Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 65

“Riley, it’s okay it’s just a little turbulence,” Jeff said, grabbing my hand. I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest and the plane bounced again.
“Ladies and gentlemen we are experiencing slight turbulence, please remain calm and it will be over shortly.”
“Riley, it’s fine,” Jeff’s voice said from above my head. I still didn’t move my head. In fact, a particularly rough bounce had me trying to bury my head deeper into Jeff’s chest and nearly had me in his lap.
“Is she okay?” a voice asked.
“She’ll be fine,” I heard Matt’s voice answer, his hand starting to rub my back. “The last time she was on a plane she was unconscious heading to a Russian hospital.”
“What happened?” someone asked.
“Remember how we told you about the amnesia?” Jeff asked. I didn’t hear anything, but the plane bounced again, causing me to shriek. “She receive a chair to the head by a wrestler, it knocked her, and her memory, out.”
“Damn,” another voice said. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine,” Jeff said. “She’s got her memory back, for the most part.” They were silent for the longest time, and the plane was smooth as well.
“I think it’s stopped sweetie,” Jeff muttered into my hair. I lifted my head up, looking around at everyone else.
“Are you okay?” Shads asked, looking at me with concern in his honey colored eyes. I nodded.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” I said, sitting back in my seat more.
“Don’t apologize, it’s perfectly fine.” Zack said.
“I need have to many fears and I need to get over them.” I said, laying my head against Jeff’s shoulder.
“By the sounds of it, you do get over a lot of your fears,” Brian said, turning around more fully. “You sound like you’re a lot braver than you give yourself credit for.”
“She is,” Jeff said, kissing the top of my head. I smiled, know that was an extreme compliment coming from Brian Haner.
“Thank you,” I said. The rest of the flight held chatter between different people. I talked with most of the guys from Avenged, learning things about them I never knew, and things that made me love them as a band even more.
“Okay, I just have to ask you this,” Zack said suddenly. “What are your favorite songs from us?”
“Everything from your self-titled album,” I replied instantly. “Unholy Confessions, obviously. Burn it Down, Beast and the Harlot, just all your songs really. Those are the ones I listen to the most though.”
“You can be completely honest with this, but who’s your favorite wrestlers,” Jeff asked Zack.
“Undertaker, naturally. Michaels, I was nearly crying when he left.”
“I was,” I said. “He’s a family friend, and he actually talked me into going back to the company, which is how Jeff and I got back together.”
“I’ve actually always been a Hardy fan,” Zack continued. “And a Phoenix/Riley fan, but my favorite Diva was probably Trish.”
“Not blaming you there, she was hot and a damn good wrestler.” I said, shocking him. Before we could say anything else, an attendant called over the speaker.
“Ladies and gentleman, we will be landing shortly. Please remained seated until we come to a full stop, and as always, thank you for flying with us.” The Avenged guys turned back around to buckle their seatbelts. I looked over at Jeff, excitement all over my face for different reasons. When the plane finally stopped, we stood and walked off the plane, following Avenged to the baggage claim. We got our luggage, and turned to facce each other.
“Well, it was nice meeting you,” Shads said, shaking my hand. Jeff quickly handed him something.
“This is our home and cell numbers, give us a call anytime you feel like it.” he said. “The same with all of you as well.”
“Thank you, and you do the same.” Matt said, jotting his phone information down. Everyone exchanged numbers, even Shane and Shannon. We bade each other goodbye, and they left, heading to their ride. When I was sure they were gone, I turned around and screamed, causing Jeff, Matt, Shane and Shannon to jump.
“Do you realize who that was?” I asked, bouncing up and down.
“Avenged Sevenfold, we know.” Jeff said, laughing as we walked to the car rental station. Jeff and I got our own car while Matt, Shane and Shannon got cars for themselves. As soon as we got our keys, Jeff handed them to me. He couldn’t drive on England’s streets.
“So, tomorrow night is Raw, want to go over and see what the feel of the place is?” Jeff asked as I followed Matt’s car to the hotel.
“Sure,” I said. “But you know it’ll probably be a little bit hostile toward you though.”
“Not really,” Jeff said. “I left on good terms, they’re just going to pissed off because I got myself arrested on you. You, on the other hand, let your contract expire to change companies.”
“I can’t believe Matt and Shane’s going back after WWE shifted them aside so easily.” I replied, ignoring Jeff’s comment.
“I’m more shocked they asked them to come back so quickly.” Jeff said. I glanced over at him as Matt slowed to a stop at a red light.
“I know,” I said. “This company confuses the hell out of me, but I just can’t seem to stay away from them.”
