situation. I was ready to pound that dude’s face in, but I didn’t because I knew you didn’t need that. Same thing here. Just let your Dad take care of Orton.”
“Yeah, right.” I muttered, walking to the closet to grab mine and Jeff’s jackets.
“Riley, I know he shouldn’t of told you so soon, but he didn’t really have a choice.” Jeff said, grabbing my coat from my hands and holding it up for me. I gave him a look and slid my arms through the sleeves. “Tell me the truth Ri, would you have rather of heard about Sara and Gunner now, or after you get used to life, and they just get thrown into your life?”
“Huh?” I asked, not understand what he asked. He smiled and shook his head.
“Say, you just learned about them today, instead of while you were still trying to remember even your own name. Would you be more upset now, or when you did find out.”
“I guess I would have been more angry to hear it now than then, but he didn’t have to tell me the day he tells me my mother died.”
“I understand that, but you seen them, what else could he have done?” Jeff asked, grabbing his back and car keys, following me out of the house.
“Just tell me their names, then explain who they really were.” I said, sliding into the car.
“He could of done that, but he’s not like that. Your Dad’s always been straight forward.” Jeff said, starting the car and throwing it into gear. We remained silent until we reached the road, then Jeff turned the radio on.
“Oh, hey.” I said suddenly, grabbing my bag from beneath my legs. I put a CD into the player and turned it to the song. “What do you think of this song?” I asked him. He listened for a minute, getting really into the beat.
“It’s awesome. Who is this?” Jeff asked.
“I don’t know much about them. I just seen this CD and thought it looked awesome.”
“Who is it?” Jeff asked, grabbing the CD case.
“Avenged Sevenfold.” I answered.
“Oh, I’ve heard of them. They’re from California,” he said.
“Ooh, really?” I asked. Jeff nodded and handed the case back to me.
“So, I have a feeling people are going to ask you if you’re thinking about coming back.” Jeff said after a slight pause. “What are you going to tell them?”
“It’s too soon for me to think about it.” I said, looking up at him.
“Good answer.” Jeff said nodding. The CD ended so I reached to pull the CD out, at the same time Jeff did. Our hands bumped each other, and I felt a shock go through my body. It was strong than any other surge I’ve felt so far. Jeff moved his hand and I quickly grabbed the CD, placing it back into the case and back into my bag. We were silent the rest of the ride. When Jeff pulled into the parking garage, I felt myself get suddenly more nervous.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.” he said, grabbing my hand. I nodded uncertainly and took a deep breath. We got out of the car and Jeff grabbed his bag. He grabbed my hand in his other one and lead me into the arena.
“We have to go to Vince’s office first,” he said, looking at doors as he passed them. We walked around the arena a little longer before Jeff found the office door.
“Riley Calaway,” a older man said from the office.
“Riley, Vince McMahon.” Jeff said.
“Hello, again?” I said, awkwardly.
“She really did have her memory knocked out of her didn’t she?” Vince asked, surprised.
“You should of seen her at home,” Jeff said. “She has her natural memory with a few things, but not everything.”
“Oh, so does she remember what happened overseas?” Vince asked.
“I remember getting hit with a chair, but I had to be told who did that actual hitting.” I said, picking at my fingernails. Jeff grabbed my hands to stop me. I looked up and seen Vince staring at us.
“Sorry,” I muttered, putting my hands down to my side. “Nervous habit.”
“Been that way since she was a kid.” Jeff said, smirking.
“So, you know that Orton was the one who attacked you,” Vince said. “He’s been suspended, but he’s back now. His return is tonight and he’s going straight back into his feud with your father.” He walked around the desk and sat down in his chair. “Now, I’m sure your worried about seeing him, and I’m worried you’ll try to kill him or something if you see him. So what I’m going to do is this. I’m not going to restrict either of you to a locker room, but I am going to put security around you, including Matthew and Mark.”
“So, we’re free, but we have to have security escorting us everywhere we go?” Jeff asked to clear it up. Vince nodded, showing he was correct. “Doesn’t sound to bad to me.” Jeff said, turning to look at me.
“Nope, as long as I can see everyone again.” I said. “I really want my memory back and I really hope something triggers here.”
“Why don’t we do this then, you accompany Jeff to the ring tonight.” Vince said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Riley back in action? maybe
and just so you know, in the description I added a link titled Playlist...I have made a playlist of WWE themes most likely to be used constantly...I'll let you know which ones to play, and if any of the songs start messing up, please let me know so I can see what I can do...if you like the idea, let me know, if not...I'll take it off...and it'll be put to good use next chapter,
oh and two updates in one day..*I'm in a giving kind of mood right now :D*