Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 58

“Hello Jason,” Riley said sweetly, kneeling down to the boy’s height. He waved his hand timidly.
“Jason, this is you aunt Riley.” Amanda said, kneeling down with the two of them. Matt walked to stand beside me.
“The kid’s sweet,” I muttered to Matt. “Why was the family about to send him back?”
“He came from a single adult parent and he was too shy,” Matt muttered, anger in his voice. I didn’t blame him on being angry. I watched as Riley held her hand out to Jason, and he took it with fingers in his mouth, smiling. My heart ached over the small gesture, bringing me back two months ago. I knew Riley had moved on, but for some reason, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t help but think that she could very well be forming a baby bump by now if it wasn’t for her losing the baby. I still felt guilty, like our arguing and fighting and the stress I put her under had caused it, but I knew it was just nature. Like I naturally blamed myself for anything bad that happens to her.
“That’s just wrong man,” I said. “People don’t realize how precious a gift a child really is.” Matt nodded, and I noticed him glance my way. I knew he knew what I was thinking of, because he was probably thinking of the same thing as well.
“My baby bro’s maturing more and more each day,” he said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I laughed and jerked my shoulder from his hand, punching his arm.
“Jason,” Riley said. “This is your uncle Jeff.” She walked to toddler toward me, so I bent on one knee to see him.
“Hello,” I said.
“Hi,” he said back to me, his fingers still in his mouth.
“What’s that? I couldn’t hear you with your fingers in your mouth,” I said, smiling at him. He smiled back and removed his fingers.
“Hi,” he said more clearly.
“That’s more like it,” I said, holding out my hand to him. He took it and I shook it, he giggled.
“I don’t see anything too shy about you,” I said. Out of nowhere Jason walked up to me and wrapped his little arms around my neck. I wrapped my much larger arms around his little body and lifted him up, his head falling on my shoulder. I glanced over at Matt, who was smiling.
“He did the same thing with me,” he said shrugging. I just nodded and rocked the boy side to side gently.
“He probably wants a nap,” Amanda said.
“We’ll go lay him in our room,” Riley said, placing her hand on my arm, telling me to head toward the stairs. When we got him in bed, he had fallen asleep on my shoulder, we walked into the hallway, where I stopped and leaned against the wall.
“You okay?” Riley asked, walking back toward me and wrapping her arms around my waist.
“I know it’s not his fault, or even ours, but since he came in here I’ve been stuck thinking about two months ago,” I admitted to her.
“So have I,” she said, shocking me. “I know you think I’m over it, but the truth is I’m not, I just learned what’s done is done, and we can’t change the past. Sure, I keep thinking of what would have been happening right now if I didn’t lose him or her, if I would be getting a baby belly by now or not, but I don’t let the thoughts consume me anymore.”
“Neither do I, but I still wonder.” I said, resting my forehead against hers.
“Hey Jeff,” she said suddenly. “Why don’t we try again?”
“Try again?” I asked, looking down at her confused. She nodded.
“Yeah, I can leave the WWE permanently and we could try to have a baby.” she said.
“Honey, you know just as well as I do it’s not a good time right now,” I said. “I’m still going through all this shit from when I was arrested. Neither one of us is working right now because you’re on leave and my contract expired, and I’m pretty sure McMahon won’t take me back. I’ve got three strikes against me.”
“No, you still only have two,” she said. “But you’re right. It’s not a good time, but it’ll never be a good time for us if we wait for everything to clear up.”
“Not clear up,” I said, moving my hands to sit on her hips. “Just settle down, especially all this with the courts. When this settles down, then I’ll do whatever the hell you want me to in order for you to get pregnant again.”
“Just donate the sperm and have fun while doing it,” she muttered, smiling up at me.
“Oh, you know I’ll have fun,” I said, lowering my head down towards hers.
“There you two are,” a voice whispered, breaking our moment.
“Perfect timing Shannon,” I muttered, lifting my head up and back against the wall.
