Status: Finished :)


Three Shot


It was well past ten am before multiple sets of footsteps echoed up the apartment’s stairs; giving away they made a move for the fifth level. There were at least five of them, and the jumble of their voices drifted up.

Evie herself resided on the fourth, but for all the reasons in the world, knew she belonged here. She knew she should be here.

As she sat, tears running down her stained cheeks, she flattened herself against the wall, making way for anyone who may have the desire to get to their apartments above her.

As they feet got closer, the voices became clearer. She could pick out Gabe’s voice; louder then the rest as he spoke. Then Vicky-T’s more feminine voice echoed and mixed with his; making way for Ryland and Alex’s.

Nate’s was no where to be heard, but he was there-she could hear him, he was the only one who half dragged, half picked up his feet to walk.

She loved that about him, he had his own walk, not mirrored and forced, but it was loose. She loved the way his nose hoop looked on him, how his hair was always styled, but messy as though he put no effort into it. She loved how he dressed how he wanted, the way he looked while he played his drums; he focused on the music flow and the drumsticks in his hands.

He had his own wacky sense of humor that worked well with the other DecayDance and FueledbyRamen band members and employees- where she worked as the album cover designer.

They met during While the City Sleeps, We Rule the Streets. She done their past two-sketching them with charcoal- alone with drawing and creating The Academy Is…’s, Gym Class Hero’s, The Cab’s, We the Kings’, Panic! At the Disco’s (before the Breakup) and many others.

She buried her tear stained face in her hands, heaving a dry sob. “Evie?” She looked up, and jumped, wrapping her arms around Nate’s frame, burying her face in the crook of his neck. She could hear his hushed whispers and the other four’s footsteps retreating down the stairs.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her small body up, unlocking the door with the other.

His arm fit around her in a way Nick’s never did. It shaped itself to her, his body and hers curving into each other’s in all the right places. She was the perfect height for him, standing just four inches shorter then him. His medium brown hair and her dark brown roots and bronze color contrasted well. Her eyes were a dark blue to his brown. They meshed well.

Nate lowered them slowly on the worn couch that sat in the middle of the living room; pushing aside blankets, magazines, and note sheets; pulling her close and whispering to her.

She cried into his shirt for a few beats, dampening it ever so slightly. Evie looked up, clutching the access material of it in her fist tightly.

She recounted the event five years ago briefly, filling him on who exactly Nick Santino was to her and what had happened hours ago. She told him all the same things she told Nick, lingering slightly longer on parts.

“As kids, adults always tell us to chase our dreams until we catch it; and then if we even try, they get offended.”

He nodded along and at the end. His face was blank, void of any emotion as he looked at her. And then the things with him clicked. He pulled Evie up, and to him; pressing his lips to hers.

They molded around each other, yet they were holding their own. The two kissed and it was as if the world caught on fire.

Evie loved the feeling of his calloused hands on her smooth face as he cupped it in both hands. She loved the solid coldness of his nose ring pressing against her face; the softness of his hair in her hands; the shiver that ran down her spine.

Nate loved how exactly smooth her face was; how she looked so innocent, yet knew much more. The feel of her hands grabbing and running through his hair, and the way she shivered from time to time made his heart race.


“There, done; you can stop squirming, there are no ants in your pants; trust me, I would know.”

Evie giggled, winking at him; handing the charcoal picture over to Nate. His hand brushed hers and she shivered with delight, before grinning at him and smudging charcoal and pastel on his face.

♠ ♠ ♠
the end.
it was meant to be cutesy and cliche.
hey, oh wonderful subscriber, can you drop a comment pleasee?
