Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 32

“Come on, we’ll go talk more in my office,” Vince said. I glanced back at Matt and Jeff, who shrugged.
“Go, just don’t let him talk you into anything you don’t want to do.” Matt said. I nodded and followed McMahon to his office. We walked in, and I froze.
“Kane, what are you doing in here?” Vince asked, looking up at the huge monster of a man standing in the office. He was wearing only tights and boots, and his head was bald. He turned to face me, and my heart skipped several beats. He had one brown eye and on electric blue one.
“Princess,” Kane said, bowing down to me. As petrified as I was, I still couldn’t help but feel confusion settle in on me.
“Riley, this is Glenn Jacobs, he’s your father’s on screen brother.” Vince said. “Glenn, she doesn’t remember you.” Vince said. “She doesn’t remember a lot of anything.”
“The way she was performing out there just now begs to differ.” Glenn said, glancing my way.
“Are you taller than my Dad?” I asked before I could stop myself. Vince and Glenn stared at me.
“I see what you mean now,” Glenn muttered, turning to face Vince. “The lights are on but nobody’s home.”
“Exactly,” Vince said. “And yes, Riley. He is taller than Mark.”
“He’s 6’10, I’m 7 even.” Glenn added.
“Wow, I don’t even come up to your shoulders!” I stood next to him and placed my hand as far up as my head went. Keeping my hand, still I measured where I came up to on him, and I was far from his shoulders.
“Riley, did you hit your head on the ring or something?” Vince asked suddenly. I turned to face him, confused.
“No, I’m just in a really good mood.” I said. “Right before I walked out to the ring, it’s like everything hit me all at once. Everything I was supposed to do. Then I looked at the corner, and had this urge to jump and fly, and I did it!” I noticed Vince and Glenn glance as each other, knowing looks in their eyes. “Which eye is real, the blue one or the brown one?” I asked Glenn.
“The brown one.” he answered.
“Riley,” Vince said, causing me to turn back to face him. “Riley, that feeling you just described, it’s passion for this business. You, your father. Both of you has a passion for this company I couldn’t describe to anyone. You left and started working at a diner,”
“The diner near home?” I asked, confused.
“I’m not sure, I just know it was a diner. Anyway, you came back right away, to do something else, but you came back to the company. Now look, three months after a serious injury, you have the fighting fire lit back up.”
“And that’s a good thing?” I asked, still confused.
“Yes, it’s a very good thing.” Glenn said. “I know Mark, we’ve working together for a long time, and still occasionally team up or face one another. The passion I see in you is the same exact one I see in him.”
“I’m not ready to come back,” I said. “I mean, look at me, I’m asking Glenn about his height and if his eyes are real!”
“That’s expected out of you right now.” Vince said, walking around his desk and sitting on the edge of it. “We’ll put you in a storyline with Amy Dumas. You have unsettled business with her, and she with you. You two can work it out in the ring.”
“I’m not sure,” I said, picking my fingernails.
“Just think it over. Talk it over with whoever you need to, but I’ll need an answer soon.” Vince said. I nodded and walked out of the office, not paying attention to where I was going, so it was a surprise when I ran into someone. I was knocked to the ground, so I threw my arms out to break my fall.
“Are you okay?” the person I hit asked. I nodded and looked up. I didn’t know who he was, but his hair was long brown with the occasional blond highlight. He was wearing bedazzled tights with fur on the bottom and a huge fur trench coat, obviously on his way to the ring.
“Fine,” I said, accepting his offered hand, letting him pull me up.
“You don’t remember me do you?” he asked, sounding slightly disappointed.
“Don’t feel bad, after that chair shot I don’t remember much of anything,” I said, grabbing my head.
“Oh yeah,” the guy said.
“Ready to go John?” a female voice asked. I turned to see it was Melina. “Oh, hello Riley. Have you reintroduced yourselves yet?”
“No,” John said.
“Okay, Riley, this is John Hennigan, or Johnny Nitro.” Melina said. “He was in the match where Orton attacked you.” I nodded, recognizing his name.
“Hey Riley,” Jeff’s voice said suddenly, walking up behind me. “Everything okay?”
“Fine,” I said. “I need to talk to you Dad and Matt later though,” I informed him. He nodded, as if knowing I would be saying that.
“Well, my match is next, so you ready to head out?” Jeff asked. I nodded.
“Good luck, you’re gonna need it!” Melina called.
“Why?” I asked her.
“I’m against John.” Jeff said, putting his fist out. John put his own fist up to Jeff’s, and we turned to leave.
