Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 43

“Are you serious?” I asked, shocked just as Jeff walked up to me.
“It’s going to lead up to Vengeance: Night of Champions, and we’re going to have a match!” Melina said.
“What’s up?” Jeff asked, looking between the two of us.
“Melina’s going to win the Women’s title,” I explained. “And when she does, I get a title shot!”
“That’s great Riley!” Jeff said, hugging me. “It’s about time you get your shot.”
“I can’t wait to tell Dad,” I said, jumping up and down.
“Tell me what?” Dad’s voice asked behind me.
“I didn’t know you were here.” I said.
“I just came by to tell Jeff happy birthday before his officially ended.” Dad said, shrugging. “But I heard you had something to tell me, shoot.”
“I’m getting a title shot at Vengeance,” I told him. His eyes got wide with surprise and excitement.
“That’s awesome sweetie!” he said, spinning me around in a hug. Jeff was still smiling, but it wasn’t reaching his eyes.
“What’s wrong Jeff?” I asked him. He just shook his head and walked away. I glanced over at Mandy, who was looking at me.
“What’s with him?” Dad asked.
“Don’t say anything, but McMahon called him this morning. He was suspended for a failed drug test.” I told him. “30 days.”
“If he stays straight, they’ll let him back in earlier,” Dad said. “I’ve seen it happen. He just might make it back in time to see you in your first title match.”
“Oh my god.” I said, realizing it. “I could become women’s champion.”
“Good luck.” Melina said.
“You too,” I said as she walked away. “I have to go find Jeff and talk to him.” I said just as Matt walked up to me.
“Hey, is what Jeff saying true?” Matt asked when he reached me. “Was he really suspended?”
“Yeah he was.” I replied.
“30 days?” he asked to clarify. I nodded. “No wonder he’s so damn down right now.”
“I know, he didn’t even seem excited by the thought that Riley could very well be the new Women’s Champion come Vengeance.” Dad said, smirking.
“You’re getting a title shot?” Matt asked, shocked. I nodded, not able to help the smile. “I have to go find Jeff,” I said walking through the crowd. I was stopped once by Ron Killings, better known as R-Truth, then again by Paul and Stephanie. When I finally reached the stairs leading to the basement, Matt’s media room, I walked down, knowing that’s exactly where Jeff went.
“Jeff,” I said when I found him sitting on the couch. He didn’t look up as I walked up to him and sat down. “Jeff talk to me,” I said.
“What’s there to say?” he asked. “I’m fucking 30 years old now and my life is a mess.”
“No, it’s not.” I said. “I just talked to Dad, he said if you follow your suspension the way they want it, you could come back sooner. We’re going to be married in 8 months Jeff. I know it seems so far away, but the day will be here faster than we know it will.”
“How can you do that?” he asked suddenly. “See everything so optimistically.”
“Jeff, you of all people I’m far from optimistic,” I said. “But hey, even a storm at night has a little bit of moonlight in it, you just have to find it, and when you do, hold onto it until the storm passes. This is our storm at night Jeff, now we just need to find our beam of moonlight to grasp onto.” We were silent a long moment.
“I’m going to ask another stupid question, but how the hell is it that you know exactly what to say to make me feel better?” he said suddenly. I just smiled.
“Easy,” I said. “We’re just a like, and that’s something that would of made me feel better, plus I know you well enough to know what works and what doesn’t.”
“So there’s a chance I could avoid the whole 30 days?” he asked.
“There better be, I want my man in my corner for my title match!” I said.
“Damn, you got a title match, that is so great honey. Think of it, Riley Calaway, the new Women’s Champion.”
“I like the sound of it, but I would be happy for Melina if she keeps it.” I said. “It’s just a great opportunity to get the title shot.”
“Yeah it is,” Jeff agreed. “Come on, we’re missing out own party.” Jeff said, standing up with my hand in his.
“Hey there you two are,” Matt said when he spotted us. “We’re going to sing you happy birthday.”
“No Matt no!” I shouted, getting pushed to the front of the crowd. Jeff laughed as I hid behind him.
“Riley, you perform in front of millions of people every Monday night, and you can’t take a little birthday singing?” he asked, turning around the face me.
“Never have, never will.” I said, burying my face in his chest. He laughed and forced me in front of him, but I refused to look at anyone.
