Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 46

“Go, go , go , go.” Was chanted all around me. I laughed as Melina stood up and danced with the guy in front of us. To be honest I felt a little uncomfortable, but it was helping that I was surrounded by people I knew wouldn’t let me do anything stupid.
“To Riley,” Melinda shouted. “and her last night as a single woman.”
“Girl, from what all of us have heard, that girl’s heart was taken when she was 7!” Mandy shouted, taking a sip of her drink.
“All true!” I said, agreeing with her.
“Didn’t you even play the field once?” Maria asked, turning to look at me. I shook my head.
“Nope, there’s only been one guy for me, and I’ll be walking down the aisle to him tomorrow!” I informed her.
“Now that’s love right there.” Mickie said, holding up her martini glass for a toast. We were all drinking, even though I was going light. I barely remembered the one and only time I’ve gotten drunk before this, and vaguely remember crowing at people before leaving.
“Yes it is,” Sara agreed. “I know I’m Mark’s second wife, but I think I chose the right guy.”
“What do you remember of her?” Amanda asked, turning to face me.
“Who? Dad’s first wife?” When they nodded, I just shrugged. “Nothing much, considering my memory’s still a tad fuzzy, but I don’t think I liked her to much. I can’t remember why, but I just know she did something that made me despise her.” My phone vibrating in my pocket told me I had a call coming in. I pulled the phone out and saw the screen said it was Matt.
“Hey Matty, what’s up?” I said, answering the phone.
“Just playing your favorite song!” he shouted back. I heard drunken voices in the background, and just barely made out the words for Bohemian Rhapsody.
“How many times do I have to tell you to not go to a karaoke bar?” I asked him as the music started changing. It went from fast techno to soft upbeat.
“Where you girls at?” Matt asked.
“Not telling. You guys will just try to come over here, and it’s nirls gight, oops, I mean girls night!” The girls laughed so hard Melina started falling from her chair. I glanced at my watch, it was nearly 1 in the morning and we had to be up by 7. I hung up with Matt and suggested that we head to my Dad and Sara’s house. Everyone agreed. Since Sara was the only one who didn’t drink she ended up driving us back.
“Cause I wanna be a Cowboy baby! Riding all night cause I sleep all day!” Everyone was shouting in the car. By the time we got to the house, everyone was in a full blown singing session of random songs, including I’m A Little Teapot, but a much more adult version of the song.
“Oh Sara, I never told you. Aunt Mary got Matt good last week!” I said to her.
“She did,: Amanda spoke up. “Told us about how she got so hammered one night she started to strip.”
“Why does that not surprise me?” Sara asked, stunned.
“Matt’s face was priceless!” I said, remembering the way he looked. We walked into the house and I immediately collapsed on the couch, my head resting on the back. My eyes started to drift close as I sat there, thinking of the day tomorrow. I looked around and everyone was falling asleep. The ceremony was to start at 10, and we had to wake up at 7 to start getting ready. We had to go to the beauty parlor, then back here to get our dresses on. I finally shut my eyes as sleep could no longer avoid me.

~The next morning: Wedding Day~
“Let’s go!” I shouted at the girls. They were taking forever to get ready to go to the beauty parlor, who went in early by our request. They all finally came down. Sammy’s mom brought her over this morning, so she was with us until the reception.
“Your grouchy this morning,” she commented.
“You’ve no idea,” I muttered, ushering her out the door. We were already 15 minutes late.
“Sara, Melina, we’re late!” I called as they ran down the stairs.
“Sorry, trouble waking up,” Melina muttered.
“Just fair warning,” I said, directing it mainly toward Sara. “I slept on the couch.” I walked out of the house, but not before seeing Sara’s aggravated expression and Melina’s confused one. We finally made it to the shop, where everyone was waiting.
“Sorry we’re late,” I said when I walked in. “There was a little trouble getting a few people awake this morning.”
“It’s perfectly fine,” a woman said. She grabbed my arm and set me in a chair with a sink behind it. The others got into chairs as well. The only sounds from that point was water turning on and off, then the snips of curling irons and scissors as the ladies worked.
“Hey Riley,” Sammy said after a while.
“Yeah?” I asked, moving just my eyes to see her.
