Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 61

“Hey,” Jeff said when he saw them standing there.
“Matt, Shane, Shannon told us you were thinking about coming here,” Eric said. “I would love to welcome the two of you aboard.”
“With one exception,” Terry spoke up. “The 5 of you are going to start you own group of your own, you can do all the details, but I want the 5 of you together.”
“Why?” Matt asked, confused.
“Because we know you kids grew up together, you trained together, you work well together.” Eric replied.
“And I suggested it,” Shannon replied. “C’mon, we’ve never done anything the 5 of us, beside the web show. This could be the one last chance we get to do anything together like this.”
“He’s right,” I said, standing up. I looked pointedly at Jeff, and he knew what I was thinking.
“Let’s do it,” Jeff said, standing up and walking to stand beside me. Matt nodded his head and Shane clapped his hands.
“We’re doing it,” he said, jumping from the chair.
“You all talk this out, but for now, Matthew Hardy, Gregory Helms, please follow me so we can get the two of you signed up.” When they left the room, Shannon walked up to Jeff and me.
“You have no idea how dead on you were about this being our last chance,” Jeff said to Shannon.
“What up?” he asked.
“In a few months Riley’s going to retire from wrestling completely.” Jeff explained, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“You two trying again?” Shannon asked, getting it right away. We both nodded. “Well, good luck to the two of ya,” he said. Jeff quickly changed into his ring attire while I went to the showers to change into my street clothes. I just walked out when Matt and Shane walked back in.
“We get home, we’re going to talk about this group,” Matt said, sitting down beside me. We watched the rest of the show until it was Jeff against AJ. We watched the match, noting differences in Jeff’s style from over the years. When he did the Swanton and got the three count, we were satisfied with his performance.
“Matt, I think you should go to the dark side,” I said suddenly. “Both you and Shane. Jeff, Shannon and I all are over here.”
“You’re back to your old persona, Shannon’s being himself, and so is Jeff.” Matt said.
“That would help the group out a lot better,” Jeff said, entering the room. “I heard you through the door,” He explained. He sat down beside me, covered in sweat, and wrapped his arms around me.
“Jeff, you’re all sweaty,” I complained, trying to back away from him. He just smiled and pulled me closer to him, rubbing his face against mine. “Eeewww Jeffy germs, Jeffy germs!” I cried, trying to wiggle away from him. He just held on tightly, laughing as I tried to get away.
“You know what, it’s time we did something different,” Matt said, looking over at Shane. He nodded.
“I’ll miss being the hurricane, but I think a new face will work well with me,’ Shane agreed.
“So, what are we going to call ourselves?” I asked, completely ignoring the fact that Jeff was still sweaty and holding me.
“Hmm, that’s a good question,” Matt said.
“Well, we’re all from NC, so we could abbreviate it NC.” Jeff spoke up, sliding me and him to the floor so I was sitting in between his legs and leaning against his bare torso.
“And call ourselves what? The Nut Crackers?” Shannon asked, looking toward Jeff.
“That’s actually not that bad,” I said with a giggle. Shane rolled his eyes and me while Matt chuckled.
“Well, why don’t you come up with something?” I asked, turning to face them. “We’ll all think of something and run it by everyone at home, which ever they like best is what we’ll go with.”
“Sounds fair to me.” Jeff said.
“You’ll agree with everything she says,” Matt muttered.
“I agree with it,” Shannon said. “They can narrow it down to their favorite two, and we’ll bring the names to Terry and Eric and have them decide which one they like best.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Shane said.
“So, Shannon’s got ‘The Nut Crackers,’” Matt said. “Riley, what do you think?”
“The Naughty Coyotes,” I replied.
“Jeff?” Matt asked.
“The Nasty Company,” he responded.
“The New Cencations.”
“Dude, Sensations starts with an S,” Matt said.
“We’re a different kid of group,” Shane said “How about making some changes.”