“Dude, don’t get freaky with the kid on the other side of the wall.” Shannon said, smirking as he rose his voice.
“Are they getting freaky with my son near them?” Mandy’s voice asked. We ran down the stairs so we wouldn’t wake up Jason.
“No we weren’t.” Riley said, sitting on the couch. I sat beside her and she leaned against me, locking out fingers.
“Yeah right,” Shannon said, sitting next to Julie.
“We were talking,” I said, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Shannon. “about something that we needed to talk about two months ago.”
“Everything okay?” Matt asked, looking concerned. Riley and I both nodded our heads.
“Oh, damn,” Shannon said suddenly, jumping from the couch and running to the front door. Everyone stared after him until he came back, then we all stared at him.
“What the hell was that Shan?” I asked, laughing.
“I wanted to go grab something.” he replied, holding it out to me.
“I’m not looking at your pornographic pictures, you know I love you man, but that’s going way too far,” I said, dodging his hand as I grabbed the envelope he was holding out. I opened it, and saw it was a contract for TNA.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, and I think Mr. Moore over here forgot as well.” Shannon said, pointing his thumb over to Matt.
“Hey, I had other things on my mind,” Matt said defensively.
“I was going to go back, and wanted to see if you wanted to go back with me,” Shannon continued.
“I don’t know, would they take me back?” I asked, looking around at everyone.
“You didn’t leave on bad terms with them, and you’re clean, so I don’t see why not.” Riley said, grabbing the papers to look them over. She was better at reading the fine print than I was.
“So, what do you say?” Shannon asked.
“Sure, I’ll give it a shot,” I said, nodding.
“Awesome, those are yours.” he said. “Mine’s already filled out, just waiting for the final signature and to be sent out.” Riley walked toward the mantle and grabbed a pen, handing it to me. I quickly filled the paperwork out, and signed my name, dating it, and sealing it in the envelope. I handed it to Shannon, who grabbed Julie’s hand and stood her up.
“I’m going to go get these sent out,” he said before leaving. It was set in motion, I was working on making my come back.
“Are you sure your well enough to go back?” Matt asked.
“My neck’s not hurting, my back’s better than it’s ever been, and no tingles in my legs,” I replied. “I’ll have to train up a little bit, but that’s about it.” I had a sudden idea. I turned to Riley and said, “Hey, why don’t you go to TNA with me.”
“And risk facing Awesome Kong? I don’t think so,” she replied, laughing.
“You got Taylor Wilde, Lacy Von Erich, you might not even cross paths with Awesome Kong.”.
“All the Diva’s or Knockouts or whatever they’re called over there cross paths with everyone, it will be unavoidable.”
“You have a speed advantage over her,” Matt said.
“Yeah, and when I get caught, she has the power advantage,” Riley muttered. “I think I’ll stick it out in WWE for now thanks.”
“Lisa Varon’s over there now you know,” Shane said.
“And Christy Hemmi,” Matt spoke up.
“Wasn’t around for Christy Hemmi,” Riley said. “And didn’t have a lot of problems with Lisa. I don’t want to go to TNA,” I said.
“Hogan’s there, and Scott Hall and Kevin Nash,” I said. She growled and turned to face me.
“If I go with you to one show, will you leave me alone and let me think about it?” she asked finally.
“Sure,” I said, holding out my hand. She gave me a dubious look before taking my hand. “You’re contract with WWE’s about up anyway isn’t it?”
“Next month,” she confirmed.
“Why not try something new then?” Amanda asked. “Take a break from routine.”
“Because I’m not the kind to just throw routine to the curb,” Riley muttered. “You know what, screw it. I’ll sign.”
“Really?” I asked, shocked. She nodded.
“I’ll sign. Like you just reminded me, my contracts about up, I can either resign, and probably go through the same stuff over and over, or I can try something new. I’ll go with you and talk to whoever’s in charge of that department.”
“Aren’t you going to ask your Dad what he thinks?” Matt asked.
