Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 63

“It’s not that bad,” Dad said. “Work hard at it, and I’m sure you’ll be okay enough to go back for the little while you have left.”
“You didn’t see this tear Dad,” I muttered. “It’ll be a miracle if I come out of this normally. I’m going to be so useless too because it’s my right arm. I would have been fine with the sprained wrist, but the torn muscle is going to be a real pain in the ass.”
“We need to get her meds in her,” Jeff muttered. “She’s back here cursing like a fucking sailor.”
“I am not bitch, shut the fuck up,” I said, slapping my head for basically proving him right. “Jeff, don’t tease me right now. You know I’m more than likely to bite your head off right now.”
“I love you baby!” he said sweetly. I just rolled my eyes and turned back to my conversation with Dad.
“You’ll be fine sweetie,” he said. “I’m off right now, I’ll work with you to properly rehabilitate your elbow.”
“It’s too late Dad, I’ll be out for 3 months if I stay, and I’m not waiting any longer. I’m actually half tempted to skip my last shot and start trying now if Jeff wants to.”
“I want you to get upstairs and take your meds.” Jeff said, pulling into a parking spot of our hotel. We both got out and entered the hotel.
“See, he loves you,” Dad said teasingly.
“Yeah, I know.” I said. “Oh, have you talked to Shawn lately?” I asked him.
“Yeah actually I hung up with him right before you called.” he replied.
“Oh really? How’s things going for him?” I asked, following Jeff to the elevator.
“He’s doing great, he said that if there was anyone he wanted to end his career, it was me and at Wrestlemania.”
“Wasn’t that the whole point?” I asked. “He decided to retire so he put his career on the line at that match.”
“You know how much I loved and hated that match at the same time?” I asked, laughing. “I was watching my father put his streak on the line and a father figure put his career on the line. My father and father figure was fighting over something precious to them, and one of them ended up losing. It was a lose-lose situation!”
“I know Riley, and I’m sorry we put you through the torment.” Dad said.
“Ah, oh well. Nothing can be done about it now,” I said as we reached our floor. Jeff quickly opened our room and went straight for my bag, pulling out the bottle that contained my meds. He grabbed a cup and filled it with water, handing both to me. I sighed and took it, shuddering as I felt the pill go through my esophagus.
“I hate those damn things,” I muttered into the phone. Dad laughed and said something, but I was to repulsed to notice what he said.
“But going back to mine and Mike’s match,” Dad said. “You know what he told me before the match started?” When I replied no, he continued. “He said to beg you not to kill him for retiring.”
“I have to go see him,” I said. “I miss my Shawny Mikey.” I heard Jeff snort and I turned to face him.
“What?” I asked him, smirking.
“Nothing,” he said, smiling and shaking his head. I laughed and walked to the bed, grabbing a pillow and hitting him upside the head with it.
“I’ll let you two kids go,” Dad said suddenly. I said goodbye and hung up the phone, placing it on the nightstand. Out of nowhere I felt Jeff’s arms go around my waist.
“Tired?” he asked when I yawned. I nodded.
“The pain meds are finally kicking in,” I realized. My eyes drooped. Jeff helped me change into my nightgown and into bed. I automatically rolled to lay on my right side so I was facing Jeff when I fell asleep. I accidentally bumped the injured elbow on the mattress, and pain radiated through it. Jeff was about to go into the bathroom when a knock came from the door.
“Lacey, what are you doing here?” Jeff asked, the bite in his voice more than apparent. I jumped out of bed the best I could and pushed past Jeff, ignoring the pain from my elbow when I accidentally hit the wall.
“What the hell do you want?” I snapped. I noticed her glance at the sling my arm was still in.
“Just checking on you, I got a little out of hand didn’t I?” she said, looking my arm over again.
“Oh, no, just a sprained wrist and a career ending tear in a muscle!” I shouted at her, balling my left hand into a fist. “What the hell did I do to you to make you do this?” I asked, indicating my arm.
