Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 76

~Two weeks Later~
The sudden lurching of my stomach brought me from a deep sleep. I ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet just in time. After emptying my stomach, I groaned and sat back against the wall, looking at the clock on the wall. 4:30 in the morning. I groaned again as I went to stand up. Nausea hit me again and had my face buried in the toilet a second later. When I was certain I had nothing left, I stood up and walked back into the bedroom to mine and Jeff’s empty bed. Jeff was on tour right now, and it was getting really lonely without him. I tried to remember when he said he was going to be, but realized he never told me. With my stomach settled and empty and the fatigue that’s been hitting me for a week still in play, I rest my head down on the pillow and went back to sleep.

~POV: Jeff~ ~Later that morning~
“Jeff, what a surprise.” Mike said as he answered his door. “How’ve you been, how’s Riley?”
“We’re both doing great. Did you hear about her grandfather?” I replied, stepping into Mike’s San Antonio home. His wife Rebecca was out back with their two kids. I heard them playing while I was walking up to the door.
“Yeah, I did, Mark told me.” Mike replied, sitting on the couch. “Oh, where’s my manners, want something to drink?”
“No thanks, I’m actually here because we’re in Austin for Smackdown this week.” I said. “There’s something I wanted to tell you, and I know Riley would of wanted to be here, but she’s not with the company anymore. We didn’t want to tell you over the phone, so I just though it would be easier coming to tell you myself while on tour.”
“Okay, let’s have it.” Mike said, sitting back and resting his ankle on his knee.
“Riley’s pregnant.”
“That’s awesome,” Mike replied, sitting forward. “How far along?”
“6 weeks.” I answered.
“Oh, she starting the morning sickness yet?” Mike asked just as I received a text on my phone. I looked at it and saw it was from Riley.
“Morning sickness kicked in. Doctor Aunt Marylyn confirmed.” She had wrote. I laughed at the timing of the message.
“Actually, I guess it has.” I replied, handing him my phone. He read the message over and laughed. I grabbed the phone back and sent back a sad face, sending a sorry along with it.
“You two excited?” Mike asked, sitting back again.
“Yeah, we’re excited, we’re just not letting ourselves get too excited.” I replied. “At least not yet.”
“Yeah, I get why.” Mike said. “I remember what the two of you went through a couple years ago.”
“We’re going to go everything in our power to make sure this baby comes healthy and strong.” I said.
“Keep to that,” Mike said. “Keep praying as well. Rebecca and I will keep you in our prayers as well.”
“Thanks Mike,” I replied. We talked for a little longer on what’s been going on with the business and our lives. I was half-way through telling him about the first trip to Baltimore when my phone began to ring, signaling I had a message. Thinking it was Riley, I flipped it open only to realize it was Matt.
“McMahon wants to see us as soon as possible.”
“Shoot, sorry Mike, but it looks like I have to go,” I said, staring at the text.
“In San Antonio, tell Vince I’ll be there in about 2 hours.” I sent back to Matt. He sent back an ok.
“Good luck Jeff, with everything. I’ll make a visit out to see Riley, and I promise to let her tell me about the baby.”
“She’ll be pissed at me if you don’t let her,” I said, walking to the front door. “See ya around!” I shouted as I climbed into the rental car. I turned it on and backed out of the drive. I make it back to the hotel an hour and 45 minutes later to be met by Matt.
“He’s freaking out man,” Matt said as I walked up to him. A sudden child ran down my spine as I watched Mark walk up to us.
“He’s asking for the three of us.” Mark said. I cursed and full out ran to Vince’s room that servicing as an office as well.
“Vince, open up!” I shouted.
“Jeff calm down, it’s probably nothing.” Mark said, but I ignored him. Vince opened his door a second later.
“There you are,” he said, seemingly in a chipper mood.
“What’s going on, did something happen?” I asked.
“Nothing to bad,” he said. “Just a change in storyline.” Vince said. I breathed and slumped into a chair, my head falling into my hands.
“Damn it Vince you can’t do that to me right now,” I muttered through my hands.
“I’m sorry Jeff, I forgot.” Vince replied. He knew the waiting game we were playing, so he knew he might be getting a call if no one could get a hold of me.
“What’s the change in storyline?” Matt asked. I brought my face up from my hands.
“Word’s going to get out about the pregnancy, you know that just as well as I do,” Vince started. “We’ll add it, without Riley actually being here of course, to the thing between Phil and Jeff, and since it’s your daughter Mark, you’ll have to be a part of it, and Matt as well.”
“I’ve been part of this since I came back from the surgery on my hernia.” Matt said, crossing his arms.
“I’ve been personally involved from the start.” Mark spoke up.
