Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 82

I pulled up to Dad and Sara’s house a half hour later, planning on just walking in, handing the keys over, and walking home.
“So, what’s wrong?” Dad asked as soon as I walked through the door.
“Can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m exhausted and just not in the mood.” I replied, holding the keys up to him. He grabbed them and nodded, hugging me quickly before I left. When I got home, I didn’t go inside right away. I just sat on the front porch, thinking things over. Sighing, I pulled out my cell phone, calling Matt.
“Hey sis, I heard about your argument with Jeff.” Matt said when he answered.
“Is he near you?” I asked him. “I didn’t want to call his phone in case he was in the middle of something.”
“He’s not, he’s right here.” Matt replied. I heard him pass the phone and Jeff’s voice mumble a hello.
“Jeff, I’m sorry,” I said, my voice cracking. I cleared my throat and took in a deep breath, fighting even more tears. “I should of know better than to yell at you like that.”
“Get where you came from,” Jeff said. “The last time you found out a secret I’ve kept it was learning I was using again, and that I was hiding the shit in the house. I get it honey.”
“So, what do we have to do for Rod?” I asked, leaning against the support beam for the banister.
“Just testify how great a person he is, how good of a father he can be, and just hope and pray for the best.” Jeff replied.
“We can’t do that because we don’t know him well enough,” I replied.
“We have time, we’ll just hang out with him, get to know him again, and go from there.” I didn’t reply for a long moment.
“Okay,” I said finally. “I’ll help.”
“Really?” Jeff asked, sounding shocked.
“Yes Jeff, I will.” I said, shaking my head.
“So, you home yet?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m just sitting on the porch right now, these damn hormones mixing with my normal emotions are killing me.”
“Yeah I can guess.” Jeff replied, a chuckle in his voice. I couldn’t help but smile, burying my face in my hand at the same time.
“I’m gonna go inside now.” I said, standing up on the porch. Headlights drove up to the house, and stopped. Someone got out and walked up to me.
“Hang on a sec,” I said to Jeff, removing the phone from my ear.
Mrs. Riley Hardy I presume.” the guy said.
“Yes,” I said, looking at him confused.
“Michael Moore, from children services.”

~POV: Jeff~
“Michael Moore from Children Services,” a guys voice said. I adjusted the phone on my ear to hear better. The locker room door opened and Matt walked in. I waved at him to stay quiet. He walked up to me and I put the phone on speaker for him to hear me.
“How can I help you?” Riley’s voice asked.
“I’m aware that you know a Mr. Gregory Shane Helms and Ms. Christina Renee Dupree.” Michael replied. There was the sound of papers shuffling as he obviously looked through notes. “And their son Christian.”
“Yes, I know them, they’re really good friends of mine, a long with my husband.”
“Yes I can see that. Tell me, would you say they’re violent people?” Michael asked.
“Not at all. I mean, sure Shane’s a wrestler, but what he does in the ring is just acting, he’ll never do anything like that at home.”
“Good answer,” I muttered, glancing up at Matt.
“Have they had any form of depression that could induce violence?”
“Not at all,” Riley replied.
“Why are they asking questions about them?” Matt whispered to me.
“No idea,” I muttered back.
“So, you don’t think there could be any abuse going on inside the house?” Mr. Moore asked Riley.
“Absolutely not,” I heard her reply. “I’ve known Shane and Christy for years and they are far from the types who would be abusive toward anyone.”
“Would they be neglectful toward the baby?”
“Christy quit her job to become a stay at home mother,” Riley’s voice said with a little snap. “Shane’s on the road a lot, but he keeps his family well off while he’s gone.”
“Shit, call Sara or Mary, she’s losing her temper.” I muttered to Matt. He got on the phone right away.
“Let me ask you something?” Riley asked suddenly.
“Hurry up Matt,” I said to my brother. He indicated he was talking and turned back to the phone.
“Why are you asking me questions about my friends? Who called you in?”
“I’m not at liberty to reveal that information ma’am, I’m just here doing my job.”
“That’s a load of bullshit!” Riley shouted.
“Ma’am?” Michael asked. I heard the sound of skin making contact with skin.
“Riley!” I shouted into the phone. Either she couldn’t hear me, or she was ignoring me.