“Fine,” Matt said. He thought for a moment before smiling.
“Neverending Corruption,” he said finally.
“Good one,” I said. “So we got Nut Crackers, Neverending Corruption, New Cencations, Naughty Coyotes, and Nasty Company.” Jeff reached into his bag, which was right behind him, and pulled out his sketch book with a pencil. He quickly jotted down the names and closed the book, but not before I saw one of his drawings. I knew it was of me, but I only got a quick glance.
“Hey let me see something,” I said, grabbing the book from him. I flipped, seeing a lot of new Aluminummy ideas he wanted to work on, a long with his famous “face paintings.” When I found the one I was looking for, I was amazed. It was me alright. I was half Phoenix and half Riley, Phoenix was holding the TNA Knockouts Championship while Riley was holding a little hand, possibly leading to a child. I looked back up at him and smiled.
“I was going to give it to you when I finished it,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. I didn’t reply, I just leaned against him more.
“So, let’s get heading home,” Matt said.
“Hotel, then home.” Jeff said, his chin resting on the top of my head. “We’re exhausted, it’s late, and Riley needs to get that damn pill in her system before she starts to go haywire on us and try to kill us in our sleep.” I nudged my elbow into his ribs, but remained quiet.
“Yeah, what are you two going to do about that?” Matt asked suddenly.
“Talk to the therapist about getting another prescription,” I said, shrugging. He nodded and stood up.
“Go get changed so we can leave,” I said to Jeff, patting his leg with my hand. He groaned as he stood up, and I heard his knees pop.
“I’m getting to damn old,” he muttered, grabbing his bag and grabbing out his clothes. When it was just me and him, he changed and packed his stuff up. When we got to the hotel, we both collapsed on the bed, sleep overtaking us at once.

The next afternoon we were home, hanging out with Dad.
“Oh, they’re already talking about who they want to induct into the Hall of Fame this year.” Dad said suddenly.
“Really? How are they thinking this year?” I asked, turning to face him.
“Don’t know, but Vince put it out that they’re looking already.”
“It’s over a year away,” Jeff said, shocked.
“You know McMahon though, likes to keep on top of things.” Dad muttered smiling. Dad’s phone ringing suddenly had him digging in his pocket.
“Probably Sara,” he muttered when he got the phone out. He looked at the screen, confusion on his face. “Vince, how can I help you?” he asked when he answered. He listened for a long moment, his face ranging from confusion to shock to excitement. “Are you serious?” he asked. “Absolutely I’ll except!” he shouted. He listened as Vince said something.
“He wants you,” he said, handing me the phone.
“Hello?” I asked, pressing the phone to my ear.
“Riley, I just gave your father some long awaited and excellent news,” Vince said. “For the 2011 Wrestlemania, he will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.”
“Are you for real?” I shouted, looking up at Dad.
“Hell yeah, and considering who you are and your status with the company and the WWE Universe, I was wondering if you would like to induct him into the hall of fame.”
“That would be an honor to do,” I said, glancing up at Dad. He looked at me confused. I hung up with Vince.
“What was that about?” Jeff asked, looking between the two of us.
“I’m going to be in the 2011 Hall of Fame,” Dad replied, looking around at him. “I don’t know what he wanted Ri for though.”
“I was given the honor and privilege of being the one to induct you,” I informed him. “I’m going to induct you into the hall of fame.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so okay party ppls! I need your help with something, you *my readers* get to chose what the group is called. The choises are
Naughty Coyote
Nut Crackers
Nasty Company
New Cencations
Neverending Corruption
*I know most of them suck, but I lost creativity when thinking of them haha
so you can vote by messaging me, or commenting on the story or on my profile, I'll tally the votes and the winner will be announced in the next chapter
SURPRISE! Mark Calaway The Undertaker in the Hall of Fame! Help me wish Mark a happy 48th birthday!! <):) <<Party hat XD
thanks for comments,
more coming soon!