Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 50

~POV: Jeff~
I placed my phone back in my pocket, sighing. I looked around the empty hotel room. Matt came by and invited me to lunch with him and a few others, but I decided not to go. I was waiting for that particular phone call, and now I’ll be waiting for another one tomorrow afternoon. The hotel room door opening told me Matt was back.
“Hey, you okay?” he asked when he walked into the room.
“Yeah,” I said, turning to face him.
“Hear from Ri yet?” he sat down on his bed, flipping the TV on.
“Yeah, just got off the phone with her actually.” I answered, standing up and walking to the window. It had snowed while we were here.
“What’s going on?” Matt asked, finding something to watch.
“She’s already seen a therapist. They have her doing a sleep study tonight.” I said, staring out the window. “I should be there with her Matt.”
“Jeff, she understands. She knows this business better than anyone.” Matt said.
“Still, I need to be there with her. They’re saying something could be physically wrong with her brain.”
“There was something wrong, amnesia from Orton.” Matt said. “That’s all that’s physically wrong. Everything else is just psychological. She’s been holding way to much stuff in and taking its toll on her through her dreams.”
“What if it’s not just from her holding to much in?” I asked, turning to face him.
“Jeff, just stop worrying.” Matt said. “I know she’s your wife and everything, but damn just lay off.” I didn’t respond, but I couldn’t bring myself to completely stop worrying as well. I quickly packed my stuff into a bag and grabbed the WWE belt from the dresser.
“I’m heading to the arena early,” I informed Matt. He shrugged and continued watching the television. I made it to the arena and went straight to the locker room, changing into my ring attire. I walked around the arena for a long while, thinking deeply. I knew Matt was right, I couldn’t keep worrying like this, but I couldn’t stop myself. My wife was away and going through tests and I was here, getting ready to slave away rather than being with her and comforting her.
I walked into the stands and sat down, staring at the ring. I had a gut feeling things weren’t going to go smoothly, but I didn’t know how.

~January 2009: Royal Rumble~
I woke up, dazed. My head was splitting, but I couldn’t remember why.
“What the hell happened?” I asked, looking around. I was in the medical room, a medic looking at the huge lump on my head. No one answered me. They said I was okay to go, so I went to the locker room. I heard my phone beeping from my bag. I looked at the screen, which said I had 9 missed calls. I looked at the recent calls list, and noticed they were all from Riley. I pressed send as I sat down, shaking my head to try to clear it.
“Jeffrey Nero Hardy what the hell was that about!?” she screamed when she answered her phone. I jumped and moved the phone from my ear, her voice cutting through my head.
“What the hell happened?” I asked her in reply.
“You know damn well what happened!” she screeched. “Are you and Matt in some sort of storyline I’m not aware of?”
“Storyline, what?” I asked, even more confused.
“You really have no idea what happened do you?” she asked, concern in her voice.
“No, I don’t. My head is splitting right now and I woke up in the medical room.” I said.
“Matt ambushed you,” she said. That’s when it hit me. Matt coming down the ring, grabbing two chairs to attack Adam with. He hit me with the chair, allowing Adam the win. I groaned, remembering.
“He did,” I said, rubbing my head.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, just a major headache. Nothing a pain reliever won’t cure.” I said. Anger started bubbling up inside me. “Hey, I have to go. I have to see what the hell is going on.” I told her.
“Call me,” she replied. “I love you.”
“Love you,” I hung up the phone and quickly changed into my regular clothes. I stormed through the hall and up to Vince’s office. I didn’t even bother knocking. I stormed in, and froze when I saw Matt standing in the office.
“What the hell was that about?” I asked him, walking up to him. “Huh? What the hell Matt?” He didn’t answer me, he didn’t even look at me. He just walked from the office.
“What the hell is going on here?” I asked McMahon.
“Matt was just requesting a rivalry, against you. It’ll be scripted, but it’s personal.” Vince replied. “You’re not needed right now, so go home. You haven’ been with your wife since she left.” I nodded, storming from the office.

