Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 54

~June 2009~ ~POV: Riley~
“Good luck Jeff!” Matt called as he passed us. Jeff and I were on our way to the curtain, where Jeff had a match against Edge, possibly the biggest match for either one of them. It was a TLC match.
“Okay Jeff, it’s your time, it’s your match.” I said, grabbing Jeff’s hands as he bounced on the balls of his feet. He nodded and smiled at me, leaning down to brush his lips against mine.
“I love you,” he said, now full on jumping.
“I love you too, now go get em tiger,” I said as his theme song started playing. He waited for his cue, and ran through the curtains. “Good luck Jeffrey,” I muttered at his back.
“Riley, c’mon we’ll go watch it in the locker room,” Melina’s voice told me. I nodded and we ran into the locker room where Stephanie, Maria, Beth, and everyone else was sitting.
“He nervous?” Brie, one of the Bella Twins, asked me. I shrugged, because I really had no idea.
“You feeling okay?” Melina asked me. She was the first one we told about the Bi-Polarism, but someone overheard so the whole locker room now knew about it, but Melina was the most supportive.
“I’m fine, as long as I keep up with the drugs I’m good,” I said. A second later the door burst open and Phil walked into the room.
“What are you doing in here?” Nikki, Brie’s sister, asked.
“Riley Hardy, I should of known that you’d be an addict as well.” Phil said, ignoring Nikki. “Just like your husband aren’t you?”
“What are you talking about Punk?” I asked, standing up to face him.
“’All I have to do is keep up with the drugs and I’ll be good,’” he repeated, shaking his head.
“You blew that way out of proportion,” I said. “Melina was asking me how I was doing about my Bi-Polar Disorder.”
“Oh, I know very well that’s what that meant,” Phil said. “Still doesn’t mean your not an addict. You depend on those pills to keep your mind straight, when really all you need is a test of will.”
“Punk, I’ve had this for as long as I can remember,” I said. “I’ve tried everything to keep it at bay without knowing what it was.”
“Addict,” he muttered before leaving the room. There was the sudden sound of the bell ringing the second he left. I quickly ran to the screen to see Adam was trapped in between the rungs of a ladder, Jeff standing over him with a belt over his head.
“Goddamn you Punk!” I shouted, watching Jeff celebrate his victory. Suddenly I heard a very heavy drum beat and guitar riff play. I watched with annoyance and anger as Punk ran down to the ring, carrying the Money in the Bank briefcase and dragging an official to the ring.
“What the hell is he doing?” Melina asked, watching the screen with me. I didn’t reply, but I knew exactly what he was doing. Jeff was sitting in the corner, clutching the belt to him. The officials rang the bell announcing the beginning of the “match.”
“That asshole,” I said, shaking from anger. I watched as Phil hit the Go To Sleep on Jeff, and gasped when Jeff kicked out. Phil hit the GTS one more time, and that was it. The ref got the full three count. I couldn’t stop myself, I stormed out of the locker room and down the curtain. I reached it at the same time Matt did. When Jeff came out being held up by officials, my anger grew even more.
“Riley go with Jeff,” Matt said as the officials took Jeff back to the medical room to get checked out.
“No,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “I have a score to settle with Punk.”
“Let me worry about him,” Matt said as the curtain began moving. Phil came out, smiling from ear to ear. If possible, his grin widened when he saw me and Matt standing on the other side of the curtain, waiting for him.
“You asshole!” I shouted, rushing up to him. Matt grabbed me before I could reach him.
“Get away from me addict!” Phil said. I noticed Matt freeze, but he didn’t let his grip on me up for a second.
“What the hell did you just call my sister?” Matt asked, pushing me behind him.
“I called her an addict,” Phil said, smirking at me. “She takes drugs to do something that will power can control.”
“She doesn’t abuse them, she doesn’t misuse them, she needs those damn pills.” Matt said, his body starting to shake from rage.
“She’s still an addict. Straightedge is never putting any form of foreign substance into your body, not even cough medicine, nor a pain reliever.” He laughed at the expressions on mine and Matt’s faces. “This, dear little Mrs. Hardy, is all on you.” he said, pointing to the World Heavyweight title slung over his shoulder. He walked away just as Vince McMahon walked up to us.
“He’s going to be in a storyline with Jeff, for a long while.”
“I want in it,” I said automatically. “There’s no way I’m letting him get away with anything he said to me.”
“Riley, we have you set up to face Maryse for the Diva’s Championship.” McMahon said. “And Matt, we’re getting you set up for a storyline with Hennigan.”
“I don’t care about the Diva’s title,” I said, surprising even Matt. “You have no idea what he said to me.”
“No, I was standing right around the corner when I heard him call you an addict, but we can’t change anything. You will be battling Maryse.” McMahon said. He turned and left, leaving me and Matt to stare after him.
“I’m going to go check on Jeff,” I said, heading to the medical room. When I got there, Jeff was laying on his back on a stretcher.
“Is he okay?” I asked the closest medic.
“He’s fine, just in shock I guess,” The medic replied. I walked up to Jeff and placed my hand on his arm. He jumped and looked over at me.
“I’m sorry honey,” I said, grabbing his hand.
“I had it,” he said, closing his eyes. “I had it in my hands and he stole it from me.”
“I know,” I said, rubbing my other hand up and down his bare stomach. “I don’t know what to say Jeff, I really don’t. McMahon’s putting you in a storyline with him, and I wanted to be a part of it, but they wouldn’t let me.”
“You don’t need to get involved.” Jeff said. I knew I shouldn’t tell him, but I knew I had to.
“I’m involved because Phil made it personal.” I said, lowering my head to place my cheek against his hand.
“What are you talking about?” Jeff asked, sitting up slightly.
“He came into the locker room, right before he went to the ring. He started calling me a drug addict, saying I was taking drugs with out really needing them.”
“You’re Bi-Polar Riley. You’re mother was the same way and going untreated caused her to kill herself, of course you need the medicine.”
“Well, after you were brought in here, he told me this was all on my head basically.” I continued.
“Don’t listen to him Ri,” Jeff said, lifting himself up to where he was sitting. He winced slightly, but stood up all the same.
“Are you okay?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist to try to help him stay steady.
“Fine,” he muttered, taking in a deep breath. “I think I bruised a rib.” he said finally, wincing again.
“Well, let’s get back to the hotel so we can get some rest,” I said, helping him to the locker room. He went in to change while I walked back to the Diva’s locker room to grab my things.
“Phil is going to get his ass kicked,” I said when I walked into the room.
“What happened?” Maria asked, picking up her bag.
“He basically told me that what happened to Jeff was my fault,” I replied. “And he started going on again about me being a drug addict, in front of Matt this time.”
“Oh I bet that went over well,” Melina said, smiling. “How’s Jeff doing?”
“Sore, but that’s expected from that type of match,” I said. “I better get going, we’re going to the hotel. Jeff thinks he bruised a rib.”
“Going to go kiss it and make it better?” Maria asked sweetly.
“She’s going to go kiss something alright,” Melina said, laughing. I smiled and shook my head.
“I’ll see you two later,” I said, grabbing my stuff and walking out of the room. I met up with Jeff at the door leading to the parking lot. We left the arena and headed to the hotel, the both of us silent. I had a weird sense this storyline was going to go way to far, I just didn’t know how far it would really go.

