Abigail's Wonderous Adventure

Chapter One

We all know the following classic of Alice in Wonderland. Well what would happen if we put the script into the hands of a huge Alice fan and told her to change it around to whatever she desires? We take the fan and plant her messed up and imaginative mind into a script that was made by the infamous Lewis Carrol.
Abigail was just a plain girl, or that's what you would get at with first impressions. She hates her name so everyone calls her Abby. First impressions with Abby would be shy,sweet,and someone who doesn't enjoy talking very much. Step into her room and you will just see the other side of her. White walls surround you covered in black calligraphic writing. Poems of Jabberywocky and The Bat cover two of her walls and then a huge bookshelf on the other. Each shelf head to toe in different versions of Alice in Wonderland. Hardback, paperback,rewrites, sequels. You name it she had it. From the ceiling hung mobiles she made, each of them were of all the characters from the novel. Mad Hatter, Blue Caterpillar, Mock Turtle, White Rabbit, and of course Alice. Her ceiling had a delicate and detailed painting of a mirror . Her mother used a glass like paint so when you looked up you could see yourself right in the paint and it would be like you are in the Looking Glass House. Mom was a great artist in the family and Abby learned her skills from her mother and put the first paintbrush in her hand when she was three years old. All over her wall near the giant walk in closet she had were painting,oil pastel, and charcoal drawings of a world she wishes she was in. At the age of 7 was when she first completed a book called Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. After the time it took her to read it she became so involved in that world in her mind. Having tea with the Mad Hatter and March Hare. Having long conversations with the Blue Caterpillar and then always trying to catch up with that White Rabbit.
You step straight into her closet and it's like a shrine to the one and only true love. A green top hat in a coat hanger,hangs alone. It was made of silk and a card that reads In this style 10/6. No one knew the meaning on his hat but, she was the one in her town that did. She kept in a journal opened right next to the hat so she would never forget. Beautifully written it read “, People all around the world come together to celebrate the day of Mad Hatter on October 6th in the United States or in numbers it would be 10/6 but, that is not the true reason why his hat has those numbers. If you really pay attention it means 10 shillings and 6 pences, the price of his hat which leads me o conclude that all that paper on his green top hat is the price tag that he never took off. On her wall her mother or father have yet to see the painting she did on the back wall of her closet, it was of Mad Hatter and he looked so perfect,her dream Hatter. Tall with silver hair and a perfect nose, nothing could beat her imaginative hatter than the one she made on her wall.
Abby walked calmly over to him and caressed his bumpy cheek. Her arms tried so hard to wrap around his thin body. Doing so only lead to failure which lead to tears. Black tears running down her soft pale skin. Leaving markings of attempts to do something she wishes but, in the end never will. Down the stairs noises of the unknown could be heard. Well, to people who didn't know her it would be the unknown but, to her ears it was the sound of her mother and stepfather arguing once again. She could just see it all in her head without being down there. Mom washing dishes and then hearing the crash of the dish hitting the floor, father just has to break the good dishes again. CRASH! CLANK! Good thing she decided to get these new ones that don't break but, oh boy do they make a ruckus. Tim wasn't Abigails real father, her real father just left home without a word when she was about the age of 3.
Time for her to make her great escape, when no one really noticed her. Abby softly walked down to the living room and grabbed her stuff that was lying on the big living room table. Books,notebooks,journals,pencils. All her most prized possesions.
"Right now, there more involved in one of there little arguemets. I love you to death mother but, this is too much. You never listen to me when I say Tim is hurtful towards you but, you manage to live through it." Abby spoke to herself often cause if she spoke outloud it's not like anyone would here it or care it. Tim would probably attack at her then. She trotted up the steps and back into her room. What could she take with her she thought in her mind. From her closet she grabbed her two huge Alice in Wonderland tote bags and loaded them up with her different versions of Lewis Carrol's infamous story. A few stacks of playing cards, in her spare time she enjoyed building card houses with them,why play a boring game of solitare when you can make a house. Her art case, she carried in it some paints in all colors, oil and chalk pastels, colored pencils, normal pencils, sharpeners,and erasers. Boy, what would she have done if her mother didn't give this to her. All her drawings and sketches came from these items.
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I wrote this duh lol. I have a fetish for Mad Hatter and March Hare lol hope you like this chapter please comment