Here We Go Again


Breakfast is over and now the noobs of the camp are getting filled in around the stage. People who've been here before are aloud to skip it if they want. I skipped. Mitchie decided to go, along with Caitlyn. Tess was off with Peggy and Ella somewhere and I was all alone, drowning in my boredom. I couldn't find Shane or Jason anywhere. I didn't bother looking for Nate, for obvious reasons, so now I'm standing at the dock, just looking out at the water. So pretty but so boring.

"BOO!" Someone yelled. I screamed, whirling around.

"Nate! You jackass!" I smacked him. He laughed.

"Sorry, sorry. Couldn't resist."

"Whatever." I huffed, turning back to the water.

"Why so glum?" He asked.

"I'm not glum." He stepped behind me, arms wrapping around me. That was something I didn't quite get about Nate. He would act like he hated me, then he'd make me feel like the happiest girl on Earth. He'd be sweet, then be an asshole. I assumed he was bipolar.

"You look pretty glum to me." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just bored, not glum."

"Why do we keep saying glum?"

"I dunno." His head found my shoulder. "I don't get you." I mumbled. He smiled.

"A lot of people don't."


I was able to sleep in my bed last night. Classes start today. I had hip hop dance first. I laughed at that. Shane had told me how uncomfortable he was teaching that. Apparently it's pretty hard flaunting around in those skinny jeans of his. Go figure. I found Caitlyn there, surprise surprise, but also Jason. What's up with that?


"Hum?" He turned. "Chris!" He smiled brightly.

"I didn't know you liked hip hop dancing." I said.

"Oh, I don't." He blushed.

"Oh?" I smirked. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"Caitlyn." He mumbled. I gasped.

"Really? Oh my God!"

"Shh!" He hushed me. "I don't want her to know."

"Why not?"

"She doesn't like me." He frowned.

"Why wouldn't she like you?"

"Why wouldn't who like who?" Caitlyn asking, stepping over.

"Penguins and crocodiles!" Jason blurted. She blinked, head tilting.

"Uhm....because the penguin would get eaten?"

"Yeah! Haha, that's what I was saying!" He said loudly.


"Yeah?" His voice stayed loud.

"Stop talking."


Singing class! Yes, yes, yes! This class was always fun. Uncle Brown made it fun for everyone, even the more shy people. I had this with Mitchie, Tess and Shane. "Who wants to start us off?" Hands flew in the air. He looked around, scanning the faces. I had my hand down. I wasn't really in a singing mood. Shane was out of his seat, waving his arms around, going 'Ooh! Ooh!' every few seconds. Brown laughed.

"Alright, Shane. Go ahead."

"Yes!" He rejoiced, running to the front of the class.

"Mind if I request a song?" Brown asked.

"Uh, sure." He said, confused.

"Any suggestions?" My hand flew up. "Katie?"

"That one he sang with the girl from last year. The one I saw on youtube!" He laughed.

"Mitchie, would you mind joining us up here?"

"Oh, that was Mitchie? I had no clue." I smirked as they blushed, standing next to each other. They sang off a few lines together. I beamed. They were so getting together soon.


My last class of the day was Couples Dance Class. I'd never had it before, so I didn't know what do expect. Guess who's in here, though?

"Wanna be my partner?" Nate asked, smiling.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes. "Gonna drop me?"

"No." He rolled his eyes. "I just don't want those girls all over me." He nodded at the girls in the corner of the room, the ones staring and giggling idiotically. I sighed.

"Fine. Only because I don't know anyone else."

"Alright, settle down!" The teacher person said. "Now, does anybody know the Salsa?"

"I do!" I exclaimed before my mind process what I had just said. Oh crap.

"Good!" She smiled. "Do you have a partner?"

"That would be me." Nate said, sheepishly raising his hand.

"Very good! Come up here, you two." We stood, walking to the front of the class. She turned the music on. "Go!" So we did.

And my lord, I never expected Nate Black to move the way he did. I was utterly shocked when the dance was finished, and just stared at him, blushing and jaw on the ground. He laughed as the class and teacher applauded.

"You were...and that was..." I stuttered when we re-joined the class.

"Amazing? Phenomenal? Unbelievable?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm no longer impressed." Even though I really was.

"It was nice while it lasted."
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another dedication to treehillgirl1. [:

(Andie & Chase's part)