“You’ve already added it didn’t you?” I asked, looking up at Vince. He nodded and handed the three of us a copy of the script for this week’s show. It started out in a classical confrontation between me and the Straightedge Society, then Matt comes out when things get way too heated, and when a fight breaks out, Mark comes out and helps us. Pretty typical stuff from Vince.
“Well, be at the arena by 5, you know the drill.” Vince said. I looked down at my watch to see it was 5 after 12. A little under five hours until we had to be there.
“Know the whole world’s going to know,” Matt said. “You ready for that reality.”
“I don’t care about adding it, but it’s just too damn early. She just now this morning started with the morning sickness. There’s still a lot of obstacles that we need to get over before the two of us can even be happy about this.”
“We know,” Mark said. “But you know Vince, he sees and opportunity, and jumps at it no matter what.”
“I better call Ri and let her know.” I said when we reached the elevators. We got onto one and went up to our floor. As I was walking off the elevator, I passed many people that would be affected by this coming out right now.
“Sorry, Riley, but I have to do this.” I muttered, turning back to watch the retreating backs of John Cena, John Hennigan and Melina.
“Hey,” I called. Mark and Matt paused and looked back at me, put kept walking when they realized I was talking to the other three. They turned and walked back, confused.
“Hey Jeff, what’s up?” Cena asked, leaning against the wall.
“Come with me for a sec,” I replied, walking to my room’s door. I opened it and allowed them to go in before me.
“You know it’s weird not being in here with Riley?” Melina said, looking around.
“That’s actually part of what I need to tell you guys,” I said, shutting the door.
“Is she okay?” Melina asked.
“Well, if she’s like her mother she’s probably bringing up whatever she tried to eat or drink right about now,” I said, remembering how Alexandria said Samantha had all day sickness with Riley. “but otherwise fine.”
“What’s wrong with her?” Hennigan asked.
“Nothing’s wrong,” I said. “I just wanted to let you know there was a change in my storyline with Phil, and I’ll have to go fucking tell him now too, but the change is incorporating Riley even though she’s retired for good. She’s pregnant.”
“That’s awesome!” Melina screamed, sending a huge shiver down my spine. “Wait, is Vince adding fuel to the fire by adding the pregnancy to the storyline?” I nodded, and she screeched. “How far along is she?”
“6 weeks,” I said.
“I’m killing him,” she muttered, storming to the door.
:Wait,” Hennigan said, wrapping his arms around her waist to stop her. “You kill him, you don’t really help anyone.”
“I know,” she muttered, pouting slightly.
“We’ll deal with it,” I spoke up. “Believe me, Riley won’t let this go that far without causing mayhem, and since she can’t be here, it’ll have to be someone here to do it.”
“I’ll volunteer gladly,” Cena said, shocking me. “Riley’s like a sister to me, and this is stupid,” Cena explained.
“Thanks, I’ll have to talk to her first though, but she’s going to be coming to the Greensboro show to announce it, so don’t let it on that you know, she’ll be pissed I told you.”
“Explain the circumstances and she’ll be fine with it.” Melina said. I just nodded. They left so that I could call her privately.
“Hello?” she groaned when she answered the phone.
“Wow, you sound terrible.” I commented, not exaggerating in the slightest.
“I’ve been throwing up all day, I’m like mom and Grandma, I have all day morning sickness.” she replied.
“Sorry about that babe, and I’m even more sorry about this, but before I tell you, promise to let me finish before you scream at me.”
“I don’t feel like yelling right now, I’m barely able to talk,” she said. “What’s up?”
“I was kind of forced to tell people around here about the baby.” I said.
“What do you mean forced?” she replied, a rustling told me she was in bed and she was sitting up right now.
“Vince McMahon had the idea to add the pregnancy to my storyline with Phil.” I explained. I heard a sigh, followed by the phone getting tossed on the bed. From the distance I heard her gag and retch, and then a splash. I rubbed my forehead as I waited for her to get back on the phone.
“Sorry,” She muttered a minute later. She sounded terrible, but I knew she was loving experiencing this.
“Honey, you don’t have to apologize,” I replied. “Do you want me to come home?”
“No, I’m fine. Mary and Sara are over here right now making sure I force something down so I can just bring it back up. They’re all over me worse than flies at a horse race.”
“Well, they care.” I said, laying back on the bed and resting my head on my arm.
“I know, don’t get me wrong I love how much they care, but right now all I want to do is sleep and bring up my guts right now.”
“I know,” I said. “So are you okay with this? I have to know because Cena, Hennigan and Melina are ready to kill McMahon.”
“He’ll do whatever he wants,” she replied. “but I do have an idea that’ll make it even better.” I noticed her voice took an evil tint to it, so I knew it was going to be good. I listened to her idea, and smiled.
“Excellent,” I said. “I’ll get them in on it right away.”

