Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 75

The plane ride home was uneventful. I was finally getting over my fear of flying, but realized I couldn’t fly much more. Something about the pressure of the altitude not being good for a pregnant woman. We landed in Raleigh just before five, giving us enough time to get home to spring the surprise on Aunt Marylyn, Uncle Paul and Papa Gibby. I don’t know why, but I started calling him that, and he doesn’t seem to mind one bit.
“Do you think your Dad will get pissed if I teach the baby to call him “Paw Paw Gibby?” I asked Jeff as he drove down the highway. He was taking a drink from a bottle of water, and started chocking on the water.
“Damn it Ri, don’t do that while I’m driving,” He scolded playfully. “It’s hard to say with you though. He let’s you get away with everything.”
“He does not!” I exclaimed, even though I knew it was true. Pretty much everything I did to Gilbert, if Matt or Jeff did it, they would get smacked upside the head Anthony DiNozzo style or cursed at. Jeff shot me a dubious look before turning his attention back to the road.
“You ready to tell them?” Jeff asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded, my heart pounding. We were nearly at the house, so we could clean up and relax before we left. It was nearly six now, so we had to get them together soon. Papa Gibby had something planned tonight and Paul and Mary was going out for the night. Jeff called his father while I called my aunt and uncle to invite them over.
“Dad’s on his way over,” Jeff said, snapping his phone shut as I hung up with my family.
“Mary and Paul are as well. Are we ready for this?” I asked, my voice a low groan. “I don’t want to get their hopes up and then have them squashed.”
“We have to,” Jeff said, rubbing his hands up and down my arm. “We can’t wait for something to happen to tell them, and they’ll help you out around here while I’m on the road. You don’t need anymore stress Riley.”
“I know, but I don’t want to get them excited over something that might not end the way we want it too,” I replied.
“I know you don’t, neither do I, but we can’t think like that honey.” He wrapped his arms around me as the front door opened.
“You know I keep forgetting how close they truly live?” I commented as Gilbert, Marylyn and Paul walked into the room.
“Damn, we forgot Sara,” I said suddenly.
“You’re Dad’s probably got to her already.” Jeff remarked.
“What are you talking about?” Marylyn asked, walking up and giving the both of us a hug.
“Go sit down, there’s something we need to tell you.” I said, taking in a deep breath. They went and sat on the couch. Jeff and I stood in front of them, glancing at each other every so often.
“Well, uhm, as you know, I went to get tested for my grandfather,” I started.
“How’s he doing?” Marylyn asked.
“The operation was successful. He’s back to the grandfather I remember from 7 years old.” I replied. “Well, there was a small thing before I could get tested.” I started again. “I had realized something, and needed to confirm something, and it was, just not when we thought it would have been.”
“I don’t understand,” Gilbert said. I took a deep breath and looked up at Jeff, who raised his eyebrows, telling me to go on. I looked back down at them and let the breath out.
“I’m pregnant.” I said in the gush of breath. Marylyn looked at Paul, who looked at Gilbert, who was staring at Jeff and me.
“That’s great!” Marylyn finally shouted.
“But wait,” Paul interrupted her. “What do you mean it was confirmed before you thought it would have been?”
“I wasn’t even a week pregnant when we found out,” I explained. “I’m 4 weeks now.”
“You’re only one month along?” Gib asked, shocked. “How the hell did you find out so fast?”
“The test,” Jeff answered. “It showed the hormones were in her body already.”
“Right now is just a waiting game,” I said. “We have to make sure I can make the first couple of months before we get really excited about it.”
“I’m sure you will,” Marylyn said. “The first time, it wasn’t time for the two of you, but now you’re ready.”
“Thanks Aunt Mary.” I said. We sat in silence for a long time when Mary suddenly jumped up, screaming with her hands in the air.
“I’m sorry I can’t contain myself anymore!” she shouted, running up to me. I laughed as she wrapped her arms around both Jeff and me. “Be prepared for two weeks from now girl.” she said, pointing at me.
“What happens in two weeks?” I asked uncertainly.
“You’ll know soon enough.” she said.

~Two weeks Later~
The sudden lurching of my stomach brought me from a deep sleep. I ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet just in time. After emptying my stomach, I groaned and sat back against the wall, looking at the clock on the wall. 4:30 in the morning. I groaned again as I went to stand up. Nausea hit me again and had my face buried in the toilet a second later. When I was certain I had nothing left, I stood up and walked back into the bedroom to mine and Jeff’s empty bed. Jeff was on tour right now, and it was getting really lonely without him. I tried to remember when he said he was going to be, but realized he never told me. With my stomach settled and empty and the fatigue that’s been hitting me for a week still in play, I rest my head down on the pillow and went back to sleep.