“Riley, Riley Riley Riley,” everyone started chanting. Seeing I had no other choice, I slowly turned around, my face burning from the heat I felt in it. After everyone sang happy birthday, I quickly sat down in a chair, my head falling into my lap.
“Riley, don’t die on us,” Matt said, rubbing my back.
“I hate you guys,” I muttered, looking pointedly at them. “I need a drink.” I muttered, going into the kitchen. I contemplated a Smirnoff, but decided against it. I haven’t drank anything since the wine from the dinner where Jeff proposed. I knew I would be drunk within minutes. I grabbed a soda and walked back into the living room.
“C’mon Riley, you’re 30 now!” Matt shouted. I glanced at the clock on the wall and sure enough it was nearly midnight. I was almost 30 as well. “Take a chance, take a shot!”
“No thank you Matt, as you recall, I’ve only had one alcoholic drink my entire life, and if I take anything strong, I’ll be drunk and passed out within minutes.” I said, opening the can.
“Here then,” Jeff said, grabbing my can and holding up his drink. “I’ll pour a tiny bit of this into your soda, that way you’ll get some alcohol, and you don’t have to worry about getting to drunk.”
“Fine,” I said. I watched as he poured a little of his rum into my coke.
“You know that’s an actual drink right?” Matt said as Jeff handed my can back to me.
“Okay, just because I don’t drink it doesn’t mean I don’t know what they’re called.” I said, taking a sip from the can. The alcohol burnt going down, but it wasn’t all that bad.
“We’ll just need to keep an eye on her,” Jeff said. Matt nodded his agreement.
“Hey, we’re going to go head on out.” Melina said, walking up behind me a couple hours later. I had moved from quarter sized amounts of liquor in my sodas to a little bit more, and I was getting a little tipsy.
“Okay Mel!” I said, turning to face her. “I’ll see you later!”
“Is she drunk?” Melina asked, I just laughed.
“Not yet,” Jeff said, chuckling. “But it is the first night she’s drank, so we’re going light on her.”
“Oh, well, see you guys.” Melina left, along with some other people.
“Thank you all for coming, I love all of you!” I shouted, leaning against Jeff. Many people stared at me laughing.
“I think it’s time we took you home.” Jeff said, grabbing my can from my hands. “Sorry Matt, but I got to get Ms. Lightweight out of here before she starts singing something, or worse.”
“Hehe, like you and Matt sang Bohemian Rhapsody the first time you got drunk?” I asked, as Jeff wrapped his arm around my waist.
“We’ll see you all later!” Jeff called as he lead me to the door.
“Cock-a-doodle-do!” I called before the door shut. “I feel perfectly fine,” I said as I stumbled down the stairs with Jeff.
“Sure you do,” he said.
“Jeff, I have a secret,” I whispered.
“And what’s that?” he asked, leaning closer to me.
“I’m drunk,” I said, staring at my hand.
“No, what makes you say that?” Jeff asked. I could see the light of our front porch in front of us.
“That’s not the secret,” I said. “We’re going to go,” I burped by accident, and started again. “We’re going to go to the land of Oz!” I said. “I’m gonna be Dorothy, you’re gonna be the Scarecrow, Jack can be Toto…”
“What about Matt?” he asked, amusement in his voice.
“Matty, will be the Lion!” I said. “RARW!” He laughed so hard it nearly sent the two of us onto the ground. I stopped walking and stared up at Jeff.
“I love you,” I said, leaning up to kiss him. I ended up losing my balance I a felt darkness overcome me. I passed out right then and there.

~6 months later~ ~POV: Matt~
“Matt, do you smell smoke?” Amanda asked me suddenly. I sniffed the air, smelling he slight scent of burning.
“Could be Dad,” I said, walking to the window that faced toward Jeff and Riley’s house. Through the curtain I could see red-orange against the black sky. Panicking, I opened the curtain, realizing it was flames.
“Oh my god, call 911.” I said quickly to Mandy. I ran out of the house, forgetting my shoes and ran down the path that lead to the house.
“Jeff! Riley!” I shouted, staring at the ball of red-orange flames that was just a few minutes ago their house. I looked toward where they normally parked their cars, but couldn’t see anything. I ran back to the house and grabbed the phone, attempting to dial Jeff’s cell phone number 3 times before getting it right.
