Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 4

“Happy Birthday!” The crowd of people shouted. I blushed as Jeff waved to people. He was the attention lover. I just stood by him and tried to stay invisible.
“We’re officially teenagers Riley!” Jeff shouted.
“13.” I said nodding. I looked into the crowd.

Most of the people here were friends from school, a mixture of Jeff’s and my own. Jeff’s dad, Mr. Hardy, was standing beside Jeff’s older brother Matt. A few feet away from them were my dad, my uncle Paul and my Aunt Marylyn.

“Okay,” our friend Ron said. “Which of you is older?”
“I am.” Jeff said proudly.
“Yeah, by two hours.” I said. Ron laughed while Jeff looked beat down, which made me laugh.
“Riley!” I heard my dad’s voice call. I turned and seen him walking toward me.
“Riley, I’m sorry honey, but I have to go. I have work to do at home.” Dad said. I was slightly hurt, but nodded in understanding.
“Okay Dad. Thanks for coming for my birthday.” I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. Quickly, he left the party, which was at the Hardy’s house, and walked up the road toward my house.
“Riley, are you okay?” Jeff asked behind me. I looked up at him and nodded.
“Come on, let’s go back to the party.” I said.

Thankfully, Aunt Marylyn decided I was old enough to dress myself now, so I wasn’t wearing a dress or skirt or anything. I was wearing a plain pair of jeans and a white T-Shirt. Jeff, coincidentally was wearing the same thing. The difference was he was wearing a baseball cap.

“So, how’s your swing coming along?” Ron asked Jeff.

I tuned them out and went to go find my aunt and uncle. They were talking baseball again. Of course Jeff couldn’t go a day without talking about it, considering he wants to be a professional player when he grew up.

“Hey are you getting the pay-per-view tonight?” Uncle Paul was asking Mr. Hardy.
“You know it.” Mr. Hardy answered. “Well, hello there Riley, where’s your other half?” It was a running joke around here. They said Jeff and I were each others shadows or half of Siamese twins.
“Over there talking baseball.” I said, pointing in the direction I just came from.
“Okay, well I better go get him then. He needs to start telling his other friends that he’ll see them later.” I watched as Mr. Hardy left and walked up to Jeff.
“Hey Riley.” a voice behind me said. I turned and seen Matt standing behind me. “Happy birthday kid.” he said.
“I’m not a kid anymore.” I said, smiling. This was mine and his thing; pick on each other just like a brother and sister, which we basically were.
“Not technically, but you’re still kid enough for me consider you one.” Matt said.
“Oh wow, big 15 year old picking on a 13 year old.” I said.
“Hey, I’ll be 16 in a few weeks.” Matt said. “Don’t forget my birthday’s only 22 days after yours.”
“Sorry, can’t help but forget.” I said. Matt gave me a playful glare, but was distracted by Jeff bouncing up to us.
“August 31, 1990 is the best day of my life.” Jeff said, putting his arm around my shoulders and leaning on me. “September 1 for you.” he said.
“Yeah yeah.” I said back. “It’s getting a little late isn’t it?” I asked, looking down at the watch my aunt had just bought me for my birthday.
“Not really.” Matt answered. “Of course I still have a later curfew than you two.” He laughed and walked away.
“Punk.” Jeff whispered under his breath.
“Before you go Riley, I want to show you something.” Jeff said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the woods. He didn’t stop walking until we were well hidden in the trees.
“Happy birthday Riley.” Jeff said, handing me a wrapped box.
“I thought we weren’t giving each other anything.” I said, staring at the bright purple and green paper.
“We said we weren’t, but I wanted to give this to you anyway.” Jeff said, placing the box in my hand.
“I didn’t get you anything.” I said.
“I didn’t buy this, I made it.” he said. I looked at him before slowly ripping at the paper. Inside was a very old jewelry case.
“Open it.” Jeff said.

I opened it. Inside were two beaded bracelets. One mirrored the paper; the other was blue and orange. The purple and green bracelet said ‘best’ while the blue and orange bracelet said ‘friends’.

“Jeff, they’re beautiful.” I said, staring at them. Jeff smiled and grabbed the purple and green one and placed it on my left wrist. I was very still as he gently tied it.
“Let me guess, this one if for you?” I asked, holding up the blue and orange one. He nodded and held out his right wrist. I tied it around it. He held my left hand with his right one to where the bracelets read out “Best Friends.”
“I love it Jeff. Thank you.” I said, giving him a hug. He smiled and the two of us started walking back toward the house together. I looked up and realized it was nearly dark.
“We should hurry up and get back to the house.” Jeff said as he started walking faster.
“You’re not gonna get us lost are you?” I asked playfully. He snickered and kept walking. Soon enough we were standing at the edge of the woods, looking into his backyard.
“Did we get lost?” he asked me. I jabbed his ribs and started running toward my uncle.
“Help me Uncle Paul. He wants to eat my brain!” I cried, hiding behind my uncle. Uncle Paul just laughed and tried to move out of the way, but I had my arms wrapped around his waist.
“Who’s eating whose brain?” Matt asked behind Jeff.
“I guess I am.” Jeff replied, trying to get passed my uncle to get to me. Out of nowhere I felt a pair of strong hands grab me.
“Here you go Jeff.” Matt’s voice said from somewhere behind me.
“No, he’s a brain eater!” I yelled, laughing as Matt pinned me to the ground.