~Night of Champions: July 26, 2009~
“Go Jeff!” I shouted from the floor of the ring as I watched him climb up the top turnbuckle. He jumped and did a Swanton Bomb, connecting with Phil who was one the ground. The ref’s hand hit the mat three times, then he signaled for the bell. I jumped into the ring and threw my arms around Jeff.
“You did it!” I screamed over the cheering.
“Twice,” He reminded me smiling. The ref brought the belt up to us, and Jeff lifted it over our heads. When he finally put the belt around his waist, it was the proudest moment of my life thus far.

~One Month Later~
“Hello hello boys and girls, this is Matt Hardy here, and as you can guess, this is my brother Jeff and his beautiful wife Riley.” I blushed as the camera turned to face me. I waved as did Jeff. “This is the Hardy show, and it’s a special edition of it as well, why is that Jeff, Riley?”
“Uhm, because of the day?” Jeff asked, looking confused.
“Not just today, but tomorrow as well.” Matt said. “You see in the year 1977, on August 31, Jeffrey Nero Hardy was born into the world at 10 PM. 4 hours later, at 1 in the morning on September 1, Mrs. Riley Michelle Hardy was born.”
“Yes all, it’s true.” Jeff said, forcing the camera to face him. “I am exactly 3 hours older than my wife.”
“But I think we can all tell who got the best birthday of all,” I said, nudging him in the side.
“ME!” Matt shouted suddenly, jumping on Jeff. We finished taping the little bit for the Hardy show when I decided to go to my trailer in the Imagi-Nation. I haven’t been there for a long time and I had a creative surge going through me. Jeff and Matt went inside while I started walking toward the trailer. With help from Jeff, I had added a computer to the trailer so I could work on some graphic arts. I haven’t worked on them in a long time and I loved working on it. I grabbed my pen and electronic notebook and turned on the computer, waiting for it to load by looking around the trailer. It was neat and clean, considering I don’t really get the chance to come out here as much as I want to. I glanced back at the computer to see that it was fully loaded. I hooked up the notebook and grabbed the pen, using it as a mouse to bring up the program. I don’t know how long I worked, but I do know that by the time I got done, I slowly became aware that someone was standing behind her, and she knew it wasn’t Matt or Jeff.
“Hello Riley, funny running into you here,” a male voice said. I slowly turned around and came face to face with the person who made my life in Cameron hell for most of my teenage years. Ron Weston was standing behind me, wearing an orange jumpsuit with a serial number on the upper left chest area.
♠ ♠ ♠
uh oh, Ron's back and Riley's trapped with him, not good!
thanks for the comments
more coming soon!