Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 72

“Hello Riley, Jeff. Are you here for your next shot? I’m surprised you didn’t come in last month.” Dr. Rorwan said as she walked into the exam room we were waiting in.
“Not exactly,” I said. “There’s been a lot going on, and I didn’t realize the hormones wore off until this past Sunday.”
“By what I heard you asked for this appointment to be soon, so I just thought you finally decided to come back and get it.”
“I need a pregnancy test done.” I said quickly. “And I need to know the results fast.”
“We’ll do a urine test, we can get results in a few minutes that way, but it won’t be too accurate.”
“Just whatever you can do to give us an accurate result fast.” I said.
“What’s going on?” Dr. Rorwan asked.
“My grandfather’s dying, and the only thing that can save him is a blood fusion. I was going to get myself tested to see if I can be a donor for him, but I know they won’t use me if I’m pregnant. I need to know before I get tested on Monday so I can figure things out by then.”
“Okay, well, here,” she handed me a small clear cup. “Go give me a sample, and while we’re waiting for the results, we’ll do a visual examine for any sign that could be related to early pregnancy. Have you had your period anytime this month?”
“No,” I said, something nagging the back of my mind. “It should have been last week.” I groaned. I went to the bathroom to give her my sample, and waited nervously with Jeff sitting right beside me.
“You didn’t realize you were late?” he asked me. I shook my head, laying back on the exam table and closing my eyes.
“Okay Riley, put your legs up here.” Dr. Rorwan said when she got back in. She helped me adjust myself so I was sitting with my legs in the stirrups. She grabbed a metal object, and I jumped at the sudden coldness. I watched Jeff as she examined me, wincing every once in a while at something cold or painful. When a knock came from the door, She covered me up and removed her gloves, accepting the folder someone handed her. She looked at the paperwork in the folder, and frowned.
“What?” Jeff asked.
“There’s some pregnancy hormones, but she’s not pregnant. I think she has a fertilized egg getting ready to plant itself.” Dr. Rorwan said.
“You mean I’m about to become pregnant?” I asked, looking at Jeff shocked. She nodded and showed us the paper.
“Good jeez,” Jeff muttered. “How the hell can you detect that?”
“Technology and medicine has advance a long way.” Dr. Rorwan said, shrugging.
“So, I can’t donate to my grandfather.” I said.
“No, you still can,” she said. “Early pregnancy, especially this early, has no real affects on the blood or bone marrow. You can still get tested, and still donate to him if you’re a match.”

I couldn’t help but rub my hand over my stomach as we waited for Dr. Grace’s friend to call us back with the results. Jeff and I haven’t told anyone about the forming pregnancy yet, but we knew we’ll have to tell them soon. I talked to Dr. Grace, and she changed my medications for something less harsh on a pregnancy. Vince was informed as well, obviously. I told him I wasn’t coming back at all, and he understood completely.
“Walter Mitchell testers?” a nurse called. We all looked up at the same time. “Please follow me.” she said. We followed her to a conference room.
“There was one match, both for blood type and marrow, and it’s the one we expected it to be the most.” The doctor said. He turned to face me. “Riley, you’re the exact match he needs, and I’m sure that with the transfusion, he’ll make a full recovery.”
“Thank you,” I said, shaking his hand.
“At least he has one match,” Jeff said as we got into the car. It was just the two of us, so we could talk freely.
“Yeah,” I said, sighing. “I just hope it won’t interfere with the baby or anything.”
“Hm, your grandfather should really appreciate you right now,” Jeff said, pulling out of the parking lot. “You’re giving him the gift of life in two forms. A surgical form and a crying, eating, pooping form.” I couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re a goof you know that?” I asked him.
“When are you going back up to Baltimore?” Jeff ask turning onto the highway.
“Soon,” I responded. “The sooner I get this done, the better for everyone.”
“Absolutely.” Jeff said, grabbing my hand. “Are the new pills helping you any?”
