World Of Chances


I’ve got a face for a smile you know
A shame you waste it your breaking me slowly
But I’ve got a world of chances for you
I’ve got a world of chances for you
I’ve got a world of chances
Chances your burning through

I don’t know how I got to where I am today. But I am glad.

My name is Rachel, and I’m Joe Jonas' best friend. I have been through everything with him.

Every break-up. All the stupid moves he made. From falling on-stage, to saying the wrong thing at an interview. I was there.

We tell each other everything.

Except, Joe doesn’t know, that I’m in love with him.

I’ve got a paper and pen
I go to write you goodbye and that’s when I know
I’ve got a world of chances for you
I’ve got a world of chances for you
I’ve got a world of chances
Chances your burning through

I was getting ready for the boys concert tonight, when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

Joe just walked in. And here I was, standing naked in the middle of my room, then I saw it.

He was crying.

I dropped my shirt and rushed over to him.

"What happened, Joe?"

He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck.

"C-Camilla" I started to get angry.

"What did she do to you?"

His body was shaking as he spoke. "S-She broke up with me."

I could feel my face getting hot with anger. "What! Why!?"

"There's someone else Rachel."

He pulled his face out of my neck and looked me in the eyes.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

This made me sad, because Joe is perfect in every way. Nothing is ever wrong with Joe.

"No, baby. There's nothing wrong with you."

I kissed his forehead before he laid down on my bed.

Oh, I’m going my own way
My faith has lost its strength again
Oh, its been too hard to say
We've fallen off the edge again
Were at an end
Were at an end

We were all at the concert hall, praying. The boys were about to go onstage.

After praying Joe turned to me and hugged me.

He held on to me like his life depended on it . It made me feel so sad, because I knew my best friend was hurting.

He finally let go of me and kissed my cheek.

"Go to your places boys." Mr. Jonas said from the doorway.

"Good luck, Joe."

"Thanks Rach." He walked towards the lift.

"I love you." I mumbled

Thankfully nobody heard me. Or so I thought.

Mrs. Jonas came and stood next to me.

"Rachel." She grabbed my hand.

"Yes Ma'am?"

"I have watched you love on, and take care of my son for so many years. I can see the hurt in your eyes when he's not doing okay. Or when he has a girl with him."

I blushed a little.

"I know. I think I love him, Mrs. Jonas"

She hugged me.

"Well do something about it honey." She let go of me. "Go tell him sweetie."

My stomach was doing flips. I was excited, anxious, and nervous all at once.

I walked towards the stage. Standing on the edge, ready to go out and surprise him.

I finally did it. I just walked out there and tapped on his shoulder.

He turned around with a surprised look.


"I have to tell you something."

He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Can't it wait?"


All three boys were looking at me now. Kevin and Nick smiling. They knew I loved Joe.

"Okay, tell me."

"I love you." I said barely above a whisper.


"I love you." I said a little louder.


"I love you Joseph Adam Jonas!" I screamed.

I got a bunch of gasps from the audience.

"I...I-" He started stuttering.

"Oh. Its okay. You don’t feel the same."

I turned, ready to walk off that stage, tears were about to fall. But he caught me by the arm.

"No, Rachel."

He took my chin in his hand.

"I love you too. I always have. Ever since I met you at the park, when we were five years old."

I smiled. Then he leaned down to kiss me, Finally. What I’ve always wanted.

Maybe you'll call me someday
Hear the operator say the numbers no good and that
She had a world of chances for you
She had a world of chances for you
She had a world of chances
Chances you were burning through

So I guess that’s how I got to where I am today.

As Joe Jonas' wife, the mother of our beautiful daughter, and most importantly his best friend.

All because we took a chance.