“I know exactly what you mean. I know it’s gonna be hard for Mike to stay away.” Jeff replied as we started moving again.
“I know,” I said. “It’s going to be so hard being there without him. Shawn practically made the WWE, along with Dad and everyone else from back then.”
“Seriously.” Jeff muttered. “Why don’t you call him Mike?” Jeff asked me suddenly. “You always call him Shawn, his stage name. Why not Mike?”
“My uncle Mike for one,” I replied. “And Shawn just suits him better to me.” I shrugged, pulling in behind Matt as he turned into the parking lot of the hotel. I looked at the time, shocked it was already 8 at night. “I keep forgetting we’re 5 hours ahead of NC.” I groaned as I pulled into a parking space.
“Well, we’re here, so we can go upstairs and go to bed.” Jeff said, getting out of the car and stretching.
“Hallelujah!” I said, opening the trunk of the car. Together we grabbed all of our luggage and got it inside. The bellhop loaded the bags onto a cart while we went to check in. We walked into the hotel room, and I automatically collapsed onto a bed, my eyes closing and my body giving up.
“Do you at least want to change into your night clothes?” Jeff asked. I shook my head, too content to move.
“You know you’ll have to move so I can get in there too.” he said, sitting beside my head. I shook my head again, making a snoring sound to act like I was asleep. Jeff didn’t say or make any noise, but when I felt myself get picked up and readjusted, I knew it was him. I squealed when he set me down, giving himself enough room to lay down beside me. I groaned and turned around, laying on my back so I could face him. He had his head hovering above mine, his lips inches from mine. When he started kissing me, I couldn’t help but kiss him back.
“I haven’t told you I love you today have I?” Jeff said. I thought back through the day, realizing we were too busy for him to be able to tell me.
“No, but you were busy,” I said, smiling at him.
“No excuse,” he muttered, pressing his lips to mine again. When I felt the mood change, I broke the kiss.
“Would you hate me if I said I’m too tired?” I asked, looking into his eyes. He smiled and laid his head by mine, kissing my shoulder. I felt the smile through the kiss.
“Not at all.” he said. “I understand completely.” He got off the bed and grabbed his suitcase, grabbing a pair of boxers, some basketball shorts and a white tank top. “I’m gonna go grab a shower.”
“I wanna join,” I said, standing up and grabbing my own pajamas from my bag.
“You sure?” he asked, pausing before he fully walked into the bathroom.
“Is there not enough room?” I asked, following him into the bathroom.
“I don’t give a damn about space,” Jeff said. “As long as we don’t give each other black eyes we’ll be good. I just thought you were tired.”
“I am, but a girl wants to smell good when sleeping to her man,” I said, laughing at the look on his face.
“Fine,” he said. By the time the dirt and tension from the trip was washed off, I was ready to pass out, which I did as soon as my head hit the pillows.

~Smackdown! Taping~
The second we walked into the arena for the taping of Smackdown, people stared. Oscar was pulling into the parking lot at the same time we were.
“What is this?” he asked as we met at the door.
“We’re back,” Jeff said, hugging his friend.
“I can see that.” Oscar replied. “Back back, like in action back?”
“Back and in black,” I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet. Oscar looked me up and down, shaking his head and smiling.
“Why does that hyperness of hers never get old?” he asked, looking at Jeff.
“Because it’s her, she never gets old.” Jeff said, grabbing my arm and leading me into the arena. Crew and superstars alike stared after us as we passed. We separated at the men’s locker room. I continued on to the Diva’s locker room, and walked in to find Melina, Beth, and Gail standing in there.
“Room enough for one more?” I asked, smiling at the shocked looks on their faces.
“Ri!” Melina squealed, rushing up to hug me. Beth and Gail joined in.
“You’re back?” Beth asked. I nodded.
“Along with Jeff, Matt, Shane and Shannon.” I said. Melina’s eyes grew wide as I listed the others.
“Do you know who you’re rivals are going to be?”
“Not at all.”
“I do,” A new voice said. I looked around, and there stood Serena.
“Hello, we’ve never met, I’m R-”
“I know who you are.” Serena said. “I’m Serena Deeb, honorary member of the Straightedge Society.”
“Okay, that’s just on the show,” I said, reaching into my bag for my ring attire.
“Not everything in this business is fake,” Serena said. “And Phil will prove that to you, when he defeats your precious little Jeffrey.” I paused and whipped my head around.
“Did you get two more members since we last saw?” I asked.
“It’s the Straightedge Society teaming with Vickie Guerrero the Official Consultant to the General Manager, and Drew MacIntyre and Dave Bautista.” she gave me an evil grin “I’m so going to enjoy watching you and your little group get what you have coming to you.” She sneered at Melina, who walked up to stand next to me, knowing how unstable I could be.
