Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 8

~POV: Riley ~

I woke up the next morning with sunlight blaring through my eyelids. It was the weekend so there was no school today. I opened my eyes and seen that I was on the couch, my head was propped against the arm with a pillow. I moved the blanket off my body as I heard laughing coming from the kitchen.

“I think we should check on Riley.” Aunt Marylyn’s voice came suddenly. “It’s nearly noon and she’s still not up.”
“She’s fine.” another voice said. I recognized it as Dad’s voice.

All at once I remembered everything that happened yesterday. Jeff yelled at me, I ditched my last class and was caught by Dad. I ran into the woods and got lost, only to be found by Jeff and Matt.

“I’m still going to go check on her.” Aunt Marylyn said. I heard a scraping noise of a chair being moved across the linoleum floor. Aunt Marylyn’s shoes squeaked as she walked into the room.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” she said when she seen me. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah.” I said. “Is Dad mad at me?” I asked her.
“No sweetie I’m not, but I really wish you would stop running from me like that.” Dad said, walking into the room and sitting on the couch beside me. “I want to help you when you have a problem, but I can’t if you keep running. The next time you run like that I could probably lose you. We almost did last night.”
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled, not looking at him.
“You need to talk to Jeff to Riley. He’s really upset over yesterday.” Aunt Marylyn said.
“But he snapped at me.” I asked, hurt from the memory.
“He’s under stress, just like you.” Dad said. “You’re uncle things you’re starting to act out against what happened to you when you were younger.”
“I-I heard. I was only half asleep while you were talking.” I admitted. “I’m starting to get weird nightmares. Each one actually had something similar though. Jeff would end up leaving me. I think it’s a sign that Jeff and I might lose our friendship.”
“That won’t happen. That boy loves you like the sister he’s never had.” Aunt Marylyn said. “So does Matt. Gib sees you as a daughter as well.”
“Although you know who you’re true father is right?” Dad said, winking at me. I nodded and sat up, hugging him.
“Should I go talk to Jeff?” I asked, sighing.

Dad and Aunt Marylyn both nodded. I swung my legs over the side of the couch and pulled on my shoes. After tying them I went into the bathroom and made myself look presentable. I brushed my hair and teeth.

“I’ll be back!” I called to them.

I walked out the front door and down the street to the Hardy house. Before heading to the door, I looked up mine and Jeff’s tree to make sure he wasn’t up there. After seeing he wasn’t, I walked up to the house and seen both Mr. Hardy’s car and Matt’s car was here, so they were home, unless they were walking in the woods. I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door.

“Riley. How are you feeling?” Mr. Hardy asked after opening the door.
“Ok.” I said. “Is Jeff here? I need to talk to him.”
“Jeff!” Mr. Hardy called. “Have you eaten anything? We were about to head into town to get something. You can come if you want, and if it’s okay with your father.” Before I could reply, Jeff appeared behind his father. I didn’t realize how much taller Jeff was getting than him.
“Hey Riley.” Jeff greeted when we saw me.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Mr. Hardy said. Jeff walked out onto the front porch and leaned against a beam, facing me.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“I’m sorry.” I said. “I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did yesterday.”
“No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” Jeff said. “I’m just getting frustrated with the situation with Ron. I wish they’d just get him out of the school and get everything done with.”
“What happened?” I asked. Jeff didn’t say anything for a long minute.
“He cornered me, before lunch.” he said finally. “started rubbing things in. I didn’t do anything to him then, but I was so damn close to beating him to a bloody pulp.”
“Jeff, he knows how you feel. He knows you feel protective of me, and I’m thankful for that. You can’t let him get to you.” I said, hating Ron even more.
“I know, but it’s hard. You’re like a sister to me Riley. I love you as if you really were my sister. I don’t want you to be hurt anymore than you have been.”
“I’ll be hurt Jeff, and probably worse than I have been.” I said. “It’s unavoidable.”
“I know.” Jeff said. We were quiet for a minute.
“Jeff,” I said suddenly. “Thank you.”
“For what?” He asked.
“For finding me last night, I know it was you. I remember hearing your voice, and Matt’s. I just wanted to say thank you for it. I have no idea what I was thinking walking into those woods.”
“You know you don’t know those trees that well, and you get lost easily.” Jeff said, a small smile on his face.
“I know.” I said, smiling slightly as well. My smile quickly faltered though. “Jeff, I’ve been having weird dreams.” I started.
“Your uncle explained to us you might be. He said you’re starting to act out against everything that happened.”
“I know, I heard it last night and Dad told me before I came over here.” I said. “There’s more to them then you guys are probably thinking. Every dream I’ve had, you ended up in them, and you end up leaving me without warning. I can’t help but think that maybe that’ll happen in the future.”
“It won’t Riley. Believe me it won’t.” Jeff said. “I’ll have to die if I lose you now. You’re to much a part of the family.”
“That’s basically what Dad said.” I said.
“He’s right. I care about you to much to let you slip through my fingers. Eight years is a long time to be friends with someone. We’ve shared everything together so far, I don’t think that’ll change anytime soon.” I smiled, knowing he was right.
“Thanks again Jeff.” I said. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders while mine linked around his stomach and lower back.
“So, did you hear what I asked your Dad? Or did you fall asleep before?”
“I think I fell asleep before you asked him. What did you ask?”
“If he’ll show me and Matt some of his wrestling moves. I went to talk to Mr. Morgan yesterday after class. I was asking what I had to do to try out for the wrestling team.” Jeff said.
“You’re really into wrestling now aren’t you?” I asked, leaning against the railing on the porch.
“Hell yeah.” he replied. “I loved it. Especially the match before your Dad’s that one guy with the hearts on his pants. I’ll have to ask either your Dad or mine who that was.”
“Who?” Mr. Hardy said, walking out of the house followed by Matt.
“They guy wrestling before Mr. Calaway, the one with the hearts all over his tights.” Jeff said.
“Oh… Shawn Michaels?” Mr. Hardy asked.
“Yeah, him! He was awesome. All the moving and stuff he was doing.”
“Yeah that was pretty neat.” Matt said. I laughed. I never saw Jeff so excited over something.
“So are you going with us?” Mr. Hardy asked. “We’ll stop by your place to tell them where we are.” Jeff gave his father a confused look. “I asked her join us in town.” Mr. Hardy explained.
“Yeah let’s go. We haven’t been in town together in ages.” Jeff said. I laughed.
“Okay I’ll go.” I said. “I don’t think they’ll mind. They know I’m over here with you.” I told Mr. Hardy.
“Better safe than sorry.” he replied.