“I’m terrified to take them Jeff,” I said. “I take them, but I’m terrified to. I don’t want to do anything that’ll hurt anything.”
“I know honey.” Jeff said.
“I don’t want the same thing that happened before to happen now.”
“We get past the first trimester, Dr. Rorwan said it should be smooth sailing until the third one.”
“I know, I’m just scared as hell that something is going to happen.”
“Nothing will happen,” Jeff tried to assure me, but it wasn’t working.
“No matter what you say, I’m going to be so nervous so you might as well just give up,” I said, leaning my head back against the head rest.
“I know, I’m a nervous wreck right now as well.” Jeff said, his eyes rooted to the road. “We’ve already lost one baby, I don’t want to lose another one, but I also know this is the only chance your grandfather has, and how much he means to you.”
“I know,” I said, reaching my hand for his. He grasped mine, a smile forming on his face.
“You know, we’ve been thinking about the bad so much, we never got around to getting excited about the good.” Jeff said. “Riley, we’re going to be having a baby.” I couldn’t stop my smile at the excitement in his voice.
“Our own baby,” I said, running my hand over my belly. Jeff’s hand went on top of mine, linking out fingers together and letting our hands rest over our future baby. It became official when I skipped my period for the whole month.
“Your grandfather gets well again and we get everything settled down, everything will fall right into place.”
“I hope so,” I said, resting my head on his shoulder. “I really do.”
“It will,” Jeff said.

~Baltimore Two Weeks Later~
“Are you ready for this?” the surgeon asked. I nodded, taking in a deep breath. They used something in a mask to put me to sleep, baby safe obviously. I glanced over and to see my grandfather, who was already asleep, beside me. My eyes drooped as I smiled and let the darkness over take me.

~Later that Day~
“If that doesn’t show you how much she cares, I don’t know what will.” a voice whispered.
“I know dear, she did a lot more than she had to.” a male voice answered.
“She truly is Samantha’s daughter,” the voice from before said. My eyes moved around as they opened. The first thing I saw was a pair of green eyes, looking at something away from me.
“Hello sexy,” I said to Jeff. He looked down and smiled.
“Good afternoon sleepy head.” he replied. I looked over and saw Grandpa Walter in the bed next to me, Grandma Alex and everyone else was beside him.
“So far it’s worked.” Alexandria said. She stood up and walked toward me, leaning down to hug me. By accident, her elbow started leaning on my stomach, causing me to jump and scoot away from her.
“Sorry,” I muttered. “Just a little territorial with the stomach right now.”
“But, they took the blood straight from the marrow, no where near where I was.” Alexandria said. I looked up at Jeff, who raised his eyebrows.
“I think it’s time for it to start coming out,” I said to him. He nodded and stood up.
“Everyone’s outside, I’ll go get them.” he said.
“Who’s everyone?” I asked, confused.
“Your Dad, Matt, Mandy, Jason.” he said. I nodded, forgetting they came with us this time. He left, leaving me alone with my other family.
“Big news?” Alexandria asked. I just shrugged, watching as Jeff came back in with everyone else. Dad hesitated at the door.
“Mark,” Grandpa Walter said, looking up at Dad.
“Hello Walter, how are you feeling?” Dad asked.
“A lot better, thanks to your wonderful daughter,” Walter replied. “Before Riley says anything, I was pissed at you, I’ll admit it. You left, leaving my daughter pregnant, but when that girl over there was born, I forgave you in a heartbeat.”
“I never wanted to leave her Walter,” Dad said. “It killed me when I heard she had died, and I point blank refused to believe she would kill herself the way she did, well, until Riley told us the memory she had of it. If I would of known Samantha was pregnant, I would of tried harder to stay.”
“We know that,” Alexandria said to him. “Now, you two had something to tell us?” she asked, turning to Jeff and me.
“Well, for you,” I said, looking at my grandparents. “I was taking the Depo shot for a long time. Well, things started going on, and I never got the shot redone.” They nodded, in understanding. “Basically, to keep this short, I’m pregnant.”