“Don’t you even touch me,” She said, venom in her voice. My blood ran cold, that stranger trying to destroy my friends’ family just touched my wife.
“Don’t play coy with me Fiona, you and I both know it’s you.” Moore’s voice said, suddenly going from professional to seductive.
“Matt, is that Mary or Sara?”
“Marylyn,” Matt replied.
“Get Paul to go too, and tell them to get there quickly.”

~POV: Mark~
“She’s asleep,” I said to Sara as I sat next to her on the couch.
“Do you think Riley’s okay?” Sara asked, leaning her head on my arm.
“She’ll be fine,” I replied as the house phone rang. I quickly picked it up so it wouldn’t wake up Chasey.”
“Mark, you’re closer, so I need your help,” Paul’s voice said suddenly.
“What?” I asked, sitting up from the couch.
“Jeff’s on the phone with Riley and something’s going on over there.” Paul replied.
“What?” I asked, my blood running cold.
“No time, just get your ass over there now.” Paul snapped. He hung up the phone before I could say anything else. Without a word to Sara I stood and ran from the house just as a scream pierced through the clear dark night. I knew right away it was Riley, so I picked up my pace. I made it to the house to find Riley on the ground, curled up with her arms around her stomach in a protective gesture. A man was standing above her, his foot inclined behind him as if he was getting ready to kick her. I ran full out and tackled the man to the ground, pinning his arms and straddling him so he couldn’t wiggle free.
“Who the hell are you, and what the fuck are you doing to my daughter?” I spat at him. He just froze with fear as he looked up at me. Headlights announced the arrival of someone, I and I knew it was Paul.
“I got him Mark,” Paul said. I stood up and ran over to Riley, who was still cowering in a ball.
“Riley, baby it’s me,” I said, grabbing her hand to help her sit up. She looked up at me with huge tear filled eyes.
“D-Daddy?” she asked, running her hand over my face. I nodded and pulled her to me.
“What happened?” I asked, stroking her hair.
“He tried to attack me. He said he was from Children’s Services and was asking about Shane, Christy and Christian. He then just went psycho on me and called me Fiona even.” she replied, looking over at the man. “Jeff,” she muttered suddenly, looking around. She phone her cell phone and pressed it to her ear. I watched as she had a quick conversation with Jeff, turning to face Paul when he walked up beside me.
“Thankfully that was ended soon.” Paul muttered.
“That bastard was about to kick her,” I said, my hands balling into fists as I remembered the scene when I first showed up.
“He’s going to jail,” Paul assured me.
“He’d better be,” I said to my brother as I continued watching my oldest daughter.
“I’m fine Jeff, just a little shaken,” Riley was trying to assure her husband. I took the phone from her and put it to my ear just as Jeff said “I’d prefer you not being alone until I get home honey.”
“Oh, I’m fine sweetie, but if it’s Ri your worried about, she’ll be home with me,” I replied, using a slightly high pitched voice for the first half. Jeff laughed and said okay. We hung up the phone, and I passed an I love you to Riley from Jeff.
“Let’s go,” I said, grabbing her hand and leading her toward my house. She followed without question. Paul and Marylyn went home, probably to go to bed.
“Are you getting tired?” I asked Riley.
“Oddly, I’m not,” she replied, looking up at me with a smile. “I’m getting over the early pregnancy ailments.”
“Glad you are, my suffering’s just about to begin again.” I said, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. “I can’t believe you’re almost three months already.”
“I am 3 months Dad,” she said, looking up at me like I lost my mind. “I’m nearly coming up to my fourth.”
“Slow down!” I said, stopping dead as the realization hit me. You’re almost halfway through.”
“I’m halfway to the halfway point,” she said. I rolled my eyes and started walking again. By the time we reached the house, Sara was at the front door waiting on us, or at least me.
“What happened?” she asked, looking between Riley and me. Riley explained what happened to her, then I told Sara my view of the ending. Sara looked horrorstruck, but relieved at the same time.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe you should go to the hospital.”
“No, Chasey was just there, you just got a test done there, no way am I adding myself to that list now.” Riley said, holding up her hands. “I’m fine, I didn’t fall, I hit my knees before anything.”