Mr. Hardy climbed into the driver side of his car, Matt getting in the front seat. Jeff and I climbed into the back. After a quick stop at my house to inform my family where I was going to be, we headed into town.

“Hey Dad, do you mind if Riley and I go walking around after we eat?” Jeff asked as Mr. Hardy parked on the street.
“We’ll see.” Mr. Hardy said.
“I’ll go with them.” Matt offered. Mr. Hardy thought for a minute.
“Oh okay. I have to get some supplies anyway. We’ll go get our wonderin’ done then we’ll come and eat.” he said.
“Sweet.” Jeff said, grabbing my hand and leading me off.
“Where are we going?” I asked, following Jeff.
“Let’s go to that new place they just opened up. Hot Topic I think is what it was called.” Jeff answered. There was a huge neon sign that read Hot Topic on the main drive. Matt, Jeff and I crossed the street, heading straight to the store.
“What’s in here?” Matt asked, looking around. I noticed it was covered with clothes, but mainly band t-shirts and band merchandise.
“It’s a music store?” I asked, looking around.
“No, it’s a store based on music.” Jeff said. I gave him a dubious look. He laughed and led me to a rack filled with band shirts.
“Pearl Jam?” I said, looking at a white shirt.
“They have Pearl Jam shirts?” Matt and Jeff asked at the same time. I held it up for them to see.
“No way.” Jeff said, staring at the shirt. I looked around and noticed a Metallica shirt.
“Hey, Metallica.” I said, holding it up.
“Sweet.” Jeff said, looking at it. “You should get it.”
“I’m broke.” I said.
“Don’t you get an allowance?” Matt asked. I shook my head.
“Maybe you should talk to your dad about that.” Jeff said, looking over another Pearl Jam shirt.
“I don’t know.” I said.
“You should. How can you get anything without money?” Matt asked. I just shrugged. I didn’t want to talk to Dad about money.
“Hey kids.” Mr. Hardy said from behind us, making us jump. “What’s that?” he asked Matt, who I finally noticed was holding something.
“It’s a wallet on a chain.” he said. “You put the wallet in your back pocket and hook the chain up to your belt loop. It looks sweet, and keeps your wallet protected.” I saw Mr. Hardy roll his eyes and turn away from his elder son. I chuckled as I put the shirt back. I went to go look at make up. There were different colored eyes shadows, even a rainbow color.
“Hair dye?” Jeff asked. “Who would dye their hair?” I just shrugged.

I saw a pretty electric blue dye kit. I knew it was out of the question the minute I seen it. Aunt Marylyn would have a fit and Uncle Paul would dub me a delinquent.

“You guys ready to go?” Mr. Hardy called from the front of the store. I quickly walked and stood beside him, waiting for Jeff and Matt to purchase their things.
“Aren’t you getting anything?” Mr. Hardy asked me. I just shook my head.
“Let’s go.” Jeff said, carrying a bag with his new shirt. Matt was carrying a slightly smaller bag.
“Throw them in the car. Riley and I will go ahead inside the diner to get a table.” Mr. Hardy said. Matt and Jeff both went to the car while I followed Mr. Hardy into the diner.
“Well hello Gib, Riley.” Tricia, the waitress, greeted us. Small town meant everyone knew you. “You’re boy’s not here?”
“They’re outside putting crap in the car.” Mr. Hardy answered.