“I’m glad your marrying Jeff today.” She said. I smiled and reached my hand out to her, which she took.
“Thank you,” I said, letting go of her hand.
“Let’s work on those nails now,” the woman working with me said. I stood up and walked to the nail station, where Melina was already sitting getting a coat of polish on her nails. I stuck my fingers in the bowl of stuff they give you as the woman went and picked up a few things.
“So, do you want to go artificial or natural?” she asked.
“Natural.” I said, knowing my nails were perfect the way they were. After a few more minutes, she took one of my hands and began working on the manicure. When she polished them, I set my fingers under the drying lamps, sitting beside Melina.
“You’re going to look great, I can just see it.” she said. I smiled and looked around. Sara was getting her nails done now while people was still working with Maria and Mickie’s hair. Sammy had a short pixie cut, so there wasn’t much to do with her hair, so she was already done and ready to go.
“Your nails are dry, let’s get your hair done.” the attendant said. I nodded and walked back to the chair, watching as everyone got finished up. Finally it was just down to me. The woman was taking curlers out as another brought in comb accessories. They piled my curled up hair on top of my head, and locked it in place with the combs. When they finished, I turned to look in the mirror. It was perfect. They even left a side sweep I loved.
“Dress and make up time.” Sara said. We thanked the girls and paid them, then left.
“I just can’t get over how beautiful you look in this,” Sara said when we got back to her house. She was staring at my dress as I sat and got my make up worked on. Everyone else was sliding into their own dresses and shoes. I smiled and closed my eyes to get my eye shadow on. A quick swipe of lip gloss and I was ready to get the dress on. I glanced at the clock, and it was already 9:30.
“Half an hour,” Melina announced, looking at the clock the same time I did. She helped me into my shoes and I grabbed my veil, placing it on top of my head. Throwing it over my face, I turned to face everyone.
“You look magnificent.” Sara said, walking up to hug me. There was a knock on the bedroom door.
“Can we come in?” My dad’s voice rang through the door.
“Depends on who ‘we’ is!” Sara called back.
“Mark and Paul Calaway, father and uncle of the bride.” Dad called. I laughed and nodded. Sara opened the door, and Mark stared at her.
“If you look at good, I can’t wait to see Riley,” he said, bending to kiss her. I threw the veil off my face as Uncle Paul and Aunt Marylyn walked in. She took one look at me and burst into tears.
“Aunt Mary, don’t cry you’ll make me cry.” I said, walking up to her. Dad finally looked up at me, and froze.
“Wow, Riley.” he said. “You look amazing.”
“Thank you,” I said, still hugging Aunt Marylyn.
“No let me go I’ll ruin your dress,” She said, pushing away from me. I laughed as she brushed at the dress. The door opened again as Matt walked into the room.
“Hey sis,” he said, walking up and hugging me. “You look great.”
“So everyone keeps saying,” I said.
“I have this from Jeff.” he said, holding up a box. I grabbed mine and handed it to Mandy.
“She has to take it.” I informed him.
“Before she does,” Matt said, grabbing her hand. “I know you and Jeff wasn’t going on a honeymoon, and the wedding night’s probably more important than the wedding itself, so Amanda and I talked, and we’re going to go stay with Dad and let you and Jeff have the house to yourself tonight. I haven’t told Jeff, we’re going to when we leave here, and take this to him. So, our wedding gift to you is our house on loan for the night.”
“That’s not all of it,” Amanda muttered to me. I just shrugged and opened the box, gasping.
“Since you don’t have anything old, and you already have the borrowed,” Matt explained. “Jeff, Dad and I talked, and we agreed to this.” he pulled out the necklace and wrapped it around my neck. It was one I remembered very well as belonged to Jeff and Matt’s mother.
“I know she would be proud right now.” Matt said, looking up at the ceiling.
“I wish she was here,” I said, touching the necklace.
“She is, in spirit.” Mary said. “As is your mother.” I felt tears prickle the back of my eyes, and tried to fight them back.
“Don’t cry,” Dad said. “You’ll ruin your face.” I smacked his arm as a laugh escaped my lips.

~POV: Jeff~
“15 minutes son,” Dad said as he helped me readjust my tie. I took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly just as the door opened. Matt walked into the room, Amanda right behind him.
