Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 60

That night, I sat with Jeff on the couch watching Matt on the television. He and Paul, his NXT Rookie, was in a match. Well Paul was, Matt was ringside, giving Paul pointers. When the match ended and Paul won, Jeff ended up clicking the TV off.
“You still have another match,” I said, looking over at him confused. He just shrugged, his head laying on the back of the couch.
“I’m scared Ri,” he said suddenly.
“About what?” I asked as the phone rang.
“Hello,” Jeff answered. “This is he,” he responded. His face broke out into a huge grin of excitement. “You’re serious? Hell yeah I’m happy, thanks so much.” he hung up the phone and stood up, whooping as he brought me from the couch and picked me up, spinning me on the spot.
“They dropped the case!” he exclaimed, seeing my confusion and lack of enthusiasm.
“Seriously?” I asked, shocked. He just nodded and twirled me around again. I squealed and hugged my arms to him tighter.
“I love you,” He muttered to me, lowering his head to mine.
“What do you say we go celebrate,” I said, rubbing my finger over his chest. He smiled and picked me back up bridal style.
“I think that’s an excellent idea,” He muttered, his lips on my temple. I felt my body shiver as he carried me up the stairs and dropped me to the bed.
“Hang on a second,” I said, quickly slipping off the bed. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right back out,” I said, running into the bathroom. I shut the door and quickly grabbed the bag I hid a week ago in here. I saved it for a special occasion, and this was definitely a good reason to wear it. I pulled out the ball of satin and grabbed the bottom pair of boy shorts, throwing them on and quickly grabbing the satin top. It was black with a huge pink bow around the middle and flared around the stomach. I grabbed the pair of black knee high boots to go with it and slid them on, completing the outfit. I quickly tossed my hair, making it messy and standing on end and opened the door, finding Jeff laying on the bed with a sheet pulled up to his waist, leaving his bare chest and stomach exposed.
“Ready?” I asked in as sexy a voice I could muster. He glanced over at me, and doubled back, his eyes wide and his mouth hitting the floor. I walked over to him and kneeled on knee on the bed, using my hand to close his mouth and claiming his mouth with mine.
“Where the hell did this come from?” He asked when we broke apart, playing the top of the lingerie.
“Just something I had stowed away for a rainy day,” I muttered, swinging my legs to wrap around his waist.
“It’s not raining though,” he pointed out. I just shrugged as he smiled.
“Don’t do this to often,” he muttered to me. “I could get addicted.”
“I’m hoping you do,” I whispered to him as locked our lips together again and slid under the blankets with him. By the time we both reached our heights, we were sweating and panting and I was tender, but I wouldn’t trade this moment for a thing in the world. I rolled over and laid my head on Jeff’s sweaty chest, listening as his heart rate slowed down as he slipped off to sleep. I knew I couldn’t sleep, so I stood up and grabbed my robe, being careful not to wake him. I quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the table. I glanced at the clocked and groaned when I realized it was nearly midnight. I knew the television would wake Jeff up, and there wasn’t really anything for me to do on the computer, so I decided to do something I haven’t done in the longest time. I walked into the office and grabbed a book, flipping on the light in the living room and sitting on the couch to read it. I couldn’t get into the book. I knew the reason I couldn’t sleep, and it was from wanting to not be able to, but not because I was restless, but because someone else was. I sighed, knowing it would be a long time before anything like that happened. I also knew we had to do it soon, I was getting older and the older I got, the more high risk the pregnancy would be. High risk as in more chances for something to go wrong, or more chances of another miscarriage, and I didn’t want to go through that again. I barely read over the page I was on, so I finally gave it up and set the book down beside me, rubbing my face with my hands. To ensure nothing happened again, I got the Depo shot, which stops my body from creating eggs for 3 months. I just got the shot done, so pregnancy was out of the question for the next 3 months. I heard footsteps walking down the stairs, dragging me from my thoughts. I looked at the clock on the cable box and was shocked when it said it was 2 in the morning. I had phased out for a full two hours.
“Hey,” Jeff’s voice said, sleep all but apparent. “Honey it’s 2 in the morning, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” I said, my voice cracking, giving me away.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting beside me. I noticed he pulled on a pair of boxers, so he wasn’t completely naked.
“It’s nothing,” I said, wiping at my eyes which I just realized had tears trailing out of them.
“Yeah right sweetie, what’s wrong?” Jeff asked, his arms snaking around my waist.
“It’s nothing, we’ve talked about it before, and I just can’t help but think about it,” I replied.
“Why do I have the feeling this has to do with the baby we lost?” he asked suddenly, using his finger to lift my chin towards his.
