Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 47

~POV: Riley~
“Adam, Amy,” Jeff said, looking at them. They both looked around at us uncertainly. Dad ran up to the front, a long with other members of the locker room.
“We’re only here a minute.” Adam said, holding his hand up to stop everyone. “We knew the wedding was today, and we just wanted to come by and say congratulations. We understand why you didn’t want us here…”
“Didn’t want you…” Jeff said, his voice trailing off. “Obviously you haven’t been checking your mail.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the confused look on their faces. I stood up and walked around the table, walking up to them.
“Yes, you both betrayed Matt.” I said. They both looked down. “He’s over it, we’re all over it. Adam, I remember when we all first started. You, Matt and Jeff were really good friends. We understand that with all of that, it was a moment of weakness, for both of you.”
“Exactly, and like Jeff said, I’ve moved on.” Matt said, standing up and walking behind Amanda. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Amanda. Amanda, Adam Copeland and Amy Dumas.”
“Nice to meet the both of you.” Mandy said. They both waved.
“Well, we’re crashing so, we’ll leave.” Amy said, walking toward the curtain that led out of the gazebo.
“I don’t think so,” Jeff said. “Stay awhile.”
“I know you won’t believe this,” I said, as Jeff walked up behind me. “but it would mean a lot to us if you did. It’ll show this silly argument is behind us and we can start off with a clean slate.”
“Why are you being so nice to us, to me?” Amy asked, looking at me.
“Because it’s who she is. She’s bigger than to hold a grudge for any reason.” Jeff answered, his arms going around my waist. I noticed everyone started sitting back down, including Dad.
“Are you sure?” Adam asked, looking between the two of us.
“We actually had a feeling we’d need a couple extra chairs.” Jeff said, looking at the table where we had instructed people to leave the chairs empty.
“We’ll have a better talk later, when there’s more privacy.” Matt said, rubbing Amanda’s shoulders. They both nodded and went to sit down. I turned to face Jeff, who smiled down at me.
“I think your father wants to say something,” he said, glancing up. We sat back down as Dad stood up.
“Well, that was unexpected, but I’m glad they made it.” he said, winking at me. “So, as many know, I’m Mark Calaway, Riley’s father. What many of you don’t really know, however, is the truth about mine and Riley’s relationship. Many people believe I’ve known about her her whole life.” he shook his head. “Not true. I was 16, still living in Texas when she was born. 7 years later, I get a phone call from my brother and his wife, telling me I might have a daughter. At first, I didn’t believe it. I avoided going down there for two years. I wasn’t ready to be a father, not in the slightest. I finally get the nerve to go down, and right there, was a little girl with my green eyes, her mother’s dark hair, and both of our personalities. I felt a connection with that girl the instant I saw her. I knew she was my daughter.” He looked over at me and smiled, I couldn’t help but smile back. “There was still problems though,” he continued with a deep breath. “I was still in college, getting my career started, and working on establishing a relationship with my daughter. It wasn’t working out. So I did the only thing I could think of to do, and also the hardest thing. I left my daughter to get my life on track. It was a couple years until I saw her again, but being the girl we all know and love, even back then, she understood. She was 9, and she understood that in order for me to give her a good life, I had to get my own on track.”
“When she told me she was engaged, I couldn’t believe it. It seemed like just yesterday, I was watching her run around my brother’s yard, dreaming big dreams and just being a kid. I watched her grow up to be this beautiful woman we see in front of us, and I watched as she made her dreams come true. Today, probably the biggest dream she’s ever had came true. She’s married, getting ready to start her own family. I’ve never been as proud of her, as I am today.” I felt tears filling my eyes as he sat down.
“Want to cut the cake?” Jeff whispered in my ear. I looked over at him and nodded. The cake was brought out, and it was placed in front of us. We were both handed knives to cut a little sliver of the cake, along with glasses of red wine. Jeff got his piece cut off before me, so while I was still working with it, I felt the cake get smeared on my nose. I froze and looked up at him. I heard everyone laughing, which I was laughing as well.
“You wanna spend the night on the couch?” I asked him, wiping at my nose. I picked up the piece I cut off and bent my finger, telling him to get closer. When he was close enough, I smeared it over his face, making sure it covered every inch. Everyone laughed as Jeff turned to face everyone.
“Okay, we’ll have fun with the cake, but the wine I promise nothing.” he said, grabbing a napkin and starting to clean my nose off. I worked on his face, laughing. He grabbed one of the glasses of wine while I grabbed the other one and we crossed out arms, Jeff having to bend his knees for me to reach my glass.