Tricia nodded and turned back to the table she was serving. She quickly picked up four menus and four sets of silverware, leading us to a table. I had just sat down opposite of Mr. Hardy when Jeff and Matt walked in. Jeff instantly took the seat beside me.

“Hungry?” Jeff asked, leaning against me.
“Starving.” I answered, knowing it was the right answer. This place gave one person a five course meal with just one serving.
“Hello Jeff, Matt.” Tricia said as she walked up to us. “What can I get ya to drink?”
“Coffee.” Mr. Hardy answered. She jotted it down as Matt said Pepsi.
“Dr. Pepper.” Jeff answered.
“Mountain Dew.” I said. She nodded and left to get our drinks while we decided what we wanted.
“This looks good.” Jeff said, pointing to something. I looked at what it was. Liver.
“Yuck.” I said, jabbing him in the ribs.

He laughed and went back to looking over the menu. Tricia came back with our drinks. I ordered and cheeseburger, along with Jeff and Matt. Mr. Hardy decided on trout.

“Dad’s a little fishy.” Jeff muttered under his breath to me just as I was taking a drink of my soda. I snorted and ended up spitting a little bit.
“Sorry.” I muttered when Matt and Mr. Hardy looked at me. “Wrong tube.” Jeff laughed and took a drink of his own soda.
“So I’m sure you’ve been told everything that was said last night?” Matt said looking at me.
“More or less.” I replied.
“If you need to talk to anyone, we’re all here for you.” he continued.
“I know. I-I want to thank you all, for everything. I don’t know where I’d be right now if it wasn’t for you helping me eight years ago.”
“It was nothing baby.” Mr. Hardy said, sipping his coffee. “We hated to see a little girl running by herself. We knew we needed to help. Besides, Jeff wouldn’t have let us leave you either way. He came running into the house screaming about a girl. I thought he’d lost his marbles.” Jeff hid his face in his hand as I laughed. I could just imagine Jeff freaking out at his father about needing to help a girl out.
“Dad, did you have to tell her that?” Jeff asked, finally reemerging from behind his hand.
“Yes I did. Little lady needs to know the truth.” Mr. Hardy said.
“Here we go.” Tricia said, setting plates in front of each of us.
“Thank you.” I said when she put my plate down.
“Always so sweet.” Tricia said. “I remember the first time I seen you with your Aunt and Uncle. I nearly flipped my wig. I just saw the two of them two days before that, and there they were with a seven year old girl two days later. It was the shock of my life I’m telling you. When you said please and thank you that first day, you had me hooked.” she smiled and left to take care of another table.

Now it was my turn to hide behind my hands as Jeff laughed at me. We ate in silence. When we finished, Mr. Hardy paid the bill while Matt Jeff and I went back to the car to head home.

“Hey Riley, I have something for you when we get back.” Jeff said.

I just nodded, not really paying attention to what he just said. I was looking around the town. It looked just the same as it did when I first came here with Uncle Paul and Aunt Marylyn. I was amazed that a small town could look so big, and it still amazed me, but suddenly, I felt trapped in this town, like I would never leave it. I haven’t been out of this town since I got here.

“You okay Riley?” Jeff asked, breaking me from my thoughts. I nodded and got into the backseat with him.
“Are you feeling it too?” Matt asked suddenly. I didn’t realize I had started staring at the stores again.
“Feeling what?” I asked, looking at him.
“Like your trapped here? You’ll never get out?” I nodded, shocked he sensed my feelings.
“I’m feeling it too.” He said suddenly.
“Same here,” Jeff said. “This is a nice town and I love it, I just want to get out of it.”
“Yeah.” I said. We were silent for a minute.
“Let’s do this.” Matt said suddenly. “We’ll work to get each other out of here. We’ll work together.”
“Yeah.” Jeff said. I nodded my head, a smile on my face.
“I want to be a wrestler.” Jeff said. “My baseball dreams are over with. I want to wrestle.”
“Same here.” Matt said. They both looked at me.
“I’m not athletic enough.” I said.
“You could be our manager when we make it to the big time.” Jeff said. “Your pretty little self will have no trouble with that.”
“Jeff, you basically just said she can be a piece of eye candy.” Matt said. “I know she won’t go for that.”
“I’ve wanted to try my hand with writing.” I said suddenly. “I was told I could probably have talent in it.”
“Then let’s find that hidden talent.” Matt said. I smiled and nodded.
“We’ll start getting to work on it when we get home.” Jeff said just as Mr. Hardy walked out of the diner.
“Let’s shake on it.” Matt said, holding out his fist.

