Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 51

“I know,” I said, raking my hands through my hands. “But she knows this is leading up to something Matt and I have both wanted for years.”
“Still doesn’t mean she won’t like it.” Mark said, shrugging. “You know her better than anyone Jeff, she is your wife after all.”
“I’ll talk to her,” I said. “And I’ll stop leaving her out of things, I just did it this time because I knew she would hate it.” I left the locker room and headed toward the Diva’s locker room. I knocked and the door opened, revealing Melina.
“Hello Jeff, looking for Riley?” she asked, a little too coolly. I nodded. “She’s not talking to you.” she started walking back into the locker room.
“Then tell her to listen!” I called before the door shut.

~POV: Riley~
“Then tell her to listen!” I heard Jeff’s voice shout. “I’m sorry I left you out Riley! I wasn’t thinking. We were just told today we’re going to be taking this all the way to Wrestlemania.” My heart skipped a beat. One of their dreams coming true again. They fought with each other at a Wrestlemania, now they’re going to be fighting against each other. I sighed, knowing I couldn’t stay mad at him for following his dream.
“I promise to tell you everything that’s going to happen.” Jeff said. “Like this, there’s going to be a pyro incident with my entrance. I get smacked in the face with it, and it’s all going to turn out to be Matt’s doing.” I smiled, knowing he was trying to make it up to me. I stood and walked up to the door, walking out to face him.
“I’m still pissed at you,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you,” he said shrugging.
“But I’ll forgive you, after all this is done with.” I said, smiling up at him. He smiled back and lowered his head, his lips finding mine.
“Are you going to the hotel with me?” he asked when we broke apart, his thumb rubbing against my chin.
“Of course,” I muttered, leaning my chin against his chest. I rubbed my forehead against his chin, my arms snaking around his waist.
“You two really missed each other haven’t you?” a voice behind us said. We looked to find Shawn standing behind us.
“You know it,” Jeff said, running his fingers through my hair. I laughed and turned back to Shawn.
“Hey, it’s good seeing you again,” I said, wrapping my arms around him.
“Same here. You’re looking great. The nightmares under control?” Shawn asked, hugging me back.
“Yeah, I’m still going through therapy, but not as often as before. My therapist gave me tricks to prevent them.” I said.
“That’s good, at least your getting the rest you need.” Shawn said.
“Yeah, thankfully.” I said, wrapping my arms back around Jeff’s waist. My nose buried in his chest, causing me to notice something. I sniffed his chest, the smell catching me off guard.
“You smell good,” I said, looking up at him. I sniffed again. “Your wearing a new body spray aren’t you?”
“You know me too well,” he said laughing. “Yes I am wearing a new body spray.”
“It suits you,” I took another deep breath of it, feeling tingles in my body as well.
“So you back for good?” Shawn asked. I nodded. He laughed when he saw how distracted Jeff and I really were. “I’ll let you two go spend time together.” he said, backing away.
“We’ll see you later Shawn!” I called as Jeff lifted me up into his arms.
“Got anything here?” he asked.
“Just me, myself and I,” I replied. “My stuff is in Dad’s room.”
“We can get it later,” he muttered. I smiled as his lips pressed against mine again.
“Mrs. Hardy, I think we need to take this someplace more private.” Jeff muttered when we pulled apart.
“I like the way you think,” I murmured, grabbing his hand.

~Smackdown: Two weeks later~
I was watching the taping of Smackdown from the Diva’s locker room. Jeff was in a match with Adam tonight, but it was going to be more than that. I watched as Jeff’s theme music started playing, I took a deep and watched as Jeff appeared, followed by the pyro. I closed my eyes, knowing it was about to happen. I opened them with just enough time to see Jeff rolling on the stage, his face covered by his hands. I couldn’t help but groan, even though I knew he was perfectly fine. Officials and medics poured from the back, including Shane.
“Now all that’s left is the confrontation between Jeff and Matt,” I muttered when they finally got him backstage.