“Nothing, I just don’t like you,” Lacey replied. I knew the answer was sugar-coated. What she wanted to say was she did it because I existed. I looked down at the floor for a long moment before looking pointedly at Jeff, who was holding my shoulders. He let go at once and backed up. I lifted my right foot and planted it nicely under her jaw, giving her a taste of some Sweet Chin Music.
“One thing you need to know about me Lacey,” I said as she struggled to lift herself up. “You might of grown up with wrestlers, and I did too, but one thing you never had, was some of the biggest names teach you some of their moves, and if it wasn’t for you ending my career, I would have been more than happy to show you all those things. Maybe a Chokeslam, or even a Tombstone Piledriver. You just witnessed my Sweet chin Music, but I have a lot more in my arsenal. The Swanton, the Twist of Fate, the Pedigree, The Last Ride, even the RKO and the Killswitch.” I thought for a long moment. “You know,” I said softly. “I could sit here and go on, or I can show you. I will come back, and I will beat you to a living bloody pulp. You know me as the Phoenix, Riley Hardy, Jeff’s wife. What you don’t know is, my father.” I said. I walked back into the room and grabbed my phone, finding a picture that was taken just three days before. I held it up for her to see, and her eyes went wider than quarters.
“Yes,” I said, looking at the picture. “My father is the Mark Calaway, The Phenom, the Undertaker. 18 and 0 at Wrestlemania, multiple titles, and he’s returned from more serious injuries than my arm. He’ll help me heal, and when he does, you better watch your back.” I walked back into the hotel room and slammed the door shut.
“You sure about that?” Jeff asked the second I turned around.
“She’s not getting away with this,” I said, indicating my arm again. “Remember when I found out about Amy and Matt, years after it happened. I wanted revenge, and I got it. I want it this time as well.”
“I’ll help you get back up as well.” Jeff promised. “You’ve helped me bring myself back up, and it’s about damn time I help you back.”
“You do help me Jeff, you just don’t realize it.” I muttered, resting my head against his chest. “Now, I need to get to bed before I pass out on the floor,” I muttered, walking back to the bed. Jeff laughed and followed, making sure I was comfortable before shutting off the light. I laid flat on my back, my arm resting across my stomach. Jeff’s snoring filled the room instantly, and it, along with the pain pills, lulled me into a deep sleep.

~2 months later~
“Push Riley, push.” Jeff said. I was sweating and in pain, but I pushed anyway, groaning at the burning that was radiating through my body.
“That’s it, two more,” he said. I took a deep breath and lifted the weights again, my arm burning from lack of use and the healing. I lifted the weights one more time and placed it back on the rack, sweat trickling down my face. Jeff, Dad, Matt and I were all at the gym. They were helping me rehab my arm, and my rehabilitation therapist said lifting weights would help tremendously, so that’s what we’ve been doing for the past week.
“You’re getting there honey,” Dad said as I let my arm hang limp. I was exhausted and in pain, but it felt good to be like this again. I quickly took a drink of water from the bottle offered to me by Matt.
“I think that’s enough for the day,” Dad said, looking at the clock on the wall. “We’ve been at this for 3 hours now.”
“I think he’s right,” Jeff said. “You can’t push yourself to hard, at least not right now.” I nodded, knowing they were right.
“You’re progressing really great though.” Matt said encouragingly.
“Hell yeah you are,” Dad said. “A pure Calaway and Hardy through and through.”
“I love you guys,” I muttered, smiling. Jeff looked at the time again and walked to our gym bag, pulling out my pain meds. He handed me one while Matt handed me the bottle. I took it and sighed.
“I hate meds,” I muttered, closing my eyes.
“Well these are only temporary,” Jeff assured me. I just shrugged my shoulders and stood up, feeling dizzy right away.
“Let’s get you home so you can rest,” Jeff said, wrapping his arm around my waist. I just shrugged again, but my head fell and landed on his shoulder. It was a blur to the car, and I was passed out by the time we got home, so Jeff ended up carrying me up the stairs and into our bed. When I woke up, my arm was free of pain, and I was even able to move it slightly. That shocked me.
