Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 6

The minute I got home I went to my bedroom to get ready for bed. I threw on my nightshirt with a pair of shorts. Climbing into bed, I thought about everything that happened today. What happened with Ron on the bus, then actually talking Jeff out of something was nearly impossible, but Matt and I was able to do it. Jeff asking me about Melody Carmichael shocked me, but not too badly. I knew he would start getting into dating girls, but I didn’t know when, and I really didn’t except him to consider my feelings on who he dated. The biggest thing for me though was seeing Dad on the television, doing what he’s been doing for years. That was the first time I’ve really seen him in action like that, and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. Dad looked so graceful; I’ve never thought I’d see him like that.

I got into bed and lay back against my pillow, facing the wall that was to the right of me. I stared at the white paint until I felt my eyes get heavy, eventually closing and sending me off to sleep.

~POV: Third~

Riley looked around the huge room, wondering where she was. It looked like a mansion. This was definitely not her room.

“Riley, I’m up here!” A voice called from above. Riley looked and saw her mother standing at the top of a grand staircase.
“Mom?” Riley asked, not recognizing her for a minute. Her mother looked more like a teenager than the woman who died when Riley was seven.
“Yes, it’s me Riley. You look so beautiful.” Samantha said, gliding down the stairs and toward her daughter.
“Mom, why did you have to go?” Riley asked her mother suddenly. “I miss you.”
“I know, Ruby was telling me.” Samantha said. Suddenly a woman was standing beside her. Riley looked at the woman and realized who she was.
“Mrs. Hardy.” Riley said, shocked. The woman smiled, but soon gave an evil glare. She suddenly turned into Ron Weston.
“Mrs. Hardy!” Riley shouted, terrified. She looked over and noticed her mother was gone. In her place was a stranger wearing a mask.
“Mommy!” Riley cried. She started backing away from the two.
“Mrs. Hardy! Mom!” she yelled again. No one came to help her. Riley whimpered as Ron moved closer to her.
“Please, someone help me!” Riley called. “Uncle Paul! Dad! Mr. Hardy! Matt! Jeff! Please help me!” There was no answer. She remembered that a while ago, Jeff had said he would be there for her, no matter what.
“JEFF!” Riley screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Riley.” She heard someone call. She looked around and seen Jeff standing right beside her.
“Jeff, help me.” Riley said, reaching for his hand. All she found was air. She looked over again and he was gone.
“Jeff!” Riley called. “Jeff where are you?” Suddenly there was a bright light, followed by the sound of mumbled voices. She tried to listen to what they were saying, but she couldn’t.
“Riley.” She heard a voice echo. “Riley wake up!” the voice echoed again.
“Help me!” she tried to call, but she was suddenly drained of energy. “Help.”
“Riley, it’s me. Wake up.” the voice said again. She could almost make out how it was, but it was still hard. She suddenly opened her eyes, and was looking into the green eyes of Jeff Hardy.
“Hey are you okay?” Jeff asked her, putting his arm around her shoulders. Riley nodded, hugging him back. When he started pushing her back against her pillows, she didn’t fight him off. He still had his arms around her, but he was suddenly completely limp.
“Jeff?” Riley said, shaking him.

She was about to move his face to look at him when she felt something warm and sticky on her stomach. She looked down and seen bright red blood on her sheets. She looked at Jeff, and seen a knife sticking out of his back. Screaming, Riley tried to move him to run and get her uncle, but before she could even move her hand, the knife was pulled from Jeff’s back. Riley looked to see who had grabbed it, and seen it was Ron standing above her and Jeff’s lifeless body.

“Playing hard to get?” Ron asked, before thrusting the knife in her direction. Riley screamed and sat shot right up in bed just as her uncle and aunt came running into her bedroom.

~POV: Riley~

I gasped for breath and looked around, seeing my Aunt and Uncle standing in my doorway. That dream…that nightmare. I hoped I never had one like that again.

“Riley, sweetie, are you okay?” Uncle Paul asked me, turning on my light. I threw up my arms, knowing the light was going to be blinding.
“Y-yeah.” I said. “Bad dream.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Aunt Marylyn asked. I shook my head.
“No, I’m fine. Sorry I woke you.” I said. Aunt Marylyn and Uncle Paul looked at each other for a minute before nodding and heading out the door.
“Goodnight.” Aunt Marylyn said, turning off my light and shutting the door.

I pulled the cover back up to my chin and stared around my darkened room. It seemed I couldn’t help but have nightmares where Jeff ends up leaving me. Maybe it was a sign, a sign that our friendship isn’t as strong as we thought it might have been. It couldn’t be that way though. He’s been there for me for everything, and I’ve been there for him.