“Who wants cake?” Jeff shouted over the cheering. He nodded his head, telling me to follow him. He lead me out of the gazebo. “Getting kinda stuffy in there isn’t it?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me.
“Hell yeah,” I said, taking a deep breath of the air.
“You know what I want to do?” he asked, laying his head on my shoulder and kissing the skin that was exposed on my neck.
“What’s that?” I asked, closing my eyes at the tingling sensations coursing through me.
“Take you home, well to Matt’s house, carry you up the stairs and into the bedroom. Take that dress off your body and…”
“There you two are.” a voice behind us said. I heard Jeff curse and I groaned. We turned to see my aunt standing behind us. “What are you two doing out here?”
“Just getting some fresh air,” I answered.
“It is getting a little stuffy in there,” Aunt Marylyn replied. “We’re almost done, we just have to send you two on your merry little ways and go home.”
“Thank goodness,” I moaned. “I’m so exhausted,”
“And you’ll only get more tired,” Jeff said, kissing my neck again. I giggled and leaned against him.
“C’mon. Let’s go so we can get out of here.” I said, grabbing his hand.
“Everyone’s already out the front at the car.” Mary said. She stopped me with a touch of her hand. “You look really beautiful.”
“Thank you,” I said. “and thank you for everything. I love you so much.” I walked back to her and hugged her.
“Go, go.” She said, sniffling as she pulled away. “Have fun.” she said. We walked through the gazebo and out the other side, where everyone was waiting with the rice and birdseeds.
“See you later!” We both called out, waving. We got into the car and drove to Matt’s house, 30 seconds away. We walked up the steps before Jeff lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn’t slip from his.
“To bad I can’t say welcome home Mrs. Hardy,” he muttered, looking around the entryway.
“Home to me is wherever you are.” I said, pressing my lips to his. He smiled and kissed me back, shutting the door behind us with his foot. He carried me up the stairs and into the bedroom.
“So, are you going to feel guilty if we do this tonight?” Jeff asked, laying me down on the bed and laying on top of me.
“Screw you,” I said, smiling.
“What do you think is about to happen?” he asked, smirking. I just started kissing him again. His hands running all over my body.
“Let’s get this dress off of you,” he said, reaching for the zipper. He pulled it down and helped me stand up, letting the dress fall so I was standing in nothing but undergarments. I took off his tie and vest, unbuttoning the white shirt and pulling it off of him as well, leaving him in a tank top and his slacks.
“Better now that your mostly out of the tux?” I asked him as he laid me back down on the bed.
“You have no idea,” He muttered into my mouth. He trailed the kiss down to my throat and collarbone area, forcing me to throw my head back with a groan.
“I love you, and I’m going to show you so many times tonight.”
“I want you to,” I said, rubbing his bare arms. He smiled and bent to kiss me again, and I was lost in the passion for the rest of the night.

The next morning, I woke up with Jeff’s arms around my waist, contented and blissful for the first time in months. I turned and opened my eyes, Jeff’s sleeping face being the first thing I seen. I was used to it, but I still got an overworked heartbeat when I looked at him, especially now that he was my husband. His eyes opened slowly, but the smile was instant.
“Good morning,” he said, tightening his arms.
“Morning,” I said, laying my head on his shoulder.
“What happened last night?” he asked, so suddenly I couldn’t stop myself from sitting up to stare at him.
“Are you serious?” I asked, running my hand through my hair.
“No, I’m kidding.” he said smiling. “I remember everything Riley, I was just messing around.”
“You have a very cruel sense of humor,” I muttered as he pulled me back against his body.
“Really? And here I thought that’s why you married me.” he said, nuzzling the hollow behind my ear. I felt myself melting as his lips pressed onto my skin.
“I hate that I can’t stay made at you,” I said, turning my head to press my lips against his again. We felt the heat building up more, but reality hit. My stomach growled at the same time his did.
“I guess it’s time to refuel.” he said. I gasped when he pulled me up from the bed, and started carrying me out of the room, completely naked.
“Jeff, Matt and Amanda could be back.” I scolded him, trying to kick myself down.
“MATT! MANDY!” he bellowed, forcing me to cover my ear. There wasn’t an answer. “Not home.” he said, shrugging.
“Smartass,” I muttered as he sat me down on a chair.
“So, what’ll it be? Eggs, cereal?” he asked, looking up at me.
