Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 35

“So, have anything planned for tonight?” I asked Riley after a minute in silence.
“Nope.” she said.
“Good, cause I wanted to take you out tonight. Just me and you in Raleigh.” I said.
“Sounds fun.” Riley said. “What did you have in mind?”
“Oh, just a little dinner at a nice place for a change.” I said. Little dinner? Yeah right.
“Sounds great. What time do we leave?” she asked.
“A while.” I said, glancing at my watch.
“Do I have enough time to go down to Claribel’s and look for a nice dress?” Riley asked me.
“Absolutely.” I said. That would be good, that way I can call Matt, and her dad.
“Great.” She said. “I’ll be back soon.” She ran out the front door and jumped into her car. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and dialed Mark’s number. He answered, and I told him my plans.
“I wanted your approval.” I said, after I finished.
“You got it.” Mark said. We talked a few more minutes before I got off to call Matt.
“Hey, I’m doing it tonight.” I informed him.
“Really? When, where?”
“In Raleigh,” I said. “I don’t know exactly when yet, but I’ll call you to let you know what happens.”
“You better.” Matt said. “Or else your not invited over here again.”
“Like that’s a downer.” I mumbled. Matt was silent for a minute.
“Okay whatever. Good luck tonight man.” he said finally.
“Thanks, I think I’ll need it.” I replied. We hung up and I ran upstairs, into the closet. I grabbed out my suit and tie, along with the dress shoes I got to go with the outfit. I knew it would be to much already, so I put the tie back and grabbed a pair of my best jeans and a pair of sneakers. I pulled buttoned up my shirt and walked into the bathroom, brushing out my hair and pulling it into a half-ponytail. Went back into the bedroom and grabbed out the package from my drawer, placing it in the pocket of my blazer. I walked around the house, readjusting a few things that didn’t even really need changing. When the front door opened an hour later, I jumped, not expecting it.
“Wow, you look nice,” Riley said as she walked into the living room where I was sitting.
“Thanks.” I said, standing up and facing her.
“I’m going to go get ready now.” she said, grabbing the bag I didn’t realize she was carrying up the stairs. I waited what seemed an eternity when it was really only 2 hours. Longer than it normally took, but the wait was well worth it. The reservations was at 6, and it was now 4:30, with nearly an hour car ride to get to Raleigh. When Riley came down the stairs, all thoughts of time and nerves fled my mind. She was beautiful. Her hair was down in soft curls, she taken her time with her make up. Her dress was knee length, black and fit her like a glove.
“Is this okay?” she asked, twirling on the spot.
“You look, wow.” I said, unable to find the right word to describe her. She blushed and smiled. I grabbed her hand and lead her outside, opening her door for her. I got into the car, and made the long drive to Raleigh.
~POV: Riley~
The look on Jeff’s face when I walked downstairs was more than enough. I had reached my goal. He was speechless. The drive to Raleigh was long and quiet, but never uncomfortable. I could sense Jeff had something on his mind, but I knew better than to pry to find out what it was. We reached a very elegant looking restaurant, and I ran my hands down my new dress seeing most people wearing more expensive dresses.
“Stop fussing, you look beautiful.” Jeff said suddenly, grabbing my hand. He led me inside, and walked up to the hostess.
“Hardy party of two,” he told her. She checked her books, and nodded.
“Right this way sir.” she said, directing us to a table set for two people. Jeff made sure I was sitting before he took his own seat.
“Your waiter will be right with you.” she said, glancing Jeff over. I couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous, but I kept it to myself.
“This place is so fancy,” I commented to Jeff, looking around. “Nothing like the diner.”
“I know,” Jeff agreed, looking around as well. “But, this is a special night, I wanted to go to a newer place.”
“What’s so special about tonight?” I asked, confused. They never told me anything special about April, except that Wrestlemania mainly happens in the month.
“Just something,” Jeff said, smiling. The waiter, a man around our age, walked up to us. I noticed him glance at me several times before saying anything.
“Hello, I’m Tony and I’ll be your server for the evening. May I start you out with a taste of our best red or white wines?” Jeff glanced at me, and I just shrugged.
“Not thanks,” he said. “She doesn’t really drink.”
“Really? That’s a good way to go,” Tony said, glancing me up and down again. I reached out and grabbed Jeff’s hand, locking our fingers together.
“If you want something, I could always give it a try honey,” I said.
“Okay then,” Jeff said. “We’ll go white wine,” he told Tony. When the guy left, he looked at me amused. “He was totally checking you out,” he said, a laugh in his voice.
“Didn’t really notice.” I said, shrugging. “That hostess was a little friendly toward you as well,” I said teasingly.
“Really? Hm, maybe I should as her for her number.” he winked at me.
“You do that, I’ll make sure you don’t have any kids with anyone.” I said, smiling wickedly. Tony came back at that moment with two glasses and a bottle of wine.
“I’ll let you do the honors, to see if you like it.” Jeff said, pouring a small amount into the glass in front of me. I took a sip, and looked surprised. It was better than I expected.
“We’ll keep it.” I said, nodding. Jeff laughed and poured more into my glass, filling it halfway up. He filled his own glass and set the bottle a pail of ice. “Keeps it cool,” he explained, obviously seeing the confusion in my eyes.
“Are you ready to order or do you need another minute?” Tony asked.
“Another minute please.” Jeff said. Tony nodded and quickly left. We opened our menus, and looked them over.
“You know, I think I prefer the diner.” I muttered after a minute of looking the menu over.
