Status: Updating soon, Half a chapter written so far. Will update as soon as possible.

All I want is your sweet,sweet blood

All I want is your sweet, sweet blood Ch.2

All I want is your sweet, sweet blood
Ch.2 By: M.S.P.
A week went by and I still had another week to wait to meet Edward, I was kind of excited but in a way not, because I wasn’t sure if I would end up liking him and he could be a snob.

I had enough money saved to get a fancy dress made so I would look presentable enough to meet him.

He was related to a duke I thought I should try and look my best. I got a red corset dress with a black sash around the waist at the dress shop it cost 200 pounds all the money I had but it was worth it because I could wear it at least twice if not more, especially to a ball if I was invited again to one. After I had that all sorted out I decided to write my father back a letter.

Dear Father,
Were doing just fine here but it’s not the same without you, were getting by barely.

Life isn’t as easy as it was when you were here. Even though you are a higher up in the Royal Army they won’t give us any aid.

Mother has been able to sew for people and sell dresses to the dress shops. I will be meeting a new suitor in about a week’s time, hopefully he is more suited to my liking and we get along well, I know

it would please you to find your eldest daughter married by the time you get back.

I don’t feel that I’m ready to leave home but I don’t want to be 25 years old and an old maid still living at home either.

I hope Edward and I get along well, though I don’t think he’s my last chance either. Well enough about me. I hope you are safe and fighting the good fight for The Jenks Family. I miss you Father.

Love, Bella Maria

The Following Week…

I woke up that morning anxious and not knowing how the day would turn out.

Mother had porridge ready and a cup of tea as well. I took a bath, and then got into my corset and dress.

I ate my breakfast and waited for Edward to arrive. Around 11:45 he was here. He knocked on the door with a smile on his face. I opened the door.

“Hello, Is Bella Maria here?” “I am she.”

“Oh it’s an honor to meet you.” He said kissing my hand. I giggled.

“Please sit down.” My mother went to sit down next to me.

“Welcome to our home Edward, would you like a cup of tea?”

“Ah yes.” She poured him a cup of tea, and he insisted on two lumps of sugar.

“I’ll let you two talk.” Mother and my sisters left the room so we could talk amongst ourselves.

“How long have you lived here Bella? I do say it’s rather nice.”

“Thank you. I’ve lived here all my life actually.”

“I see. How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? I’m 22.”

“I’m 17. Our ages aren’t that much of a difference.”

“I really don’t know you that well Bella but I think I really like you, I can already tell that you are a fine woman and I’d like to see you again for another meeting. Perhaps we could go on a carriage ride and have a picnic if you’d like.”

“That would be grand, I’d like that.” He kissed my hand again. “Well Bella, thank you. I’ll be back next Tuesday at 12:45.” “I’ll be looking forward to it.”