“There’s no way our friendship will change.” I thought, snuggling into the bed further and going back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up a little tired after waking up in the middle of the night, but otherwise fine. I took a quick shower and dressed in a black t-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. I had just finished tying the laces when a knock sounded at the door. I knew it was Jeff, he was the only one who knocked so persistently.

“Hey Jeff.” I said after opening the door. He walked in, also wearing a black shirt and jeans, but his jeans was a darker shade of blue than mine. He also had on a baseball cap.
“Hey Riley. You look tired.” Jeff said, closing the door behind him.
“Yeah I had another nightmare last night.” I explained.
“Oh are you okay?” he asked. I nodded.
“Yeah it wasn’t nothing. Just a little dream.” I said, running my hand through my long bushy hair.
“You sure?” Jeff asked, looking skeptical.
“Positive.” I said. He nodded and walked into the kitchen.
“So, what did you think about the pay-per-view last night?” Jeff asked, walking back into the living room with two glasses of orange juice. He handed me one and we sat on the couch.
“It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. The weird part was seeing Dad on the TV.” I answered, taking a sip of the juice.
“Yeah I know.” Jeff replied, taking a huge gulp of his juice, and then flinching. “Damn I keep forgetting how sour this juice is.” he muttered. I laughed and took another sip from my cup. “You’re aunt and uncle really loves sour things don’t they?”
“Not really, just their juices. They love sweet tea too. Like, super sweet.” I said, setting my cup on the table.
“They’re going to be the death of me.” Jeff said, setting his cup beside mine. I just laughed, knowing it could be true, considering they could possibly end up being the death of me as well.
“Oh well,” Jeff said. I looked at the time and seen that it was nearly 6:45, time for us to walk to the bus stop.
“We better get going.” I said, picking up mine and his glasses and placing them in the sink.
“Do we have to?” Jeff groaned, walking to the front door and picking up his book bag.
“Yes, if you want me to talk to Melody for you we do.” I said. He perked up at the mention of Melody’s name.
“Let’s go before we’re late.” He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me toward the door.
“Hang on a minute, I have to go tell my aunt I’m leaving and get my lunch money.” I said, walking toward the back hallway. I knocked on Aunt Marylyn’s door and waited to be let in.
“I’m leaving Aunt Mary.” I said. Aunt Marylyn got into her purse and grabbed out a five dollar bill.
“Here, keep whatever’s left over.” She said, handing me the bill.
“Thanks.” I said, putting the money in my pocket.
“Have a good day honey.” she said, hugging me to her side.
“You too.” I said, hugging her back. I ran toward the front door to find Jeff had already gone outside.
“See you later kiddo!” Uncle Paul called from the kitchen.
“Bye!” I called back, running out the front door.

“Jeff?” I called, not seeing him.
“Right here.” he said from beside me, making me jump.
“Will you stop sneaking off like that?” I asked, walking down the stairs and down the driveway. Jeff caught up with me in two strides.
“I think I want to become a wrestler.” he said suddenly.
“Really?” I asked. He nodded. “You’ll probably make a good one. You’re a natural athlete.” I said.
“You think so?” he asked. I nodded and stopped walking. We were at the end of my driveway, our bus stop.
“What about you? I saw the way you were staring at Ms. Elizabeth last night. You envied her.” Jeff said, leaning against a tree.
“She was pretty.” I said. “But I don’t think I’d like to just stand there off to the side.”
“You probably want to be in on the action huh?” Jeff said, pushing himself off the tree just the bus pulled up.
“I don’t know. I’m probably not athletic enough.” I said. “But I would love to do something with that business.”
“Maybe since you’re father’s a wrestler you can get in hands down.” Jeff said, walking up the bus and walking to a seat that was miraculously empty. He stood back to let me have the window seat, then sat down himself.
“Probably not.” I said, setting my book bag on my lap. “They probably only go for talent.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. You have a lot of talents Riley. You just need to find them.” Jeff said, leaning his head against his bag.
“I know what my talent is.” I said, looking out the window.
“What?” Jeff asked.
“Being invisible.” I answered, not looking away from the window even though I had no idea what I was looking at.
“Hey, you’re not invisible. I see you, Matt sees you. A lot of people see you. You just have a problem with seeing them.”
“Wouldn’t you if you lost your mother, then got abandoned by a social worker and nearly die, all at the age of seven and all in the same week?” I asked, turning to look at him.
“Abandoned by a social worker?” Jeff asked. “When was that?”
“A few hours before I collapsed at the end of your driveway.” I replied.
“Wait, wait, wait one damned minute.” Jeff said, turning his body to face me fully. “You collapsed on our driveway when we were seven because a social worker abandoned you?” I nodded. “Why the hell didn’t you tell anyone?”
“When did you get so into cursing?” I asked.
“Don’t change the subject Riley. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was seven Jeff, I didn’t know any better.” I said, looking down and playing with the zipper on my bag. “I didn’t know I was being abandoned. I just thought that’s what she was supposed to do.”
“Riley, that’s not what that asshole was supposed to do.” Jeff said. “Those rich snobs were supposed to take care of you until they found you a place to stay.” He grabbed my hand and used his other to turn my face to his. “I’m not yelling at you Riley. I know you think I am. Believe me, I’m not.”
“I know.” I said, looking down again. “So what do you want me to say to Melody?” I asked. He just shrugged.
“Just say whatever comes to mind.” Jeff said. I nodded and looked out the window again.