“Why don’t you just get the fuck out of my face,” I said, before turning away from her.
“No,” she said, grabbing my arm and turning me to face her again. My temper flared, but I took a deep breath to calm myself.
“Who watched my time in TNA?” I asked. Everyone but Serena raised their hands. “Tell her, what happened to the last woman who crossed me.”
“She beat the shit out of her.” Melina said. “Knocked her ass out.”
“And,” Beth added. “She’s medicated for Bi-Polar, so she gets pissed off really easily.”
“Especially if I miss my meds, which I just so happened to have to do because I was so fucking busy getting ready this morning. So don’t fucking touch me unless you want your damn hand broken.” I saw the fear in Serena’s eyes, and smiled as she tripped over herself to get out of the locker room. I plopped myself down on the bench, resting my head in my hands.
“Are you okay?” Gail asked me. I nodded my head, taking another deep breath.
“I need some water.” I said. “I was gonna take my pill when I got here, but she started her shit.” Beth walked out, leaving us sitting in silence until she got back.
“Thanks,” I muttered, taking the pill.
“No prob,” Beth said. “You’re going against Vickie, do me a favor.” I looked up at her, confused. “Beat her ass.”
“She’s been nothing but a bitch the entire time she’s been here.” Melina agreed.
“Oh, I know. I saw what she did to my Dad, and you Beth. Believe me, she’s going to get exactly what she deserves.”
“Good,” Melina said, nodding her head in approval.

I was in my ring attire, getting ready to interrupt Vickie. I heard her line, and suddenly Sound of Madness started playing. I walked out on cue and jumping into the ring.
“No, no no, you should not be out here!” Vickie cried. I looked around at the fans, many of them screaming “Hardy” or “Riley.”
“I’m back Vickie!” Shouted into the mic. “And I’m not the only one!” Sound of Madness played again, and this time the fans screamed even louder as Shane and Shannon walked out. Jeff and Matt decided to use the old Hardy theme, so when it played, the roof blew off the building. They came jumping out, and climbed into the ring with Shannon, Shane and me.
“Hell yeah we’re back!” Jeff shouted into his microphone. “and we’re going nowhere fast!”
“You’re absolutely right your going no where fast because as long as I’m the Official Consultant..” Vickie started saying, but she was cut off by people running from the back.
“Sorry to interrupt you Vickie, but do you need any help?” Punk asked as he, Gallows and Serena walked into the ring. I shot a glare at Serena, who smirked, but went further behind Punk at the same time.
“As I was saying, I am to Official Consultant of Smackdown, and you will not go anywhere as long as I’m that way.” Out of nowhere, the theme for the GM, Teddy Long, started playing.
“That’s why,” Teddy said, standing on the stage. “I’m here to tell you, that you, Vickie, are no longer the Consultant to me. I just got a call from McMahon, and he informed me of everything. You are a part of this, and he feels you can’t perform your duties effectively, so as of right now, you are now only known as a Diva, so you have to do as I tell you.” Teddy said. I looked toward my team, who looked excited.
“That is why,” Teddy continued. “Tonight for our main event, it will be the team of Neverending Corruption, going against the team of The Straightedge Society, Vickie Guerrero, Drew MacIntyre, and Dave Batista. Holla Holla Holla!” He went backstage, and I turned to face Serena, who had a look as if she had been slapped.
“No extra power for you,” I told her, smiling. She stared at me before drawing her hand back and slapping me across the face. Everything froze, almost literally. My body started trembling from rage.
“Riley no,” Matt said, grabbing my arm as I lunged at her. She screamed and ran from the ring.
“Tell that Bi-Polar addict wife of yours to stay off of Serena, Hardy!” Punk said into the microphone.
“Tell that bitch to leave my wife the fuck alone!” Jeff shouted without the mic. I struggled to get to her, but I was getting held back by Matt and Jeff.
“Get the fuck back here bitch!” I shouted. “You better tell her to stay away from me, because I’ll fuck her up if she gets near me again!”
“Riley, calm down.” Jeff whispered in my ear. I listened to him, leaning against him for support.
“She better not get in my way tonight,” I said backstage, as I rubbed the spot Serena had slapped.
“Just calm down Ri,” Matt said. “They want to play that game, that’s exactly what they’re going to get.”
♠ ♠ ♠
went a little more overboard with the promo scene than I thought I would, but it's still freaking sweet! XD lol so there's the update
and match next chapter
thanks for the comments
more coming soon