Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 48

We went out to celebrate Jeff’s victory that night. These two were rubbing off on me. I was able to drink 2 shots before I felt anything, and normally just one drop had me singing random songs or crowing at people.
“To Jeff’s first major title!” Matt shouted as he held up another shot glass. I decided that two was pushing the limit so I went with a martini. Jeff had another shot as well.
“May he have many more!” I added.
“Hell yeah!” he shouted before downing his shot. Matt downed his at the same time while I took a drink of my martini.
“Riley?” I heard a timid voice say. I turned around to see an elderly woman standing behind me. She had dark graying hair with dark brown eyes.
“Hello, do I know you?” I asked her as Jeff and Matt turned around.
“N-no, you probably don’t. You haven’t seen me in years, since your mother died actually.” the woman said. I felt my heart freeze. I looked up at Jeff, who was looking down at me. I turned to Matt at the same time he looked at me as well.
“You knew my mother?” I asked her, my guard going up.
“Well of course I did,” she said. “I’m her mother.” Jeff, who was taking a sip of beer, chocked and started coughing violently. I rubbed and patted his back until he was breathing again.
“Wait, you’re her mother’s mother,” Matt said. “So you’re her grandmother?”
“That’s right.” the woman said. “Alexandria Mitchell.” she says, holding out her hand. None of us took it.
“You’re my grandmother?” I repeated Matt’s question. She nodded. I felt Jeff’s hand grab mine as it started forming into a fist. “Do you know the hell I’ve been through?” I shouted at her.
“Whatever do you mean?” Alexandria asked.
“Oh, I don’t know.” I said. “Where do I start? My mother dying for one thing. Her family, you and your family, leaving me to a social worker who ends up abandoning me in the middle of nowhere. I pass out on their driveway and get left with two complete strangers, all in a matter of months!” I said. “Let’s not to mention this shit that’s happened to me since then. Getting sexually assaulted by someone, then getting threatened. Having my damn memory knocked out of my head from a crack to the skull. Oh, and for the hell of it, why not add the fact that my damn house burned to the ground, two months before I got married, and where were you during all this? Oh someone not caring about what happened to me.”
“We did care Riley, it’s just you reminded us so much of your mother…”
“Yeah, sure, right.” I said, slamming my glass down on the bar so hard I’m surprised it didn’t break.
“We’ve been with her ever since this all happened,” Jeff said. “She doesn’t deserve to be treated the way you and your family has treated her, and I’m not going to let her get hurt by you anymore.” he looked down at me. I just turned and stormed away, Jeff and Matt right on my heels. I stopped and turned back to face her.
“Hope you enjoy the abandonment you’re going to be feeling. When you feel it, than you can talk to me.” I stormed out of the bar and toward the side of the building. I lowered myself to the ground just as Jeff came around the corner.
“Riley, I’m sorry honey.” He said, wrapping his arms around me. I clung unto him for the longest moment, my tears soaking the shoulder of his shirt. Over my sobbing I heard Matt calling for a cab. We were in a hotel for the night, so we ended up taking a taxi to the bar. When I felt myself start to calm down, I pulled back from Jeff, but not all the way.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered, rubbing my hand over the tear stain on his shirt.
“Stop, you have nothing to be sorry for. You just let out over 20 years worth of frustration.”
“23 years to be exact,” I said.
“Smartass,” Jeff mumbled, resting his forehead against mine. I smiled as he used the pads of his thumbs to wipe at my cheeks.
“Cab’s here,” Matt said, walking up to us. Jeff stood up, then helped me stand up as well.
“Wait, please wait.” Alexandria’s voice called as we started getting in the cab. “I didn’t come here to argue, I wanted to make up for everything, explain everything as well. Can you come by my house tomorrow afternoon? We could have lunch and everything.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” I said, starting to slide into the car.
“I could tell you about your mother,” Alexandria said in an obvious desperate attempt to get me to come. I stopped and took in a deep breath, looking toward Jeff.
“As long as we’re there with her.” Jeff answered her, looking toward Matt. He nodded, showing his agreement.
“Of course, I would just love to get to know my granddaughter and her friends.” Alexandria replied.
“I’m not just her friend,” Jeff said. “I’m her husband, and Matt’s her brother-in-law.”
“Oh, my mistake.” she said. “So tomorrow, 12 on the dot.” she said. She gave us her address and walked away.
“That woman has some nerve.” I muttered, finally getting into the cab. We made it back to the hotel at 3 in the morning, and I was to wired about the surprise visit to sleep, so I went and hit the gym. Not something I normally do, but Jeff was exhausted and he needed the rest. I walked in and was surprised to see that a few people was in here. Phil Brooks, along with Jason Reso and Adam Copeland.
