Your Like The Air I Breathe

Your Like The Air I Breathe

I sat lounged on the large sofa my feet up on the small coffee table. I laughed lightly holding the phone closely to my ear, he was my best friend, and my everything. Since the end of middle school, and now here we are year’s later in college. I decided to go to New York for college while he went to New Jersey. It was heart breaking but we still talked everyday. Nick Jonas was practically part of me. His story sent me into a fit of laughter.

“Honestly you wouldn’t believe this girl” He chuckled.

I laughed even harder as he continued the story about the blind date Joe set him up for. Of course I miss Joe and Kevin just as much and Frankie who has grown up and is now a teenager.

“Nick, you can’t possibly make fun of this girl, obviously you two are dating now” I pointed out making him laugh even harder.

“Dating? Are you crazy? She couldn’t keep a conversation going after she abused the waiter” He spoke in a complete monotone.

“I feel bad for that guy, he is never going to want to get an order wrong” I sighed making him laugh.

“You feel bad for him? I’m the one getting stalked as we speak, I wouldn’t be surprised if she climbed through my window this very second” He mumbled.

“Honestly you set yourself up for these things, you can always just say no to Joe” I shrugged.

“Come on Alex, we all know very well saying no to Joe is like saying no to a five year old, a tantrum will be the consequence” He chuckled.

“Very true, so Hun what have you been up to?” I asked him making him sigh.

“I’m bored out of my mind love” He chuckled.

“Nothing is the same anymore, I miss you like crazy when are you going to come down here and visit?” He questioned.

“I’m sorry I just can’t you know how busy school has me, it’s like I can’t be myself anymore” I sighed.

There was a long pause on the phone as Nick grumbled under his breath.

“Can’t you make a run for it, for one week?” He pleaded.

“I’m booked solid for a good few months, can’t you come visit here?” I asked.

Nick sighed.

“I’m booked solid too” I could here the frown in his voice. I sank in further into the sofa leaning my head back.

“We should both make a run for it and meet up somewhere” Nick chuckled.

“Yea so our parents can freak themselves out” I questioned laughing.

“You haven’t changed” Nick spoke.

I nodded my head even though he couldn’t see me.

“Now that I have told you about the worst date in the history of horrible dates, have you gone on any?” He asked.

I laughed hard clutching my stomach.

“No I have not, and I don’t plan to, all the guys here are jerks. It’s rare to get along with people, for now I am stuck here in this lousy penthouse with my cat.” I chuckled.

“Relish?” He laughed.

“Yes Relish, he is purring beside me as we speak” I chuckled.

“How the hell did we even come up with that name?” He laughed.

“I don’t know, I’m more amazed by the fact this cat is still alive” I chuckled petting the top of his head making him purr like crazy.

“We should meet up here and go see a broad way show” I smiled.

“Honey I was on broad way!” Nick said in a girly voice making both of us laugh.

There was a loud knock at my door making me jump up. I sighed frowning that I had to get off.

“Hey Nicky poo I got to get off, someone is at the door” I frowned.

“Ok Lex, and I thought I told you not to call me that” He sighed.

“Bye Hun, but it’s cute” I chuckled.

“Bye love, sometimes it is” He laughed hanging up the phone.

I sighed leaving the phone on the table. I walked up to the door opening the door revealing the last person I would expect to see.

“Frankie?” I questioned in pure shock.

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and sighed.

“I have to talk to you” He mumbled.

“How did you?” I gaped.

“Joe dropped me off” He grinned.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in school? In New Jersey?” My mouth was wide open and I was still confused and shocked.

“Lexi you said I could visit anytime” He reminded me.

I starred at him oddly opening the door wider allowing him passage to come in. He had a suitcase in hand looking around.

“Frankie you have to tell me why you are here instead of school” I scolded.

“I ran away Lexi” He sighed.

“You did what?!” I yelped covering my mouth.

“Wait and Joe dropped you off?!” I yelled even louder.

“Come on Lexi! You said if I needed anything just give you a call, I need you now” Frankie frowned.

“No it’s not that I just am utter shock that your dumbass brother dropped you off” I shook my head in disappointment.

“What did you do Frankie?” I sighed.

“Your parents are going to kill me, I’m calling Nick” I walked over to the phone.

“No!” Frankie shouted running over and grabbing my arm.

“Lexi please! I have my reasons come on! You were my age once too!” He frowned.

“Frankie I’m 19 not 40” I frowned.

“I still have those days” I reminded him.

Frankie frowned sighing and looking up at me with pleading eyes.

“Please?” He begged.

“Frankie, I’m a very busy person” I looked around, I could feel him starring at me closely.

“Ok fine” I frowned.

“Thank you!” He jumped up hugging me.

“You can sleep on the couch, and you better back me up if your parents catch you, none of this turning your back on me, were officially partners in crime” I pointed my finger at him.

He nodded putting the suitcase next to the couch and sitting down.

“Now the question is, why would you run away” I asked him grabbing the phone to order pizza.

“My mom doesn’t approve of the girl I’m dating and I was tired of hearing it” He frowned.

“You can’t run away from that, Nick dated many girls Denise didn’t like but he never ran away” I sighed.

“My mom approved of you” He looked up at me.

I removed my gaze from the phone to look at him.

“And I mean, me, Joe, and Kevin all placed bets you guys would date, but next thing we know your going your separate ways for college” He frowned.

“What would make you say that?” I questioned forgetting about the phone and setting it on the counter putting all my attention on him.

“Just the fact on how you guys acted, I mean yea you guys acted like friends but there were times where you would get embarrassed for dumb things, or he would get very protective over you, it just seemed like you guys would eventually date” He shrugged.

“But that’s what friends do, isn’t it?” I asked.

Frankie shrugged once more standing up and starring at me.

