Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 96

~March 24, 2011 Baby Shower~
The alarm clock rang, announcing to Jeff and me it was time to get up and get ready for the day. I groaned and resisted the urge to throw Satan’s invention across the room.
“Do we have to do this today?” I asked Jeff as he sat up in the bed.
“Yes, your aunt and step-mom put a lot into today, we have to go no matter how much you don’t want to.”
“I don’t care about seeing everyone, I just don’t want to get out of bed,” I replied, letting my head fall back on the pillows again. Even bending to tie my shoes has became a challenge for me, so thankfully winter was nearly over and the snow was nearly all gone, then I could just wear slip on shoes, but for now, I have to depend on Jeff.
“I still can’t believe how fast the time went,” Jeff muttered from the closet.
“I can,” I said, heaving myself off the bed. There was only a week and a half left until my due date, and I was feeling it. “I always said I wasn’t going to be the type that couldn’t wait to get a baby out, but that was before I experienced the third trimester, and had to start depending on you with my shoes.”
“I don’t mind helping,” Jeff replied as he walked out of the closet with an outfit for me. I changed as quickly as I could, feeling self conscious about my body without my shirt on, even in front of Jeff, but he must of sensed my unease because he stopped me from putting my shirt on for a minute to rub his hand over my bare skin, kissing me in different places.
When I was finally able to get my shirt on, he helped me with my shoes as usual. After getting heaved off the bed again, we went downstairs and put on our jackets, walking out into the fresh early spring air.
“I love early morning spring,” I commented, taking in a deep breath.
“So do I,” Jeff replied as he grabbed my hand. The baby shower was at the diner and it wasn’t for a couple hours, so we were just walking around until it was time to go. We decided to walk to the site where our first place was. The foundation was still there, we never bothered to clean it up. It was a reminder to take life fully and live for the moment, our motto.
“I still can’t the Hardy Gun stayed.” I said, looking over at the Aluminummy hand.
“I can’t believe how close we were to being part of it,” Jeff replied. “Think of it, the call from Matt came just a minute before we were going home. If it didn’t happen until an hour later, we probably would have been in bed, and we wouldn’t of gotten out in time.”
“I know, it’s scary to think about.” I said with a shiver. “I still miss Jack though.”
“He was the best dog, but we still got the other ones as well.” Jeff said, letting his hand stroke my lower back. When he started to actually massage the area, I let my head fall back and sighed.
“Feel good?” he asked, kneading my back.
“You have no idea,” I replied, nearly purring.
We walked on, Jeff leading the way.
“Hey, I have an idea,” he said, leading me back toward he house. “Dad’s at the diner helping getting things set up, so we can go over to his place.”
“Why are we going there?” I asked as I eased myself into the car.
“To visit some old sites,” he answered as he pulled into his father’s driveway. After helping me out of the car, we walked into the woods, in the direction I knew so well.
“Our old tree,” I said, smiling as I locked my fingers with his.
“Absolutely,” he replied, stopping beneath the tree that we knew so well. I sighed as I stared at it, remembering the times I hid up there to get away from my family.
“Damn, I can’t believe we’re a week away from being parents.” Jeff muttered, staring at the top of the tree.
“We better believe it, she’ll be here soon, and today’s the baby shower. I hope people didn’t get all pink, I’ll throw up if they did.” Jeff laughed as he walked me through the trees again. When he walked us to where our old trampoline used to be, a sudden thought hit me.
“Jeff, we’re not going to be going back to the company, so what are we going to tell our daughter when she gets older?”
“What do you mean?” Jeff asked.
“What are we going to tell her when she gets old enough to be curious about our pasts. Are we going to tell her that we were professional wrestlers, or just not let it on?”
“I don’t know,” he replied. “What do you think would be best?”
“I don’t know, I guess we can figure that out later.” I shrugged. We stood there for a few minutes longer before my back started aching.
“Let’s head over,” I said, putting my hands behind my back to support it. “I need to sit down, my back’s killing me.”
“Are you sure you’ll be able to go through with the trip to Atlanta?” Jeff asked.
“Keep letting me take bathroom breaks and stretch myself out and I’ll be good.” I replied as he helped me into the car again. By the time we got to the diner, I had to rush to the bathroom, but not before I was able to throw out a quick hello to everyone.