~POV: Jeff~ ~Later that morning~
“Jeff, what a surprise.” Mike said as he answered his door. “How’ve you been, how’s Riley?”
“We’re both doing great. Did you hear about her grandfather?” I replied, stepping into Mike’s San Antonio home. His wife Rebecca was out back with their two kids. I heard them playing while I was walking up to the door.
“Yeah, I did, Mark told me.” Mike replied, sitting on the couch. “Oh, where’s my manners, want something to drink?”
“No thanks, I’m actually here because we’re in Austin for Smackdown this week.” I said. “There’s something I wanted to tell you, and I know Riley would of wanted to be here, but she’s not with the company anymore. We didn’t want to tell you over the phone, so I just though it would be easier coming to tell you myself while on tour.”
“Okay, let’s have it.” Mike said, sitting back and resting his ankle on his knee.
“Riley’s pregnant.”
“That’s awesome,” Mike replied, sitting forward. “How far along?”
“6 weeks.” I answered.
“Oh, she starting the morning sickness yet?” Mike asked just as I received a text on my phone. I looked at it and saw it was from Riley.
“Morning sickness kicked in. Doctor Aunt Marylyn confirmed.” She had wrote. I laughed at the timing of the message.
“Actually, I guess it has.” I replied, handing him my phone. He read the message over and laughed. I grabbed the phone back and sent back a sad face, sending a sorry along with it.
“You two excited?” Mike asked, sitting back again.
“Yeah, we’re excited, we’re just not letting ourselves get too excited.” I replied. “At least not yet.”
“Yeah, I get why.” Mike said. “I remember what the two of you went through a couple years ago.”
“We’re going to go everything in our power to make sure this baby comes healthy and strong.” I said.
“Keep to that,” Mike said. “Keep praying as well. Rebecca and I will keep you in our prayers as well.”
“Thanks Mike,” I replied. We talked for a little longer on what’s been going on with the business and our lives. I was half-way through telling him about the first trip to Baltimore when my phone began to ring, signaling I had a message. Thinking it was Riley, I flipped it open only to realize it was Matt.
“McMahon wants to see us as soon as possible.”
“Shoot, sorry Mike, but it looks like I have to go,” I said, staring at the text.
“In San Antonio, tell Vince I’ll be there in about 2 hours.” I sent back to Matt. He sent back an ok.
“Good luck Jeff, with everything. I’ll make a visit out to see Riley, and I promise to let her tell me about the baby.”
“She’ll be pissed at me if you don’t let her,” I said, walking to the front door. “See ya around!” I shouted as I climbed into the rental car. I turned it on and backed out of the drive. I make it back to the hotel an hour and 45 minutes later to be met by Matt.
“He’s freaking out man,” Matt said as I walked up to him. A sudden child ran down my spine as I watched Mark walk up to us.
“He’s asking for the three of us.” Mark said. I cursed and full out ran to Vince’s room that servicing as an office as well.
“Vince, open up!” I shouted.
“Jeff calm down, it’s probably nothing.” Mark said, but I ignored him. Vince opened his door a second later.
“There you are,” he said, seemingly in a chipper mood.
“What’s going on, did something happen?” I asked.
“Nothing to bad,” he said. “Just a change in storyline.” Vince said. I breathed and slumped into a chair, my head falling into my hands.
“Damn it Vince you can’t do that to me right now,” I muttered through my hands.
“I’m sorry Jeff, I forgot.” Vince replied. He knew the waiting game we were playing, so he knew he might be getting a call if no one could get a hold of me.
“What’s the change in storyline?” Matt asked. I brought my face up from my hands.
“Word’s going to get out about the pregnancy, you know that just as well as I do,” Vince started. “We’ll add it, without Riley actually being here of course, to the thing between Phil and Jeff, and since it’s your daughter Mark, you’ll have to be a part of it, and Matt as well.”
“I’ve been part of this since I came back from the surgery on my hernia.” Matt said, crossing his arms.
“I’ve been personally involved from the start.” Mark spoke up.
“You’ve already added it didn’t you?” I asked, looking up at Vince. He nodded and handed the three of us a copy of the script for this week’s show. It started out in a classical confrontation between me and the Straightedge Society, then Matt comes out when things get way too heated, and when a fight breaks out, Mark comes out and helps us. Pretty typical stuff from Vince.
“Well, be at the arena by 5, you know the drill.” Vince said. I looked down at my watch to see it was 5 after 12. A little under five hours until we had to be there.
