Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 93

I sat quietly as the machine scanned my brain, looking for things that would shatter me completely if they were found.
“Okay Riley, we’re done,” Dr. Grace said as the machine powered down. The table I was on slid out so I could sit up. After walking out of the room, I met Jeff at the end of the hallway. We walked back to Amelia’s office hand in hand, both of us worried and thinking about the same thing. The both of us praying that everything would be fine. The first 20 weeks of my pregnancy has flown by, so the rest of it will probably go by just as quickly, and I want to feel joy when thinking about my daughter coming into the world, not sorrow over the fact that she may lose me before she really gets to know me.
“Okay so,” Dr. Grace and Dr. Rorwan walked into the office. Grace went to an x-ray screen and put images of my brain up. Jeff and I looked closely at the images, but I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
“Riley, other than the Bi-Polar Disorder,” Dr. Grace said, staring at the images as well. “You have one of the healthiest brains I’ve ever seen.” Relief flooded through me and I heard Jeff let his breath out in a rush.
“There’s no signs of any cancer cells anywhere.” Grace continued. “So, all we have to worry about is making sure you keep up with your medications, along with staying on a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise.”
“No need to worry about that,” Jeff replied. “I was transferred from performer to a behind the scenes job that I can do from home, so I’ll be around a lot more and I can make sure she does what she needs to do.”
“You have a good man here Riley,” Dr. Grace said.
“Yeah, I really do,” I agreed, smiling up at Jeff. “The medicine really wasn’t doing anything to Kylie?”
“You saw yourself she looks completely normal at 20 weeks.” Rorwan replied with a smile. I took a deep breath, and turned to face my therapist.
“I’ll stay with the meds I’m on now.” I informed her.
“You sure?” she asked me. I nodded, picking at my fingernails.
“I’m positive. If they’re really not doing anything, and they’re still helping me, I’ll stay with them.” I saw Jeff smile out of the corner of my eye. I knew he would be happy by that decision.
“Riley, I promised you once, and I want you to promise me, no more hiding things. We can’t do that when Kylie gets here.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” I replied, wrapping my arms around his waist. His head rested against mine.
“So, you two are free to go, and Riley, please, if you feel something is off, call one of us. We only want to help you.” Dr. Grace said, rubbing her hand up and down my arm.
“I know, we’ve come a long way from me getting your help with my nightmares.” I said with a smile. Amelia laughed and nodded her head.
“We sure have,” she agreed.
“If you want, we can still up the number of time I see you,” Rorwan spoke up. I looked up at Jeff, who just shrugged and looked around.
“It’s up to you,” he said.
“I want things to go normally, so I’ll stay with the regular appointments,” I answered after a minute of thinking.
“You’re sure?” she asked. I nodded, grabbing Jeff’s hand and leaning against him.
“I haven’t had anything really normal in my life, and this is the one thing I want to make as normal as possible.”
“Honey, we wouldn’t know normal if it bit us on the ass in the form of McMahon.” Jeff said, squeezing me.
“You know what I mean,” I replied, smacking his arm. He just chuckled lightly and let me go.
“So then, we’re going to keep the other appointment then, and I will see you then,” Miranda said. “Take care of yourself, and like we’ve said before, call us if something feels off. We don’t care what it is, call us.”
“Okay, I’m sorry for all of this panic,” I said.
“Don’t apologize, just don’t let it happen again.” Dr. Grace replied. I promised, and soon Jeff and I were in the car heading home.
“I’m calling Matt and Amanda,” Jeff told me as he grabbed out his phone. He dialed Matt’s number, which was answered on the second ring.
“Hey, Jeff, what’s going on?” Matt asked.
“Everything’s fine,” Jeff announced to him. “There’s no cancer cells in her brain, and we’re on our way home. Everything was just because she started getting paranoid over her medications.”
“So, what did they do?” Amanda’s voice asked.
“Everything’s staying the same way, but they were going to increase the number of times I went to Rorwan and Dr. Grace was about to change my pills again, but I finally got it into my head that it wasn’t necessary.”
“Good, are you going to start keeping up with yourself?”
“Hell yeah Matt. I need to take care of myself in order to make sure my daughter is okay, right?”
“Absolutely,” Jeff agreed, grabbing my hand again.
“So, you two want to come hang out?” Matt asked.
“Riley can, I can’t I have work to do.” Jeff answered.
“I’m just going to stay home and relax.” I added, rubbing my eyes.
“Okay, that’s understandable,” Amanda replied. “Get some rest Riley, and don’t work yourself too hard Jeffrey.”
“Yeah right, I have to make a poster for Survivor Series, and then figure out a promo video to play for Mark and Orton.”
“Oh, have fun with that.” Matt replied. Jeff rolled his eyes, and I knew why. He was going to go overboard with this, like when he was performing, he went over the top, and he’ll do that with his creating of promotions as well. He won’t limit himself, so they’ll be badass, but probably not what Vince was expecting from him.
“So, we’ll let you two go, have fun!” Mandy said. They hung their phone up before I even got a hold of Jeff’s. After flipping it shut, I placed it in the cup holder, resting my head back and letting my eyes close.