~POV: Jeff~
Riley was out of the car and heading to the bathroom the second we pulled into the diner. I watched as she rushed a hello to everyone before she disappeared into the bathroom.
“The third trimester bladder,” Sara said to me with a smile.
“It’s a pain in the ass, but in the end it’ll all be worth it,” I replied, looking around the dining area. There were streamers all over the place. Tablecloths with centerpieces announcing that we were having a girl covered every table in the place.
“How the hell many people do you expect to show up here?” I asked, as Riley walked back into the room.
“Sorry, Kylie decided to step on my bladder when I walked in,” she said, easing herself into a chair. It amazed me how big her belly was and how small the baby seemed to be, but I didn’t say anything to her. I knew her hormones were even more out of sync by now, so she would end up sending me to the guest bedroom until the day I die, if not longer.
“It’s fine, we understand that,” Mark replied, rubbing his hand over Sara’s stomach where their third child was growing. Sara and Riley was due 3 months apart, so I knew things would be fun around here with three kids under the age of one year.
“Jeffrey, Riley!” a voice called from the kitchen. We both smiled as we turned to face Tricia. Remy was in the back as usual, steam showing us he was cooking a mile a minute.
“Oh goodness girl, look at you.” Tricia said, holding Riley at arms length. “Not to much longer now, I can feel it.”
“Another week and a half,” she confirmed.
“Nervous? Don’t be, you two will be great, and once you get the basics down, you’ll be ready for anything.” Tricia then turned to me and chuckled. “No offense honey but you look like hell.”
“We never get offended by you Tricia dear,” I said, hugging her and giving a gentle kiss on her cheek.
“And that’s kind of my fault he’s so bad,” Riley spoke up. “Damn cravings keep kicking up in the middle of the night. I’m the most needy pregnant woman in history.”
“No, you’re not,” I said. “I don’t care about having to do all that. As long as it keeps you happy.”
“But I’m not happy because I’m making you do so much, you’re stressed between work and taking care of me.”
“I don’t care,” I cut her off, grabbing her hands. “It’s great practice for when we have to wake up at two in the morning for feeding and diaper changes anyway.”
“True,” she replied with a sigh. Just then Matt and Amanda walked into the diner with Jason.
“We’re here!” Matt shouted in my ear.
“I can see that Matt,” I said, wiggling my finger in my ear to try to get hearing back in it.
“Now the party can start,” he said, grabbing Amanda and twirling her around. I rolled my eyes as Riley laughed. Shane and Christy with baby Christian showed up a few minutes later, at the same time as Julie and Shannon.
“Jeff!” someone shouted. I smiled as I turned to face my younger cousin Joey.
“Hey Joey,” I said, wrapping my arm around the teen’s head.
“So, you’re really going to become a dad huh?” he asked, looking over at Riley who was greeting my aunt Karen.
“Yep, it’s really happening.”
“Can’t wait to see how that turns out,” Joey replied.
“Me either,” someone behind us said. We turned and Joey froze for a minute. John Hennigan was standing behind us, Melina right beside him.
“Hey you two,” I greeted them. “Riley will be ecstatic to see you Mel.”
“I know, I’m off to see my baby mama,” she said. John and I both shook our heads as she walked off.
“This is going to be an interesting day isn’t it?” John asked me.
“Without a doubt,” I answered him. More people started showing up, and a few of them I didn’t expect to show up. Michelle McCool and Layla El came, along with Ron Killings and Randy Orton. Paul and Stephanie showed up with their two girls and even Vince and Linda showed up.
“Sara,” I said to Riley’s step-mother, dragging her away from people. “How many people did you invite?”
“Just a few, most of them are probably showing up from hearing it through the grapevine.” She replied, looking around at everyone showing up. Matt Korklan, better known as Evan Bourne, came in with his girlfriend.
“Jeff, look who just walked in,” Matt said, nudging my side. I looked at the front door to see it was Amy Dumas.
“Knew it would happen eventually,” Amy said, smiling at me as she hugged me. She nodded toward Matt and went off to talk to someone else.
“This is weird,” I muttered, seeing my family mixing with my friends. The door opened again and Riley’s family from Baltimore walked in.
“Walter, Alexandria,” I greeted them. “I didn’t think you would be here.”
