Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 70

~Three Days Later~
“Are you sure you have to go?” Aunt Becky asked as we packed our suitcases into the trunk of the car that drove us here.
“We have to go. We have dogs to go relieve Jeff’s brother of. Plus we have to go make sure the house is still there. Our friend Shannon’s been staying there with his wife and they’re just a little too hell raising to be left alone too long.” I answered, closing the trunk. “We’re going to be back in a while though, probably with Jeff’s brother Matt and his girlfriend and their son.”
“You’re an aunt too?” Becky asked.
“In a way. Jason is Mandy’s son from a previous relationship. Matt became Jason’s legal father.” I explained.
“That was so sweet of him.” Aunt Becky said. “You should bring them the next time you come over. Maybe you get to meet your uncle and your other aunt then.”
“Hopefully,” I said, hugging her.
“Did you tell Dad bye yet?” Becky asked.
“Just on my way up,” I said, walking back into the house.
“You better, he’ll be pissed off if you don’t.” Aunt Becky said. I nodded, knowing it to be true.
“So, goodbyes drive me crazy, I try to avoid them. It was great seeing you again, and no matter what you think, you’re my niece and I love you.”
“I love you too Aunt Becky,” I said, hugging her. She smiled and walked toward the kitchen where Jeff was talking to Jack. A few minutes later, Jeff came walking out of the room, grabbing my hand.
“Grandpa Walter?” he asked. I nodded, and started climbing the stairs. When we reached his door, I knocked lightly.
“Come on in!” he called. Jeff and I walked into the room to find him out of bed and in a wheelchair, looking out the window.
“I saw you packing the car,” he said, turning the chair around. I looked around, spotting Martin in a chair beside the bed. “Time to hit the ole dusty trail?”
“Yeah, it is.” I said, walking up to him. I gently hugged him, kissing his cheek as I pulled back.
“You know, you’ve always been one of the lights of my life.” he said suddenly. “Even when I gave up, I never stopped remembering.”
“Neither did I,” I said. “Well, except for when I got amnesia, but when I regained my memory, I never stopped remembering.” Grandpa Walter smiled.
“I would have accompanied you to the airport, but my nurse refused it point blank.”
“Don’t be to hard on her Walter,” Jeff said. “She’s just trying to make sure you stick around a little longer.”
“Hell I know, doesn’t mean I like it.” Walter grumbled. He indicated for Jeff to walk up to us. He shook Jeff’s hand, and grabbed mine, placing it in Jeff’s hand. “I know I keep saying this, but once more won’t hurt. Take good care of her Jeffrey. She’s a wild flower, beautiful and strong on the outside, but still fragile and breakable on this inside.”
“You have my word Walter. Nothing will happen to her while I’m around.” Jeff replied. Walter smiled and opened his arms, embracing Jeff.
“Welcome to the family son,” he said. I hugged him again, promising to come back as soon as I had time. Martin left the room with us.
“He’s already a lot better,” Martin said. He then lowered his voice. “I sent the information you wanted to the doctor you told me to send it to. It said she was a Psychiatrist.”
“She’s my therapist,” I said. “I had horrific nightmares so I went to her. She’s been a big help, and I know she’ll help with this.” I kissed his cheek and hugged him.
“Come back again, soon.” Martin said, shaking Jeff’s hand.
“As soon as we can get back here.” I said. “We’ll let you know when we’re coming.” Martin nodded and walked with us out to the car. We watched as the house disappeared, and the drive to the airport began.

~7 hours later~
“Home sweet home,” Jeff said, collapsing onto the couch. It was obvious Shannon and Julie wasn’t here. The house was quiet and their car was gone. Probably checking things at their own house. I walked into the kitchen and pressed the play button on the answering machine, grabbing a Sprite from the fridge as I listened. Not to many calls, just people wondering how I was doing since I was in a trance the last leg of the last tour. One message stuck out though. It was from Shane.
“Jeff, Riley, I know you two aren’t home yet since you didn’t answer this, and we didn’t call because we knew you would probably be busy, but when you get this, come over. There’s something we have to tell you in person. See you when you get back.”
“Jeff!” I called.
“Yeah?” he asked. I played the message for him. Jeff looked confused.
“What’s so important?” he asked, looking at me confused. I shrugged my shoulders.