“From your future wife,” she said, handing me a box. I opened it, and chuckled. I pulled out a thick bracelet, mine and hers initials carved into it along with the date.
“Leave it to her,” I muttered, smiling. I put it on and looked up, amazed Amanda was still in here.
“We told Riley, so we’re going to tell you.” She said. “Matt and I are staying with Gib tonight, so you and Riley can have your wedding night to yourselves.”
“Wow, thanks guys.” I said, running a hand over my hair. Amanda left the room as Matt walked up to me.
“She started crying.” Matt said, sitting down on the bed.
“She did? Why?” I asked, alarmed.
“She recognized the necklace, started wishing she was here.” Matt replied. I nodded, knowing the feeling exactly.
“Mary told her she was here, in spirit. Then she said Riley’s mother was here in spirit as well. That’s what set her off.” Matt continued.
“Yeah, probably.” I muttered, stretching out my arms. I glanced at the clock. 5 minutes. “Time to head down,” I said just as the door opened and Shane, Shannon, and John Hennigan walked in.
“Ready for this?” John asked, his hair was slicked back like mine, which wasn’t really suiting him to well. I nodded and grabbed my jacket, throwing it on my shoulders. We walked down the where the ceremony was to take place, in the Imagi-Nation. Sara was already down there, sitting with Gunner who was holding his pillow. He didn’t have the rings on there though. Sara was holding Riley’s while Amanda had mine.
“You look so handsome Jeff.” Marylyn’s voice said from behind me. “And you won’t be disappointed by Riley either. She’s radiant.”
“Thanks Mary,” I said, bending to hug her. I took my spot in the front of the line, Matt right behind me. Shane was behind him then Gunner with Sara. Shannon and John was after them. Music began playing as Mickie walked down the aisle, holding her bouquet of flowers. Sammy came up after her, holding her own smaller set. Maria came out followed by Melina, then finally Mandy, her maid of honor came out. The wedding march started playing as people stood up. Since most of the people was taller, including Dalip Singh, I couldn’t see her very well. She reached the front of the aisle, her father holding one arm while her uncle had the other.
“Who gives this woman away today?” the preacher asked.
“Her father, Mark William Calaway.” Mark replied.
“And her uncle, Paul Michael Calaway,” Paul said. She hugged them both and I grabbed her hand, leading her up with me. I pulled her veil from her face, and went breathless. She was stunning. Her dark hair was pulled up, her make up was done. The dress showed off her body in just the right way.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” the preacher said, but I was barely listening. “We are gathered here today to join in the unison of Riley Michelle Calaway and Jeffrey Nero Hardy. Love is the most precious gift one person can give another. You can either take it, and hold it dearly to you for the rest of your life, or you can give it back to the person, and never feel real love again. The bride and groom have decided to use their own vows. Mr. Hardy, if you please.” I shook my head and nodded.
“Riley, when I first met you, I was a 7 year old who didn’t know what love was. I thought it was cooties.” there was a collective laugh and snort from Matt. “I met you, I just thought you was this really cool girl who was into the same things I was into, but then we get older, and I start to realize what an amazing person you really are. I found myself falling in love with you, and I didn’t know how to stop myself. When we were separated for those 8 years, it nearly killed me, and when we had the house fire two months ago, I was just glad that you was beside me, because if Matt would of called me, and you wasn’t around, I would of drove to the house, and jumped into the fire to find you.” I took a deep breath, realizing I was starting to babble. “I love you, Riley Michelle Calaway, and nothing will ever stop that love, be it illness, or death, or what have you. Nothing will break my love for you, and I promise to give you nothing but my all from this day forward.” I noticed her eyes were brighter from unshed tears.
“Ms. Calaway,” the preacher said, turning to her. She took in a deep breath and grabbed my hands.
“Jeffrey, when we met, I had no idea where I was, who I was with, or even who I was. I was confused, lost, and lonely. I passed out on your driveway, and you found me. You saved me, in more ways than you believe you did. I know for certain, that if I wasn’t here right now with you, I would have no meaning in life. You’re my reason for waking up in the morning. You’re the reason I try so hard to make everyday be the best it can possibly be. When I left, I had no idea what I was thinking, and when I heard of the fire, I know we lost a lot, but we didn’t lose everything. We still have each other, and that’s all I can ask for right now. I’ve been through a lot in my past, my mother dying, getting abandoned and meeting my father for the first time. Everything that happened with Ron, there was a lot, but I remember the one thing that I thought about, through it all, was how lucky I was to have you by my side. No matter what it was, you were there for me, and now it’s my turn to be there for you.” I smiled as she finished, resisting the urge to kiss her right there and now.
