Here We Go Again


"Anyway." Shane started. "Uh...I didn't get hugs from the ladies yet?" He flashed a smiled. The Mitchie girl blushed and hugged him first. Oh, really? I'll have to ask her about that later. Which reminds me..

"Who am I bunking with?" I asked.

"Me? Duh." Shane scoffed.

"Not happening." I rolled my eyes. "Ever again." I said, glaring at Nate. He just smirked. Assface.

"You can bunk with us." Cait said.

"Us who?"

"Me." Tess.

"And Me." Mitchie.

"What about..uh...What were those girls names again?" I asked. I never was really friends with the two I was talking about.

"Ella and Peggy?"

"Yeah, yeah, them."

"They got their own cabin this year."

"Oh." I shrugged. "What cabin?" I asked as we walked out. "Is it me, or is the camp smaller?"

"It has been three years." Tess said.

"Eh. True, true." I stopped walking for a moment, turning around to face the guys. They were following us. Creeps. "Jason?"

"Yes?" Adorable. Adorable. Adorable. Adorable. I smiled.

"What do you think about sharing a cabin with me?" I felt the stares from the girls. But I saw Shane's. He didn't seem to happy. Not one bit.

"That's not happening."

"Why not?" I whined.

"Because I said so."

"Don't you trust him?"

"Oh, of course. It's you I don't trust." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, Shaney, it's really not up to you."

"Yeah, it really is." He frowned. "Uncle Justin put me in charge of you."


"You have to listen to me!"

"You're being a jerk cause I wanna bunk with Jason?" I asked, crossing my arms. "What do you think would happen? It's Jason." He was silent for a moment. "Exactly!"

"What does that mean?" Jason mumbled to Nate.

"It means you're too damn adorable and innocent to pull anything." He blinked, head tilting. He's so cute. "Am I right?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "It's okay, Shane. I don't mind sharing with her." He smiled. Is adorabley a word? Shane huffed.


"Yay!" I grabbed Jason's hand. "Come on, come on. Let's find a cabin." I pulled him away. He waved at the others as we disappeared around a corner. We started walking. Me, ahem, accidentally, forgetting to let go of his hand. Whoops? I don't think he minded, though. He was the one that laced our fingers in the first place.

"You think we're allowed to paint the roof?" He asked.

"Dunno. Why?"

"Cause brown is boring. I'd rather have.." He paused.

"Sparkly purple?"

"Yeah!" I giggled. "Chris?"


"You really think I'm adorable?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?" I stared blankly. He blushed. I bit my lip, hiding back the huge smile that threatened to come out. "Ooh! I like this one!" I pointed enthusiastically at one cabin close to the lake.

"It looks roomy." He said, looking it over. I grinned, pulling him inside.

"Ah. This is why Shane made me come a day early."

"Yep. Early bird catches the worm." His eyes suddenly lit up. "We should make a birdhouse!"

"We should!" I grinned. "After we get our stuff moved in."

"Okay. You stay here. Make sure no one tries to steal the cabin." He lowered his voice, mocking that one movie. "I'll be back." He said, striking a superman pose before sprinting out of the cabin. I squealed like an idiotic fan girl once he was out of earshot. I don't like Jason, but God, he's freaking adorable. He always makes me smile. I sat on the one empty mattress and waited a good 20 minutes before Jason came running back inside, Shane and Nate behind him. I stood up, pointing a finger at Nate.

"Drop it." I hissed. He smiled innocently.

"I didn't do anything."

"Nate, I swear to God-"

"Come on, Chris. It's fine." Jason assured. "I was watching him. He didn't do anything."

"Why'd you let him touch my stuff in the first place?" I snapped, attempting to grab it. He pulled it out of reach. "Nate!" I whined, reaching for it. "Gimme!"

"You owe me an apology."

"No I don't." I rolled my eyes. "I had every reason to accuse you."


"You're gay. Gimme my bag." He moved out of the way. "Nate!" I stomped my foot.

"Nate, just give her her bag." Shane said.

"Nah." I frowned, crossing my arms.

"Gimme, please?"

"Hmm..." He became thoughtful. "No." I glared, shoving him onto the bed that Jason had just put a blanket on. "Ooh. Feisty."

"Ew!" Me and Shane said at the same time.

"That's not nice, Nate." Jason said, shaking his head. I grinned.

"She's not nice." He countered.

"Nice comeback." I grabbed the strap of the bag. "Smartass." He pulled the bag back. "Stop it!"

"You stop!"



"BOTH OF YOU!" Shane snapped. He rubbed his head. "You're both idiots." He grumbled, walking out. Jason stood there awkwardly for a moment, before following after him. Great.

"Give me my stuff, Nate." I growled. He pulled it harder, making me fall forward, on top of him. Gross, grossgrossgrossgross.

"I knew you wanted me."

"Never. Ever, ever, ever, freaking, ever, would I want you." I sat up, pulling the bag again. He suddenly let go and I flew backward. "Ow." I whined from the ground. He laughed. "You're an asshole."

"You're a bitch." He shrugged. I glared, standing. He did the same. "You're still short." He snorted. I frowned, turning away from him and walking over to my bed. "Cold shoulder, huh?"


"And the insults keep coming." I turned my head, seeing him walking over. I faced him, arms crossed. "You really should be nicer to me."

"Yeah, right. May I ask why?"

"I'm Nate Black?"

"That doesn't impress me." He rolled his eyes, advancing at me. I glared. He just stood there for a second, before reaching out an pushing my shoulder. I gave him a look of confusion. "Don't touch me?" He did it again. "Quit it, Nate." Again. "Stop."

"Why? Is it annoying you?"


"Good." He shoved harder. So I pushed him back. And, now, we're rolling around on the ground, throwing punches and what not, y'know? I haven't wrestled anyone in years - 3 to be exact - so he was able to pin me down pretty easily. He had my hands down above my head. The jerk. I've said it before. And I'll say again.

"Asshole." I huffed.

"What happened to you?" He cocked an eyebrow. "You used to get me down with no problem." I shrugged.

"Haven't wrestled anyone in a while." I stared. "Last one was you."

"Three years ago?"

"Yup. Before someone pushed me in a lake." He laughed. "It's not funny. That water was freezing."

"I know. I jumped in to save you right after, remember?"

"Oh yeah." I blinked. "Well, you shouldn't have pushed me in in the first place." We were quiet for a while. Probably reminiscing. At least, I was. Me and Nate weren't usually the types to get along too well. "Nate, honey?" I asked, sugar coating my voice.


"Get off me."

"Oh." He paused. "Nah."

"Why the hell not?" I squirmed.

"Can you stop? That feels weird." He made a face.

"Does it?" I squirmed again. I laughed at his facial expression. "Your face looks funny." I quickly added. "-er then usual."

"Hilarious." He leaned close to my face.

"Ew, what the hell?" He smiled. "Invasion of personal space much?"

"Don't care." I crinkled my nose. "I love when you do that."

"Do what?"

"That nose thing."

"Uhm...thanks?" He stared at me. Literally, STARED! It was freaking me out, to be honest. He probably would of stared longer, that is, if Shane hadn't come in.

Oh boy.
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was that chapter long or is it just me?