Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 85

The weeks passed slowly, but finally, it was time for Jeff, Matt, Shane and Shannon to come home from tour. By that time though, I was up a shirt size and even a pant size, but there wasn’t enough for Jeff to really notice until he either saw me naked, or until I pointed it out to him.
Dad went back on tour a few days after he found out Sara was pregnant as well. I received a phone call from Jeff that night, congratulating me on my new brother or sister.
“Riley!” a voice yelled through the loud airport crowd. My mind snapped from my thoughts and looked around, spotting a mass of dark brown wavey curls before they enveloped me in a fierce but gentle hug.
“Matty!” I said, wrapping my arms around him. I heard a laugh and moved my gaze to see Jeff standing behind Matt, watching us with humor in his eyes. Matt let me go so I could go to my husband.
“Is it possible that I missed you more this time around than before?” he asked as I laid my head on his chest.
“Sure it is, because I probably missed you just as much.” I answered, looking up into his green eyes. He just smiled and lowered his head, placing his mouth of mine. We stayed that way until Matt cleared his throat.
“Sorry,” I muttered, blushing slightly. “Let’s go get your bags so you can officially be home.” After waiting an eternity at the baggage claim, we still hadn’t gotten their stuff. By that time my legs were starting to hurt, so I pressed my back against a wall and slid down to sit.
“All this spending time at home’s getting to you isn’t it?” Matt asked as he watched me.
“Nope, because it’s for a very good, and much more important reason,” I answered, letting my hand fall on my stomach. Since I was sitting and my back was slightly curved, my stomach was showing through my shirt more, meaning my bump was more noticeable that when I was standing.
“Gaining a little weight aren’t you there?” a new voice asked. I looked up to see Dad standing in front of me. I smiled as I held up my hand for him to help me up.
“Hi Daddy,” I said, wrapping my arms around him. He kissed my cheek as Jeff started grabbing suitcases from the conveyor belt. Matt and Dad helped him, and soon they had all their bags.
“Where’s Shane and Shannon?” I asked as we started leaving the airport.
“Oh, Shane came back earlier and Shannon stayed over.” Jeff answered. He, Matt and Dad were piled with their luggage, while I was just carrying myself and Jr. I tried to take one in the airport, but they all refused.
“You’re Dad’s right though,” Jeff said suddenly as he put his suitcases into my car trunk.
“About what?” I asked, looking over at him.
“You are gaining some weight, I mean, I know it’s going to happen, but I didn’t think this much this soon.” He froze as he realized what he said.
“Jeff, you know I’m not that vain,” I said, smacking his arm.
“No, but seriously, what gives?” he asked.
“I’m pregnant,” I said as if it was that obvious. He got behind the wheel of the car while I got into the passenger’s seat. He pulled out of the parking lot and out onto the highway.
“Okay, there is a reason,” I said after a few minutes of us being silent. I laid myself back slightly and lifted my shirt enough to show in my stomach.
“What’s that?” he asked, staring at the bump.
“That’s your baby,” I said with a laugh. He pulled over to the side of the road, staring at me.
“Wait, you mean your starting to show?” he asked, looking me over again. I watched as his eyes started to show recognition. “Wow,” he muttered, moving his hand and resting it against the bump. “Are you feeling her move yet?”
“I don’t think so,” I replied, placing my hand on his. We stayed there for a few more minutes before Jeff moved his hand back to the steering wheel.
“This is really happening isn’t it?” he breathed, staring at the wheel.
“It is,” I replied, smiling at him. He threw the car back into drive and drove the rest of the way home.
“So glad to be back,” he groaned as he sat down on the couch. I sat next to him and brought my legs up beneath me, leaning on him. He wrapped his arms around me, and let his hands go back to the bump.
“I can’t wait to see her,” I said as Jeff started using his finger to draw circles.
“Well, better start working on your patience, we still have 5 months left before that can happen.”
“I know,” I pouted. “I can’t believe tomorrow starts week fifteen.”
“I know, it’s amazing. We’re 5 weeks away from the half way point.” he answered, lowering his head to mine. I felt a tiny flutter then, and it came from around where the baby was.
“I think I just felt her,” I said, sitting up slightly in shock. Jeff’s hand was still on my stomach, but he looked confused. “You didn’t feel it?”
“No, honey you’re probably not far along enough for me to feel anything.” he pointed out.
“Oh, right,” I muttered.
“But, whenever you feel her and I’m here, I’ll keep trying. One of these days I’ll feel her.” he said, moving his arms to my shoulders and squeezing. I just smiled, letting my head rest against his shoulder.
“Oh, and I forgot to mention this earlier, but Vince talked to me earlier, and he told me to take time off to spend with you.” he said suddenly.
“How much time is he giving you?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Until the baby’s born.” he answered.
“Are you for real?” I asked, moving to look at him better.
“I’m being one hundred percent honest right now. You can ask Matt, Paul, and Stephanie. They were all three in the room at the time.”
“I believe you, it just doesn’t seem like something McMahon would do.”
“Shocked the hell out of me.” Jeff admitted. “But I won’t be missing anything anymore. I’m here with you until we get out little boy or girl.”
“Oh, Rorwan told me that my next ultrasound can give us an estimated guess on whether we’re having a boy or a girl. She said to talk to you about it.”
“Oh, see what I think we should do?” he asked. I nodded and waited while he thought.
“I really don’t know,” he answered finally.
“You don’t really care if we have a boy or girl right?” I asked. He nodded, so I continued. “So does it really matter if we know? We both care that the baby’s healthy when we have him, so we’ll just think of a name for a boy and a girl, and we’ll work on things for both.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to worry about all of that,” Jeff replied. “I think it would be easier if we’re just told what we’re going to have.”
“You think so?” I asked, letting my chin fall into my hand. “That does make sense though. Thinking things over for a boy and a girl will be double the work.”
“And double the stress on you, which you really don’t need.” Jeff added.
“So, we’re going to have her tell us?” I asked to confirm.
“Yeah, we’re going to have them tell us.” he answered. “But let’s keep it from the family.” he gave an evil smile and waggled his eyebrows.
“Jeffrey Nero, no that’s mean.” I said, smacking his arm. “Beside, I get told, I won’t be able to resist telling Dad if he’s having a Grandson or Granddaughter.”
“Yeah I know, we’re not going to be that mean,” he said, grabbing my hand and rubbing his finger over my knuckles.
“So, what do you want to do tomorrow?” Jeff asked as the phone rang. I reached back to answer it, and was surprised to hear my grandpa Calaway’s voice.
“Riley, the rest of the family and I talked, and we decided it was time for us to come up for a visit. “
“Really?” I asked. “That’s great, can’t wait to see you.”
“We also think that you should get your mother’s family over there as well.” he continued. My heart skipped a beat, I knew there was no good that would come out of that.”
“Uhm, I’ll talk to them, but I can’t make any promises.” I answered. “I gotta go, Jeff’s home and I want to spend time with him,” I said before quickly hanging up the phone.
“What was that about?” Jeff asked, looking confused.
“The Calaway’s are coming up here to visit, but they want the Mitchells down here as well.”
♠ ♠ ♠
update! I know, I keep neglecting Jeff and Riley, but I promise to start doing more with them. I'm getting distracted trying to repair Bret Michaels' relationship with his long lost daughter LOL *Cry Tough because Life Goes On if you're interested :D*
thanks for the comments
more will be coming soon