“Now the rings,” the preacher said. I turned and Sara handed me Riley’s ring, tears overflowing down her cheeks. I turned back to Riley, who was watching Sara as well.
“Repeat after me,” the preacher said. “Riley,” I repeated it. “I devote my every waking moment t you, and promise to remain faithful to you, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor for as long as we both shall live. With this ring, I thee wed.” When I repeated it, I slid the ring on her finger. Riley grabbed her ring from Amanda, and repeated the same thing after the minister, except using my name instead of her own.
“By the power invested in me by the state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you man and wife.” he turned to face me. “You may kiss the bride.”
“Gladly,” I said, reaching for Riley and pulling her to me, my lips crashing on hers. There was cheering, but I barely heard them, and I know Riley didn’t hear it at all. There was the sound of a throat clearing that brought us back to reality. Riley blushed as she leaned on me.
“We would now like to as you to make your way to the reception area.” Matt called. “After you two,” he said, slapping me on the back. Riley and I linked arms and made our way back up the aisle.
“Congratulations you two!” Melina squealed when we reached the outside of the gazebo that was set up for the reception. She hugged Riley then me. Mandy had tears streaming down her face, as Matt tried to discretely wipe a tear as well.
“Aw, big bad Matt Hardy tearing up at a wedding,” I said, wrapping my arm around him.
“Shut up man.” he said. “You’re my brother and now Riley is officially my sister, I’m just happy is all.” he said. I laughed and hugged him again. The band now on my left hand left foreign, but I would get used to it.
“And now, introducing the wedding party!” Sara’s voice called. I noticed Sammy was holding Gunner’s hand.
“Can you handle him kid?” I asked her. She nodded.
“Mickie James, being escorted by John Hennigan.” Sara called. Mickie and John walked out. She then called for Shannon and Maria, then Gunner and Sammy. There was laughter as I guess Gunner ran up to his mother and Sammy tried to pry him from her.
“Melina and Shane,” Sara called next. They walked out and sat down. “The maid of honor Amanda Regine, and the best man, Matt Hardy!” there was loud applause, and we could see through the curtain Matt throw up a V1.
“He’s your brother-in-law,” I reminded Riley.
“Only by choice.” she muttered, smiling up at me. I growled at her and kissed her lips just as Sara’s voice started again.
“And now, the new Mr. And Mrs. Jeff Hardy!” she called. We walked out and immediately saw more people stuck around for the reception than we thought would. We took our place at the long table in the front, Riley beside Mandy and I was beside Matt, on Riley’s right.
“Well, in the words of the late great Steve Urckle, Let’s get down!” Sara called, walking off the stage. Everyone laughed and stood up, including us at the top table.
“Congrats!” someone called. It was Angie and Oscar.
“Thanks you two.” I said as Riley hugged them. I readjusted my tie, trying to give myself more room to breath.
“Take it off,” Riley said, noticing me messing with the thing. I untied it a little more, feeling more free now.
“I was so about to pass out,” I admitted to her. “Between this and seeing how beautiful you look.” I fanned myself dramatically. She laughed and grabbed my hand. There was a lot more people walking up to congratulate us, but I just wanted to get out of here and spend some much needed alone time with my new wife.
“And now we would like to have Jeff and Riley on the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife,” Marylyn’s voice said out of nowhere. I grabbed Riley’s hand as she sighed.
“Humor them,” I muttered. She snorted a laugh and walked up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I grabbed her waist at the song started playing.
“By the way,” she muttered. “Matt picked the songs.”
“terrific,” I muttered as a voice started singing. I knew the song right away. Shania Twain’s You’re Still the One.
“Great choice,” I said, moving the both of us from side to side. Halfway through the song, Riley started singing.
