Sing Me a Lullaby

Da Camera Musica

Bam's P.O.V.

I woke up with a terrible hangover. Ugggh, I need a Tylenol. I went downstairs and took a few along with a glass of water. Then I remembered HIM's new album comes out today. I'll probably go get it after the medicine kicks in. I'd been meaning to go into the new music shop downtown. It was called Da Camera Musica. I think it's Italian, but I'm not positive.

I decided to watch tv, and when the Tylenol kicked in, I would go get the album. Sure I could always download it from the internet, but I like music shops. They're very cozy. Ew, I just said a chick word. After about ten minuites, my headache finally subsided. I grabbed my keys and set off for the music store.

Sara's P.O.V.

I couldn't wait to get some more customers. I'd just opened my little music shop, and buisness was pretty slow. I'd probably only gotten 10 customers this week. Sure it was just the opening week, but I would like to have a few more sales. I named it Da Camera Musica, which is Italian for Music Chamber. We carried mostly rock and punk music, but a few random comedy CD's were somewhere hiding in the depths of the shelves. I put one of my person favorites, My Chemical Romance's Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, in the CD player and turned it up. I began to sing along with the very talented Gerard Way. I almost didn't notice a customer come in.

"Yo!" I yelled out to the person. My usual greeting to everyone.

"Hey," he replied.

"Need any help, dude?" I asked.

"Um, yea actually. Do you have the new HIM album?' he wondered.

"Totally," I answered and led him to the HIM section. I like having little 'sections' for the artists.

"Great, thanks," he thanked me.

"No prob, sweetie," I smiled at him and walked back over to the counter. I turned the music down a little and sang even softer than usual to Hang 'Em High.

Soon the guy who had been looking for the HIM album, another of my favorites came over to make a purchase.

I looked up at him and realized who he was. Bam Margera. I loved Jackass and Viva la Bam.

"Hey, I know this song," he stated.

"Cool. It's one of my favorites," I conversed.

"My Chem fan?' he wondered.

"Yep. HIM fan?' I asked him.

"You know it!" he exclaimed.

I laughed and scanned the CD, "That'll be $19.85.''

He smiled and handed me a twenty dollar bill. I gave him 15 cents in return.

"Thanks sweetie, have a nice day," I chimed.

"You too," he said and left with his purchase.

I turned the volume back up and Helena was playing. I turned the CD player off and hooked my iPod up to the tv so I could watch the video. The song is even more powerful when you're watching the video. If anything deserved to be called beautiful, it was the way the emotions are portrayed in this video. All of the My Chem videos, really.

"Long ago, just like the hearse you died to get in again, we are," I sang quietly, enjoying the calming effect that Gerard's voice has on me. It would be so fucking awesome to meet these guys!!!
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Hope you are enjoying my brand new story. After I finished that one, I felt as though I needed a new one.