“Clothes!” I said, standing up and walked toward the stairs. I heard his bare feet running toward me so I started to run myself. I made it to the bedroom before he caught me and speared me into the bed.
“Why?” he asked, looking disappointed.
“Jeff, we have no idea when they’ll be back.” I said just as the a sound came from the front door. “Told you,” I said when we heard Matt and Amanda’s voices.
“Jeff, Riley!” Matt’s voice called.
“Matt, they’re probably sleeping still.” Mandy scolded.
“Yeah sleeping,” Matt said, not sounding convinced. “They’re Newlyweds Mandy, they’re not sleeping.”
“Get dressed,” I said, walking to the closet and grabbing out an outfit. We quickly got dressed, but Jeff insisted on carrying me downstairs. I agreed to the bottom of the stairs, but from there I was walking. We reached the bottom of the stairs and he set me down, the both of us walking into the kitchen.
“Good morning,” we said when we walked into the kitchen.
“See they weren’t sleeping.” Matt said from the table.
“Actually we just got up,” Jeff said as I sat down beside Matt. “We heard you two come in so we decided to come down.”
“Yeah yeah, dude don’t pretend around us.” Matt said, leaning back in his chair.
“So, did you two have fun last night?” Mandy asked, looking over at us.
“Yeah,” Jeff said, trying and failing to be discrete.
“I’ll bet,” Matt said, smirking. I just rolled my eyes.
“So, what are we doing today?” I asked Jeff. He shrugged while sipping coffee.
“No idea. We still have to finalize the plans for the new house.” he said, setting his mug down.
“We should try to do that then,” I said, propping my elbows on the table and running my hands over my face.
“Hey, no.” Matt said, looking between the two of us. “You two aren’t even married 24 hours yet and you’re already planning on meeting people.”
“Yeah well, unless you want us to live with you forever Matt, we need to do this.” Jeff said, picking the mug back up.
“I know, but right now?” Matt asked, looking over at me. I nodded.
“We have to Matt. We need to get our own place again soon.” I said, sighing.
“I know,” Matt repeated.
“Beside Matt, they’ve been married 26 hours.” Amanda said, looking at the clock. We looked to see it was noon. We really have been married a whole day.
“Are you going to make it bigger?” Matt asked as Mandy set a coffee mug in front of him.
“Probably,” Jeff replied, sitting next to me. “We will be having kids you know.”
“Duh,” Matt said. I couldn’t help but laugh at the look on his face. “I was just wanting to know.”
“It’s probably not going to be a whole lot bigger, but still big enough.” I said, grabbing Jeff’s hand. He locked our fingers together as I played with the ring on his finger.
“Do you know how weird this feels?” he asked, looking down at the silver band.
“Probably about as weird as it did when I first got mine?” I asked him.
“Probably about like that.” he said. “What time should we go over then?”
“They’re going to be there in about an hour.” I said, glancing at the clock on the stove.
“So about an hour?” he asked. I nodded and laid my head on the table.
“Hey Jeff, your suspension lifts in a couple weeks doesn’t it?” Matt asked suddenly.
“Less than that,” he replied, sounding surprised. “9 days.”
“So, you’ll be back on Raw soon.” I said, lifting my head up.
“Yep,” he said. “Really soon.”

~6 months Later~
“One, two, three!” the ref counted. I screamed as the bell rang. I didn’t have a match, so I was just here to support Jeff.
“Ladies and gentlemen your winner, and NEW WWE Champion, Jeff Hardy!” Lillian Garcia called as Jeff’s music played. He celebrated what seemed an eternity. When he finally made it backstage, the first thing he did was grab me.
“You did it!” I exclaimed, hugging him hard.
“No, we did it.” He said holding the title out to me. I ran my hand over it, admiring the gleam of the gold against the light. “You know just as well as I do that everything we do is together now.”
“Yeah, well I didn’t outlast Paul and Cena to get this now did I?” I asked, pushing it back toward him. “Congratulations honey, you realized a dream.”
“More than one in my lifetime.” he said, pressing his lips to mine.
“Ugh, get a room,” Matt’s voice said from behind us. We broke apart and turned to face him. He was wearing the ECW Championship around his waist. He held out a hand which Jeff grabbed. They both looked at me and I placed my hand on top of both of theirs.
“The Hardys Three, Meant to be.” Matt said, letting his hand drop.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, crappy toward the end, but I think I'm starting to get blocked with this that was the end of the reception, Jeff and Riley are officially married!
Wedding Cake
thanks for commenting
more coming soon *hopefully*