“It’s my choice. I know he’s been at WWE for 18 years, but that’s him, that’s not me. He had so many chances for things o chance for him because he has more variety. I’ll do it, I’ll talk to them.”
“Awesome!” I said, tightening my arms more.

~January 4, 2010~ ~POV: Riley~
“Well well, Riley Hardy,” Terry Bollea, or Hulk Hogan, said when I walked into his office with Jeff and Shannon. “I was expecting those two, but not you.” he said, standing up and holding out his hand, which we all shook.
“My contract with WWE expired and I wanted a change of pace,” I said. “I was wanting to sign with TNA if it was alright with everyone here.”
“You know we’ll welcome any new Knockout to the company,” Terry said. “You know as well as I do the shortage of women in the wrestling business. We’ll get you a contract drawn up and you can begin right away.” I nodded and stood back while Jeff and Shannon discussed their returns. A woman suddenly entered the office with flaming red hair.
“Jeff, Shannon, you two are coming back?” she asked, shocked. They both nodded.
“And we’re getting a new Knockout,” Terry said, indicating me.
“Hi, I’m Christie Hemmi,” she said. “Reporter extordanaire.”
“I’m Riley Hardy,” I said, holding out my hand to her. She shook it, shock and confusion in her eyes.
“Riley Hardy, I didn’t know you had a sister Jeff,” Christie replied, looking at him with confusion in her eyes.
“That’s because she’s not my sister,” Jeff said. “She’s my wife.”
“Oh, really?” Christie asked as Jeff held up his left hand, where his wedding band was on his third finger.
“When did you get married?” Terry asked.
“Two years ago this May,” I answered for him.
“Well, congratulations the both of you.” Christie said. She stared at me a long moment. “There is something very familiar about you, but I know I never met you.”
“Maybe it’s because she looks a little like her father,” Jeff said, smirking toward Shannon.
“Who’s her father?” Terry asked.
“Mark Calaway,” Shannon spoke up. I watched as Christie’s face turned to confusion and Terry’s went to surprise.
“Mark Calaway, The Undertaker?” Christie asked. I nodded and her face went from confusion to excitement. “That is so cool.”
“So you can wrestle like your father?” Terry asked me.
“Not even close,” I said. “I’m more like Jeff, and Shannon. I go for the high flying stuff.”
“That’s great, we have just the person for you to make your debut against. Her name’s Shannon, but she’s known as Daffney in the ring.”
“You think that’s a good idea?” Christie asked. Terry nodded.
“Riley can take her on,” Jeff said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
“We’ll keep the two of you together,” Terry said, but you’ll be working separate storylines.”
“I can handle that,” I said, looking up at Jeff. He nodded and shook Terry’s hand.
“There is one thing though, I’m not allowed to leave the state right now,” Jeff muttered. “I’m still on probation for the drug mishap from September.”
“I know that,” Terry said. “That’s why we’re going to wait until all this blows over before we give you anything concrete, any of you.”
“Things are winding down,” I said. “I don’t think it’ll be too much longer before we can start.”

~March 15, 2010~
“Hey, it’s Shannon Moore!” Mike Tenay exclaimed. Jeff and I laughed as Shannon did his bit and Eric Bischoff came out, announcing the match for the upcoming pay-per-view as Shannon vs. Doug Williams for the X Division Championship.
“Okay, I’m against AJ Syles tonight, and you’re going to confront Daffney,” Jeff said. I nodded shaking my head to clear it. The confrontation was up next after her match with someone called Angelina Love. I watched from the screen as the match ended. When they attacked Angelina, my music, Unholy Confessions by Avenged Sevenfold, naturally, started playing. I ran out and attacked Daffney, a skinny, pale woman with dark hair, dark make-up and goth attire. When she ran up the ramp the way we planned it, I leaned against the ropes, sneering at her.
“Are you seeing this?” Taz asked, sounding shocked.
“Yes I am,” Mike called. Suddenly Terry’s music started playing and he appeared behind Daffney.
