Status: One-shot. Completed. Thank you for reading :)

Autumn Sweethearts

Autumn Sweethearts

They sit cross-legged, knees barely touching, facing each other, looking in each others eyes, seeing the people they really are.

He acts like the shy boy, always reading or writing and she pretends to be the shy girl, always trying to avoid people so she doesn’t feel judged.

Both of them wish to be the people they really are; the people they are when they are with each other.

The loud, confident people they are together, but it will never happen.

They meet here every week being who they want to be, but nobody’s around to see it.

They sit on the parched, dying, Autumn grass, under the trees at the back of the park, where no one else goes.

They talk about their week and their troubles before continuing on with normal teenage talk, being their real selves; but something seems different today.

A small, peaceful silence falls between the two.

She watches him carefully.

Watching the way his luscious, dark brown locks of hair move slightly in the breeze.

Watching his perfectly shaped eyebrows furrow in thought.

Watching his deep, intoxicating, brown eyes study her face.

”Are you okay? You seem a little distant today” she asks quietly and rests her hand on his knee.

He looks down at her hand and places it between both of his own, continuing to look down.
“I just have something on my mind” he says and gently, reassuringly squeezes her hand.

”Do you want to talk about it?” she asks and places her other hand on top of his, atop her other.

He licks his lips and inhales a breath before he says, “you know how we are only ourselves with each other and no one else… Do you think that could be a sign?”

“A sign of what?” she asks.

He takes in another breath; this time shaky.

“A sign that we were meant to be together, more than friends” he says looking down during the last part.

Her mouth opened slightly.

Yes, she had thought about this before; Many times before, but she never thought he felt the same way.

“Well, I have thought of that” she confesses and he looks back up into her eyes.

”What do you think?” he asks eagerly.

She licks her lips and inhales; just like he did.

“I think it’s right” she says and smiles.

”So do I” he smiles back.

They sit there at peace with the world, looking in each others eyes, a small smile playing on both their features.

He untangles a hand free from their pile of hands and places it gently upon her cheek.

“I love you, Larissa” he smiles wholeheartedly at her before leaning in and softly joining their lips.

She pulls back, smiling softly.

”I love you too, William.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhhhhh, hey =)
This is my first story I've put on here & it really took alot of guts to get myself to put it on here.
But be honest about it if you hate it, i dont think its very good lol & with the name of the girl in this story, you can just change it to your's to make it better haha.
Thank you so much for even bothering to click the link to open it =) xo