“You really are?” Dad asked, shocked. I nodded.
“It’s actually kind of funny how we found out about it,” Jeff said.
“Yeah I wasn’t even completely pregnant, I had the hormones going, but the fertilized egg hadn’t even planted yet.” I said.
“So how far along would you say you are?”
“The implantation is the first day right?” I asked.
“It can be considered the first day, yeah.” Aunt Becky said.
“So I’m probably about 4 weeks.” I said.
“A whole month.” Uncle Jack said. I looked over at Grandpa Walter, who was staring up at the ceiling.
“Are you okay Grandpa?” I asked him.
“You kept me around long enough to meet my great-grandchild,” he said, turning to face me. “I really can not thank you enough.”
“Come down to North Carolina when the baby’s born, and it’ll be thanks enough.” I replied, reaching my hand out to him. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
“You got a deal,” he said. I heard a sniffle and looked up to see it was Grandma Alex.
“The family’s back together, exactly the way it should be.” she said, wiping at her eyes.
“Not exactly, but pretty damn close,” Uncle Jack spoke up as a knock sounded at the door.
“So, how are you two doing?” a nurse walking in asked. “We’re going to keep Riley overnight to observe if the operation did anything to the pregnancy, and obviously we’re keeping Walter in to check the progress of the operation’s success.
“You four will be staying with us,” Alexandria said, looking pointedly to Jeff, Dad, Matt and Amanda.
“Yes ma’am,” Dad said, saluting her. I rolled my eyes at him as he smiled at me.
“Watch it Marcus,” she said.
“Uhm, his name is just Mark Grandma,” I said.
“Oh well, he still better watch himself.” she replied, pointing to Dad. I think I actually saw fear in his eyes for a split second.
“Good thing you don’t have to deal with a mother-in-law Jeff,” he muttered, sitting back down. I don’t think he meant for anyone to hear him, but I did, and it caused me to laugh, but become sad at the same time.
“Well, I need to get home to my kids and husband,” Aunt Becky said, standing up and walking t stand in between the beds. “I love you Daddy, I’ll be back tomorrow with the kids and James.” she then turned to me. “I love you as well, dear niece.” she said. “Thank you for your unselfishness, and congratulations on the baby. I already know you’ll make a great mother.”
“Thank you,” I said, hugging her. She kissed Walter’s cheek and left. Jack left not long after.
“It’s about time we head to the house as well.” Alexandria said to Dad, Jeff, Matt and Amanda. They nodded.
“I’ll be back tomorrow to pick you up,” Jeff said, resting his hand beside my head. “I love you, don’t give the nurses hell.”
“Can’t make any promises.” I replied, smiling as he kissed me. “I love you too.”
“Walter, good seeing you again.” Dad said, shaking Walter’s hand.
“Likewise,” Walter replied, nodding his head. “We’ll be just fine.” he assured his wife. She kissed his head, and left. Now it was just me with my grandfather, meaning there was nothing keeping me from asking something I’ve wanted to ask for a long time.
“Grandpa,” I said quietly. He turned to face me.
“Yes?” he replied.
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to do, but I don’t know where it is, and I was wondering if, if you’re feeling up to it, if you’d take me.”
“Where do you want to go?” he asked me.
“T-to see my mother’s gravesite.” I answered. He was silent for a moment.
“Absolutely.” he answered finally. “We should let Mark and Jeff come as well.”
“Absolutely,” I repeated his word from before. “I know Dad would really want to go.”
“I know he would to. Let’s get some sleep sweet cakes,” grandpa Walter said. “The sooner we get recovered, the sooner they’ll let us out of here.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Baby on board finally :D and Grandpa's going to live a long time thanks to granddaughter *you just gotta love the sacrifices some people will make to save someone*
Thanks for the commenst, and I'm caught up now, so I have to finish the next chapter before I can post it, but it'll be coming soon!