“You sure you’re feeling okay?” Jeff asked, bringing my hand to his lips. I nodded, taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh.
“Damn, I have to go dress shopping before March,” I muttered, suddenly remembering.
“The Hall of Fame.”
“That’s right, Mark’s getting inducted this year right?” he asked, getting off of the freeway and into town. He started driving down the road that led to our house, and I was so glad to almost be home.
“Yeah, and I’m supposed to induct him.”
“How? You’ll be mere weeks away from delivering Kylie when that comes around, you won’t be able to fly.”
“Wrestlmania is in Georgia this year, we can drive down there and then drive back up after it’s over. We don’t have to stay for the actual show, just the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.”
“We can go dress shopping when we go out for stuff for Kylie’s nursery.” Jeff replied with a smile. “Are we sure we want to attempt that though, it’ll be so close to your due date.”
“The first baby normally comes late anyway, at least that’s what I’ve heard.”
“We’ll figure it out.” Jeff replied as he pulled up the driveway. “For now, you go upstairs and rest. I’m going to go get to work,” he walked toward the office as I headed up the stairs.
“Ri, don’t forget your med,” Jeff called as I reached the top of the stairs.
“I was thinking about it anyway,” I called back to him. After taking the pill, I laid down on the bed, and was out right away.

~POV: Jeff~
“Okay, I understand,” I said to McMahon. It had been two weeks since I started doing the promotions, and I haven’t gotten a complaint yet. “Yes sir, it’ll be done. Okay,” I hung up the phone as Riley walked into the office.
“Everything okay?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.
“Got a new assignment from McMahon, nothing to big, T-Shirt design for Hennigan.”
“He has you all over the place doesn’t he?” Riley commented, walking around to stand in front of me. I let my hands grab her hips and rest against her protruding stomach. I felt Kylie kick against my head, and chuckled.
“The books say she’s developing her sense of touch, so she’ll be moving more and experimenting with her new sense.” Riley said at my chuckle.
“I know, she just kicked me in the forehead,” I explained.
“Oh, she loves you though, she goes crazy every time you talk.”
“Really?” I was amazed, and curious, so I forced Riley down on my lap and let my hand rest on her stomach.
“Hey princess, it’s Daddy. Can you hear me?” I felt a kick on my hand, and another one a second later. “I didn’t think her hearing would be developing right now.”
“It’s probably not, she just has a sense that you’re talking to her.” Riley replied. That made sense, but I had no idea how. It must have been a father thing most men talk about.
“Damn I hate those things,” Riley muttered suddenly, resting her hand on her stomach.
“You okay?” She nodded, letting her breath out in a sigh.
“Yeah, I was told about these, they just suck.” She replied. “Those Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s supposed to be my body practicing for labor.”
“Are they painful?” I asked, concerned.
“No, just uncomfortable.” she answered, looking back up at me. “How much do you think she weighs now?”
“I have no idea,” I replied honestly. “Maybe when we go back for your next appointment they can tell us.”
“I hope so,” she replied with a sigh. She stood up, but with a little bit more difficulty than normal.
“Okay, I’m far enough along, I’m starting to look like a cow,” she whined as she walked from the room, a little waddle in her steps.
“No you’re not, you look beautiful,” I said, standing up and following her into the kitchen.
“I told myself I wouldn’t be this type of pregnant woman, the kind that goes around complaining about how she looks, but I’m waddling. I’m 22 weeks and I’m waddling, is that normal?”
“Riley, we never do anything normally, and probably for you it is. Not ever pregnancy is the same.”
“I know,” she muttered, moping slightly. “I walk like a duck.”
“Only a little bit,” I said honestly. She just smiled and sat down at the table.
“You know what you need to do when you get your dress?” I asked, sitting next to her. “Go for something that flows around you. Nothing tight that’ll be uncomfortable on your stomach, but nothing to loose that’ll look like you’re wearing a parachute.”
“That makes sense,” she said, nodding. “Good idea Jeff. What are we going to do for the baby’s room? We need to get that started too.”
“I know, I found some things online, but I wanted to ask you about them first. They’re both purple and green because I know you love the combination those two colors make, and it’s for girls.”
“I want to see them.” she said excitedly. I went back into the office and grabbed my laptop, bringing up the pictures I found to show Riley. She looked them over, and her eyes lit up with two of them.
“I love these two,” she said finally, pointing the two out. I nodded, knowing she would.
“So, we just have to chose between the two of them.” I said, deleting the other pictures.
“I might start looking at dresses as well,” Riley informed me.
“Whatever you want,” I replied. “Just remember, no heels and no flats. Just a regular feel is good.”
“I know what I can and can not wear Jeffrey,” she said with a scowl. “We have 4 months until the ceremony, a week after that is my due date, we’re going to have fun the next few months.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so, as I left off, they're trying to decide how to decorate Kylie's nursery so they can get started on it, what I want you, my lovely fans, is to vote on your favorite nursery style! The one with the most votes is the one I will use, and in case I forget, thanks for voting!
And, I'm not sure yet, but I'm aiming to finish this story at around Chapter 100, but I'm not promising anything. It depends on how I go about with everything. Just wanted to let you know that.
thanks for commenting
more will be coming soon
here is the URL for the nursery choices.