~Smackdown: Confrontation~ ~POV: Matt~
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I asked Riley, who was leaning against a wall beside the curtain. She was dressed ready for action, and she looked great. She was ready to go.
“I have to be,” she said, rubbing her temple with her fingers. “It gets you two to Wrestlemania, and it’s what you want.”
“I know, but I’m going to be bringing up some pretty painful things,” I told her as Jeff walked up to us.
“I’ll be fine. I have to get myself ready for my match with Beth anyway.” she replied. She kissed Jeff on the cheek and hugged me before running off.
“She’ll be fine,” Jeff said, smacking my shoulder. I nodded, knowing it was true. It still didn’t mean I didn’t hate doing this to her.
“Ready?” I asked Jeff. He nodded.
“Don’t forget I hate you right now,” I said with a smirk. He smacked my head and pushed me toward the curtain. My music began playing then, cueing me to go out.
“You’ve been through a lot this year Jeff. A lot of ups, a lot of downs. A lot of highs, lows. And you did suffer a lot of unfortunate accidents Jeff.” I reached into my pocket, pulling out the object I knew would kill Jeff and Riley to see. A piece of Jack the Terrier’s collar. I sniffed it, still smelling the smoke and fire from it.
“Jeff,” I started again. “Do you remember this? I decided I’ll give it to you when the time was right, well, the time is right now. So want to give this to you as a token, as A token of my love, a token of my love for my brother, Jeff Hardy.”
Jeff’s music started playing at that time, and he walked out, his face holding the blank expression he’s been using for a while now. He grabbed the microphone, and faced me.
“This is so hard to believe,” he started. “You’re behind all this. I never thought my own flesh and blood would capable of something so horrible.” I noticed his eyes get brighter, as if holding back tears. “You wanna hurt me don’t cha? You wanna hurt me don’t cha Matt? You hate me, Matt, don’t you? You don’t love me, you hate me.” I gave him a blank stare as his face turned to anger and rage. “You know what Matthew Moore Hardy, you hare yourself more than you can ever know, cause your sick, your twisted,” he turned away from me, breathing heavily. “You’re demented, and so am I.” he turns around and charges at me, trying to punch anywhere he could reach. I quickly rolled from the ring and made my way up the ramp, but I could see the anger and hurt in his eyes. It was real. He hated this, but he wanted it as well. This was turning into the best and worse storyline either of us have ever been in.
“Very emotional,” Mark said when we got backstage and into the locker room. “You might want to check on Riley,” he told Jeff. “I heard someone talking about someone being really upset in the Diva’s locker room.” Jeff nodded and left the room. I sighed and grabbed my bag, digging out my cell phone.
“Think of how it was with me fighting Kane,” Mark said suddenly.
“Yeah, but that’s Undertaker and Kane, not Mark and Glenn.” I said. “You two aren’t really related.”
“You wanted this,” Mark said. “Now you got it.”
“I know,” I said. “I’m excited that this is finally happening as well, but I didn’t realize how personal it would get.”
“It has to be.” Mark said. I nodded, knowing he was right. The locker room door burst open then and Riley came in, followed by Jeff.
“Guess what I just got told by McMahon,” she said, looking between her father and me.
“What?” Mark asked, slightly hesitant.
“They’re going to have Kid Rock perform at Wrestlemania!” she was excited. I could see that.
“Really?” I asked, shocked. She nodded. “And they’re have a Diva’s Ms. Wrestlemania Battle Royal.”
“Are you in it?” Mark asked.
“All the Divas are.” Riley replied, jumping and clapping her hands. “I’m going to be in Wrestlemania!” she squealed as she ran from the room. We all stared after her for a long moment.
“I’m never not amazed by how excited she gets over the little things,” I said, my head cocking to the side.
“Try living with her,” Mark and Jeff both muttered at the same time. I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Are you okay bro?” I asked Jeff.
