Lost In Stereo

Chapter Five


It seemed like we were only at Avalon for a few minutes and then it was last call and everyone was leaving. I sat on the stage swinging my legs over the edge and calling out my last good-byes, Gabe on one side of me and Nick on the other. "That went by to fast." I mumbled setting my head on Nick's shoulder with a yawn. he smiled and threw and arm around my waist, Raphael came in dragging Will by his shirt collar.

"If I remember correctly this trouble maker belongs to you." He said crossing his arms and pushing will toward me. Will stumbled forward and I hopped off the stage to help steady him. I looked at Raph for further explanation, "He's been at the bar drinking since you went on stage. I found him outside trying to take a taxi but he didn't remember this address." I looked down at the sleepy boy leaning on my shoulder. "Don't bring him back here Leah, he can't hold his alcohol and I'm not cleaning up after him again."

"Aw Will." I mumbled pushing his hair back from his face, he looked a pale shade of green.
"I missed you Aliyah. You're pretty." He slurred at me. I shook my head and walked him too the stage. he stood, just barely, on his two wobbly legs and smiled dumbly at me.

"I guess it's time to go." I said with a sight. I hugged Gabe and tanked him for coming to greet me when I came home. I slung my arm around Will to keep him steady as we headed back to the car. I helped Will into the back of the car and sat up from with Nick, "Sorry about him, I hope you had a good time anyway." I yawned and set my head on the window.

"I was with you, he doesn't matter to me." Nick head my hand as he drove me home. I stumbled into the house with a giggling drunk Barakat.

My dad was up since it was just about 5 in the morning, "Let me guess he takes after his father and he got way to drunk?" I nodded. My dad took will from me and helped him into bed. "Grab some coffee and advil, will you?" He called back down the hall.

"You're father still amazes me, he acts like a brother rather than a father. He takes everything at face value, he trusts you, it's not normal parenting." Nick said settling into a dinning chair in the room adjacent to the kitchen.

"And that's why my daughter doesn't secretly hate me." He said as I handed him the coffee and pills. "Nick you can stay for what's left of the night but you'd be confined to the couch. And since Vikki will be up soon I don't know how much sleep you'd get." Alex shrugged heading back down the hall.

"I guess I'll go so I don't sleep through hour show tonight. I'll pick up you around 3 and we can grab some food and hang before the show. Sound good?" He asked pulling me into his lap, he threaded his fingers through mine.

"Sounds great. I said kissing him softly. "I love you." I whispered.

"And I love you." he tipped my face so I could see him. "You still my girl?" He asked.

"Always. Now go home and get some sleep." I said getting up so he could leave. He hugged me and gave me a kiss before leaving, I slowly walked up the stairs and fell into bed as happy as could be.

"So I guess this summer meant nothing to you?" I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the clock. 1:00 PM, that couldn't be right I'd only just gone to sleepy. I sat up and looked at Will, still nursing coffee he stood in my doorway with a hurt look on his face.

"I never said that." I yawned sitting up. It took me a few moments to get out of bed and search for clean clothes.

"You didn't have to Aliyah. I've seen the way you and Nick look at each other. I know now that my coming here was a mistake and I'm sorry. I wish I could go back but I begged my dad to stay so I'm stuck now. I'll stay out of your way." I stood there with clean clothes in my hands suddenly feeling hurt.

I'm not the one that's supposed to feel like this.
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