Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 31

“Stephanie,” Randy said nodding toward her.
“Oh, I’m sure your familiar with Riley Calaway, Mark’s daughter?” Stephanie asked, pointing toward me. Randy nodded and glanced toward me. I felt something shoot through my body, fear mixed with anger and hatred.
“Very,” Orton replied, looking fully at me now. He nodded, but I just stared at him. The door opening told us someone was walking to the hallway. I turned and seen it was Jeff, Dad and Matt standing behind him.
“Orton,” Dad said, walking up to me and grabbing my shoulders. He pushed me past Randy and down the hallway, Jeff and Matt following behind him.
“Did you know who he was?” Matt asked me, catching up to us.
“Not at first,” I admitted. “He seemed familiar, but I didn’t really know, but then Stephanie called him Orton, so I knew who he was after that.”
“I’m proud of you.” Jeff said. “I know you was angry standing there, but you didn’t do anything.”
“Didn’t have the time,” I muttered, getting stopped outside another door. I knew it was the Diva’s locker room, I could hear laughing coming from the other side.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dad said. “Just hang out in here until you cool down.” he knocked on the door, and a female walked out. She froze when she looked up at Dad, but waved at Matt and Jeff.
“Hey Mickie,” Matt said.
“Hey guys, what, uh, can I help you with?” she asked, glancing at Dad. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Mickie, this is Riley, Mark’s daughter.” Jeff said. Mickie looked at me and nodded. “Riley, I don’t remember if you ever met her or not, but this is Mickie James.”
“Nope, first time meeting her,” Mickie said. “But I know about her. Randy knocked her senseless overseas didn’t he?”
“More meaning behind that Mick,” Matt said.
“He knocked the memory out of her.” Dad spoke up finally.
“Oh wow,” Mickie said. “That chair shot did that to her?”
“Yeah,” Jeff replied. “So we were wondering if you and the girls would help her out, you know. Give her pointers on what to do backstage and what not.”
“Absolutely.” Mickie said.
“She’s going to the ring with me tonight as well,” Jeff said. “So if you could give her some pointers on that as well…”
“Consider it done.” Mickie said, grabbing my hand. She all but dragged me into the locker room.
“Hey girls, we got company.” Mickie said as she walked back in.
“Oh my goodness.” someone said. She had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. “Riley Calaway.” She said. “How’s the bump on the head?”
“Do you remember her?” Mickie asked me. I shook my head no.
“Melina Perez,” she said, holding out her hand. I shook it nodding. “We were in a match when Orton attacked you. It was you with Jeff, Matt and your Dad against John Cena, John Hennigan and Phil Brooks.”
“Yeah, they told me,” I said, referring to my Dad, Matt and Jeff. They’ve been really helpful.”
“I would say so,” another woman said. “From what I’ve heard you’re known Jeff and Matt your whole life.”
“Since the age of 7, by what they tell me.” I answered her.
“Oh please, those guys aren’t as great as they seem.” a red headed woman in a corner said. She stood up and walked toward me. “I dated Matt, for the longest time. He was bland.”
“Matt’s one of the sweetest guys I know,” I said.
“That’s not saying much.” she muttered.
“Drop it Amy,” Melina said, stepping in between the two of us.
“Amy,” I said suddenly. “Amy Dumas. Lita.”
“Yeah, what of it?” Amy said, staring at me.
“You’re the one who broke his heart while he was injured.” I said, crossing my arms.
“Uhm, no I did not.” Amy said. “I just fulfilled the needs he wasn’t filling.”
“By cheating on him with Adam Copeland?” I asked, shocked at how she was talking.
“I did what I had to do, but he’s no longer my problem.” Amy said. “You want him, you take him, although I’m surprised you haven’t taken Jeff back yet. You two are just alike.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mickie asked her, putting her hands on her hips.
“Nothing, just that those two are so much alike you would think they were twins rather than neighbors. I thought you and Jeff was on the outs anyway.”
“We reconciled,” I said. “Right before the indecent.”
“Yes well, whatever.” Amy said, shrugging.