“Yeah, fine man.” Jeff replied, turning to face me. “That was great work, adding Jack’s collar like that.”
“Thanks, your not mad about that?” I asked, concerned.
“No, I knew you didn’t mean it all. Riley wasn’t as upset about it, mainly because she was in her state of mind when she watched it, so she wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Thankfully,” I muttered. “So, how’s the house going?”
“We have to out and buy furniture and paints and stuff, but it’s almost ready to be moved in.” Jeff answered.
“That’s great!” I said. “Let us know when and we’ll all pitch in and help.”
“Thanks man,” Jeff said. “We’ll let you know. We’re going to go pick the stuff out tomorrow, so we can start the painting tomorrow as well.”
“Make a party out of it.” Mark said. “Get some of your Hardy Show guys to help out as well.”
“Absolutely!” Jeff said, nodding his head. “We’re heading back early though so we can go out to the furniture store first thing.”
“Okay, well call us when your ready for us to come over,” I said. Jeff nodded and walked from the room.
“Better get out there,” Mark muttered, standing up. He left just as Adam walked into the room.
“Jeff gone?” he asked.
“Probably about to leave,” I said. “They’re getting ready to move into their new home.”
“Really? That’s great.” Adam replied.
“Yeah, things are falling into place for them,” I said, smiling.
“Things are for you too are they not?” Adam asked.
“Oh yeah.” I said, smiling. “I haven’t told Jeff and Riley this yet, but I’m getting ready to propose to Amanda.”
“Wow, big step. Congrats man,” Adam said, slapping my back.
“Yeah, I see how happy Jeff and Riley are, and I want that.” I said.
“Everyone does,” Adam said shrugging. “So when you have it, don’t let it go.”
“I’m sure as hell not going to let Amanda go,” I said. “I remember how hard it was when I lost Amy, and how bad Jeff had it when he lost Riley. I’m not going to cause anymore pain like that again.”

~Saturday Night~
“We’re almost done, come on I want to be able to move my stuff in here!” Jeff shouted over the laughter. Everyone went back to painting the living room while he went to check on the girls in the kitchen. I glanced over at Shannon, who nudged Shane in the arm. We all nodded and snuck into the kitchen, paint rollers in hand. Jeff had his back to us, which made it even better.
“Paint war!” Shane shouted, attacking Jeff’s head with the paint brush. Jeff turned to get his face completely covered in paint. The girls laughed as they watched us cover Jeff in paint. Even Riley was breathless.
“There, slave driver!” I shouted, smearing paint on Jeff’s hair. He laughed and suddenly lurched toward me, grabbing me around the waist. I grunted as I hit the floor.
“Oh, c’mon now there’s paint on the floor!” Riley’s voice shouted over the noise. Jeff and I heard her and we looked at each other. It was just lucky Jeff had decided to get a hot tub in his backyard, and a bonus was she was wearing a white t-shirt. We both stood up quickly and picked her up. She screamed as we took her outside.
“No, stop no!” she screamed as I pulled the lid back. Jeff started throwing her in, but Riley held on so tightly that Jeff fell in with her. They were underwater for a moment before emerging above the surface, gasping for breath.
“Holy shit it’s cold out here,” Riley muttered, her teeth chattering as she ran into the house, sopping wet. Jeff and I laughed as she ran up the stairs to grab a towel.
“Looks like we can’t say these are brand-new anymore,” she said, walking back down with the towel around her shoulders. She held one out for Jeff, who shook his head, spraying water all over her.
“Come on, let’s finish up. We’re moving the furniture in tomorrow, so we’ll officially be back home tomorrow night.” Jeff said, wiping his hair with the towel.
“Can’t wait for it,” Riley said, walking up to Jeff.
“Neither can I.” Jeff said. I looked over at Amanda, who was smiling at them.
“Okay work time,” I said, causing them to jump and Riley to blush. She quickly went back to painting the wall she was working on before.
“We have to change the water in the hot tub now,” she said.