~POV: Riley~ ~Friday night~
“Is it starting?” Sara asked as she walked into the living room where I was sitting with everyone else. Christy had Christian in the pack and play sleeping. Jason and Mandy was on the floor with Julie and Paul, Marylyn, Sara, Gilbert and I were on the sectional couch.
“The show is, the thing with Jeff and Phil though isn’t until the main event.” I answered, eyeing the cup she had in her hand.
“It’s water,” Sara said, holding the cup up for me to see the clear liquid. I felt my stomach roll just at the thought of it so I turned my head away and put my attention back on the show. It was Friday, so it was time for the airing of Smackdown from Tuesday.
“I think Jeff’s getting worried,” I said as we watched the opening video.
“What makes you say that?” Paul asked, looking over at me.
“He asked if I wanted him to come home.” I replied. “We were on the phone and I got sick while we were talking.”
“Oh, yeah he will be worried about that for a while.” Sara said, looking over at my little brother and sister playing in the hallway. “Believe me Riles, he’s going to be more of a wreck that you’re going to be.”
“I doubt that,” I muttered as the bell rang on the screen. I watched as Ron and Hennigan walked out to the ring together, getting ready for a tag team match. They were facing jobbies, so I knew it would be Ron and Hennigan winning. I turned back to my friends and family just in time to see Christy pick up Christian, who had white spit up all down his front. I groaned as my stomach lurched and I made a dash for the downstairs half-bathroom.
“Sorry Riley!” Christy called as Sara walked into the room with me. I gave Sara a thumbs up as I gagged again.
“You know,” I muttered when I was finally able to sit up. “I’m going to start calling the toilet the porcelain throne.”
“I was so close to doing that,” Sara replied. “but mine ended before it got that far. You’re just getting started.”
“I know, that’s what sucks right now,” I muttered, standing up and walking back into the living room. I looked at the television to see it was David Hart Smith and T.J. Wilson against ShoMiz.
“Sorry about that Riley, I should of warned you he spat up a little,” Christy said as I walked back in.
“It’s fine, I was overdue for a trip to the bathroom anyway.” I replied, shrugging.
“Trust me, the morning sickness gets better,” Christy said, rocking Christian and patting him on the butt.
“Gosh I can so go for a huge cookie right now,” I muttered suddenly.
“Go get you one, supposedly when you’re craving something while you have morning sickness, if you eat whatever you’re craving, you can keep it down and it actually settles your stomach.” Julie said, turning from the television to face me.
“How do you know that?” I asked, looking at her shocked.
“I read,” she answered as if it was that obvious, which it really was.
“Sorry, I’m just not thinking clearly right now.” I said, rubbing my forehead with the palm of my hand.
“It’s fine,” Julie replied as music started playing on the television. It shocked me because I wasn’t expecting it until the main event. Sound of Madness played, followed by Matt, Jeff, Shannon, and Shane running out.
“I think this is going to be when they announce it.” Paul said, sitting forward on the couch.
“As you can see,” Jeff said into the microphone. “We are minus one person. Riley, unfortunately, is no longer a part of this company. There are numerous things going on at home that’s preventing it, but the biggest reason is…” He was cut off as heavy music began playing. I watched as Phil, Serena and Andrew Hankinson made their way onstage.
“I heard through the grapevine that you’re going to be a father Jeff!” Phil said. There was confused mutters from the fans, but I smiled. It was going exactly as it should have been. Jeff acted as though he couldn’t care less about Phil announcing that, because the WWE Universe wouldn’t know it was true until Jeff told them himself.
“You’re right Punk!” he shouted, tossing his hands into the air. “It’s true everyone, it’s all true. Riley is in fact not here because she is expecting our first child.” There was wolf-whistles and cheering, and some booing, but that was the fan girls who thought Jeff would be their Baby Daddy.
“Stupid fan girls.” Julie muttered. I laughed and turned back to what was going down onscreen. Music started filling the arena again, and this time John Hennigan came out.
“Did I just hear that right?” John asked, walking down to the ring. “The most high flyingest person in the company, the dare-devil himself, is having a kid. Man, that’s excellent.”
“Wait wait, no it’s not!” Serena’s voice shouted. “Bring another Hardy into this world, you’re bringing another addict. Especially with the mother that kid’s going to have. For all we know she could be somewhere at home right now filling her bloodstream with some kind of drug that’s going to the kid’s system.”
“You better tell your little G.I. Jane up there to leave my wife alone or she’s going to have hell to pay, and I’m not talking about me.” Jeff said, looking just off to the side the group. The camera followed and Melina was standing beside them. I smirked as I finished watching, things couldn’t of gone more smoothly. Now to just wait for everyone’s reactions.
♠ ♠ ♠
update, would of been sooner, but I was working on another update and had to think of what the plan was, but got it up! :D
Thanks for the comments
more coming soon!