“Should we just go head over there?” I asked him. He nodded, grabbing his car keys from the hook. We drove to Shane’s house, stopping a little ways back to surprise him. Jeff knocked on the front door as I covered the peep hole. When the door opened, it was Shannon who answered. He put his finger to his mouth, his eyes glimmering with excitement.
“Welcome back,” he whispered, ushering us inside.
“Why are we whispering?” I whispered back to him. In response, Shannon turned me around. Sitting on the couch was Christy, a bundle of blanket in her arms. She looked worn out, but in a proud way.
“Is that…” I started. She nodded, moving her head for me to come see. I walked up and looked in the blanket. Sure enough, there was her son.
“Oh my goodness, congrats,” I said, wrapping an arm around her as Shane walked into the room.
“Hey, you’re back.” Shane said, looking at Jeff.
“Yeah, just got home about what, a half hour ago?” Jeff asked me. I nodded, glancing up at him than back to the baby.
“When did this happen?” Jeff asked Shane next.
“I got home from the tour and she was on the couch, her back killing her. We sit around for a while and her water breaks. He was born that night at nearly midnight.”
“What did you name him?” I asked Christy.
“Christian Gregory,” she replied. “Our first names combined.”
“I love it,” I said. “He’s so adorable.” I cooed.
“Want to hold him?” Christy asked.
“Some other time. I’m grimy and jet lagged and just a mess right now,” I said. Christy nodded in understanding.
“Where’s Julie?” Jeff asked Shannon.
“With her family.” Shannon answered. “Speaking of which, how’d it go in Baltimore?”
“Crazy,” I replied. “I met my cousins, saw my aunt and uncle and grandfather and great uncle. My Uncle didn’t even believe it was me until I remembered my mom stabbing him with a fork and the scar it left.” Shannon laughed.
“How’s your grandpa doing?” Christy asked.
“From what we saw, like it’s not as sick as they were saying, but his medical records show he’s as bad as we’ve been told.” Jeff answered for me. “He was joking around and everything.”
“By what Alexandria said after my first visit, he wasn’t like that until he saw me. The way she sounded he was super depressed most of the time.” I added.
“Maybe dying made him think of you and your mother a lot, and he thought he’d never see you again before he died.” Christy responded.
“Maybe,” I said. I sighed, thinking of everything that happened the past three days.
“How did everyone react to seeing you?” Shane asked me, sitting on the other side of Christy.
“Differently,” I said. “My aunt tried to throw me and Jeff out of the house because we found my mother’s old room and that’s where she found us.”
“Her grandpa and great uncle were the only ones who knew it was her right away. Her uncle refused point blank to believe it was her.”
“How did they react to you being married?” Shannon asked.
“Freaked out, but they were other wise fine about it, except until Becky’s husband informed them of Jeff’s drug history.”
“Oh shit,” Shane said, laughing.
“It wasn’t that big a deal.” Jeff said, rolling his eyes. “She was asking him what he knew about us as wrestlers.” Jeff explained. Everyone nodded in understanding. Christy stood up and walked into the back hallway as someone knocked on the door. Shane pointed for me to go answer it. I looked through the whole to see it was Matt.
“Shhh,” I said quietly. I cracked open the door. “Hola?” I asked. “¿Quién es esto?” I heard Jeff snicker, and waved my hand to quiet him down.
“Uhm, what?” Matt asked. I repeated the question. “uhm, No speaky the Espanol.” he said.
¿No habla español?” I asked.
“No, I don’t speak Spanish, who is this?”
Gracias, Vuelva por favor.” I shut the door, and looked out the peep hole, and couldn’t stop myself. I busted out laughing at Matt’s face.
“Let him in Riley,” Shane said. “Stop harassing him.”
“What the hell,” Matt muttered. “I should of known,” he said, hugging me. “Did you call me something?”
Vaya beso pelotas peludas de mono.” I replied with.
“Thank you,” he said. I died laughing again.
“Dude, she just told you to go kiss hairy monkey balls.” Shane informed him.
“You’re in a good mood, did you get some on the plane?” Matt asked.
Sí, y el sueño refrescaba muy,” I replied. I knew he knew Sí, meant yes, so I wasn’t surprised by his dumbfounded yet amused expression.
“Yes, and the sleep was very refreshing.” Shane translated.
“Stop speaking Spanish,” Matt said as Christy walked in.
¿Qué perdí yo? ¿Pierde Matt la cabeza aún más que antes?” Christy asked me in Spanish.
