Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 40

~4 months later~
“Happy birthday!” I said to Jeff, holding up a wrapped present.
“I thought we were doing this tomorrow on your birthday,” Jeff said, taking the gift into his hands.
“I wanted to surprise you,” I said, sitting next to him on the couch. “Open it,” I insisted. Jeff reached for a corner when my cell phone rang in my pocket. I cursed and pulled it out, surprised that it was McMahon’s number on the called ID.
“Vince, hey.” I answered.
“Riley, good I’m glad I caught you,” Vince said. “I need to speak with Jeff, where is he?”
“Right here,” I answered, handing Jeff the phone. He set the present on the table and stood up, walking to the kitchen. I waited for him to come back, and was immediately alert when he returned.
“Damn it!” He shouted, so fiercely I jumped.
“Jeff what’s wrong?” I asked him, sitting on the table to see into his eyes. He was livid, and there was a hint of regret in his eyes. “What happened?” I tried again.
“I took something for pain that I shouldn’t of,” he mumbled. “They found it in the drug test.”
“They suspended you didn’t they?” I asked, shocked.
“30 days.”
“T-thirty?” I repeated.
“Damn it I’m sorry Riley.” Jeff said. “I promise you I’m not on anything anymore. I just took something I didn’t think would harm me with the test, but apparently, it did.”
“Jeff, you don’t have to explain,” I said. “I know you didn’t do this on purpose.”
“I guess now I have time to help Sara, Mary, and Mandy with wedding plans.” Jeff said, shrugging.
“There you go, think positively.” I said, trying to lighten his mood. He gave me a weird look.
“At least open this,” I said, picking up the present and handing it to him.
“I don’t deserve it,” Jeff muttered, taking it but placing it back on the table.
“Jeff, please don’t let this get you down.” I said. “Wasn’t there a billion things you wanted to do around here that you said you never had time to do?” when he nodded I continued. “Now’s your chance to do them! You wanted to create more Aluminummies, so get creating. You can work more with your band, or whatever you want.”
“You know what, you’re right.” Jeff said, grabbing my hand. “I can really take this time to work things over.” he said. “And we really do need to start attempting more details with the wedding. It’s in what, 8 months?” I nodded, my heart fluttering. In 8 months I’ll be Riley Hardy, even though it was funny to say, it sounded nice.
“Do you realize that both our names end with a long e sound and we’re both going to be Hardys?” I asked him suddenly. “Jeffrey Hardy, Riley Hardy.”
“I never noticed,” Jeff muttered thinking it over. “But we have our middle names too. Jeffrey Nero Hardy, Riley Michelle Hardy.”
“Yeah the middle names even them out.” I said, replaying it in my head.
“Now we have to tell them I’ll be home for a month.” Jeff said, suddenly nervous.
“Jeff, they’ll understand.” I said. “They know you almost as well as I do.”
“Almost?” he asked confused.
“I know what your adult body looks like,” I said, teasing in my voice. “Your Dad knows what it was like when you were a baby, but he doesn’t now, but I do.”
“You’re going to kill me woman,” Jeff muttered to me, claiming my lips with his. I smiled, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.
“Jeff, will you do me one little favor?” I asked him.
“What’s that?” he asked, pulling back to look at me.
“Open your present?” I asked him, uncertainly. He just stared at me before sighing.
“Fine,” he said, grabbing the colorful paper covered present from the table. He tore the paper off and glanced at me, amusement in his eyes.
“Are you serious?” He asked, laughing. He stared at the plain brown box, taped up with a whole roll of scotch tape. He pulled out his pocket knife and used it to cut the tape open. “Riley!” He shouted in shock, staring at what was in the box. He pulled out lotions and gels, and finally two more boxes.
“Are you serious?” he asked again, staring at me. I couldn’t stop myself any long. I died laughing.
“No you dummy!” I said, laughing even harder. “Your face is priceless.” I said. “No, I’m not serious with that.”
“Then what the hell?” he asked, staring at me.
“Matt’s idea.” I said, grabbing the plain brown box. I dug through the Styrofoam peanuts until I found his real gift. “Here, this is it for real,” I said, handing it to him. He stared at the velvet box, not sure whether he wanted this or the novelty box more.
“I promise, no gels or lotions or condiments.” I said. He opened the velvet box slowly, sighing with relief when he seen what was in it.
“When did you do this?” he asked, holding up the bracelet that was in the box. It was a leather cuff, with his initials stitched into the material.
“Not long ago,” I admitted. “But it didn’t really take long, the stitching is what took the most time.”
“I love it,” he said, pressing his lips to mine. “So, can I give you my present now?” he asked.
“If you want to,” I replied. He ran up to the bedroom while I cleaned up the wrapping paper from his present. I looked around for the novelty box items, but they were gone. I knew he would like that one though. His footsteps rushed back into the living room, where he jumped over the back of the couch to sit back down.
“Your going to end up falling one of these days,” I said, as he handed me a medium sized box.