“Better get used to us being around here,” Riley’s grandmother replied. “We’re here until that little girl is born.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less,” I replied, hugging her gently.
“So, did you get the nursery finished yet?” Walter asked.
“Nearly, we were waiting until after today to completely finish it and show it to everyone. Is it just the two of you?”
“Martin’s here, but the others couldn’t get time off work.” Alex replied.
“Oh, I was gonna say, if it was just you two, you’re more than welcome to stay at our house, and I now Matt has an extra guest room.”
“Thank you Jeff, but there’s no need.” Walter said, holding up a hand.
“What won’t be?” Riley asked, walking up to stand beside me.
“I offered them our guest room.” I informed her.
“Take it, please,” she said. “I know you’ll be guests, but it would mean a lot if you could help Jeff out. I’ve become so dependant on him and he keeps saying he doesn’t care, but he’s got a lot on him right now.”
“Okay, we’ll take it to help out.” Alex said. “Neither of you need to be overly stressed right now.”
“You can go with us to Atlanta too.” I spoke up.
“Why are you going to Atlanta?” Walter asked confused.
“I have to induct Dad into the WWE Hall of Fame.” Riley answered her grandfather.
“Will you be able to make the trip?” Alexandria asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Riley replied, nodding her head. “Except I’ll have to make a lot of restroom breaks, excuse me.” She rushed off to the bathroom again, and I watched her go with a laugh.
“That happening a lot?” Walter asked me. I nodded with a large sigh.
“Jeffrey Hardy,” a voice said. The voice made my blood run cold. Looking up, I came eye to eye with Phil Brooks, Andrew Hankinson and Serena Deeb behind him. “It’s been a while hasn’t it?”
“Yeah, last time we seen each other you kept calling my wife and myself drug addicts.: I replied.
Before Phil could reply, Sara made an announcement.
“Okay, it’s time to start, where’s our parents to be at?”
“One’s standing right next to you!” I shouted. Sara looked next to her to see Mark was beside her.
“Get up here Jeffrey!” Mark called, a small smile on his face. I walked up just as Riley walked out of the bathroom.
“Come on up here Riley, we’re needed.”
“Okay have your way with me, just don’t wake me,” she replied, sitting in a chair and letting her head fall back. I shook my own head and turned back to face Sara.
“So, we have food, games, cake, presents, the works!” Mark continued. “Just have fun, mingle, get to know people, but make sure you at least say something to the parents to be.”
“Both of them!” Riley called out randomly. People laughed and went back to there conversations.
“Tired Ri?” Mark asked, kneeling beside her.
“Nope,” she replied as she closed her eyes. Mark rolled his eyes and looked up at me with humor. “Have fun, we’ll get things to end soon so you can take your wife home and get her some rest.”
“Thanks,” I replied. Riley’s breathing evened out, meaning she was falling asleep. Shaking my head, I looked up at Sara, who was scowling at Riley.
“Let her sleep Sara,” Mark said gently. “You know wore out a woman gets at this point.”
“I know,” Sara replied with a sigh. With a little help from Mark, we got Riley laying down on a couple of booths.
“I can’t believe she conked out for her own baby shower,” Matt muttered, watching her sleep. “It’s kind of funny, but kind of getting me worried.”
“How the hell do you think I feel?” I replied, not tearing my gaze from my wife. Whenever I thought of Riley as my wife, I felt a sudden jolt go through me.
“Is it weird that I’ve known her nearly 30 years and I fall in love with her even more each day?” I asked Matt suddenly. “Whenever I look at her, it’s like, I can’t believe she’s in my life, and I’m still getting thrills calling her my wife.”
“I get ya man,” Matt replied. “It’s only natural with how much you two have been through.”
“Jeff, we’re ready for games, should we wake up Riley?” Sara asked. I nodded, walking over to my wife.
“Riley, honey wake up.” I said gently. She stirred and looked around.
“Did I fall asleep?” she asked through a yawn.
“For a few minutes,” I answered her. She rubbed her eyes and looked around.
“Are you sure you’re okay enough to be here?” Dad asked Riley. She nodded, stifling another yawn.
“What are we doing?” she asked.
“Games,” Sara replied. “We have the dirty diaper game where if you have the diaper filled with something, you win, and since Riley and Jeff are the parents, they can not participate.”
