
Oh geez

Well looking at all the other girls i felt inferior, they all stared down on me. As if i wasn't terrified enough. then the plump woman put me at the begining or end i didn't know. Then the door opened and five boys walked in. all the girls gasped, and i felt dizzy so i sat down lady like of course. Nobody has noticed before. then one of the boys started talking. "ok first thing we're going to do to test you is how well you dance. you in the red your first and then the next four." he said i was seeing stars when i was called once more. i groaned and jumped off the stage. and glided over to the boy. "oh your not dancing with me your dancing with him." he said pointing to a boy in jeans walking lazily over to me. he took my hand and music started playing, we did the salsa. I was doin it all right. i started to falter. the boy held my waist tight. 'are you alright' i nodded i would get through my spell even if i have to be subconsious. We danced for another five minutes then we were told to leave and we were free to do what we wanted. i was chilling with a bunch of sluts. They told me to follow them they took me to a hallway then that's when the beatin started. "your ugly, fat, a failure you'll never amount to anything." after that they left laughing i got up and went to the bathroom i cleaned up then i was walking up a hallway the five boys were walking they noticed me. the stars had shown up i was gripping the wall. then i faced a cold floor. i heard running footsteps. they were shaking me. they were overreacting, now i felt my vision coming back. i open my eyes i was on my of the boys came back with a guy nurse with a needle i jumped up tripping over someone. "see i'm fine you don't need to stab me with a needle." i said breathing hard. "oh contar my dear we need your blood sample, anyway." he said taking a step toward me i took a step back. "how bout a cotton sab,"i laughed nervously. he shook his head. "fine OMG THERE'S A DEAD GIRL!!!" I screamed they looked and i was gone. i went left, right, strait, back, through this door and that but i couldn't find the exit. that's when i senced one of the boys about to attack me. i ducked and he fell and hit his head. i looked to my left i opened it and there were steps i ran up them, terrified i ran until i reached the top i heard them but then i noticed a bracelet on a table. just laying there. i walked over to it i lay my hand over it and it snaps onto my wrist and it turns into shells. i stare at it then i heard running i run out the window and walk around to the farthest lege. i was trembling.then i heard someone behind me it was the doctor with a gun. i looked down water, he looked about this. i looked behind him looking at the moving gargoyle. i shook my head and jumped i turned my body around and hit the water rather hardly. knocking my self out. i felt something wrap around my waist then i feel the briskness of the wind. i shuttered my eyes opened and i looked at him. "don't worry i'm not taking you to alen." he said. i gave him a weird look. "the doctor. just go to sleep.
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Ok Same thing as the other