“Ain’t nothing better, we beat the odds together. I’m glad we didn’t listen. Look at what, we would be missing. They said. I’ll bet. They’ll never make it but just look at us holding on. We’re still together, still going strong. You’re still the one I run to, the one that I belong to. You’re still the one I want, for life. You’re still the one that I love, the only one I dream of. You still the one I kiss, goodnight.” I bent my head and kissed her, smiling when she stood on the tips of her toes. The song ended, and I knew it was time for the father daughter dance. I moved off the dance floor as Mark walked up. Riley quickly walked over to Paul and whispered something to him. He nodded and she ran back to Mark, who caught her when she stumbled. A slow high note started playing, and I knew this one as well.
“I have to admit it Matt,” I said because he was right beside me. “You did good with the songs.”
“What did you expect?” Matt asked, feigning hurt in his voice.
“You raise me up, so I can stand on Mountains. You raise me up, walk on stormy seas. I am strong when I am on, your soldiers. You raise me up, to more than I can be.” I noticed Oscar had Aalyah on the dance floor as well, along with Angie and Dom, so I walked over to Marylyn.
“Mary, since I don’t get the mother/son dance, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?” I asked her She nodded and grabbed my hand. We walked up beside Mark and Riley, who smiled when she saw me with her aunt. Paul walked up and Mark stepped away, letting Paul dance with Riley for the rest of the song. After another hour of dancing, they decided it was time for us to open gifts. That went by forever. Riley announced it was time for the bouquet and her garter to be thrown. She stood on the stage, all the unmarried women stood behind her. She tossed it backward, and it was caught by Amanda. I looked over at Matt and winked at him. Riley was already sitting on a chair when I walked up to her. She held out her leg and I reached under her dress, only to feel the slip was on the other leg. I gave her a look and she quickly changed legs, blushing. Nearly everyone laughed at the look on her face.
“Ready guys?” I called, swinging the lace around my head. I shot it like a rubber band, which hit Matt right in the face. He grabbed it and held it at a distance, his nose scrunched as though it was the most repulsive thing on the planet.
“Dude that’s my sister now!” he shouted, laughing. I grabbed Riley around the waist and pulled her to me.
“I’m so ready to get out of here,” I muttered into her ear. She nodded her head in agreement. “Think we can slip out of here?”
“Highly doubtful.” she replied.
“So, now it’s time for dinner and the toasts.” Mark said at the same time. Riley and I took our spots back at the table while they serves the dinners to everyone. We sat and chatted with everyone while conversations buzzed around us. Matt stood up toward the end and tapped his glass with his fork.
“Hello all, so as you all know, I’m Matt Hardy, best man and Jeff’s older brother. What can I say about these two. Jeff’s my brother, Riley’s always been a little sister to me. I love the both of them and couldn’t be happier for them both. I remember when we were kids, wrestling on the trampoline. Well Jeff and I was, Riley had it stuck in her mind she would be a writer, but look at her now, and former Women’s Champion, and one of the best damn Diva’s on the roster!” there was laughter and clapping from many, mainly those from the locker room though. “But, she would watch us, and I would accuse her of showing favoritism toward Jeff, so I guess now it’s true.” He turned to look at us. “Riley, Jeff, congratulations, and I know the rest of your lives together will be filled with happiness and love.” There was a round of applause as Matt stood up and threw another V1 hand symbol. I pulled him back down as Amanda stood up.
“Riley, Jeff. I haven’t known either of you long, but I do know true love when I see it, and I saw it in the two of you the minute I met you. The way you comforted her Jeff at the mall, I could see all the love you have for her in your eyes, and that’s something a lot of people can’t say they see everyday. I see it with the two of you though. The both of you accepted me right away, and that really meant a lot to me. I love you both and wish you all the happiness in the world.” She sat down and Mark was about to stand up when someone walked up to the stage. My heart froze when I seen it was Adam, Amy was by his side.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know uber long, but it's the wedding and I couldn't find a good place to I threw in an encounter with Adam and Amy as a cliffhanger haha...more of the reception coming soon, the their lives really begin ;)
You're Still The One-Shania Twain
You Raise Me Up-Josh Grobin
Riley's Dress
Girls' Dresses
Riley's wedding rings
Jeff's Wedding Band
thanks for the comments
more will be coming soon