“I would like for the Knockout Zone to meet the newest TNA Knockout on the roster!” He called. “With a name that struck fear into the hearts of many, The Phoenix!”
“What!?” Mike Tenay shouted. “The Phoenix was a big name in profession wrestling until her sudden disappearance years ago.”
“It doesn’t get any bigger than this Mike,” Taz said.
“Oh but it can because later on tonight we have Jeff Hardy making his TNA in ring return against the Phenomonal AJ Styles.” I walked back to the backstage area and was met by Shannon Moore.
“What’s up honky?” he asked when I walked up to him.
“Just spent a half hour working on my face paint to just have to go wipe it off after 5 minutes of it being used.” I muttered, heading to mine and Jeff’s dressing room. There were a lot of rooms, and not a lot of people, everyone got their own dressing rooms. We were about there when I accidentally bumped into someone.
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, looking up. It was Kurt Angle.
“Riley Calaway,” Angle said, looking me up and down.
“Nope,” I said, acting as if I was walking away from him. We’ve always been pretty good friends.
“Get back here,” he said, wrapping me in a tight hug. “What happened to you, last I heard you got the snuff knocked out of you by Orton.”
“I went through a phase of amnesia after that,” I muttered. “Reunited with Jeff and Matt after that, went through a house fire and losing our dog. Oh, Jeff and I got back together and I was attacked by an old stalker. Let’s see, oh yeah, I just miscarried a baby six months ago, Jeff was arrested that same day.”
“Damn girl bad luck much or what?” Angle asked, shocked.
“Not really, because out of all that the best thing that happened was my last name changed again.” I said, smiling up at him. Jeff walked up to us just then and grabbed my hand.
“Hey Kurt,” he said.
“Jeff Hardy, welcome back. Riley’s just been catching me up on everything going on.” Kurt said.
“I was just getting to the best part,” I informed him.
“Our anniversary coming up?” he asked, I nodded.
“Which anniversary would that be?” Kurt asked, then he suddenly realize what we were saying. “You two got married.” he stated. We both nodded. “Well, congratulations to you both.”
“How’ve you been?” Jeff asked. “How’s Karen and the kids?”
“Karen and the kids are living near her parents,” Kurt said. “We ended up getting a divorce a little over a year ago.”
“Damn, sorry about that.” Jeff said. “10 years right?”
“Yep,” Kurt replied. “But, it happens right?”
“Yeah, even the best of relationships has it’s difficulties,” I said.
“You two don’t,” Kurt said.
“Did you not hear what I just told you?” I asked, confused.
“She ended up slapping me once.” Jeff said.
“Only because he was talking about suicide!” I exclaimed in my own defense.
“I was ruining my family’s lives, treating her badly, I didn’t feel like I should be a live.” Jeff said.
“He was lying to me and keeping things from me, not that big of a deal,” I said, nudging Jeff in the ribs.
“I have to go, I’m against AJ today,” Jeff said, rubbing my arm with his hand.
“Good luck,” I said as he ran toward the curtain.
“Sounds like you two have the perfect marriage,” Kurt said, watching him leave.
“Not to perfect,” I replied. “One thing would make it even better, but it’s not going to happen for a long while.”
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I'm caught up with real life, but I'll soon be going completely fiction, so, this is the second time around in TNA for Jeff, and the first time around for Riley, let's take a vote on who thinks she'll survive? haha j/p but yeah since the rest of the story from now on will be fiction, the in ring stuff will be worse than before, the interviews and promos are gonna suck major time, and it's just going to be a huge mess b/c I'm not familiar with TNA, so don't shoot me please! *runs and hides*
well thanks for the comments, and thank you to xI'mxNotxAnXAngel for the constant support and comments, I'm going to be sad when her RKO story ends, but it was a good read and you should check it out, the title is Bed of Roses. It'll be done in less than a month if things go the way she wants *which as much as I hate to see the story ends, I hope it does!*
OKay so this is longer than the story, so thanks again and more coming soon