“Same here.” Jeff said. “This sounds interesting escargot.” I was taking a sip of wine when I spat a little out from laughing.
“Jeff, do you even know what that is?” I asked finally, grabbing my napkin and wiping my mouth. When he gave me a confused look, I laughed more. “Escargot is French for snails.” He gave a disgusted look, and quickly looked over the menu more.
“Oh, shrimp.” I said, seeing it. I glanced at the price, and nearly screamed.
“Don’t worry about price,” Jeff said as if reading my mind.
“How can I not?” I asked. “15 bucks for 4 pieces of shrimp?” I asked, amazed.
“They always over charge. Just don’t worry about it. We’re out having fun tonight sweetheart, don’t let that bother you.”
“Okay,” I said slowly. “I guess I’ll get the shrimp.”
“Sounds good.” Jeff said, shutting his menu. Tony showed up just then. “We’re ready to order.” Jeff told him.
“And what can I get for you?” he asked.
“The shrimp scampi,” I said.
“Would you like butter sauce to go with it?” Tony asked.
“Please,” I answered. He nodded and turned to Jeff.
“Same please.” Jeff answered. Tony nodded and took our menus. When he left, Jeff grabbed my hand again.
“You look really beautiful tonight you know that?” he asked me.
“Thank you,” I replied. “You clean up good yourself.”
“Thank you,” Jeff replied. I noticed him go back into his own thoughts, nerves started showing on his face.
“Are you okay?” I asked him. “You seem to have something big on your mind.”
“It’s nothing,” Jeff said.
“You sure?” I asked, running my hand up and down his arm. “You’ve been distracted the who way here.”
“It’s nothing, really.” Jeff said. “Just something that’s come up.”
“Oh, business?” I asked.
“Not exactly,” he said, but I could tell he was avoiding telling me something. I let the subject drop as our food arrived.
“Bon Appetite.” Tony said, as he laid out plates down. Jeff and I ate in silence, and I was shocked by how good the food really was. By the time we were ready to leave, Jeff was more nervous than before.
“Okay Jeff, your sweating,” I said, using my napkin to wipe his forehead.
“You know I just said something came up?” he asked, suddenly. I nodded, unsure of where this was going. “Well, this is it.” he said. I watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. It was a little maroon ring case.
“Riley Michelle Calaway,” he started. “I’ve loved you since the first night we met 18 years ago. I didn’t realize what kind of love it was because I was to young to understand it.” he stopped and took a deep breath. I knew what was happening, but I didn’t believe it. “When you lost your memory, that was the worst time of my life. I was serious when I said I have no idea what I would do without you. You’re my best friend, the love of my life.” he stood up and walked around the table, standing in front of me. He bent onto one knee, and I knew it was really happening. “Will you marry me?” he asked, opening the box. I couldn’t help it, I felt tears run down my cheeks as I stared at him in shock.

~POV: Jeff~
I couldn’t help but smile at the look on her face. Tears was streaming down her cheeks and her eyes was wide with shock.
“So, will you?” I asked again when she didn’t say anything. She nodded, still probably to shocked to say anything.
“Yes, she finally whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, her tears soaking into the shoulder of my blazer. I pulled back and pulled the ring from the case. She held up her left hand and I pushed the ring onto the third finger. She smiled and pressed her lips to mine.
“So, you ready to go?” I asked. “We have an engagement to announce.”
“Let’s go,” Riley said, standing up. I paid for the bill and we left, heading back home.
“So are we going to tell them on the phone or in person?” I asked as we drove down the highway.
“I think in person will be better,” she said, staring at her ring. “This is so beautiful Jeff. I love it.”
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this to happen.” I said, grabbing her hand.
“About as long as I’ve wanted it to happen.” she said, leaning her head back and smiling at me. The rest of the ride was as silent as it was before, but somehow it took us less time to get home than it took to get to Raleigh. We made it to the house, and collapsed onto the couch.
“You know, I think we should wait till tomorrow to tell them.” I said, wrapping my arms around her. Then I suddenly remembered something. “Damn we can’t.” I muttered. “I told Matt I’ll tell him what happened.” Riley groaned, but smiled.
“Okay, I’ll call my family and you call yours.” she said, kicking her shoes off and standing up. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Matt’s number.
“Hey you guys back?” Matt asked.
“Yeah. I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang out with us for a while.”
“Yeah sure.” Matt answered. “See you in a few.” he hung up the phone, so I quickly dialed my Dad’s number. He agreed to come over as well.
“Well, my aunt, uncle, father, step-mother and half brother are all on their way over.” Riley said, walking back into the room.
“Think we should invite Shannon and Shane as well?” I asked, slightly sarcastic.
“They can wait.” she answered, wrapping her arms around my neck. She just pressed our lips together when the front door opened.
“Hey the whole cavalries here!” Matt’s voice called. We turned just as everyone walked into the room.
“So, we have an announcement.” I said, keeping my arms around Riley. Matt’s eyes grew wide at the smile that was on mine and Riley’s faces.
“We’re engaged.” we both said at the same time. Riley lifted her hand to show them the ring.
“Oh my goodness!” Riley’s aunt screamed, causing her little brother Gunner to jump. She ran up to us and nearly suffocated us in a hug.
“Congratulations you two.” Matt said next.
“I would say welcome to the family, but you’ve been part of our family for years Riley.” Dad said, hugging her.
“Let’s celebrate!” Mark shouted, grabbing Riley’s step-mother and spinning her around.
♠ ♠ ♠
I for one love weddings don't you? :D but they're finally engaged!!
no playlist for this one,