“I’m just saying that you guys were really a match made in heaven, my mom even thought you guys would get married” He laughed.

I felt a blush come to my cheeks as I thought about it.

“That too, when he would do something to you that Joe would fine overly romantic and cheesy you’d blush so hard you’d look like the airheads logo” He pointed at me.

I sighed.

“Yea but I guess we never really looked at each other that way” I shrugged.

“BS” Frankie frowned.

I starred at him in a scolding manner.

“Listen up little man, I don’t want to hear you cussing, or your mother will hurt me when she gets you back” I scowled.

Frankie sighed.

“You know you like him, and I bet you anything he likes you too, but both of you are too much of sheep’s to admit to it” He grumbled.

“Well when your 19 relationships get harder to deal with” I muttered.

“That’s not it, you were scared it was going to ruin your friendship or it would make things awkward, he was scared you would reject him and avoid him at all costs, he wanted you by his side all the time so he hurt himself seeing you with other guys just so he could still call you his own” He frowned.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Here’s the thing, my brother is in love with you, head over heels, he practically has been moping since you left because as cheesy as it sounds when you left you took part of him with you” He sighed.

“And you, I know you like him, but your just scared, you can’t be scared Lexi, he deserves you and you deserve him, that’s how it was always meant to be since 8th grade” He spoke in a knowing tone.

“The question is why in the hell are you still here and he is still in New Jersey” He frowned.

I was left in complete awe, how did he make so much sense but so little sense at the same time. Had Nick really liked me…possibly loved me all this time? Was Frankie right about us being sheep and not wanting to admit to it? Then of course one of the questions that was going to bug me, did I love him?

“Did you take a psychology class?” I questioned crossing my arms.

“Because you just totally got in my head” I frowned.

“I guess I’m just that good” He smirked.

“Aren’t you going to call him?” He asked.

“I can’t, it’s not that easy” I sighed.

“Yes it is, you pick up the phone and punch in the magical numbers, both of you get on my nerves, do you know how many times he has actually sat on his bed with a phone in his hand just dying to call you and confess his love?” He asked.

I looked at him, Frankie had seen Nick like this with his own eyes. Then it had to be true, Nick did like me. But what if my self confidence was just a misjudgment. How was it possible, me and him were such good friends, he would have told me, right?

“Lexi, call him” Frankie sighed.

I starred at him my mouth a little bit open fighting with myself. What was I going to do about this?

“I am going to go take a nap I just can’t deal with this right now” I sighed walking into my room and plopping on the bed.

I closed my eyes in deep thought falling asleep quickly. I dreamt of nothing this time, I slept through the night too. I woke up the next morning getting dressed and ready to see Frankie on the couch with a smirk on his lips watching TV.

“Hey what are you up to?” I asked him.

He shrugged and turned around.

“Just watching TV” He smiled.

I nodded cautiously walking over to the kitchen and looking in the fridge.

“Did you have breakfast?” I asked him.

He nodded. I continued looking through the fridge when the phone rang. I jogged over to the phone taking it off the hook and putting my ear to it.

“Hello?” I spoke.

“Hey what’s up? It’s Nick” Nick’s voice seemed different.

“Oh hey what’s up?” I smiled.

“Lexi…” He sighed.

My heart began pounding out of my chest was he calling for what I thought he was calling for.

“Is Frankie there?” He asked.

“Yea he is, I’m sorry he asked me not to te-“ I was cut off by him laughing.

“No worries I was just looking for him” He lowered his laughter.

“Yea, just looking around for him” He chuckled.

“God you look beautiful today” He spoke.

I frowned.

“What? How did you?” I was stuttering when I felt two hands on my shoulders.

“Nick?!” I screamed hugging him.

“Hey Alex” He smiled kissing the top of my head.

“So while I was looking for Frankie, I found him, but most importantly I found you” He smiled.

I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen and the blood flowing to fast through out my body. Not only that fact, but the fact my heart was beating so fast I wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear it.

“Lexi, I love you so much, I never wanted to tell you because I was worried” He sighed touching his hand to my cheek.

I felt myself blush under his touch as I looked at him.

“I love you too” I spoke softly starring at him still amazed he was here in my living room.

“Kiss her already!” Frankie whined.

Me and Nick leaned in touching our lips. He put his hands on my waist pulling me closer as I wrapped my arms around his neck. This felt right, it was like I have been wanting to do this for a very long time. He pulled away with a smirk on his lips.

“Lexi, I know this is fast but we have known each other for a long time, and I understand if you don’t want to, but I want you to know that my life isn’t complete without you by my side, I was wondering” He smiled.

He got down on one knee making my heart race even faster, my eyes teared up and I covered my mouth so I wouldn’t gasp in shock.

“Alexandra Misher, will you marry me?” He asked pulling out a black velvet box from his pocket and opening it.

I starred at it in utter shock, I couldn’t speak and I couldn’t move. But somehow thankfully I managed to say something.

“Yes!” I nodded my head quickly.

Nick slid the ring on my finger tossing the box behind his back and pulling me into a deep kiss. There was clapping and when I pulled away Frankie, Kevin, Joe, their parents, and my parents all stood in the living room with a smile on their face.

“How much do you love me?” He asked me.

“Too much for words” I smiled.

“How much do you love me?” I asked him.

“Your like the air I breathe, I need you or I die” He smiled pressing his lips against mine.
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This is indeed a one shot, which means only one chapter lol, I am reposting because when I did post it I was new and didn't know that you weren't allowed to put the name of the celeb in the title so it got deleted. I hope you guys enjoy this one shot as much as I enjoyed writing it :) Thank gigglygirl who gave me this wonderful idea! If you like this one shot enough please comment or message me :) Feedback is always nice to read! ENJOY!