Sequel: Keep You
Status: Complete

My Number One Fan

Chapter 98

The next day was the day we would drive six hours to Atlanta to get ready for the induction ceremony the day after that, so last night the girls took a trip to the city to get their dresses and to get mine. They had to go more extravagant with mine because I was an inductor. I looked over my speech more, not liking it at all.
“So, you get your dress in Atlanta right?” Jeff asked me as we drove down the highway. We had already been on the road for two hours, and my bladder was already getting a little full, but there weren’t any rest stops coming up yet.
“Yep, I’m kind of scared about what they chose for me,” I admitted to him. I looked out the window and saw a sign that said “Rest stop in one mile.” “Thank God,” I muttered. “Rest stop in a mile,” I told Jeff. He nodded and picked up his speed a little, getting there faster.
“I’m gonna gas this thing up while you’re in there!” he called as I waddle-ran to the bathrooms.
“Girl, you’re killing my bladder,” I muttered to Kylie as I washed my hands. I waddled back out to the car to find Jeff wasn’t there, and the doors were locked.
“Better?” Jeff asked, coming back with a bag of snacks. I eased myself into the seat, swinging my legs into the car.
“Much,” I replied, looking through the bag of stuff he just bought. I saw a bag of cookies, so I decided to munch on them.
“Ouch,” I muttered as Kylie’s foot connected with my ribs.
“Ribs?” Jeff asked. I nodded, letting my breath out in a sigh. “This kid is killing me I swear she is,” I muttered.
“Well, one week left and she’ll be here,” Jeff said, grabbing my hand. I just smiled, but my brain went back to the conversation I had with my grandfather the night before. I still haven’t eased my mind, but I still had a week until my due date, so I could survive until then, hopefully.
We ended up stopping again an hour later due to Kylie using my bladder as a bed, which meant I had more pressure on it.
“I’m so glad we left when we did,” I said as I got back in the car. “We’ve been driving 3 hours and I used the bathroom twice.”
“Well, we would of gone longer if our darling little girl hadn’t decided to use your bladder for her bed.”
“Seriously,” I replied, snapping my seat belt on.
We made it into Atlanta a little later, the normal 6 hour trip took 7 due to my constant having to stop to use the rest room, plus we stopped to get lunch along the way. Jeff got us to the hotel, where I thankfully spread myself out on the bed. We were in a different hotel then the others, we wanted it to be a surprise that we were here. No one expected it since I was so close to popping as some of them lovingly put it.
“How’s the speech going?” Jeff asked later that night as I worked on it.
“Terrible, I hate it. I think I’ll just do what I did for our vows, let them come out on the spot.”
“That sounds like a good idea to me.” he replied, rubbing his hands up and down my shoulders. The tension that was in my muscles started easing from the massage, so I let my head fall as I groaned. He moved his hands down to my lower back, which was hurting the most lately.
“Feel good?” he asked as I moaned.
“So good,” I replied, my eyes closing. He started kissing my neck, but cursed when someone knocked on the door.
“Nice timing,” He muttered to whoever it was. It turned out to be Amanda and Matt, Amanda carrying a dress back and another bag with a box in it.
“Here’s your outfit,” Amanda said, ignoring Jeff’s comment. “Shoes, necklace, earrings are in the bag, the dress is beautiful, but I want to see you in it before you go out there.” I sighed and took the dress into the bathroom, quickly changing into it. It was beautiful. Long and flowing blue with studs under the breast area. The design made it to where it would flow over my stomach, making it more comfortable for me to wear, and it actually hid my large belly to an extent. I walked out of the bathroom, and Jeff’s jaw hit the floor.
“That’s dress is gorgeous on you,” he said, adjusting the skirt a little.
“We did good,” Amanda said with satisfaction.
“You did,” I agreed. I quickly took the dress off and put it back on the hanger, hanging it up on a peg on the bathroom door. “I love it, thank you.”
“No problem, maybe I’ll get a wedding designer to duplicate that so it can be the bridesmaids dress. You do know you’re going to be the maid of honor right?”
“Duh,” I replied. “And I won’t need to wear that for the wedding. I won’t have my belly then.”
“I know, we can always alter it.” Amanda replied. I looked over and Matt had a distanced look in his eyes.
“Hey Matty, can you walk with me to get some ice?” I asked him. He looked up and nodded. He carried the bucket, and Jeff tried to get me to stay here, but he noticed Matt’s far off look and understood this was a chance for me to talk to him alone.
“Matt, what’s wrong?” I asked my brother in law as we walked down the hallway.
“Nothing,” He replied, but I knew he was lying.
“Matthew, I know you better than that, what’s up?” I asked.
“I guess everything’s just finally starting to catch up with me,” He admitted with a sigh. “You and Jeff are about to become parents, I’m about to become an uncle, I’m engaged to get married with a 7 year old step-son, so I’m taking on role of husband and full time father, plus I’m still wrestling.” he took in a deep breath and let it out in a rush. “I think I might follow Jeff and find something that I can do here from home. Who knows, after we get married Amanda and I might have a baby or two of our own. I’m with Jeff when it comes to that, I want to be there for my children, no matter what it is.”
“You do whatever you feel is right,” I told him as we walked up to an ice machine. “Just don’t leave Amanda out of your thoughts. She trusted you enough to admit she had a son, you need to trust her now.”
“I do trust her, with my life. The same way I trust you and Jeff.” he smiled, probably at a thought he just had. “Ri, there’s going to be a female version of Jeff in the world.” he pointed out.
“Oh my goodness what have I done?” I groaned, smiling up at Matt. He laughed and got ice in the bucket, turning around to head back to the room.
“I love you Matty.” I said. “You’ve always been my big brother.”
“And you’ve always been my little sister.” He said back.
♠ ♠ ♠
update two of two. So I kinda mesed myself up, and there's two chapters left to post, so I'll do both of those tomorrow or sometime soon. lol
so, thank you
and more will be coming soon!