Jeff held out his while I held up mine. We touched our knuckles and put our hands down quickly. Our own little way of promising each other something.

“You guys ready to leave?” Mr. Hardy asked, getting behind the wheel.

Jeff and I looked at each other, smirking. I looked up to the front seat and saw Matt smirking as well. Mr. Hardy had no idea how ready we really were.

“Why don’t you try for a poem?” Matt asked.
“I don’t know.” I said, staring at the blank sheet of paper in front of me.
“Don’t think about it.” Jeff said suddenly. “Just write whatever comes to your mind.” I sighed and looked at the paper again.
“It’s hopeless.” I said, throwing the pencil I was holding down onto the desk. “It’s no use, I can’t think of what to write.”
“Don’t think.” Jeff repeated. “You think too much as it is. Just let it come out.”

I looked at the paper again, and then looked around the room. Seeing a picture on the wall, a sudden thought came to my head. I picked up the pencil and began writing. Soon, I had thought of everything I could add.

“Well?” I asked after both Matt and Jeff read it.
“You can tell it’s your first thing, but there’s potential.” Matt said. Jeff nodded his agreement.
“Just keep practicing and you’ll get better.” Jeff said. I nodded and took the paper back. I looked at the clock on Jeff’s bedside table. It was getting late.
“I’d better get home.” I said, standing up and grabbing my jacket. I didn’t leave the house without one, especially after nearly freezing to death in the woods.
“Here, I’ll drive you. It’s way too dark for you to be walking.” Matt said, standing up quickly and running into the other room.
“I have no choice on that do I?” I asked Jeff and he stood up as well.
“Nope, you’re actually out voted on that one.” Jeff replied.
“Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” I said. He nodded and pulled me in for a hug.
“See you tomorrow.” Jeff said.
“Hey Jeff, I just had the best idea.” Matt said.
“What?” Jeff asked, looking at his brother like Matt was contagious with something lethal.
“How about instead of asking Dad for a bunch of crap for Christmas this year, we ask him for a trampoline. That’s it just a trampoline.”
“Why?” I asked, honestly curious behind Matt’s thinking.
“To learn how to wrestle, we can use the trampoline to teach each other moves and what not. Kind of start our own little wrestling federation.”
“That’s a good idea Matt.” Jeff said.
“I’ll help. I’ll ask my aunt and uncle to pitch it. That way it can be a present for the three of us. I’ll help you guys train while you guys help me with my writing.” I said.
“It’s perfect.” Matt said.
“Hey, I’m riding with you to take Riley back home. I want to talk about it more.”
“How about I see if I can stay the night? I mean, your dad will make sure nothing happens. And we can all sleep in the living room so they all know nothing’s going on.”
“Will your family go for it?” Jeff asked.
“They might if they talk to your dad.” I said. Matt and Jeff ran from the room, me following right behind them.
“Hey Dad, can Riley stay the night?” Jeff asked. “We promise to sleep in the living room and Matt’s even going to be staying with us.”
“It’s up to Riley’s father, but it’s alright by me.” Mr. Hardy said. Matt was already dialing my phone number. After a short conversation, Dad finally agreed.
“Sweet, let’s go back to my room so we can talk this over more.” Jeff said, leading the way back to his bedroom.
“You three aren’t plotting anything in there are you?” Mr. Hardy called after us.
“No!” Matt yelled back. We closed the door and grabbed a sheet of paper from Jeff’s desk.
“Hey, I just had another idea. This would be perfect for me to practice my writing.” I said suddenly.
“How?” Matt asked, sitting on Jeff’s bed. I sat on the floor and Jeff sat on his desk chair.
“I can write stuff for you guys to say to each other or whatever.” I said. “We’re making this into our own little wrestling federation; we’ll need promos and stuff like that. I can get my writing practice in by doing that.”
“I didn’t think about that.” Matt said. “You’re a genius Riley.” Matt said. I beamed and blushed slightly.
“So when are we going to start asking Dad for the trampoline?” Jeff asked Matt.
“We need to start soon. I say tomorrow.” Matt answered.
“What will we call the thing?” Jeff asked.
“You’re full of questions.” I said. “Leave all that to me. You guys just worry about the trampoline and finding a way to learn all these moves.”
“This is going to be so awesome.” Jeff said, jumping up and down. I was as excited as Jeff was.
“If you need me to, I’ll learn how the officials work and do that as well.” I said.
“I think this is the start of a beautiful partnership you two.” Matt said.

We touched our knuckles to each others’ hands like we did in the car in town. I could tell this is going to be a long term thing, and I was nothing short of thrilled to be able to be part of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 8...:D I need to slow down with this story I think...lmao..but yeah enjoy peeps!