“Are you sure?” I asked. She nodded and sat on the couch, letting her head rest on the back.
“How’s Chase been?” she asked, looking over at us.
“She fell asleep as soon as we got home,” Sara replied, sitting next to Riley. Riley nodded and sighed, looking back up at the ceiling.
“Great birthday huh?” she asked, closing her eyes. “My sister gets sick, my step-mother’s told she’s pregnant, and I get attacked by a crazed stalker who thinks I’m an Ogre Princess.”
“Look on the bright side, you got you see friends again, you saw Mike again. Yesterday you got to see your baby for the first time,” I replied, sitting on her other side.
“Plus you’re getting another sibling,” Sara added. “And Chasey’ll be fine, she just needs rest and fluids.”
“And the bright side of the stalker?” She asked, looking between Sara and me. I looked up at Sara and I could tell she knew Riley needed to hear a joke to lighten her mood, so I decided to take this one.
“Well, at least he cared enough about you to call you a princess, even if it was an ogre one.” Riley chuckled slightly, and I felt her tension ease up as well.
“So, we have a while before Jeff will get back here, what should we do?” I asked, rubbing Riley’s knee.
“I would suggest Apples to Apples, but we don’t have enough people.” she answered.
“Now you do,” Paul’s voice said from the doorway.
“I thought you two went home,” I said, looking at my brother and sister-in-law behind him.
“We was worried about Riley, so we just came to check on her.” Marylyn replied.
“Let’s play then.” Riley said, standing up and clearing off the table. I ran upstairs and grabbed the game, running back down the stairs to find that they were just waiting on me to get back with the game.

~An hour later~ ~POV: Riley~
“Okay the word is curious.” Dad said, setting the card in the middle of the table. I looked at the seven in my hands, and smiled as I picked the perfect one. I set it face down on the table beside the green card and sat back, waiting for Mary, Paul and Sara to lay down their cards as well. Dad picked the cards up after they were all laid out, and stared at them, his mouth hanging open.
“What the hell?” he asked, looking at us all. “Paris,” he started reading from his hands. “Electricity, rubber bands, and siblings.” He laughed as he thought it over. Jeff walked into the house just as Dad announced “siblings.” I groaned and threw myself backward as Sara cheered. She picked up the card Dad laid out, hopping up and down.
“What’s not curious about rubber bands?” I asked him. “Don’t you ever wonder how they can stretch so far without tearing?” Jeff laughed as he sat next to me.
“Losing?” he asked, looking at the two cards in front of me.
“Who’s idea was it to play this game anyway?” I asked, huffing as Sara picked up a green card.
“Yours,” Paul, Dad, Marylyn and Sara answered at the same time. I just scowled and put my cards down, suddenly feeling very tired.
“Ready to go home?” Jeff asked me, grabbing my hand. I nodded, trying and failing to stifle a yawn.
“Go get some sleep,” Dad said, putting his cards down as well. “It’s late and you’ve had a big day.”
“See you tomorrow,” I replied, following Jeff from the house. He had drove up to Dad’s house, so we took the car to our own home. I got inside and changed into my night clothes, automatically laying down in bed. When my head hit the pillows, I rolled onto my side and watched as Jeff changed into shorts and a tank top. He climbed into bed beside me and rubbed his hand up and down my arm.
“Feeling okay?” he asked. I nodded and smiled at him.
“Fine,” I said out loud. “Sara got some good news at the hospital, she’s pregnant again.”
“Damn, two women around here with pregnancy hormones, gotta love it,” Jeff replied, smiling back at me. He moved his head to where he was touching my forehead with his own.
“It’s going to be hell leaving again tomorrow, but I’ll be back before you know it.” he said.
“You better be, I’ll be showing soon and I don’t want you to see me through a picture sent on our phones.”
“It won’t be like that, I promise it won’t.” he replied.
“It better not be.” I replied. He smiled even more and kissed the tip of my nose.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you more,” I answered. He wrapped his arms more securely around me, and the last thing I felt was his breath mingling with mine as my eyes closed and sleep over took me.
♠ ♠ ♠
nothing really new to say right now except thanks for the comment(s)
and more coming soon! :D