“Hey guys,” I said, grabbing a set of hand bells.
“Hey, we don’t see you down here to much,” Phil commented, sitting of from the bench press.
“Yeah well, too wired to sleep and Jeff needs the rest.” I said, beginning a set of 10 curls.
“What’s got you so rowdy if it isn’t Jeff?” Jason asked, continuing his leisurely running on the treadmill.
“Ugh, just nothing.” I said, tossing the weights to the floor. I sat there thinking for a minute as Phil left.
“You guys remember,” I started slowly. Jason and Adam stopped and looked at me. “You remember how Jeff, Matt and I told you about my past? How my mother died and her family wouldn’t take me in, so I was left to go down to NC.”
“Yeah, I remember that. It was right before your thing with Jeff and that one girl.” Adam said.
“Yeah,” I replied. “Well, we were just out, and this woman walked up to us. She claimed she was my grandmother.”
“Was she?” Jason asked.
“I have no idea,” I said, staring at him. “If it was her it’s been 23 years since I’ve seen her.”
“Yeah that would cause a problem with memory.” Adam said. “Spot me Jason?” he walked to the bench press.
“Here Ri, take over here.” he said. I walked over the treadmill and picked up the pace really quickly.
“Well, she invited us over to her house tomorrow, to talk about my mother.” I informed them.
“Are you going? You know Raw’s tomorrow night and we’re in the next state over.” Jason said, watching Adam to make sure he wasn’t damaging himself.
“Damn I forgot,” I muttered, feeling my cardio start to kick in. “I was so shocked that she was there I just couldn’t think properly. I guess I’ll have to try to call her and tell her we can’t make it.”
“You don’t have anything to do, you can go on your own.” Adam said, sitting up after setting the dumb bell back on the hooks.
“Yeah right,” I said. “They’ll never got for that, especially if that means leaving me here on my own. You both now that just as well as I do.”
“Yeah well, they need to let you do something on your own.” Jason said.
“I do do things on my own,” I responded. “If you forgot, I was on my own for 8 years and managed great without the two of them. They’re just protective of me.”
“A little too protective I’ll say.” Adam said.
“They’re not overprotective,” I snapped, shutting down the treadmill, jumping off to face them. “Look, both of you. You have no idea what I’ve been through. You had to have been there to fully understand how much I’ve been hurt in my lifetime.”
“Exactly, that’s why this conversation’s done.” a voice said from the door. We turned to see it was Matt, Shawn standing right behind him.
“I heard the three of you down the hall,” Shawn explained.
“Good thing he did too.” Matt said. “We’re rooming tonight so he told me he heard you.” He turned to look at Jason and Adam. “What the hell is wrong with the two of you, telling her to go meet a strange woman on her own. For all we know that woman could be psycho killer trying to get Riley as her next victim!”
“With my luck it could very well happen,” I said.
“Go up to bed Riley,” Shawn said, grabbing my arm.
“That’s why I came down here. I can’t sleep and Jeff’s passed out.” I said to him.
“Read a book,” Matt muttered, leading me into the hallway. “And if you two tell her to do something reckless like that again, you better hope I don’t hear it.” He led me down the hall to his and Shawn’s room.
“So why are you two rooming?” I asked them as we walked into the room.
“Just because we wanted to.” Shawn answered. “You calming down any?”
“No, I’m not going to sleep a wink guys.” I said, running my hand through my hair. “I don’t’ want to keep you up either, so I might go down to the pool and do a few laps.”
“It’s December in Buffalo Riley, the pool’s not open.” Shawn said.
“The indoor one is,” I said, walking toward the door.
“What’s got you so wound up?” Matt asked. “I know it has nothing to do with that woman claiming to be your grandmother.”
“I don’t know what it is,” I replied, sighing. “I can’t settle down, and when I do I can’t get myself back going.”
“You need to take a break from everything Riley.” Shawn said. “What are you doing now? Working on a new house, working yourself to death for this company, and what else?”
“Being a wife to my husband,” I said, as if it was the most obvious answer. “Helping my aunt and uncle with stuff their getting to old to do on their own.”
“You’re trying way to much Riley.” Matt said. “Remember how Jeff told you about how he got burned out?” When I nodded, he continued. “He did the same thing. He tried to do to much and wasn’t take time to collect himself. You’re going to end up like that if you don’t be careful.”
“Even jobbers take frequent rests Riley.” Shawn spoke up.