“Answer the damn phone!” I shouted just a click sounded.
“Matt, what’s going on?” Jeff answered.
“Jeff, thank fuck!” I shouted. “Where’s Riley?”
“Here with me, we’re at Shannon’s place.” he answered.
“You two need to get over here Jeff. You’re place is on fire.” I said.
“What? Matt, Jack!” he shouted. I heard a buzzing, and now understood that Shannon’s place meant his tattoo parlor.
“The house is engulfed Jeff,” I said. “It’ll be a miracle if Jack is okay.”
“We’re on our way.” Jeff said just as I heard sirens wailing from the fire trucks.
“Come on,” I said to Mandy as we ran out of the house.
“Matthew!” Dad’s voice shouted behind us. He was in his truck. “What the hell is going on here?”
“Jeff and Riley’s place is on fire,” I answered, jumping into the bed of his truck while Amanda jumped in beside him.
“Riley, Jeff!” I heard shouted. We pulled up to the blazing house to see it was Mark and Sara, their son Gunner was holding Sara’s hand while their daughter Chasey was in Mark’s arm.
“Mark!” I called.
“Where are they?” he asked, staring at the flames.
“On their way. They were over at Shannon’s tattoo parlor.” I answered him. Another car pulled up, and we knew it was Riley’s aunt and uncle.
“Oh no!” Marylyn shouted, staring as the firefighters worked. When the fire was nearly put out, a car pulled up. We turned just as Jeff and Riley jumped from the car, letting it run.
“Riley!” Marylyn cried, running up to the girl.
“Jack,” I heard Jeff mutter before feeling his rush past me. I grabbed him just in time.
“Jeff, you can’t.” I said, holding him back. Mark, Sara and Paul had moved toward Riley and her aunt while Dad walked up to us.
“Jeffrey, there’s nothing that can be done now.” Dad told him. I felt him collapse as he stared at the remains that was his and Riley’s home.
“This can’t be happening,” he muttered, staring at the ground. “The wedding’s in two months and we have no where.”
“You’re going to my house,” I said in a tone that said there was no point in arguing.
“Jeff,” Riley said, walking up to us. He looked up into her tear stained face. She collapsed on the ground beside him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He held her tightly while they stared at the charred remains of the house.
“He didn’t make it,” Jeff said suddenly. “There’s too much damage.”
“God, Jeff what are we going to do?” Riley asked him. “Everything’s gone. Our furniture, clothes, pictures.” She started crying harder, so suddenly it scared everyone. “All my mom’s stuff was in there!” she shouted. “Everything I had from my mother, they were in there!” My heart broke for her. The only proof of her mother existing was just lost forever.
“I’m sorry Ri,” Mark said, kneeling beside her. A firefighter walked up to us just then.
“Are you the residents here?” he asked, looking down at Jeff and Riley. They nodded, standing up. “As you can see, this place is completely gone. There’s going to be an investigation on what happened here. You can go around and look for anything that might of survived, but I highly doubt there is anything.”
“Thank you.” Marylyn said. We walked toward the house, Riley more stumbling than walking. I held onto one of her arms while Jeff held the other.
“There’s really nothing we can do right now,” Paul said. “It’s too dark.”
“We’ll come back here first thing in the morning.” I said, grasping Jeff’s shoulder. He nodded, not able to tear his eyes from the wreckage. I had to pull him and Riley away from the house. They climbed into the back seat of Jeff’s car while Mandy and I took the front. Dad drove himself home while Mark and Sara walked home. Paul and Marylyn drove home as well. When we reached my house, Mandy helped me get Jeff and Riley out of the car and into the house, up into a spare bedroom. We grabbed clothes for them for the night, it was lucky Mandy and Riley wore the same size.
“Hey, it’ll be okay.” I said to them as they sat on the bed, still shell shocked from the house. “You can build a new house.”
“It’s not just the house Matt,” Jeff whispered, blinking and looking up at me. “Our whole lives was in the house. Pictures, movies, Jack. There’s a lot that was in there that’s just, gone.”
♠ ♠ ♠
update...the infamous house fire of Jeff Hardy in March of 2008.
thanks for the comments
more coming soon!