Jeff jumped on top of me, straddling my stomach. He tickled my sides, not stopping until his Dad told him to let me up before I had a stroke. I sat on the ground for a minute catching my breath. Soon it was time for me and Uncle Paul to head home. Aunt Marylyn had already left.

“Hey Uncle Paul, can Jeff stay the night?” I asked before leaving.
“I don’t think that’ll be a good idea.” Uncle Paul said looking at Mr. Hardy.
“Why not?” I asked, looking between them. Jeff looked confused as well.
“We have something to do tomorrow.” Uncle Paul said.
“What?” I asked.
“Let’s just head home.” Uncle Paul said.

I nodded and turned to look at Jeff. He looked disappointed as well. We said bye to the Hardy’s and left, walking home in silence. We walked up to our house and I saw my father’s car still in the driveway. Surprised, I walked into the house and seen him sitting at the kitchen table with Aunt Marylyn.

“Dad, what are you doing here?” I asked, sitting next to him. “I thought you had to work.”
“No, something came up here.” he said. “My daughter just turned 13.” he said. “Plus I just learned my contract is running out and the company isn’t going to renew it. So after November I’m out of work.”
“You are?” I asked him. He nodded.
“Not unless I can get signed by someone else.” Dad said. “The contract is officially up; I just have to finish this feud out.”
“Where are you going to go?” Uncle Paul asked Dad. Dad shrugged.
“Maybe to that one guy I told you about. He’s still got his offer.” Dad said. I didn’t know who they were talking about, and didn’t really care.
“Aunt Mary, how come Jeff can’t stay the night tonight?” I asked. Dad froze and Uncle Paul looked nervous.
“You men…” Aunt Marylyn shook her head. “She’s thirteen, she needs to hear this some time.” Aunt Marylyn said. “Here we’ll go talk in your room so these men won’t have to hear anything.” I followed Aunt Marylyn into my bedroom.
“Okay Riley, you’re 13 now. So you’re body’s going to be going through some changes.”
“Like what?” I asked, honestly curious. I wanted to know what was going to happen to my body.
“Well, you’ll get a lot taller for one.” Aunt Marylyn said. “And you’ll be becoming more developed. You’ll understand what that means when it starts. Also, you’ll be starting to, uhm, well.” for some reason she started getting really nervous then. “How to put this…” Aunt Marylyn mumbled under her breath. “You’ll be getting monthly visits from mother nature.” she said finally. “I’ll tell you more about those when they start okay honey?” I nodded.
“Well, get some sleep.” Aunt Marylyn said. She left the room just as Dad walked in.
“Was that more uncomfortable for her or for you?” he asked, shutting the door behind him.
“Her I think. I don’t even understand what she was talking about.” I answered honestly.
“You will, soon.” Dad said. “What she was trying to explain Riley is that you’re body is going to start getting ready for adulthood. It’s called puberty.”
“Oh, I heard that word before in health class. That’s all she had to say. I know what she’s talking about now.” I said. Dad laughed.
“I can’t wait to see her face when I tell her that.” Dad said. “Well, go ahead and get some sleep sweetie. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight Dad.” I said, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Night baby.” He said. He stood up and left the room. I had just changed into my night clothes when I heard the phone ring.
“Riley! It’s Jeff!” Dad’s voice called. I quickly ran into the living room and grabbed the phone from him.
“Hey Jeff.” I said.
“Hey Riley.” his voice replied. “I just wanted to say goodnight.”
“Oh okay. Goodnight Jeff.” I said.
“Did you find out why I wasn’t able to stay over?” he asked.
“Something about puberty.” I said just as Aunt Marylyn walked by me. She gave me a shocked looked and turned to Dad, who I seen was trying to hold back a laugh.
“Well, I got to get off here. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jeff said.
“Goodnight Jeff. See you tomorrow.” I said before hanging up. “I’m going to bed.” I told my family.
“Night.” They all said.

I walked back into my bedroom and shut the door and light off. Crawling into bed, I played with the beaded bracelet still on my left wrist, wondering exactly what Jeff was doing then as well. Rolling over, I turned and faced the wall, shutting my eyes and letting myself get pulled into sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
*I need to remember to add all this before I post lol*
just so ppl know...I'm going by Matt and Jeff's real birthdays...Matt's birthday is September 23rd and Jeff's is on August 31st...

The made up birthday is Riley's which is September 1st, making her younger by two hours like she said in the story haha...but yeah just thought I'd clear that up incase anyone got confused on it lol
Lizzy Vengeance