Here We Go Again


Let me break it down for y'all.

"What are you doing?!"

"It's not what it looks like!"

"I'm gonna kill you!"

And then Shane killed Nate. The end.

No, just kidding. He wasn't able to successfully kill him, because Nate took off and was probably on the other side of camp in seconds.
And Shane proceeded to lecture me about getting "involved" with Nate. Uh, can you say, DISGUSTING? Yeesh. I tried to tell him we were wrestling, but the boy just didn't buy it. So, now, I'm banned from seeing Nate. I wonder how that's a punishment...

Anyway. Here I am, sitting awake on the first night. Jason's sleeping peacefully - he was used to sleeping in a different place, y'know, with traveling and everything. I missed my bed. I sat up, grabbed my pillow and threw it at him. He grumbled.



"Are you awake?"

"Uh-huh. Somebody hit me with a pillow." I giggled slightly as he yawned.


"Mhm?" It's a miracle he's not fed up with me yet. I had been bothering him for a few hours. Well, until he fell asleep.

"C-Can I...uh...sleep with you?" Silence. "I mean, it's just, uhm...It's weird not sleeping in my bed and, uh..."

"Okay." He answered. I stood quickly, shuffling over. I crawled on the other side, snuggling under the covers. "You good?"

"Mhm." I said weakly, embarrassed. I could feel him close to me as my eyes drifted closed.

"Goodnight." He whispered before I went into the land of my dreams.


"OH, YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" A loud voice said. I groaned.

"What the hell, Shane?"

"You can't have Nate so you go to Jason?" He fumed. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"It's not like that." Jason shook his head, sitting beside me. "She...had a nightmare. She was scared." Shane's shoulders fell.

"Oh." He glanced at me. "Sorry, Chris." He said sheepishly.

"It's okay." I grinned, standing. "I'm getting dressed." I walked into the bathroom, where the outfit I'd lied out yesterday was. I locked the door, trying to understand what they were saying but couldn't. I only heard mumbling.


"You like her." Shane said, frowning.

"Who? Me?"

"Yes, you."

"Like Chris? Of course I like her!"

"Ah-ha!" He snapped. "I knew it!"

"I know you knew! We've been best friends for years! Where have you been?" I asked, head tilting.

"Wait, what?" He blinked. "Don't you like her? Like, like her?"

"Boyfriend girlfriend wise?" He nodded. "No. She's like my sister."

"Oh." He nodded. "Good." Silence. We heard the water of the sink turn on. "Nate likes her. I think."

"Nate Black? That can't be true! He hates her!" I said, surprised. Never thought I'd live to see the day where Nate liked Chris...

"He doesn't hate her. She just annoys him. A lot."

"Well, he was being weird.."

"Exactly. I'm trying to get it out of him. Can't believe he's got the hots for my cousin." He frowned. Chris walked out, now in a new outfit, her sparkly white teeth grinning at us.


"Whatcha guys talkin' about?" I asked.

"Na-" Jason started, but was cut off as Shane punched him. "Hey! No hitting!"

"Yeah, Shane. Apologize."

"Sorry, Jason." He rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm outta here. See you two at breakfast." I nodded, waving as he left.

"Yeesh. What's his problem?" Jason shrugged.

"Dunno." For some reason, I think he's lying.


"Good morning, beautiful people!" I announced, smiling as I sat with my food.

"Morning!" Mitchie, across from me, said.

"OH! Question for you." I said, placing my fork down. "You and Shane have something going on?" She flushed.

"N-No! What gave you that idea?"

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe the fact that whenever he's mentioned you get all jumpy and nervous. And you smile when someone says his name."

"No, I don't." She mumbled.

"Shane Gray." And she smiled. "Like I said."

"Okay." She sighed. "We had something last Summer, but I dunno. He never officially asked me out or anything."

"He likes you." I ate some of my pancake. "I can tell."

"Really?" She seemed hopeful.

"Yup. And I'm never wrong."
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda felt bad for leaving people hanging.
Someone commented it recently and I got inspired. So tada.

Christine's outfit.