“Oh hey Riley,” Melina said, running up to me. I turned and she stopped in front of me.
“Cover your ears when John gets the advantage,” she said. I gave her a confused look, but she just smiled and ran back to John.
“What was that about?” I asked Jeff as we walked down the hallway.
“You’ll understand when he gets the advantage.” Jeff muttered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I walked with him back to the curtain that lead to the ring.
“Ready for the ovation?” Jeff asked as his music started playing. He ran through the curtain, and I followed right behind him. We finally made it to the ring, and waited for John and Melina. Just as their music began to play, I was pushed to the ground. I quickly turned to see Jeff standing in front of me, Randy Orton standing in front of him. I slid from the ring and started running up the ramp, but was quickly stopped by someone coming out from the back. Adam Copeland with Amy. I knew I didn’t have a chance, so I quickly ran back toward the ring, just in time to see Jeff get his face planted into the ring mat. I knew I was trapped now. I huddled at the edge of the ring, suddenly feeling a hand grab my hair. I screamed as Orton dragged me into the ring. Jeff hadn’t moved an inch. I quickly aimed for the corner, but was stopped by Randy. I knew this wasn’t part of the show, and I knew it by the way the ring announcers was yelling at them without their microphones.
“Please, don’t.” I whimpered, tears falling from my eyes. Jeff still hadn’t moved and I tried crawling toward him, but I was stuck in the corner.
“Get a chair,” Orton told Adam. He nodded and jumped from the ring. Amy reached down and grabbed my hair, her face inches from mine.
“Prepare to lose that memory of yours for good.” She whispered, kissing my cheek. I glanced toward Jeff when the lights suddenly went out. I felt someone grab me and pull me from the ring, they clasped a hand over my mouth to cover my screaming. When the lights came back on, I realized we were under the ring, and it was Matt who had grabbed me.
“I have no idea what they’re playing at.” Matt muttered, staring at the ring above us. I screamed slightly as the bottom of the ring bounced. “They’ll shut the lights off again and we’ll make our escape then.” Matt whispered just as they went off a second time. “Go,” he said, pushing me from beneath the ring. I didn’t think about looking in the ring. I ran straight to the back, going the way Matt was leading. When we were backstage again, I gasped for breath and tears still streamed my face. Dad walked in from the curtain, followed by men in stripes. They were supporting Jeff.
“Jeff, are you okay?” I asked, running up to him. He nodded.
“What about you?” he asked, taking my head in his hands.
“I’m fine.” I said. “I was worried about you.”
“Orton tried to sneak attack again,” Matt said, grabbing his brother as he started falling over. “But he had help this time.”
“Adam and Amy,” I said, nodding. I wiped the tears off my cheeks finally, feeling my heart rate go back to normal.
“What is their problems?” I asked, just as they were brought into the backstage area. Amy looked up and seen us standing together. She looked angry enough to slap me, but glanced at Dad and thought better of it.
“No idea.” Jeff muttered.
“Are you sure your okay Jeff?” I asked him, grabbing his face with my hands. He nodded and ran my thumb over his cheek.
“Did Amy whisper something to you?” Matt asked, forcing me to look away from Jeff.
“She said ‘prepare to lose that memory or yours for good’” I answered him. I put my hands back down to my sides.
“Let’s get Jeff home.” Dad muttered, helping Matt take Jeff to the locker room. I went back to the Diva’s locker room, where Melina was sitting.
“Oh goodness Riley,” She said when I walked in, throwing her arms around me. “I saw what happened are you okay?”
“Yeah, we’re going to take Jeff home.” I informed her, picking up my clothes and changing into them.
“Keep those,” Melina said, when she seen I had no idea what to do with the outfit I was just in. “They were welcome back gifts from the girls. We knew you were coming anyway, so we wanted to be prepared.”
“Thank you,” I said. “I’d better get going. I’ll see you around.” I said.
“Are you planning on coming back?” Melina asked. I paused for a moment, thinking.
“There’s no way I’m letting that fly.” I said simply. “I’ll see you next show.” I walked from the room, only to be met by Matt, Jeff and Dad. Jeff was walking on his own, but it was apparent he was still dizzy from the face plant.
“Ready?” Dad asked.
“One minute.” I said, walking down the hall. I knocked on Vince’s office door and walked in. He looked up from his desk, surprised.
“I’m coming back for next weeks show.” I told him. He looked up and nodded.
“We’ll do the paperwork next week.” he informed me. I nodded and left the office, joining everyone outside by Dad’s SUV.