“What’s with the arguing?” Stephanie McMahon’s voice asked.
“I want her in the ring,” I said before I could stop myself. Stephanie gave me a confused look.
“Who?” she asked, looking at the other divas in the room.
“Amy,” I replied. “I want her in the ring. Forget that I might not remember anything. I remember enough to want to kick her..”
“Riley, I’m sorry, but unless my father clears it, I can’t let you. Come on, both of you.” Stephanie led the way to Vince’s office, but we passed many people who tried to talk to me on the way, Jeff being the main one.
“Dad, we have a conflict here.” Stephanie said, walking into Vince’s office. Paul was in there, obviously having a casual talk with him.
“What’s wrong?” Vince asked, standing up.
“It seems Riley has a sudden urge to pound Amy, and she wants a match with her.”
“Put her in one, tonight.” Vince said, crossing his arms.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea Vince?” Paul asked, looking at his father in law. “She doesn’t really remember how to fight and she’s probably not medically clear to wrestle.”
“I don’t care that I don’t really remember,” I said. “She hurt one of my best friends, started up on me and Jeff, and I’m not going to take that.”
“You have the same fire and passion as your father, and I admire that.” Vince said. “We’ll give her the match, tonight right on Raw.” Stephanie nodded.
“Go get ready you two,” she said, sending us out of the office. Jeff was waiting outside for us.
“Jeffrey,” Amy said casually. Jeff ignored her. He walked up to me and dragged me to a corner.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“I need to go get ready,” I said, trying to walk past him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “You’re not going to talk me out of anything,” I snapped at him.
“Just tell me what’s going on!” Jeff said, his hand still on my arm.
“I have a match, against Amy.” I said, trying to shake him off my arm.
“Wait, what? Why?” he asked just as Matt walked up to us.
“Because I want to pound her head in!” I shouted. “She hurt Matt, she started up on you and me, I’m not taking any of it, I’m just not!”
“Riley, you don’t have to put yourself in danger for me,” Matt said. “I’m long over all that.”
“I’m not though,” I said, tears springing into my eyes. “I’m not over it, and I won’t be until I do something, and this is the only thing I can think of to do!”
“Do you even remember how to do any of this?” Jeff asked, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.
“Enough,” I said. “I remember enough to get me by.”
“That’s not good enough for me Riley,” Jeff said. Matt nodded his agreement.
“Well, It’s a good thing I’m not asking your permission. I’m doing this, whether you like it or not.”
“Then at least let us go down to the ring with you,” Matt said. “I know Amy, she’ll have Adam with her and he’ll interfere in some way.” I nodded, agreeing to that.
“Go get ready then.” Jeff said. “They’ll announce when your match is.” I walked back to the locker room, and was immediately surrounded.
“Are you sure?” Melina asked me the second I walked in. I nodded. “I’ll help you warm up then.” She said.
“Let me see your shoe,” Mickie said. She checked the size, and ran from the room.

~1 hour later~
“Let’s go Ri,” Jeff said, Matt following beside him. I stretched out my arms, and shook my head, clearing it. We walked up a curtain, which I was told led to the ring. “Get into your own state of mind.” I nodded just as music started playing. A sudden memory came back to me.
“I am the Phoenix,” I said, closing my eyes and opening them back up.
“Wha?” Matt asked, turning to face me.
“Princess of Darkness, the Phoenix.” I said, hopping from foot to foot. I missed the look that went between the two brothers. Without realizing it, I ran out right on queue. Jeff and Matt followed right behind me. The song was really upbeat, and it was easy for me to get into it. The divas, which I learned the names of Maria, Candice Michelle, and Ashley, had gotten me ring gear, including boots.
“And, making her way to the ring, being accompanied by Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Phoenix.” the woman in the ring announced as we ran down to the ring. I waved to the crowd, shocked by the cheers I was getting. I stood in the corner of the ring, leaning my head against the pole, taking in deep breaths. Suddenly a song started playing, that sounded kind of oriental mixed with modern rock. I turned just as Amy came out, a tall man with blond hair following her.