“Look at Cena, he’s always here, but he’s always refreshed and ready to go. What do you think he does with his free time?”
“How the hell should I know that?” I asked him. “And I know you guys are only trying to help, but I’m fine. Really I’m okay.” As suddenly as I said that I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. It was so severe I gasped and collapsed to the ground. Matt and Shawn was at my side in an instant.
“Go get Jeff,” I heard Matt mutter to Shawn. I heard the door open as he ran from the room. The pain was intensifying, and beyond tolerable.
“What’s wrong Riley?” Matt asked as I scrunched my eyes and gasped again.
“It’s getting worse,” I said just as I felt a sudden gush come from me. I was wearing white gym shorts, so I screamed when I saw the wet spot was read. Matt grabbed my hand as he stared at the blood.
“I’m gonna call for an ambulance,” Matt said, reaching for his cell phone. The door burst open just then and Shawn ran back in, freezing when he saw the blood all over my pants.
“Damn,” he muttered, running his hand over his chin. The pain started getting even worse, so much so I was screaming in agony.
“Riley,” Matt muttered, grabbing my hand again. “Where the hell is Jeffrey?” he asked Shawn.
“No idea, he wasn’t answering the door.” Shawn responded.
“Knucklehead’s probably still sleeping.” Matt said. “Stay with her I’ll go get him.” he said. “An ambulance is on the way.” Matt left and Shawn grabbed my hand as I started shaking violently.
“It’s okay Ri,” Shawn said, but I barely heard him. I was starting to drift off into oblivion. We heard sirens before Matt came back, but he ran back into the room, Jeff on his heels.
“Ri…” Jeff started saying, but her froze when he realized what was really going on. “Oh my…” his voice failed as he stared.
“Jeff you’re not helping!” Matt snapped, shoving past him. Jeff seemed to snap from his trance and collapsed next to my head.
“Hang on Riley, hang on.” He said, grabbing my hand. I felt the coldness of his wedding band on my skin.
“Jeff,” I muttered, taking in a shaky breath. I felt my vision going black again as I heard him call my name. When my vision came back, I wasn’t bleeding to death, nor was I in Matt and Shawn’s room. I was in bed, Jeff shaking me to wake me up and banging on the door.
“Be right there,” Jeff called, standing up.
“Hardy, what’s going on in here?” someone grumbled.
“I’m sorry, Riley was having a nightmare.” Jeff replied. The person said something else, to which Jeff responded to it. I looked around, seeing mine and Jeff’s bags in a corner.
“Damn that was one helluva dream,” Jeff said, walking back to me. My body was soaked, making me go alert. I threw the covers from me to see it was just sweat. “Are you okay?” he asked as I laid back with relief.
“That was so damn real.” I said, getting out of the bed. Jeff walked over and sat down next to me, grabbing my hands into his own.
“What happened?” he asked me, putting his arm around my shoulders.
“I-” my voice froze. “You don’t want to hear it.” I said finally.
“Yes, I do.” He replied gently. “Now, what happened that made you scream loud enough to wake half the hotel?”
“You were sleeping, so I went down to the gym. Phil, Jason and Adam was in there. Phil leaves and Jason, Adam and I end up talking about that woman from the bar, my supposed grandmother.” Jeff nodded his head, showing he knew exactly who I was talking about. “Well, they start talking about you and Matt being overprotective of me, and I start yelling at them. Matt and Shawn end up walking in a minute later, and they talk to Jason and Adam. They take me to their room, and start lecturing me about me taking breaks. I tell them I’m fine, but then I get this really sharp pain in my stomach. I collapse and Shawn runs to wake you up..”
“Wait, is this one of those dreams where I’m not there? Like I randomly disappear into the blue?” Jeff interrupted me. I shook my head.
“The opposite. It takes a while, but you eventually get to me. You’re the last thing I see before I black out.” I said.
“You looked at your body, so what was that about?” Jeff asked.
“I-before you got there, I felt something gush and I was wearing white shorts. There was red all over it. I was bleeding out, and shaking and everything.”
“Oh, damn that nightmare was wacky wasn’t it?” Jeff asked, stroking my hair. I nodded, feeling my body tense up from fear and nerves.
“I think dream Shawn and Matt are right, I’m over stressing myself and not realizing I’m doing it."
♠ ♠ ♠
update, anyone want to freak out on me?, two major twists in the story and I'm so glad I changed from PG-13 to R...*the dream wouldn't of been as gruesome if it wasn't rated R ;)* haha but yeah
thanks for the comments, they make my day/night
more coming soon!