“Wait, Jeff and I drove.” I said.
“We all drove separately.”
“Riley, you’ll have to drive Jeff’s car,” Matt said, reaching into his brother’s pocket and grabbing the car keys. “Just follow your Dad and me, and I’ll show you how to get to Jeff’s house.” I nodded and Jeff slid into the passenger seat as I got behind the wheel. I turned the key in the ignition, and looked down at the transmission.
“Damn it.” I muttered, seeing it was standard.
“I’ll help you,” Jeff said, shutting his eyes against the light. I followed Matt’s car out of the parking lot.
“Shift,” Jeff said when it reached a certain speed. With his help, I was able to get us home safely, and I was actually able to determine when to shift on my own.
“You drive very well,” Jeff said, stumbling out of the car. I laughed and handed up his keys. He pointed to one and I used it to unlock the front door. I helped him up into his bedroom, stripping him down to just his boxers.
“Riley, I have a secret.” Jeff whispered. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head toward him. “I still love you,” he whispered, pressing his lips to my cheek. I drew my head back, staring at him.
“Uhm, I’ll let you get some rest.” I said quickly. I left the room, and went into the bedroom I’ve been using for the last 3 months. I changed into nightclothes and climbed into bed, but I didn’t sleep that night. I kept thinking over what Jeff said, even though I knew he was knocked senseless. I tossed and turned, thinking about the kiss he left on my cheek. When the sun rose the next morning, I got out of bed after a couple hours of sleep and went to Jeff’s room, only to find it empty. I walked into the kitchen to find him sitting at the counter, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper.
“Morning.” I said, announcing I was in the room. “How you feeling?”
“Nothing a good night sleep couldn’t hurt.” Jeff replied, smiling. Then his face became serious. “Riley, I know you think I was loopy from the RKO last night,” Jeff began.
“The wha?” I asked, pausing with my hand on the fridge. He smiled.
“The RKO, Randy’s move.” Jeff explained. “Anyway, I know you thought I was out of it after that move hit me last night,” he continued. “I was perfectly clear by the time we got home last night Riley. I meant what I said. I still love you.”

I felt my heart race as he spoke those words to me. I didn’t know what to say.
“Jeff,” I started, but my voice trailed off. “I don’t know what to say about that, mainly because I don’t know how I feel right now.” I said finally.
“It’s fine, I know you don’t. You’re confused and still trying to get yourself back together, but I just wanted you to know.” He got up from the stool and placed his empty cup into the sink. “I’m going to go into town for a while.” he said. He kissed the top of my head, and quickly walked from the house. I stood in the same spot for a long moment. Finally I decided to take a quick shower and clean around the house a little. By the time I got dressed, I was even more confused. All I could think about was Jeff’s words. How easily he admitted he still loved me. I had no emotions to compare love to, so I didn’t know how I truly felt about him. A knock at the door brought me from my thoughts.
“Hi,” Marylyn said as she walked into the double wide. “Are you okay? You’re awfully pale.”
“No I’m not,” I said truthfully, walking into the living room and sitting on the couch. “Jeff told me he still loves me.”
“Why is that a bad thing?” Aunt Marylyn asked, sitting next to me.
“I don’t know how I feel about him.” I said. “I don’t really have any feelings to compare love with, so I don’t know if I love him too, or if I just love him as my best friend.”
“What would help,” Aunt Marylyn said. “Is you remembering what it was like when you two were dating.”
“How would that help?” I asked uncertainly.
“If you can remember the way you acted toward him then, you can compare it to see if you act that way now.” Aunt Marylyn replied.
“But I can’t remember, that’s the problem.” I said, bringing my knee up to my chest and resting my head on it. “I feel like I love him, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.”
“Then we’ll just have to find it out.” Aunt Marylyn said. “Now, I remember the way you acted toward him while you were together, so I’ll ask you questions and see where we go from there. Do you two have long glances at one another?”
“Sometimes,” I replied, thinking it over.
“Do you feel like your melting when your near him?”
“All the time, and when he touches me I get a sense of electricity going through me.” I answered.
“When you think of him, what do you think about?” Aunt Marylyn asked. I blushed as the first thought came to my mind. “Tell me Riley,” she egged on.
“How good looking he is and I wonder if he looks that good naked.” I replied, turning a brighter red. Aunt Marylyn laughed, grabbing my hand.
“Don’t worry, this is staying between the two of us.” She said. “But what else do you think about?”