“Know the whole world’s going to know,” Matt said. “You ready for that reality.”
“I don’t care about adding it, but it’s just too damn early. She just now this morning started with the morning sickness. There’s still a lot of obstacles that we need to get over before the two of us can even be happy about this.”
“We know,” Mark said. “But you know Vince, he sees and opportunity, and jumps at it no matter what.”
“I better call Ri and let her know.” I said when we reached the elevators. We got onto one and went up to our floor. As I was walking off the elevator, I passed many people that would be affected by this coming out right now.
“Sorry, Riley, but I have to do this.” I muttered, turning back to watch the retreating backs of John Cena, John Hennigan and Melina.
“Hey,” I called. Mark and Matt paused and looked back at me, put kept walking when they realized I was talking to the other three. They turned and walked back, confused.
“Hey Jeff, what’s up?” Cena asked, leaning against the wall.
“Come with me for a sec,” I replied, walking to my room’s door. I opened it and allowed them to go in before me.
“You know it’s weird not being in here with Riley?” Melina said, looking around.
“That’s actually part of what I need to tell you guys,” I said, shutting the door.
“Is she okay?” Melina asked.
“Well, if she’s like her mother she’s probably bringing up whatever she tried to eat or drink right about now,” I said, remembering how Alexandria said Samantha had all day sickness with Riley. “but otherwise fine.”
“What’s wrong with her?” Hennigan asked.
“Nothing’s wrong,” I said. “I just wanted to let you know there was a change in my storyline with Phil, and I’ll have to go fucking tell him now too, but the change is incorporating Riley even though she’s retired for good. She’s pregnant.”
“That’s awesome!” Melina screamed, sending a huge shiver down my spine. “Wait, is Vince adding fuel to the fire by adding the pregnancy to the storyline?” I nodded, and she screeched. “How far along is she?”
“6 weeks,” I said.
“I’m killing him,” she muttered, storming to the door.
:Wait,” Hennigan said, wrapping his arms around her waist to stop her. “You kill him, you don’t really help anyone.”
“I know,” she muttered, pouting slightly.
“We’ll deal with it,” I spoke up. “Believe me, Riley won’t let this go that far without causing mayhem, and since she can’t be here, it’ll have to be someone here to do it.”
“I’ll volunteer gladly,” Cena said, shocking me. “Riley’s like a sister to me, and this is stupid,” Cena explained.
“Thanks, I’ll have to talk to her first though, but she’s going to be coming to the Greensboro show to announce it, so don’t let it on that you know, she’ll be pissed I told you.”
“Explain the circumstances and she’ll be fine with it.” Melina said. I just nodded. They left so that I could call her privately.
“Hello?” she groaned when she answered the phone.
“Wow, you sound terrible.” I commented, not exaggerating in the slightest.
“I’ve been throwing up all day, I’m like mom and Grandma, I have all day morning sickness.” she replied.
“Sorry about that babe, and I’m even more sorry about this, but before I tell you, promise to let me finish before you scream at me.”
“I don’t feel like yelling right now, I’m barely able to talk,” she said. “What’s up?”
“I was kind of forced to tell people around here about the baby.” I said.
“What do you mean forced?” she replied, a rustling told me she was in bed and she was sitting up right now.
“Vince McMahon had the idea to add the pregnancy to my storyline with Phil.” I explained. I heard a sigh, followed by the phone getting tossed on the bed. From the distance I heard her gag and retch, and then a splash. I rubbed my forehead as I waited for her to get back on the phone.
“Sorry,” She muttered a minute later. She sounded terrible, but I knew she was loving experiencing this.
“Honey, you don’t have to apologize,” I replied. “Do you want me to come home?”
“No, I’m fine. Mary and Sara are over here right now making sure I force something down so I can just bring it back up. They’re all over me worse than flies at a horse race.”
“Well, they care.” I said, laying back on the bed and resting my head on my arm.
“I know, don’t get me wrong I love how much they care, but right now all I want to do is sleep and bring up my guts right now.”
“I know,” I said. “So are you okay with this? I have to know because Cena, Hennigan and Melina are ready to kill McMahon.”
“He’ll do whatever he wants,” she replied. “but I do have an idea that’ll make it even better.” I noticed her voice took an evil tint to it, so I knew it was going to be good. I listened to her idea, and smiled.
“Excellent,” I said. “I’ll get them in on it right away.”
♠ ♠ ♠
second update, and an extra longer one at that!
again, sorry about the previous mix up
more *and new* stuff coming soon lol