“Why?” I asked. She gave me a look that read “are you kidding?” and pointed to Jeff. I looked over at him and laughed. “Oh, I forgot.” I said, seeing him covered with paint.
“Let’s go finish the living room,” Jeff said, smiling and putting me in a headlock to drag me to the living room. We worked for another hour before we were finally done. All the rooms were painted, now the furniture needed brought in and set in place, and they’d be able to come home.
“This place is going to look great,” Shannon said. “Of course look at who’s decorating.” he grinned over at Riley and Jeff.
“I want to sleep here tonight, but I know we can’t,” Riley said, pouting.
“One more night and we’ll be home sweetie.” Jeff said, kissing her hair. “Stick with me for one more night.”
“One night and one day,” Riley said, groaning.
“Just think, after the wait, we’ll be back in our own home, and this is our home. I know the double wide was home, but that was what I did. This is the both of us now. This is our home.”
“I know, that’s why I can’t wait.” Riley said, hopping on the balls of her feet.
“Come on, big day tomorrow.” I said, picking up brushes and rollers to wash them. We cleaned up in about 45 minutes, all of us heading to mine and Mandy’s house.
“You know I won’t be able to sleep tonight,” Riley told Jeff.
“I know, that’s why I’ve been thinking of ways to wear you out,” he replied.
“We need to burn that bed when they leave.” I muttered to Amanda.
“Quit it Matt,” Mandy said, smacking my arm.
“I was talking about a movie or something.” Jeff spoke up, punching my other arm.
“Nothing will get me to sleep tonight,” Riley said, laughing. “I’m too excited.”
“I know you are,” Jeff said. “but you have to get some sleep. We have a meet and greet Monday, and then Tuesday is the taping of Smackdown, I think McMahon has something for us Wednesday and Thursday as well.”
“What the hell man?” Riley said. “Is he trying to kill us or what?”
“Maybe,” I muttered. “We better get back to the house and get to bed. Long week ahead of us.” We said out goodbyes to Shannon and Shane, who was heading to Shannon’s house for the night. They were coming back in the morning to help finish up. When we got back to the house, Jeff and Riley went straight to the living room to find something to watch.
“We’re going up to bed,” I told the two of them.
“Night,” Riley said. I walked up to the bedroom to find Amanda was slipping on her nightgown. She walked into the bathroom and I heard water running. She was getting ready to brush her teeth. I quickly changed into a pair of pajama pants and slid into the bed. Out of nowhere I had a sharp pain in my side.
“You okay?” Mandy asked as she walked into the room.
“Yeah fine,” I muttered, rubbing the spot. Since we were both so tired, we ended up falling asleep.

~POV: Riley~ ~The next morning~
“We’re almost home!” I shouted running into the new house. Jeff laughed behind me as I danced around the living room.
“Riley, the movers will be here in a few minutes to bring our stuff in,” he said, grabbing my waist to hold me still. I smiled up at him, still trying to jump.
“We’re almost home Jeffy!” I said, laughing when he cringed at my choice of nickname.
“I know, but we got to get the furniture in and set up before we can really say we’re home.” he said, rubbing my arm with his hand. I settled down slightly as I felt the tingling running through my body. I would never get tired of feeling this.
“I haven’t told you I love you lately have I?” I asked, looking into his eyes.
“No, you haven’t,” he said smiling. He lowered his head as I lifted mine.
“Sorry to break the moment,” Matt’s voice said from the front door. “but the truck’s here.”
“Damn, we’ll finish this later,” Jeff muttered brushing my chin with the pad of his thumb. I glanced over to see Matt was leaning against the wall, grimacing in pain.
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I'M BACK!!!!! sorry for the sudden going hiatus thing, I was in a very bad way in my head, and just couldn't write or do anything...but I'm back now, and things are going to be getting very interesting with the Hardy's and everyone around them! so stay tuned and thanks for being patient with me
more coming soon!