“There’s actually two things for you.” he said. “I just wanted to give you this one first because it was the lesser of the two.” I gave him a confused look and unwrapped the wrapping paper, balling it up and adding it with the paper from Jeff’s present. I turned back to the box to see it was a velvet case as well.
“Jeff, you got me this ring, what more can you give me?” I asked him, groaning slightly.
“Something more personal, but something that shows your now part of the Hardy family.” Jeff replied. I gave him a confused look as I opened the case. When I saw what was inside, I smiled. It was a smaller version of the Hardy Boyz symbol, on a small chain. Normally they came on big balled necklaces made more for a man’s neck than anything.
“I love it Jeff,” I said, taking it out of the case. He grabbed it as I lifted my hair out of the way.
“Now your officially a Hardy girl.” he said, kissing the nape of my neck. I felt a shiver run down my spine.
“I’m not legally a Hardy until May though,” I replied, clasping the tiny H-B symbol in my hand.
“Maybe not, but you’ve always been a Hardy to us.” Jeff said, kissing me behind the ear now.
“So, what happened to your first present?” I asked him teasingly.
“Why do you want to know?” Jeff asked.
“Oh, I don’t know.” I muttered, I was thinking maybe we could try some of the lotions out later.” I felt his body press against mine, and I knew I was torturing him.
“Hm, I just might hold you to that,” Jeff said just as the knock came from the front door. Confused, I walked to the door, knowing it would be awkward for Jeff to answer it.
“Riley!” the person said. I heard Jeff curse as Oscar walked into the house, followed by his wife Angie and his kids Dominick and Aalyah.
“Hey Oscar!” I said just as Jeff quickly ran upstairs.
“Hey Riley, what’s going on?” Oscar asked, hugging me. I greeted Angie then the kids.
“Nothing much,” I finally answered him.
“Hey, where’s Jeff?” he asked. “I thought I just seen him walking through there.”
“He probably went to the bathroom,” I said. “Well come on in. I lead them to the living room, where the present mess was still strewn on the table. “Sorry, about this.” I said, quickly picking it up.
“That’s why were here.” Oscar said. “We knew Jeff’s birthday was today and our family vacation is us touring for a while. We have a show somewhere in Virginia and this place is on the way there.”
“Yeah it is isn’t it?” I asked just as Jeff reentered the room.
“Oscar, hey what are you doing here?” Jeff asked. I noticed his forehead looked a little wet, but decided to ignore it.
“Hey Jeff man, happy birthday.” Oscar said.
“You know Riley’s birthday is tomorrow,” Jeff said, smirking at me.
“Really?” Angie asked. I nodded as I sat down, Jeff sitting next to me.
“That explains the paper,” Angie said. “Exchanging gifts?”
“Kinda, I gave her half of hers, but there’s still one more half left.” Jeff said.
Ooo really?” Angie asked. “What did he just give you?”
“This,” I showed her the necklace.
“What did you just give Jeff?” Oscar asked. Jeff held out his wrist to show him the wrist cuff.
“Wow, that’s neat.” Oscar said.
“Hey Angie, will you help me in the kitchen real quick?” I asked her suddenly.
“What’s up?” Angie asked, walking into the kitchen with me. I started a pot of coffee, then turning around to face her.
“There’s a party, for Jeff tonight.” I said. “My aunt and uncle know how crazy we get, so they stay home.”
“Are you asking if we want to keep the kids with them and attend the party?” Angie asked. When I nodded, she thought for a minute. “I’ll talk to Oscar about it,” she said.
“Okay,” I replied, reaching into a cabinet and grabbing out four mugs.
“Coffee if you want any!” I called into the living room. A couple minutes later Jeff and Oscar walked into the room.
“So, what are you going to do?” Oscar asked, sitting on a stool at the counter.
“What do you mean?” Angie asked him.
“Jeff was just suspended,” I answered her.
“I’m going to help Riley’s aunt, step-mother and Matt’s girlfriend with the wedding plans, plus some of other stuff I’ve had to put off.” Jeff answered, pouring the coffee into the four different mugs. I walked to the cabinet and grabbed out a packet of hot cocoa mix. I grabbed my coffee and added milk, sugar and the cocoa to it.
“Sounds like a plan to me, when’s the wedding anyway?” Oscar asked, taking a sip from his mug.
“May 3rd,” I answered, smiling at Jeff.
“May, 8 months then right?” Angie asked. “Have you started working on your dress or anything?”
“Not yet,” I answered. “I’ve been busy with touring and interviews and stuff.”
“Better get to work on it,” Angie said. “You never know what problems will come up.”
“Yeah I know,” I said, sipping from my mug. There was a squeal followed by kids running into the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
so I forgot to mention this last chapter, but May 3rd is actually a really important day for me personally. It was the day my aunt and uncle got married, and my aunt passed away 5 years ago, so I wanted to incorporate her in some way
anyway, Jeff and Riley's birthdays! Lets take a vote, would you think it's cool or weird to have your birthday just one day before/after your spouse's birthday?
thanks for comments
more coming soon!