“I heard my name in that.” Matt replied as Mandy walked into the house, Jason following behind her.
Usted no puede perder algo usted nunca tuvo.” I replied to Christy. She laughed.
Verdadero, muy verdadero.” she responded.
“Matt, Christy asked if you’re losing your head again, Riley replied saying you can’t lose something you never had, and Christ just said true, very true.” Shane said.
Aguafiestas,” Christy and I responded at the same time.
“Yes I am,” Shane said smugly.
“So when did you guys get back?” Matt asked, hugging me again.
“About an hour ago.” Jeff answered, smiling.
“How did it go?” Mandy asked.
“Her aunt tried to kick her out,” Shane spoke up.
“Her uncle refused to believe it was her,” Shannon added.
“But her grandfather and great uncle both knew it was her right away.” Jeff finished.
“How’s he doing?”
“Medical wise, not to good, but other than that, he’s just the way I remembered him. The same guy who sat me down and with a serious face taught me how make mud pies.” I said.
“What’s this about your aunt kicking you out?” Mandy asked, laughing.
“Well, they basically preserved my mother’s old room, and my old room as well. We found them and was looking around. I-” my voice trailed as I remember what happened when Becky found us. “I remembered the day my mother died.” I said, crossing my fingers to stop myself from picking my fingernails, a trait I learned I picked up from my mother. “I collapsed onto the floor, and Becky walked in. Somehow I knew it was her, but she didn’t realize it was me until Alexandria said something to her, but before she realized it, she was getting ready to kick us out.”
“I’m sorry about the memory.” Christy said.
“It’s fine,” I said. “I knew it would have been bad, but I just didn’t expect what it was. I walked in and she was crying. She sent me to my room to play, so I waited for her. She killed herself with me waiting for her to play with me. I walked back in and she was on the floor. I tried waking her up, but she wouldn’t.”
“It’s okay Riley, you don’t have to tell us.” Shane said quickly. I shook my head.
“No, I need you to know.” I said. “I found my grandfather in the library. He tried doing CPR, but I knew it was too late. I asked if she was dead.”
“How did you know about death so young?” Mandy asked. “I can’t imagine letting Jason know about death right now.”
“I know,” I said. “Mom wanted me to know about it though, so she told me. Maybe she knew she would end up dying on me.”
“I don’t know,” Jeff muttered. “Babe, we have to call Grace,” he said suddenly, looking at his watch.
“Damn,” I muttered, standing up from the floor.
“For what?” Matt asked. I looked over at Jeff, who was looking at me.
“There’s a chance for grandpa to survive.” I said. “If they can find a bone marrow donor for a blood transfusion. No one in my family over there were matches, so Jeff and I are getting ourselves tested to see if we’re matches. We’re going to do it when we get back from Canada.”
“Why don’t we get tested too?” Shannon asked.
“You can’t Shannon,” I said. “They wouldn’t let my uncle because he has tattoos.” I groaned. “Which means your out too Jeff.” I said.
“I don’t have tats,” Matt said. I know Shane had them. Christy couldn’t because she just gave birth. Mandy didn’t have any, and neither did Julie.
“I can’t ask you guys too, he’s my grandfather and…”
“That’s exactly why we want to.” Mandy said. “If you lose a family member, we all do.”
“Thank you,” I said to them.
“So, after Canada?” Matt asked. I nodded.
“We’re going to get an official day later when we call her.” Jeff said.
“Let us know,” Mandy said. “Even Julie, I’m sure she’d want to help as well.”
“She does,” Shannon said, putting his phone on his knee. “Just got her confirmation.” he said, holding up the phone.
“Well, let’s call her so we can get the date set up.” Jeff said. I nodded and followed him into the kitchen.
“Riley, this is a very delicate case.” Dr. Grace said when she answered her phone.
“I know,” I replied. “But he’s my grandfather, I have to do something. Would the meds I’m on affect my chances?” I asked.
“I doubt it,” she replied. I sighed, thankful for the news. “Jeff, however can’t be a donor because of his previous drug problems.”
“And his tattoos.” I said.
“No, the tattoos wouldn’t affect him, but his drug use did.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 70, making this my official longest story EVER! More still to come, and a special surprising twist revealed in the next chapter I think *it might be the one after the next, can 't remember where I started it haha*
I had a little too much fun with the Spanish bit ;)
thanks for the comment, hopefully some of my old commentors come back..if not, oh well
another updating coming soon!