“Since we lost him I’ve wanted nothing more than to try again,” I whispered, the tears falling faster.
“Than let’s do it. In 3 months when the shot wears off, we’ll talk to the therapist to see if we can get you a prescription safer for a baby, and we’ll try.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“I’ve wanted nothing more than to have a baby with you Riley,” he said. “Actually, mine went back to the night we first had sex.” I blushed, remembering how Matt got what we did right away. “When I saw how you reacted with Gunner, you really were a natural with him.”
“I’ve wanted to since the day we brought the trunk down for Aalyah and Dominick,” I replied. “I watched you with Dom and you looked so thrilled to be doing that with him, I just sort of pictured you with a son doing the same thing.”
“I can even do it with our daughter you know,” he said, smirking at me.
“Not if Aunt Mary or Sara or Mandy has anything to say about it.” I replied, a laugh escaping my lips. “But you do know one thing we have to teach any of our kids about.”
“Wrestling,” he said with a nod.
“Heck yeah, kid’s gotta know about his grandfather and his 17 and 0 Wrestlemania streak!”
“Hell yeah, or his mother being the most dominate Diva in the locker room.”
“Or his Uncle and Father being the master of the ladders in the TLC match.” I finished.
“Hell yeah!” Jeff shouted, causing another laugh to escape from me.
“So, do you want to try in three months?” Jeff asked.
“We’ll give it 6,” I replied. “3 months isn’t long enough for TNA.”
“6 months then, and we’ll try.”
“And we’ll just let nature run it’s course,” I said. “If it doesn’t happen, then it wasn’t meant to be.”
“Agreed.” Jeff muttered, his head resting against mine. A sudden thought struck me.
“Oh damn,” I said, sitting up so fast I bumped Jeff’s head with my own.
“What?” he asked, rubbing spot I hit.
“Dad’s birthday is in 8 days!” I said, turning to face him.
“Shit it is isn’t it?” he said, suddenly remembering himself.
“You know what would be awesome for him and Sara both?” I asked, clapping my hands excitedly. “Taking Gunner and Chasey for the night and letting them have a night alone.”
“That would be perfect for them,” he replied. “We should do that. I mean, Chasey’s out of diapers and stuff like that right? It’ll be easy.”
“Okay, we’ll make special reservations for the two of them and I can discretely pack the kids’ stuff and they can be good to go.” I said.
“I love the way your brain works,” he said, kissing the side of my head. I just giggled and leaned into him. “You know,” he muttered. “I know you’re only wearing a robe.” he slid his hands through the opening of my robe, rubbing them over my bare hips and lower back. He picked me up and carried me back upstairs an into the bed.
“You know nothing will happen right now,” I pointed out.
“I know, doesn’t mean we can’t get any practice in does it?” he asked, smiling at me. I shook me head and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Welcome to TNA Impact, this is Mike Tenay and Tazz reporting from ringside. Now we’re going to take you back to a month ago, to show you how this feud started.” I watched as the screen cut to a promo of my feud with Shannon. She was still being a bitch to me, but things were getting a lot better. I was taking my meds so I wasn’t ready to kill her, and in two months I’d be getting my final birth control shot, and three months after that, I could very well be expecting a little Jeffrey within a year.
The heavy sounds of Avenged Sevenfold suddenly began playing, cueing me to make my entrance. I ran out from behind the curtain and into the ring, standing on turnbuckles as Shannon’s music began to play.
“Daffney!” the ring announcer called. I hopped on the balls of my feet, shaking my arms and head to warm up. I stared at the ground with my eyes closed for a moment, thinking “I am the Phoenix. I am the Phoenix.” When the bell rang, my head snapped up and I connected to Shannon in a grapple. She quickly gained the advantage, locking a sleeper hold on me. I felt myself fading, but quickly regained myself enough to Irish Whip her into the rope. She bounced and I jumped, landing a double drop kick on her chest. She landed on the mat of the ring and rolled around to her stomach. I grabbed her head and picked her up, receiving punches to the stomach from her. Finally she landed a shot to the head, dropping me to the ground. She covered me with her body and I was able to get my shoulder off the ground.
“Go for it,” she whispered before standing up. I stood up slowly and she grabbed me, but I did a roundhouse kick and connected with the side of her head. I dragged her to the corner and climbed to the top, jumping and flipping in mid-air in a Swanton Bomb style. When I landed on her, I hooked her leg and got the three count.
“Here’s your winner, Phoenix!” the ring announcer called. I stood up and had my arm raised, only to be ambushed from behind. I heard mutters and laughter as I was turned around, and was face to face with Lacey Von Erich, the rest of her team behind her.