“Jeff!” I called, moving my arm back and forward an inch or two. He ran into the room, and stared in amazement as I moved my arm.
“You’re healing fast.” he noticed, watching the swing of my arm. That’s when I noticed the noise coming from downstairs.
“What’s going on down there?” I asked. Jeff rolled his eyes and turned to the door as Matt walked in.
“Evening sis,” he said.
“Ass here brought everyone over,” Jeff muttered, nudging Matt with his arm.
“For what?” I asked, looking around at Matt.
“Party night,” he replied, starting to dance a little.
“Oh, great, torture me with rehab and then kill me with a party,” I muttered. “You two go have fun, I’m going back to sleep.” I yawned, laying my head back down on the pillow. I was out within seconds.

~2 months later~
“4 months ago, I gave The Phoenix a farewell gift,” Lacey Von Erich was saying. She had no idea I was back, and I was nearly a hundred percent. My arm still needed some recuperating, but nothing to big. I was given the clear to return to TNA, however, it would only be for one night. Jeff, Matt, Shannon, Shane, and I all three received phone calls from the McMahon Family, asking us to bring our stable, Neverending Corruptions, over to WWE. We loved working at TNA, but we loved working for WWE even more. We accepted the offer.
“Right now she’s probably at home, watching this with her little arm in a sling, crying her eyes out because she can’t be here.” Her team mates laughed, but I smirked as my music began playing. I walked into the stage very slowly, the smirk growing at the look on Lacey’s face.
“Lacey, right here, right now, we end this!” I shout into the microphone. I toss it to the ground and ran into the ring, chasing off the other two Knockouts. Lacey attempted to fight me, but I didn’t give her a chance.
“Remember at the hotel,” I started. “I promised you to show you what I know. The time has come for me to fulfill that promise.” I punched and kicked every inch of her I could. I kicked her mid-section, causing her to double over. I grabbed her head and did the hand gesture, twisting my arm around her neck and delivering the Twist of Fate. I then picked her up and put her head between my legs, hooking my arms with her and jumping, her face planting into the mat. She groaned and started standing up again, but I was ready this time. I took my corner, and charged at her, wrapping my arms around her and tackling her to the ground.
“So let’s see, Paul, Matt, Adam. I think it’s time for a little Shawn.” I said, standing up and retreating to the corner again. She took her time standing up, but when she did, she went right back down.
“I think it’s time for some Mark, then top it off with a little Jeffrey Nero Hardy.” I said, picking her up and holding her upside down. I Tombstoned her, then climbed the top rope, doing Jeff’s signal that the Swanton was coming up. I climbed to the top rope, took a deep breath, and jumped, doing a flip while falling. I landed on her perfectly.
“You know what, I think I little John would be good too,” I said suddenly. I positioned her again, and performed the Star-Ship Pain. Then I moved her to the middle of the ring, giving her the Five-Knuckle Shuffle. I knew she wouldn’t get up, so I picked her up and topped it all off with Randy Orton’s RKO. When I finished, she was completely passed out, and I was completely alive. My arm didn’t hurt one bit, I got my revenge, and life was going really good right now.
Backstage, Jeff, Matt, Shannon and Shane hugged me. They all seen what I did to Lacey.
“I have to hand it to ya,” Terry’s voice said behind me. “You’re your father’s daughter through and through.”
“Thank you,” I said, smiling up at him.
“Tell your old man I said hey.” he said. I promised to and he left.
“That was amazing.” Shane said. “I didn’t know you could Swanton.”
“Jeff taught me,” I said, grabbing Jeff’s hand. “Every finisher I used the person taught me how to do it.”
“Even Orton?” Matt asked. I nodded.
“Well, let’s get out of here,” Jeff said. “We’re back on the road with WWE next week."
♠ ♠ ♠
update! Revenge is so sweet isn't it? XD lol
new layout. I tried my hand at making a banner, but I only had standard issue paint so that's all I could really do until I can get something better....let me know what you think? hehe
thanks for the comments
more coming soon