“How bright his eyes are,” I said. “How unique and sweet he is.” I answered, my blush deepening even more.
“How do you feel right now?” she asked. I paused to think about how I was feeling.
“My heart’s racing because I’m thinking about him. I’m sad, but joyful at the same time. Like I’m missing him because he’s not here.”
“Riley girl, you’re still in love with the man.” Aunt Marylyn replied, smiling. “I can see it in your eyes. You love him more than life itself.”
“But, how?” I asked, confused.
“You love his personality. The fact that he’s completely different than most guys around here, and the fact that he’s so good looking.” Marylyn replied. The front door opened and closed, announcing someone was here. We watched as Jeff came into view, his hair damp and blown back.
“It’s starting to snow,” he explained, shaking his hair out.
“What do you want to do right now?” Marylyn whispered to me, glancing toward me. “Don’t say anything, just do it.” I glanced at her, then stood up and walked up to Jeff. I grabbed the scarf from around his neck and hung it on the rack beside the door.
“What’s this for?” he asked, looking at me confused. I put a finger to my lips and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, standing on my toes and pulling him down at the same time. He hesitated when my lips pressed against his, but he quickly started kissing me back. When we broke apart, we were both breathless.
“What was that for?” Jeff asked, staring at me.
“Because I wanted to,” I replied. “And because I wanted to thank you, and that was the only way I could think of.”
“Well, how about I thank you then?” Jeff asked, smiling and pressing his lips to mine again. I melted into him, only being supported by his larger body.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” my aunt’s voice rang out of nowhere. We broke apart so fast his teeth had a hold of my lip.
“Ouch,” I muttered, rubbing my lip. “Sorry Aunt Mary,” I said.
“It’s fine deary. I was a young woman in love too.” she said. “I think I might go suggest a romantic night with my husband.” she walked from the house, and Jeff and I turned to face each other, both our faces looked repulsed and amused at the same time. We both laughed and Jeff finally shrugged out of his coat, hanging it with his scarf.
“It’s cold outside,” he said, rubbing his hands together.
“Hot chocolate?” I asked, making my way to the kitchen. I grabbed the teapot and filled it with water, grabbing out two mugs and two packets of cocoa mix and setting them on the counter.
“I can think of something else that’ll warm me up,” Jeff said, lifting me so I was sitting on the counter. He stood in between my legs and kissed me again.
“I love you,” I whispered to him when we broke apart.
“No more confusion?” he asked.
“Oh, there’ll always be confusion,” I said. “But no more on how I feel about you.” I pressed my lips against his again. This time he swiped his tongue across my lips, trying to put it into my mouth. I opened my mouth, sliding my tongue into his mouth as well. A whistling broke us apart, but we continued to stare at each other, breathless. Jeff finally gulped and broke our eye contact.
“Water’s ready.” he said, moving back slightly. I jumped from the counter and grabbed the pot mitt, using it to pour the water into the mugs. I added the cocoa to the mugs and mixed it in. Jeff took up one mug while I grabbed the other. We sat on the couch, my legs drawn up and my body leaning against his.
“Riley, do you regret anything?” Jeff asked suddenly.
“What do you mean?” I asked, taking a careful sip of the hot liquid.
“Moving in here, kissing me, anything?” he asked. I thought for a moment.
“I guess not.” I said, finally. “I mean, if I wouldn’t of lost my memory, I wouldn’t really remember the fight that broke us apart.”
“But now you don’t remember your family, your friends.” Jeff said, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. “You don’t remember what it was like with us before.”
“Then that gives us a fresh start.” I said, turning to face him. “People can’t just jump into a relationship where it left off. It would be to awkward. So if we were as far gone as I’m hearing we were, then we really do need a fresh start.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Jeff muttered, sighing. “I just wish things was back to the way they were before.”
“They will be, in time.” I said. “That’s all I need is time to get my memory completely back.”
“That might not happen for years Riley.” Jeff said.
“And by that time they’ll probably just be memories that I’ll end up forgetting anyway.” I said.
“You got a point there.” Jeff muttered. “Okay, then it’s a fresh start, and how about we make it an official fresh start by me taking you on a date this Friday.” I smiled and nodded.
“Sounds perfectly fine to me.” I said, leaning back against him. I felt his arms wrap around me, and I snuggled into him more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jeff and Riley's back together :D and Riley agreed to go back to the company...good thing, or bad?
thanks for the comments and everything
more will be coming soon!! :D
Hardy Boyz Theme
Paparazzi by Jim Johnston
WWE Themes-The Undertaker