“Get her, get the freak!” Lacey was shouting. The other two women pounded on my head as I tried to cover up the best I could. A sudden heavy music with a female singer started playing and soon I was rolling around form the beating the Beautiful People and given me. I looked up to see it was Lisa Varon, who was having a feud with Velvet Sky as her character Tara. She knelt beside me as the other women ran to the backstage area, and I sat up, rubbing my head and jaw, and it wasn’t for effect. They really took a beating out on me.
Lisa helped me up and back to the back when arms wrapped around me. I instantly started struggling.
“Sis, it’s okay it’s me,” Matt’s voice said. I snapped around to see him behind me, Shane standing off to the right of him. I collapsed onto him as he looked over my jaw.
“You’re getting a bruise,” he said, rubbing the spot.
“What the hell was that about?” Shane asked, kneeling beside Matt.
“I have no idea,” I replied honestly. “I think they have something personal against me, every time I pass them they call me a freak or whatever.” I said. I looked up at Lisa who was still standing off to the side. “Thanks,” I said.
“No problem kid,” she replied. “Couldn’t let them beat down one of the most dominant females in the business, otherwise who would I have a challenge against?” She walked back toward her locker room as the sound of footsteps ran up to us.
“Ri, honey are you okay?” Jeff asked, leaning beside his brother.
“I’m fine,” I said. “They just ambushed me.”
“Don’t forget the last time you got ambushed,” Shane said pointedly.
“How the hell can I forget that when it made me forget everything else?” I asked him. He smiled at me sheepishly before looking away.
“What are you two doing here anyway?” I asked Matt as he and Jeff helped lift me up.
“Thought we’d come down and hang, see what things was like over here.” he answered, shrugging.
“You didn’t get released did you?” Jeff asked his brother. He looked glum, so we knew he was.
“Got the call this morning,” he finally said. “NXT ended sooner than they thought, and since they felt there was nothing I was bringing to the show, so they released me of my contract.”
“What about all the shit you was just doing with Dalip?” I asked.
“Not as exciting as they thought it would be,” Matt replied, shrugging. Now I was pissed. They let Matt go, knowing his passion for wrestling, and when Jeff and I left, they didn’t even try to keep us there, they just slammed the door in our faces.
“How’s Christy doing?” I asked Shane, trying to distract myself.
“Better, she’s got a bump forming,” Shane replied, smiling. I noticed Jeff’s slight smile and couldn’t help but giggle lightly.
“What?” Matt asked when we reached the dressing room.
“Hearing Shane talk like that, never thought I’d hear it,” Jeff admitted. “And,” he looked at me, I nodded, knowing exactly what he wanted to tell them. “And Riley and I talked about it a while ago, and she’s going to take one more birth control shot after this one dissolves, and after the last one, we decided to try to have a baby again.”
“That’s great you two.” Matt replied. “I can’t wait to become Uncle Matt.”
“Has Jason called you Dad yet?” Jeff asked, smirking.
“Actually, it was the first thing he called me.” Matt said, rubbing his chin. “He believes I’m his real father, and I’m not gonna let him think otherwise. I’m going with Mandy sometime soon to make me his legal father.”
“That’s great Matty!” I shouted, tossing my arms around his neck. “Matty’s a daddy!” I started singing. I stopped when I noticed everyone staring at me. “Burst my joy bubble why don’t you?” I huffed, sitting back down and pouting. Jeff laughed and pulled me onto his lap. I smirked evilly as a thought came to mind.
“Jeffrey, not here,” I muttered, loudly enough for Matt and Shane to hear.
“Not here what?” he asked, looking confused.
“I can feel that,” I said, rubbing my butt over him. His eyes grew wide and his face went red as Matt and Shane laughed.
“You feel what?” he asked, the words coming out in a jumbled murmur.
“Jeff, you’re brother and our friend his sitting right here in front of us, now stop or I’ll have to take you to the bathroom,” I winked. Matt fell off his chair at the look on Jeff’s face. I couldn’t keep a straight face any longer, I fell beside Matt, rolling around laughing. Jeff stared at me for the longest moment before throwing his head back and laughing as well.
“You know paybacks are bitches best served cold don’t ya?” he asked, smirking down at me. I just shrugged, my lungs hurting from laughing so hard. There was a sudden knock on the door, followed by Terry and Eric walking into the room, Shannon Moore right behind them.
♠ ♠ ♠
update! sorry I couldn't help but put the embarrassment of Jeff in there te he *it was too good an idea to pass up*
thanks for the comment
more coming soon, and it's getting close to the surprise for Mark! :D
Happy early birthday mark calaway! tomorrow he turns 48, and he's still going strong as the Undertaker in the WWE! he moves *and has great balance* for a man nearly 50!! :D