“Adam,” Matt whispered in my ear. I nodded, knowing exactly who he was. I stretched my arms and legs out more, shaking my hands out as my heart began to race. I didn’t tear my gaze from her.
“And coming down the ring, being accompanied by Edge, Lita!” the woman announcer called. She walked out of the ring as Amy got in. Adam staying on the floor. Jeff and Matt was already down there as well. A bell rang three times, and I knew it was time to start.
“Come on, lets see how much you really remember.” Amy called, getting into a stance. I got into a stance as well, and Amy’s eyes went shocked. I walked up the her and locked my arms around her head as she did the same with me. I fought her off, and threw her to the ropes, which bounced her back toward me. I jumped and kicked both legs out, surprised when I made contact. I stood up quickly and grabbed her, putting her head under my arm. I grabbed her pants and picked her up, tossing her over my shoulder and making her land on her back. She grabbed her back and rolled from the ring, toward Adam. I started to follow her, but a man in black and white stripes stopped me.
“I need to count her out,” he whispered to me. I walked back toward Jeff and Matt.
“Keep it up Riley!” Matt called. “She’s so shocked she has no idea what to do.”
“She was expecting you to be a complete dud!” Jeff said. “She never expected a suplex out of you.” The man in the stripes reached 7 before Amy came back into the ring. Amy reached for me and we grabbed each other the way we did before, but this time she got her arm around my head, cutting off my air. I tried to think of how to get rid of her, when it suddenly hit me. I wiggled my arm behind her and grabbed her around the waist, hoisting her up and slamming her to the ring. I quickly made a cover, but she kicked out.
“Go Riley!” Jeff called, clapping his hands.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to be completely honest when I say I didn’t not expect this what so ever.” a voice said from a table behind Matt and Jeff. “This young woman was viciously ambushed a few months ago, and it completely wiped out her memory, but yet here she is, performing as if nothing has happened.” For some reason, that gave me an extra boost of energy. I glanced up and took at the pole in the corner, then to Amy. I grabbed her and threw her at the ropes, using my arm to knock her to the ground. She lay stunned, so I pulled her to a corner. I walked out onto the edge of the ring, and started climbing the ropes.
“No, Riley don’t!” Jeff’s voice shouted. I ignored him. I reached the top, and stood up straighter. Without thinking about it, I jumped, doing a flip in mid-air and landing on Amy on my stomach. I gasped when the breath was knocked out of me, but on instinct I hooked her leg. The man counted to three, and the bell rang.
“You do that again and I’ll kill you,” Jeff said as he hugged me slid into the ring. He grabbed me up and hugged me, Matt wrapping his arm around the both of us.
“And here’s your winner, the Phoenix!” the announcer woman said. The guy in stripes along with Jeff held my arms up. I was still gasping for breath. Music started playing, followed by a voice. I watched as Vince walked out of the backstage area.
“Phoenix,” he said. I leaned against the ropes, feeling more tired than I’ve ever felt, but more energized than before as well. “Well, what can I say. I honestly didn’t expect you to win. I know a lot of people didn’t expect so, I think it goes to show that you have a natural talent in this business.” Jeff walked and stood beside me, Matt was on my other side.
“I’m not asking you to make a choice right now, but how would you like to permanently come back to work for me?” he asked. I stood frozen. I glanced at Jeff, then Matt.
“We’ll talk later,” Jeff said, walking out of the ring. I followed suit, walking backstage.
“Was you serious?” I asked Vince when I caught up with him.
“Absolutely.” he said. “I want you to come back Riley. You’re just what this company needs.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, Riley back in action in more ways than one!!
so just for a little bit of trivia, Phoenix didn't come from Beth Phoenix *incase anyone thought that.* The Phoenix is my wrestling nickname in my family. When I make a female character, I always called her The Phoenix, and she normally wears a red and black mask, has black hair with red eyes and a red and black outfit, I lover her :D
so here's the update and it's longer this time...more coming soon!
oh and for the playlist, check out the following songs
Hardy Boyz Theme
Lovefurypassionenergy (lita's theme)
and No Chance in Hell