~Friday night~
“I missed you,” Riley said, sitting next to me. It was apparent the therapy was going well. She was glowing and well rested.
“You look amazing,” I said again for the unteenth time since I got back. “I’m really amazed how well rested you look.”
“I haven’t had a nightmare since the last one from last month.” she said happily.
“That’s great,” I said, kissing the side of her head. We were sitting in her aunt and uncle’s house, watching Smackdown. Paul and Marylyn was out somewhere, so it was just the two of us.
“Oooh yeah!” started playing on the TV. I tensed as Matt walked down the ring. He was carrying a chair and microphone. I sat up and watched him. He would of looked pissed to anyone else, but I could see he was regretting having to do this. I knew Riley saw it as well.
“For 10 years, I’ve tried to get each and every single one of you to like me. I’ve signed autographs, I’ve taken pictures. I’ve done everything in my power to make you happy, but it’s never good enough. I’ve been a role model, to kids and adults alike. But all each and everyone of you ever cared about was the irresponsible, self-destructive screw-up known as Jeff Hardy. So from now on, the only person I care about, is me. And Jeff, I have one thing to say to you as well. I know your at home right now, and your watching this. Probably with your little wife, having a good old time. I officially make a decree as of this day. There is no such thing anymore as the Hardy Boys. I no longer consider you my partner, and I no longer consider you my brother, and Riley, you‘re either with me, or with him, and since I know you‘ll choose Jeff over me, you are no longer my sister.” There was a long minute where he just stared at the screen. I looked down at Riley, who had tears in her eyes.
“Riley, you now that was a script. It wasn’t him talking it was the writers.” I said, wrapping my arms around her.
“I know,” she said. “I just hate when you two are rivals like this.” She stood up and walked into the kitchen.
“I know sweetie, but it’s really not going to be for long,” I said, following her.
“Did they have to drag me into it?” she whined. I couldn’t help but smile.
“People know we’re married Ri, if he didn’t mention you, then it wouldn’t seem real.”
“So I’m going to be stuck in the middle of this sibling rivalry,” she said, leaning her arms on the counter.
“No, you’re just going to be part of it by name only. You’re still on leave Riley, so they can’t physically add you to anything until you’re legally back.” I watcher her head nod, but she continued staring into space.
“Riley,” I said, walking up to her and grabbing her hands. “It’s not going to be a big deal,” I said. “It’ll just be me and Matt having a couple matches and arguments on screen, and that’s it.”
“Promise?” she asked, staring at me with large green eyes. I knew I couldn’t promise that.
“Babe, you know I can’t,” I said. “You know how McMahon is, but I promise you none of it will be real.”
“I can accept that,” She said, wrapping her arms around my waist, tucking her head under my chin. I moved my face around to my cheek was resting on the top of her head.

~Smackdown taping~
I waited outside the curtain, waiting for my music to begin. I knew Riley would end up watching this Friday night, and I knew she would hate it, but I knew it was what had to happen. My music began and I took a deep breath, walking out from behind the curtain. There were many confused shouts from the fans as I walked down to the ring. Instead of being in my normal carpenter pants and tank, I was wear a long sleeve button down shirt and jeans. My regular street clothes. I finally made it to the ring as Matt’s eyes followed me filled with confusion. I grabbed the microphone and turned to face Matt as my music died down.
“You have always been there for me,” I said. “and I think we’ve always helped each other out. So I hope you can get over the crazy phase you’re in and realize I’ve done nothing to deserve this.” I paused for a moment as the crowd cheered. “I’m not gonna fight you. Not tonight, not ever, because Matt, whether you like it or not, you are my brother.” Before I finished completely, Matt snatched the microphone from my hand.
“I am not, your brother. And as far as getting over things Jeff, it’s not quit that simple.” He went on to talk about how used I am getting my way, and how this was all about him.
“C’mon, fight me Jeff.” he was saying. This was the part I was dreading. “Come on, come on Jeff fight me.” he reached forward and smacked his hand across my cheek. It stung for real, so the reaction was all true. I bent at the waist for a long moment, listening to Matt urge me to fight him. “C’mon you coward. Come on Jeff damn it I said fight me.” I had straightened up by then, so when I felt the back of his hand on my other cheek, I staggered and kneeled, holding my face. I stood up and faced Matt, shaking my head at him. I walked back up the ramp and through the curtain, my face still stinging from the slaps. I walked into the locker room, and stopped dead in my tracks. Riley was sitting on a bench, talking with her father. They were both facing the screen that displayed what was going on in the ring. Riley stood and faced me, anger in her eyes.
“I thought you said it wasn’t going to go that far,” she said, her hands on her hips.
“It’s part of the story,” I muttered, walking past her and grabbing my bag. “What are you doing here anyway, I thought was still on leave.” I said, turning to face her.
“I came back,” she said. “The advice I was given is helping, so I talked to McMahon and he allowed me to return. I get back here, and I have to watch my brother-in-law slap my husband in the face!” I knew it, she was pissed.
“Riley, just drop it,” I said, walking up to her.
“No,” she said, taking a step back. “You want to be around me, hurry up and end this damn feud before it goes to far! For now, I’ll be with Dad if you need me.” she stormed out of the room. I stared after her, shocked.
“She’s more pissed because you didn’t tell her it was coming,” Mark said from behind me. “You both know how much she hates being out of the loop.”
♠ ♠ ♠
update, and this is going to be the last one for a while *check profile for reasonings* I will be back, but no idea when.
Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me. You are all greatly loved.
so in the words of the the great Jeff Hardy, It's no goodbye forever, it's good bye for now. *or something like that*
thank you