Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 74

I sighed and followed him up the stairs and into the bedroom, which was the same one as the first time we stayed here in Baltimore. We packed our clothes silently, both of us were lost in our own thoughts. I was nervous going back to Cameron because when we got back, we would have to tell everyone else about the pregnancy, and also I’ll be alone because Jeff had to go back on tour. We had lunch with everyone after we finished packing. Matt, Amanda and Dad was expressing how much they loved the house, and dad was reliving memories from the week that he was here.
I sat quietly and played with the soup that was in front of me, barely even looking up from the steaming liquid. No one said anything o me either, they must of sensed something was troubling me, but didn’t want to ask me.
“Ready to go?” Jeff’s voice asked me suddenly. I glanced up finally and saw everyone was watching me, waiting for me to stand and head to get my things. I nodded and stood, walking toward the front door to grab my bags.
“We’ll get them,” James said, picking up one of the larger suitcases as Uncle Jack grabbed the other one. After the car was packed, I turned to my Baltimore family.
“We’ll see you soon,” Grandpa Walter promised me. I nodded as I hugged him. “Hey, you saved me kiddo, no way am I letting you go after that selfless act.”
“I love you Grandpa,” I said.
“I love you too Riley-cakes.” he replied as we hugged again. I quickly got into the car after saying goodbye to my uncles, aunt, cousins and grandmother. I turned in the backseat and watched as the family and the house disappeared into the distance.
“Are you okay?” Jeff asked me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I don’t know why, but I cried into his shoulder.
“I’m scared,” I finally admitted. “This is the time that Rorwan said would decide if the pregnancy stays.”
“I know,” Jeff muttered, kissing my head. “I know I can’t promise everything will be fine, but there is one thing I can give you.”
“What’s that?” I asked, looking up at him.
“My love,” he replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
really short filler, with an apology for the last one. I confused myself with the updates, but there is going to be another one right after I post this one, so two for one thanks to my blunder. :D and thanks AngelWithBrokenWings for point out my mistake, I wouldn't of caught it if you hadn't told me.