Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 97

~POV: Riley~
Since I couldn’t walk anymore, I waddled into the nursery after my nap. Jeff was in there working on things, and I knew there was nothing more we could do.
“I think it’s time to let the family see the room,” I said to Jeff, who was setting up the baby monitor to where we could hear Kylie when we moved her from her bassinette to her crib.
“There’s nothing left,” Jeff agreed. “We just have to finish putting clothes away and vacuum the rug and it’ll be good to go.”
“I work on the clothes,” I said, grabbing a gift back and sitting in the rocking chair in the corner. I rocked myself as I folded the tiny articles of clothing. Holding up a small shirt, I was able to picture a little girl in it, and I smiled as I added it to the pile. When I realized I was being stared at, I looked up to see it was Jeff, watching me from the doorway.
“What?” I asked innocently.
“Just, you,” he replied, his smile widening as he pushed himself off the door. I shook my head as he left the room to get the vacuum to clean the rug. By the time he got back, I was already putting things in the dresser and closet.
“Damn, you move fast,” he said as he plugged the vacuum into the wall outlet. I just shrugged and finished my job as Jeff finished his. We heard the front door open then, and quickly walked out of the room.
“Hello?” Alexandria’s voice called.
“Upstairs!” I called. Jeff made sure the nursery door was closed before my grandparents made it up the stairs.
“What are you two doing up here?” My grandpa asked us.
“Just adding a few finishing touches to the nursery. We’re ready to let people see it, so we’re going to call everyone right now and have them come over.” I answered. Jeff walked into our bedroom and grabbed the cordless phone, dialing a number as he came back.
“Hey Mark, you and Sara busy?” he asked. “Riley and I wanted to see if you wanted to come over, we having something to show everyone. Okay great, see you in a few.” He hung up the phone and dialed the next number.
“I’ll call my aunt and uncle and Matt,” I told Jeff, pulling out my cell phone. Marylyn and Paul was coming over anyway, so that was a relief. Matt said he would be here too with my great-uncle Martin, who was late getting here so he missed the baby shower.
“You’re in the homestretch now kiddos, ready for it?” Grandma Alex asked us as we waited for everyone. Jeff called Shane and Shannon, so they were on their way as well.
“We’re more than ready,” I answered, leaning against Jeff. He kissed the top of my head, wrapping his arms around my shoulders more securely. The front door opened with many voices, so it sounded like everyone got here at the same time.
“We’re here!” Matt called out. I rolled my eyes at my brother in law.
“We’re upstairs, who’s all here?” Jeff asked.
“Everyone, even Shane, Christy and Christian and Shannon and Julie.” Amanda answered, coming up on the landing. “What are we doing up here?” In reply, Jeff walked toward the door for Kylie’s room, and opened it. I walked inside, twisting my finger for them to follow me.
“Well, we finally get to see it?” Shannon asked. They walked in, and their jaws hit the floor.
“I love it,” Amanda spoke up first. “It’s so you guys, it’s awesome.”
“It’s girly, but without the pink.” Matt muttered. “Very nice.”
“So, I can take it you all like it?” Jeff asked as I sat down in the rocking chair again.
“We love it,” my great-uncle replied. “You two are very creative souls, it’s a good match.”
“Thanks Uncle Martin,” I said, letting my hand rest on my stomach. Everyone decided to stay, so the women went to cook something for lunch. They refused point blank to let me help in anyway, saying I need to stay off my feet as much as I can right now. I just shrugged, but didn’t join the men in their conversations either. In fact, I went into the computer room to look online for dresses and to get directions for tomorrow.
“Hey Riley, you still have to get a dress for Sunday right?” Amanda asked me suddenly.
“Yeah, I do.” I answered.
“How about later today the girls and I take you shopping for one, if you feel up to it.”
“You know what, surprise me.” I replied, turning to look at her. “I trust your judgment, so surprise me.”
“We’ll find you a dress, shoes, jewelry, the works,” Amanda said, hugging me gently. She walked out of the room, so I went back to the computer to get the directions and to map things out, like where I would need to use the bathroom and walk around on the six hour drive.
“Maybe I should get some Depends for the ride, just in case,” I muttered, not expecting anyone to hear me.
“That could be useful,” the person said. I jumped and turned around, seeing it was my grandfather behind me.
“Geez Grandpa, send me into labor why don’t you,” I joked. He laughed and walked more fully into the room.
“No, we don’t want that to happen right now,” he replied. “So, the induction ceremony’s two days away, your father excited?”
“Probably, he doesn’t really show it.” I admitted. “I’m sure he is though, and he deserves this.”
“Do you know who else is getting inducted?”
“No, I don’t.” I muttered, rubbing my eyes. “I heard you get tired during the last weeks, but damn this is ridiculous. I fell asleep during my baby shower.”
“It’s understandable,” Grandpa Walter replied. “Those things normally happen sooner anyway, no idea why they decided a week and a half before the baby’s born.”
“I’m nervous Grandpa,” I admitted, sitting back in the chair, my finger trailing over my stomach. “I’m scared about the delivery.”
“A lot of people are like that sweetie, but once it happens, holding your child for the first time makes it all worth it. The sleepless nights, the pain, the pushing, it’s all worth it to hold that small being you helped create.”
“You’re right,” I said, nodding.
“Besides, sure you’ll have the worst pain in your life, but think about how Jeff will be when he’s the one watching you going through the pain and there won’t be anything he can do for you. Imagine that in reverse. Jeff in so much pain, but you not being able to do anything.”
“That sucks,” I muttered. “Thanks Grandpa,” He hugged me gently and left the room, but my brain wasn’t settled. If anything, I was even more nervous about the coming weeks. Pain I could take, it was the being helpless and watching forcing Jeff to suffer that was getting to me.
“Baby, please come quickly when it’s time. I don’t want Daddy to suffer.” I muttered to my daughter. I didn’t feel her move, which she normally did when we talked to her unless she was a sleep, so she must have been sleeping. She was getting herself ready for the big day coming up. I knew I could prepare myself physically, but mentally, that is going to be my biggest challenge.
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update one of two for the night. They're pretty short updates, so I'm doing both tonight.
There's update two for tonight and then the last chapter will be up sometime later, then I can start posting the sequel which I almost have the first chapter done.
I have the summary up, if you haven't asked for it yet and would like to have it, please let me know so I can give it to you.
Thank you. Next update will be later on tonight.