It was starting to get light out, so I could see the trees and an occasional light pole and a mail box. The bus turned a corner and I seen the school. I was suddenly nervous. I didn’t pay attention to who was on the bus. Looking around my gaze fell on the sight that made my heart stall. Ron was riding at the front of the bus. He was sitting with Miranda Perkins. I looked over and seen Jeff looking at him as well, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. The bus pulled up to the school and everyone stood up to get off. Ron was the first one. Jeff watched him and followed as fast as he could.

“Jeff.” I mumbled, knowing exactly what he was planning on doing. Jeff acted as though he didn’t hear me.
“Hey Ron!” Jeff shouted over the crowd. Ron turned and seen Jeff walking toward him. Ron smiled and held up his arms as though to embrace Jeff, but he staggered back when he seen the look on Jeff’s face.
“What’s up?” Ron asked when Jeff stopped in front of him.
“What the hell were you thinking yesterday?” Jeff asked. “I thought you were my friend Ron. Why would you do that to her?”
“What the hell are you talking about Jeff?” Ron asked, backing away from Jeff. He looked next to Jeff, where I was standing and smiled. He winked at me then turned back to Jeff.
“What the hell was that!?” Jeff shouted, pushing Ron’s shoulder.
“What?” Ron tried to ask innocently.
“Just leave her alone Ron.” Jeff said, grabbing my arm and leading me toward the front doors of the school. I didn’t realize a crowd had formed and many people were chanting ‘fight..fight…fight’.
“Where you goin’ Jeff? Upset because I had fun with your little girlfriend?” Ron asked. Jeff’s grip tightened on my arm, making it nearly numb.
“Jeff, you’re hurting me.” I whispered. He loosened his grip and continued walking toward the school.
“You know Jeffrey,” Ron called. “She wanted it, she loved it.” Jeff’s grip tightened again, so he let go of my arm and clenched his fist.
“Ignore him Jeff. He’s just trying to piss you off.” I muttered. Jeff looked slightly surprised by the fact that I cursed, but he couldn’t ignore what Ron said next.
“You know, I bet that you two screw each other all the time, I mean, c’mon, two teenagers living next door in the middle of woods. One lost his mother, and one’s an orphan.”
“I’m not an orphan!” I shouted without thinking. “My father is alive and well!”
“Yeah, sure. Just keep believing that.” Ron said, snickering. I felt Jeff tense up even more.
“Look here Ronald Weston!” I shouted, turning around and facing him. “You just shut up about things you don’t know! You don’t know me. You don’t know Jeff! You probably don’t even know your ass from your face! Just leave us alone!” The crowd was silent, except a chuckle coming from behind me. I whipped my head around and seen it was Jeff laughing. Ron looked dumbstruck. I turned back to the school and headed in, grabbing Jeff’s hand and pulling him along with me.
“Now who’s cursing a lot?” Jeff asked as we reached our lockers. I growled at him and worked on opening my locker, hitting it when I couldn’t get the combination right.
“Riley, calm down. It’s okay. Mr. Carter’s going to take care of things.” Jeff said, grabbing my hand to stop me from hitting the locker again. He reached over and put in my number, pulling the latch up and opening the door.
“Thanks.” I grumbled, putting books in the locker and grabbing some out. I hung my bag on a hook and slammed the locker shut.
“Do you just want to talk to Melody some other time?” Jeff asked me. I forgot about having to do that.
“No, I’ll do it today at lunch.” I said. “Save me a seat.”
“No need. I’ll be sitting on my own.” Jeff said, shutting his own locker I didn’t realized was already open.
“Why?” I asked, walking toward my first class, which was without Jeff. His class was on the way so we still walked together.
“Well, considering I’m not sitting with a pr…sorry.” He said when he seen my eyes grow wide over the word he was about to say. “Since I’m not sitting with a person like Ron, I’m away from everyone else but you.”
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled, knowing it was my fault.
“If those guys hear what he did to you, and they still hang out with him, then it’s nothing to worry about.” Jeff said, stopping in front of his class. I stopped with him and faced him.
“So I guess I’ll see you next period.” I said. Jeff nodded and turned and walked into his classroom. I quickly walked to mine, but I wasn’t able to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. It had been a long day, and the day was just getting started.
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So here's chapter 6..:D hope you guys like it!!