Status: Completed (:

When Life Comes to an End, It Is Painful

I was seven years old when I was diagnosed with Leukemia. Slowly and painfully, I was dying. I joined the Make A Wish foundation. They gave me three major things to wish for. They picked one of your wishes randomly and that is what you got.
1. Go to Paris.
2. Travel around the U.S.
3. See the Jonas Brothers.

Of course, with my luck, i get to meet the Jonas Brothers. That is when my life became more painful than ever. I fell in love with a Jonas Brothers. I wanted him. I needed him. I was madly in love with him. But how could i tell him i was dying, was the question.
  1. My Wishes
  2. Now I Love My Life
    Life cant get any better than this!
  3. Sixteen and Beautiful
  4. Jonas!
  5. Being Stuborn Is My Specialty
  6. No and That Is Final
  7. Tell Me I Can't
    When will Nick levae me alone?
  8. I Won't Fall For Him
    And to think that I wouldnt fall for a super star!
  9. This Feels Right
  10. Mom
  11. Point In Life
  12. L.A. baby!
  13. Revenge
  14. Valentine's Day
  15. Unlucky
  16. People Bother Me
  17. Surprise
  18. Dream
  19. Thoughts
  20. Surprises and Ideas
    sucky title...i know. ):
  21. Truth
    Has there ever been a lady out there just so perfect that you want to keep her forever and tell her straight up how you feel but you’re too scared that she will run away?
  22. New York
  23. Keep You
  24. Time To Go
    Goodbye Nick
  25. Obsessed
    Part 1 of 2
  26. Obsessed
    Part 2 of 2
  27. The Scare
  28. I Love You