“So why the hell was I woken up?” She groaned.
“We’ll need you for a couple other games.” Sara answered as Mark grabbed my upper arm.
“The next game is going to be them trying to remember what you’re wearing.” Mark explained. “They’ll look at Riley, but have to describe you.”
“Excellent.” I said, nodding. The games went on for a while. Matt ended up winning the what I was wearing challenge because he knows me so well. Someone actually mentioned my tattoos and ear gauges, so they got a few extra points. By the time we got to the presents, Riley was more awake than ever. She couldn’t wait to see what people got for the baby, and I was interested myself. Especially with Matt, Shane and Shannon. My father got her a swing, which surprised me because he wasn’t too much for all the new ways of raising kids. Marylyn and Paul got an exersaucer for when Kylie was old enough to hold herself up.
Mark and Sara got us a new stroller and car seat, which we thought was kind of funny seeing as they had their third child on the way.
“Why didn’t you keep this?” Riley asked her father.
“We don’t need it, we still have the set from when Chasey was born and it’s still in perfect order.” Mark answered her. I knew Riley didn’t see a point in arguing, so she thanked them and went on to the next one which was from her grandparents.
It took about an hour to get the rest of the presents opened. We decided to save the best for last, which was Matt, Shane and Shannon’s choices. The girl got their own gifts, so that left the men to go on their own.
“My niece is going to be stylish,” Matt said as Riley opened the present.
“Oh, that is awesome Matt!” she exclaimed, looking at a shirt. “I love it!” There was other outfits along with it, and I had to admit Matt didn’t do too bad a job.
“Shannon’s turn,” I announcing, picking up what he brought. It turned out to be a really good choice as well.
“I’m thinking ahead,” Shannon said as we looked at the two dresses he picked out. “You got her Christmas and Easter already taken care of, or whatever they’ll work for.”
“Love it Shan, thank you,” Riley said, smiling at him. Now it was time for Shane’s gift. He got us a huge supply of diapers, which we were thankful for, but he also got us baby monitors, which we were waiting on getting until this coming week.
“We could really use this,” I told Shane, talking about everything. “Thanks so much everyone.”
“No prob, we’re just happy it’s finally happening for the two of you,” my aunt Karen replied, walking up and hugging me and Riley. The bell to the door dinged, announcing someone walking in.
“Sorry we’re so late, got lost,” the person who walked in said.
“Shawn!” Riley exclaimed, attempting to stand up but failing miserably.
“Don’t strain yourself,” he said with a smile as he walked up to us. I stood up and helped Riley up.
“Shawn, I missed you,” Riley said, hugging Mike as tightly as she could.
“I’ve missed you to Rile,” he replied. “Good to see you again too Jeff.” he said, holding out his hand to me. I shook it his hand, but was suddenly pushed toward him by Riley.
“Riley,” I said, straightening myself up. Mike did the same thing as he held something up to us. “Congratulations you two, you’ll both make terrific parents.”
“Thanks Mike,” I said, nodding as I took the package from him. I opened it to see it was a baby memory book.
“We used it with both our kids,” he said. “Never regretted it.”
“Thanks Shawn,” Riley said, her eyes filling with tears.
“Hey, nothing to cry over,” Mike said teasingly.
“Damn hormones,” Riley muttered in reply. I added the book with everything else.
“Get her home and let her rest,” Mark muttered into my ear. I nodded, starting to pick things up. “This will be at your place by tonight, just get her home.” Mark said, grabbing the stuff from my hands.
“Make sure you help Alexandria, Walter and Martin get to the house from here,” I reminded Mark. After getting Riley home, she fell asleep on the couch again. I knew everything was starting to catch up with her, and I also knew there was nothing to do but wait it out. As much as I hated it, I had to let my wife do what she needed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm working on the final chapter right now. I have it written out until the final one, and I'm working on that now, so it'll all be just copy and paste until the end.
And since this chapter and the final one is going to be so long, *this chapter is 7 pages* 97, 98 and 99 are going to be shorter.
so, I was going to let people keep voting on the dress, but since I know only two people will vote, I already did that part. Thank you two for voting. You rock!
So, going to finish this up, and another post will be coming soon. and tell me if you would like the summary for "Keep You," which will be the sequel to this story.